Mizz - you are, by far, one of the strongest mamas I know. It's truly inspiring. I can't believe how many things have been stacked against you, but you just keep knocking them all down. You're my hero! Hope this tooth thing is something that can wait a few weeks.
Amanda - fingers crossed for your glucose test and congrats on closing on the house!
Courtney - that stroller's on our list! I love Britax products so we'll have to see what we end up with. I have yet to buy one single baby item. Lol. I work best under pressure so I'll be blowing up our bank account soon enough!
Manu - I'm sorry hubby will be away again. I hope he makes it home for the birth.
Pad - I'm carrying low so haven't had to deal with any rib kicks yet.
Afm, I'm on complete and utter bedrest for two weeks. Baby's only measuring in the 6th percentile so my perinatologist is hoping that the two weeks of bedrest gets her up to the 10th percentile so I can avoid being diagnosed with IUGR. I'm already losing my mind. It's all fun for the kids for now. They thought it was so fun to pack their lunches for tomorrow. DS even made the cornbread that I had planned on making to go with the chili I made for dinner. I think they'll love doing "mommy's job" until "mommy's job" gets boring. Lol.
Hope you guys are all doing well. xx