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May 2011 buddies...UPDATE!!

Hello all - found the plot yet Mirrie?

Stop press - I WASN'T SICK on Tuesday!!! The one and only day in this pregnancy I haven't thrown up!!! Sadly baby decided to make up for it yesterday and barfing with a cold is not easy :-(.

I agree Katey - look on it as a war scar - I'll try and think that too. Not found any yet and really do need to be more routined with the cocoa butter but being a bit of a dizzy brunette it'll never happen. Bit like pelvic floor exercises... do those when I remember too...

Does everyone have snow? We have a tiny covering at work but nothing at home. Bloomin cold though and I'm trucking today so I am debating surgery gloves over woolly ones and whether that breaches cross infection protocols....
It's the baby brain that makes us all loose the plot, I don't think I'll ever find mine :dohh:

No snow here, it's just freezinggggggg :(
Can't believe your still being sick babe! I feel for you! :(

Watched a birthing video with OH the other day. He was silent all the way through, then turned to me + said, well darling, I don't envy you! :growlmad:
I was expecting him to say it was beautiful or something to make me feel better at least! Inconsiderate so + so!!

I'll remind him of that when I don't let him hold baby :haha:

6 DAYS TO GOOOOOOOOOO! :happydance:
Hoping baby doesn't have their legs crossed, I'll be devastated or else!

This little face reminds me of you Flugella.. :brush:
+ This ones Mirrie.. :loopy:

I've finally lost my plot too :thumbup:

Hello, I know I entered kind of late..lol, but I'm looking for somewhere to fit in and chat!! I am due May 2, 2011 with my second child.
Hi Ladies xx I'm having a totally emotional day :cry: on min :happydance: the next!! So I think the plot has not turned up yet!

Hi nljackson and welcome!

Cant wait for your scan Katey- So exciting!!

flugella you still dodging the sickness? Hope so xx Much love to ya all xx
I'm SO excited now..but the days seem to be dragging!!
I'm always crying just lately, for silly thing like not being able open the washer door :haha:

I've had a crazy moment today, I somehow managed to get the salt shaker out of the kitchen cupboard + take it into the bathroom for a shower :thumbup:
I never even realised, until OH questioned my sanity :rofl:

Hi nljackson. :wave: Your more than welcome to join in the with our nattering, if you can actually understand us :winkwink:

Hope your all okay girlies. Loves + Hugs xx
I'm SO excited now..but the days seem to be dragging!!
I'm always crying just lately, for silly thing like not being able open the washer door :haha:

I've had a crazy moment today, I somehow managed to get the salt shaker out of the kitchen cupboard + take it into the bathroom for a shower :thumbup:
I never even realised, until OH questioned my sanity :rofl:

Hi nljackson. :wave: Your more than welcome to join in the with our nattering, if you can actually understand us :winkwink:

Hope your all okay girlies. Loves + Hugs xx

You make me laugh Katey- poor old soapy salt!!

Have any of you girls posted your bump pics yet???
You know if OH hadn't of seen it + I noticed it sooner, he would of had it on his dinner, just cos I'm cruel :winkwink: :haha:

I've just posted mine :D
I saw yours on the page before mine, it's beautiful :happydance: xx
aww bless ya..I had my zombie tshirt on and just noticed the mouth covers my boobs lol- off to looky at urs :)
When I saw your bump, I was like... THAT'S MY MIRRIE!! :D
OOOOPPPSSS stalker alert!! :rofl:
Morning all and hello to all the newbies!

I've managed NOT to be sick for 2 days in the last week so I think I'm finally getting better! Must pop along and look at everyone's bump pics - it crashes every time I try to post mine :-(

Took me two hours to get to work today - bloomin snow!!!
I hate the on and off days of baby moving...I wish he'd just keep it consistent so mommy wouldn't be so worried all the time.
It's ok KateyCakes, I feel your pain I spent the entire day on Saturday crying because I left my christmas decorations in the closet at our old house, which is empty, like I could not go back and get them or something! I mean I cried all day long....
Aww bless you!

I felt baby move last night when I was lying on my tummy - felt like it was flicking me as if to say "oi Mother, you're squashing me - SHIFT!" Quite exciting!

I'm actually starting to look a little bit pregnant now - which will at least mean when I tell my patients I won't be here in 6 months they don't look at me as if I'm imagining it all!!!
Yay! This time tomorrow, i'll know if bubs has a sausage or not :haha:
I'll update ASAP -but it's not till half 5 in the afternoon!!

Seen my midwife today too -the student midwife was trying to find baby's heartbeat but the probe was closer to my heart than bubs! After 3 minutes of her not being able find it, the midwife took over + found it straight away! PHEW!!
Was lovely to hear though.. Bubs was kicking the probe away very strongly too...
Midwife has predicted a girl..

Awwh, flugella, i'm very happy for you, lets hope bubs isn't going to keep you awake in the next few months!!

nljackson, I hope bubs starts a pattern of kicking soon, did you not get your decorations then? xx
KateyCakes I know I hope he starts a pattern of kicking soon too! Take some worry off of me...I just feel like I over do it sometimes and it worries me and I don't go back to the doctor until the 15th of December which feels like it is forever away.....

Yes, I did get my decorations my mother rode out with me to get them the next day! I was too excited! haha

Hope your doctor's apt goes well!!!

Hello Kristine30!
YAY! I'm so happy that...

WE ARE TEAM PINK :happydance:

I've been feeling her little movements all day, she was a right little wriggler on the scan..Wouldn't keep still!
Had her legs open though, she was good for mummy :D

OH is a little disappointed, he built himself up for it to be a boy.
He's happy but he's not really spoken to me much..Suits me :haha:

Hi kristine + natalie :D

nljackson -have you got your decorations up now? I've had my tree up for about 2weeks now :haha: I begged OH to let me put it up..
I'm sure your little pumpkin pie is fine in there :D xx
Yes I did get them up!! Thank goodness!! Now to teach my other little one not to touch the glowing tree will be my next job!! haha I hope he is good in there and congratulations on your baby girl!!! I will tell you though the little girls are a HANDFUL!! expecially if they're like my little DIVA!! lol OH will get used to it...mine was the same way and now he is wishing this one was another little girl! they always love their daddy's!

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