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May 2011 buddies...UPDATE!!

Awww Kateycakes- you poor thing... hope you are feeling better now.
Im not too bad- the spotty skin is annoying though... got my scan date through- 15th Nov which would make me 12+5 ....sooooo excited- got some bloods to have done this week so hope they will all be ok. :D xx
I'm much better now thanks hun :D
although, i'm still feeling the dizziness alot, but it's an excuse to make OH learn to clean :haha:
Oh, I know exactly what you mean about the spotty skin! I think i've gotten over the worse of it + I wake up the next day with a horrible face!
I've got to have bloods done on Tues too + my scan..
I feel like my bubs is pressing against my bladder at the moment too..
The joys of pregnancy hey! :haha: xx
I know the feeling - are you ok now Katey?

I now have a little bump and I feel awful saying this but I just want to be showing properly.:cry: At the moment I just look fat and I feel like I want to say to bump either be a proper bump or don't bother! How guilty do I feel about that??? But at the same time I'm in a play this week and I can't look too pregnant as my character talks about having a hysterectomy! Can you imagine the comedy from that remark if I look preggers???

Sorry - rant over! I just feel really guilty about not instantly loving my tummy... :nope:
I'm okay, little gutted about my ring not fitting properly at the moment :(
I know how you feel babe...
I have a tiny bump right at the bottom of my tummy, you can't see when i'm wearing clothes only in underwear..... oooppsss TMI :haha:

I'm sure people would be slightly confused if you had a baby bump in the play so maybe it's a good thing baby is only tiny at the moment.. You can enjoy having a little bump but at the same time you can take part in the play :D

Hope your okay hun xx
It's weird - I feel like I'm the size of a bus and then this morning a patient's mum was saying oh you're so slim and I'm thinking thank GOD for scrub tops!!! I think el Bumpo is having another fight with my abs and trying to stretch some extra room in the womb - it feels like my muscles are being gently pulled apart which is beyond weird!!

I think if I wore a close fitting top it would be apparent but as I tend to wear fairly big tops anyway (my boobs have always been big compared to the rest of me!) it's not that obvious. Next job - maternity top shopping I think!
:haha: I have the same problem, my OH always says he doesn't know how I stay upright.
I've got a tiny stature, My feet are tiny but my boobs are massive compared to the rest of me :rofl: + they're only going to get bigger :wacko:

I've had the stretchy feeling, right by the side of belly button, it's strange..
I've been told I look like I've lost weight by people who don't know I'm pregnant..
More like i'll be the size of a whale soon :haha:

Scan tomorrow too! I'm nervous but excited...... x
Goood luck! Hope baby is as active for you as ours was! Let us know!

YAAYYYY! I've got a lazy baby :haha:
Bubs did a little jump when the scanner went near it + then decided to have a little nap I think..
They've put me back a week so I'm 11+3 but 'm just glad bubs is okay.
I'll put up a picture when I get a decent one..
Find out the sex on new years eve too :D
Here's the scan picture, I've edited out my details tho cos anyone can view it :D
KateyCakes- What a GORGEOUS scan pic...so perfect!! Lucky u hunni xxxx You're due date must be about the same as mine now...unless mine changes when I have my first scan :thumbup: xx
I am a first time mommy to be and due 16th of May 2011. I would love to be bump buddies :)

im due on the 17th may 2011 live in reading uk would be good also to share info with others.
Aww Katey, your baby is soooooo cute! Looks like it's waving at you and all snuggled up!

I had my Downs risk results today - 1 in 1300 risk so pretty darn good odds and they don't want to do any further tests!
KateyCakes- What a GORGEOUS scan pic...so perfect!! Lucky u hunni xxxx You're due date must be about the same as mine now...unless mine changes when I have my first scan :thumbup: xx

Thank you babe. I always make sure my bladder is really full, they can see bubs better then :D
When's your first scan? xx
Aww Katey, your baby is soooooo cute! Looks like it's waving at you and all snuggled up!

I had my Downs risk results today - 1 in 1300 risk so pretty darn good odds and they don't want to do any further tests!

YAY! That's really good news babe :happydance:

Thank you, I prepared myself for the worse though, got myself so worked up that I didn't eat much, then when I had my bloods taken, I fainted! I'm normally great with blood tests! Silly girl aren't I!? :dohh:
Thank you babe. I always make sure my bladder is really full, they can see bubs better then :D
When's your first scan? xx

You wont believe this but I'd just got back from work and read your reply and thought- hey I haven't checked the post yet (Been waiting over a week for my appointment) went and guess what was laying in the doorway- My appointment letter for this MONDAY!! Whooooooooopppppp Thanks- I probably wouldnt have checked the post if you hadnt reminded me :flower:

So only got to wait 3 days for my first scan (and seeing my baby for the first time!!) eeekkk propa happy :happydance:

I'll be following your advice and downing loadsa water first thing monday :hugs:

PS No one is answering their phone so you lot know before anyone else- even my hubby :haha:
Oh, I'm excited now :D
Glad I was of some use to someone :haha:
I'm hoping you stay at the same date :D
You'll be pacing up + down the waiting room tho, I drank loads + couldn't sit down cos I thought I was going to wet myself :blush: :rofl:
I also thought I was going to wee myself when she presssed that scanner on my bladder, but it's worth it if you can see your bubsy better :D xx

EDIT: Is hubby not going with you?
Oh, I'm excited now :D
Glad I was of some use to someone :haha:
I'm hoping you stay at the same date :D
You'll be pacing up + down the waiting room tho, I drank loads + couldn't sit down cos I thought I was going to wet myself :blush: :rofl:
I also thought I was going to wee myself when she presssed that scanner on my bladder, but it's worth it if you can see your bubsy better :D xx

EDIT: Is hubby not going with you?

Teehee!! I know I'm gonna be bad!! I can literally go to the loo and within 5mins need a propa wee again - thats without drinkin loads!! :haha:

Yeah hubby will be coming- he just doesnt know yet cause he's working tonight and I couldnt get him on the phone!

I've been so excited since seeing the letter that I've been on this forum for over a hour and a half!! Normally hubby would be moaning at me to get off so I didnt even realise!! its quarter to 8pm and I've sat here since I've got home from work :shhh:

Hope we stay twinduedate buddies 2!! xxx :friends:
Haha! I'm always getting moaned at too :haha:
I just tell him he shouldn't cross a pregnant lady :rofl:
We've just been to the in-laws to show them the scan picture + OH mum told him he should make sure he's nice to me :haha:

twinduedate buddies - I like it :D xx

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