Amanda - 10 weeks... Yay! I had a couple of sips of DH's coffee this morning as the taste hasn't been sitting well with me lately and so far... no help with the constipation. I quit smoking before my BFP, but what I wouldn't give for a smoke and a coffee just to clear the pipes! Oh and your dinner sounds delish!
ILuv - Congrats on a great scan!
Manu - my symptoms have been fairly mild this time around, but when MS hits me, it's like a truck and I want to curl up in a ball and die. Dramatic, much? I'm glad you've had a decent day... hopefully it's easing up for you!
Kelly - wow! You picked up the HB on your Doppler already and feeling some movement? I'm jealous! That awesome!
Hello to everyone else!
Afm, I can't help but be crapping bricks. My scan appointment got moved from Wednesday to tomorrow with the physician's assistant as my OB had a family emergency and went out of town. I should be 8+4. I don't know if I'm emotionally ready for tomorrow. I'm terrified we won't see the lovely heartbeat we saw last time. I am. Freaking. Out. I'm trying to keep up my PMA and telling myself to have faith, but what's meant to be will be. Anyway, I just had to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening! *hugs*