Welcome Touch the sky!! Nice to have you. My boobs didnt hurt for long either. Only time they hurt now is when i take my bra off, even then its not bad. hurts when i get in the shower though. let us know how you're getting on.
Lol nah you dont think about that at all ttc, once I got preggers I was like "oh damn thats right" haha nevermind, its gotta happen.zephyr - I keep thinking labour terrifies me, but if it was that bad, you wouldnt have more than 1 baby... that said, you dont think of labour when you start ttc! This is my first and I am terrified but I want a water birth with gas in air... but obviously if it gets to much to handle i'll want more! I dont think you can have a birthing pool when you're having twins! Let us know anyway, I know its different everywhere.
I keep getting a niggling feeling that Im having twins - not sure if its instinct or just me wanting it. gotta wait 5 weeks for my scan to have a look in there! just want the next 5 weeks to go quick... then they can slow down.
Did you know that at 7 weeks, your uterus has doubled in size already?! How cool is that?!
Question - how do you girls want to give birth - natural, epidural, section?! would love to get some different views.