Going to attempt my birth story. I cant remember everything due to my then best friend (gas&air).
So saturday night i go triage due to tight and painful chest. Did tests and chest was fine but my bp was high so they told me to come in monday for JUST a bp check! Monday we go in and they do my bp and it was still high and also had protien in urine, head aches and saw flashing lights. Was told a dr needed to c me. Dr explained my symptons where prob the start of pre clampsia and i needed to be admitted for a possible induction or c sec. I honestly didnt think it would happen but on the tuesday morning the consultant says they need to do a induction because my bp is high for me, i wasnt feeling well and also baby was small Intrauterine growth restriction (IGUR). wednsday at 6.30pm they put the pessary in, this was a lil uncomfortable, mainly because my cervix was high and closed. Mw said it will stay in for 24 hours and then they will check me, if they cant break waters then ill have 24 hours rest then try a second one!! Mw said ill prob need a 2nd one as my cervix wasnt ready, told not to expect much!!. Over night i had a few tightnings but no pain. Woke up thursday morning with period pains. Told mw who said its just pessary pains and took parocetamol. Pain was getting worse but kept being told they where prob small contractions if that. I used my tens, bounced on ball and walked. I started to have a lil bleed but was told not to get excited that it was anything. Kept being told that this pain i was getting wasnt proper contractions and i started to crap my self as i was in so much pain. Its like really bad trapped wind. They couldnt pick up anything on the monitor either. I kept telling marc and my mum ill be 10cm when they check me lol. Well at 6.60 pm thursday night they took the pessary out. I was using gas and air now and its brilliant! They told me i was about 2to3cm...stuff u mw lol. They broke my waters at about 7.30 and god there was loads of it, i couldnt stop laughing! I was told it could be four hours to get into established labour and if that didnt wrk ill need a drip...well as soon as she said that i went into established labour lol. They had to quickly find me a delivery room. I got to the room as they checked me and i was 3to4cm plus! They had to quickly put a drip in my hand to give me antibiotcs cos baby was born before 37weeks. I asked for a epi but was told the dr was in surgery and i had to wait
. Mw checked me as i kept trying to push and i was fully dilated
. She was trying to put of my pushing as she wanted the antibiotics in before but it was hard cos ur body takes over and makes u push. I pushed half hour max and he arrived at 21.31!!! U make noises that u cant helping making and dont care about making.u dnt care about anything around u. And i honestly didnt care atm if i pooed myself all u want is the pain to stop and the only way that will happen is to push. I only have a graze and not too sore. When they put him on my chest my stomach was contracting and it felt like he was kicking inside me again. When the head came out it is a burning like feeling but nice when the full head comes out.
In my notes it says:
ROM to Birth interval: 2 hours, 41 mins
First stage of Birth: 2 hours
Second stage of Birth: 41 mins
Active second stage: 26 minutes
Third stage: 7 minutes
Total duration: 2 hours, 48 minutes
Im only starting to think that i will do it again..maybe!
Jenson Neil Burnett born 19th April 21.31 at 36+4 weighing a tiny 4lbs 7 oz
He spent his first night in scuba which was awful as I couldn't spend my first night with him. i was put on a ward with other mums and their babies. We then both where transferred to transitional care which is where babies and their mums stay because the baby needs a bit more care then normal ward but not as much as scuba.
we finally went home yesterday 25th April