May 2017 Testers - 59 Mother's Day Hopefuls & 14 BFPs so far

It is, especially if you keep hearing that there is nothing wrong with you and you should just give it some time! I'm hoping that I can finally get some proper tests done in July though. I was feeling very emotional with my temperature drop for the last two days as well, had really hoped I might have ovulated earlier this cycle (temperatures weren't clear), but then turned out not. I would have tested this weekend and it would have been wonderful to announce on mother's day... Anyway, I'm feeling better now and am hoping that this cycle will be a shorter one (or 9 months long, haha!). Thank you for sharing your story with me, it helps so much to know that there are other women out there who understand! I'm crossing my fingers for you, this cycle or IUI, BFP soon! :) :hugs:

Haha I can't tell you how many times I've heard that I just need to give it time. Well time has been given and I'm tired of waiting. Good luck with your testing. I think if you are having long/irregular cycles it is worth looking in to. I'm hoping you'll get your bfp shortly!
So sorry jasmine 😔

So I'm 5/6 dpo today . I am on progesterone so I have. I clue what to expect this cycle . I did notice today I feel hotter which means my progesterone is raising . But , that could be from the progesterone..... good luck to everyone <3
Only 7dpo today, but have been feeling light cramps and for the past 3 days lower back pain. boobs feeling a tad bit heavier hope is all for a good cause and not af visiting because she is not welcome here!!! :nope:

I did have BD the same morning before I tested and this is what I got 4 hours later on the opk, caught me by surprise! Glad I did what I haven't done in years (meaning BD 1st thing in the morning) lol...:winkwink:
any responses? Hopeful? Testing May 9 (blood test) fx.


  • OPK 4.23.17.jpg
    OPK 4.23.17.jpg
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:hugs:I want to sent my biggest best wishes for May 1st to:
I am DYING from my allergies right now. I don't consistently get them every year but this season is particularly bad. Any thoughts on whether or not I should just bite the bullet and take an antihistamine?

Or are there any natural remedies I can use instead?

I don't really know the affects of antihistamines on TTC but I'd rather not take a chance if I don't have to.
If you can bite the bullet try to drink some tea with mint & honey, try to use nose strips or Vicks anything home remedy or children's allergy meds, because I experienced that and didn't know I was prego, so I took medications from the very beginning and 9 weeks later I had a D&C.&#128532;&#128532; Don't want to scare you, but I rather share my story and my pain to avoid yours. It sucks to feel sick but please be very careful. Robitussin DM and regular Tylenol is also safe. Not sure if it can help with allergies but it's worth a try or you can always ask the pharmacist and tell them that you don't know if you are pregnant what do they recommend for allergies they're pretty good at that ;) ;) even if you are not better safe than sorry to use that line with them &#128522;&#128522;
Hi! I'm an allergy sufferer too. There's a type of antihistamine you can take while pregnant and TTC, but I can't remember what type. The other type (and the kind that I love to take - the Aerius 12 hours) are dangerous if pregnant. If your'e going to take an antihistamine, definitely ask the pharmacist which ones are safe for pregnancy.

However - just because its safe for pregnancy, doesnt mean its not without consequences. Antihistamines dry out mucus - including cervical mucus, making it less likely, or more difficult to conceive.

I'm allergic to grass and I live on a ranch smack dab in the middle of a hay field. I feel ya!
Really? Good to know about the antihistamine drying mucus, including cervical and making it difficult to conceive I did not know that. Thanks for sharing! Xxx
Hi ladies! Please put me down for May 13th testing!

It's been a heck of a month or so for me. I had an HSG in late March and according to the results I have endometrial polyps (not sure how many or how big) and my left Fallopian tube dilated so they have concerns about it. I went in to my follow-up appt with my OB to go over the results and I walked in with the mindset that she'd want to remove the polyps but instead she discussed possibly removing my left tube in the future so I was like :nope:

She didn't think my polyps were a concern since I havent had any mid-cycle bleeding (except random spotting during ovulation week).

She wanted me to focus on whether or not I have been ovulating because for the past year and a half I've never felt very confident with a positive ovulation (digital, temping, test strip opks, cervix, cm, etc.). Amazingly enough after the HSG I had a SUPER positive opk (no preggo though). She wanted me to try again for another cycle and if I had a positive again then to continue for three months, but if not then I was to take Clomid the cycle after. So that brings us to this cycle, and I just had three (yes three) positive opks in a row....:shrug: (I have a photo of all three tests together but I didn't know if it was appropriate to attach it in this thread).

I went ahead and made an appointment to discuss removing the polyps because I truly feel like it's the right thing to do. I never had ovulation spotting my whole life until I starting ttc. This past week I spotted on cd 10, 11, 13, 16 and 17 so far. It just seems odd.

So appointment is Tuesday, and I guess I'm officially in the TWW because I doubt I could have ANOTHER positive opk tomorrow, I surely must have ovulated by now. Has anyone else had daily positive opks in a row?

Sorry! Had to get all of that off my chest! Good luck to all of you beautiful ladies this month! :dust:
Queen Cheshire! I have a good feeling about this month for you! It's not uncommon to get pregnant right away after an HSG. My doctor said "it's like blowing your nose for your fallopian tubes." It's worked for lots of ladies I know!

As for the OPKS - it's fairly normal to get a few positives in a row, but you use the first one as the onset of the LH, and assume ovulation within 12-36 hours of the first one.

Fingers crossed for you!
I had such good feelings that this month was the month. I haven't had a LP that's lasted longer than 8 days since January, and I'm currently at 11DPO! AND! I had serious cramping at 9DPO. Not just little twinges, like full on had to concentrate on being pleasant to my husband because I was hurting, AF cramping. I really expected her that day but she obviously didn't come! And 9 days is the most common day to implant, so cramps would make sense. BUT - now my cm is getting slightly pink tinged... I think she's going to make an appearance tonight. If it was IB, it would be the same time as I had the cramps, no?

I was SO sure I was pregnant... But at least my LP is lengthening! Fingers crossed she doesn't come :)
IB is typically anywhere from the day starting Implantation to 3 days after. You're not out till you see full flow but yes a longer LP is great as well. Good luck!

So I tested tonight because I have no willpower.

I *THINK* I can see a very very faint line!! I think!? It showed up after 3 minutes but before 5 so I don't think it's an evap. Oooooh it would be SO exciting if this was the month! I won't post a pic because I'm sure it won't show up on the camera. It's that kind of faint line. So it might be an imaginary line, but I don't think so? Hopefully it will be more visible tomorrow!
Ranch - this sounds promising. I hope this is it!

AFM - today is 11 dpo I had a small amount of brownish discharge this evening that I noticed after a pee when I wiped. Is this a good or bad sign? AF is expected Wednesday...
Dream I hate to say it but I *always* spot before AF, so I tend to look at it as bad sign. Although people always remind me that sometimes you can spot while pregnant too. I hope you're one of the lucky ones!
Dream it can go either way. I rarely spot before AF,but it has happened. 11 dpo is on the verge but not too late for IB. You should know in the next day or two. AF sometimes likes to mean and come early. Hopefully that's not the case with you.

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