May-be Baby!! Let's get some BFPs ladies!! Newcomers welcome :)


Mommy to Zuri
Dec 19, 2012
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I'm Cassidy, 22 and am engaged to the love of my life who is 25. We've been together almost 7 years and have been TTC #1 for 4 cycles after a year of NTNP. We took a break this last cycle due to some medical issues going on with DF, but are getting back to TTC this month and hoping for a February baby in 2014 <3

Some of us call each other by first names, here's a list of the active ladies in the group atm, (sorry if I missed someone!! I included everyone who has been posting actively in the last month as I know our threads go pretty fast and some people come and go. If you'd like to be added to the list please let me know :) )

TTC - Rachel
Hoping - Kyla
Lausie - Laura :bfp: due 10/10/13
Jury - Julie
Bubs - Emily :bfp: due 11/1/13
Pdx - Sonia :bfp: - :angel:
Disney- Kara :bfp: - :angel:
Golds - Nikki :bfp: due 1/18/14
Over- Alissa
HWPG - Mirolee
Clynn - Cassidy
asmcsm- Ashlee :bfp: - :angel:
NDT - Nichole
Robert - Amanda
Waves - Waves
SmallTownGirl- ST, STG
Farrell- Farrell
Cowgirl07- Katrina
Miss LaLa- LaLa
littlesteph- Steph

Some of us also decided to get 'baby predictions' by Suzy Rayne for fun, here's what she's predicted:

#1- June :bfp: from May Cycle. EDD Feb 11th 2014 :blue:
#2- :blue: 2016
#3- :pink: 2019

#1- June :bfp: from May Cycle. EDD Feb 15th 2014 :blue:
#2- :blue: 2017
#3- :pink: 2018

Amanda(RobertRedford)'s :
#1- June :bfp: from May Cycle. EDD Feb 21st 2014 :blue:
#2- :pink: late 2017/early 2018

Rachel(TTCaWee1)'s :
#1- July :bfp: from June Cycle. EDD Mar 27th 2014 :blue:
#2- :blue: late 2016

Ashlee(asmcsm)'s :
#1- July :bfp: from June Cycle. EDD Apr 3rd 2014 :blue: - :bfp: 4/22/13 :angel:
#2- :pink: mid 2017

Julie(jury3)'s :
#1- July :bfp: from June Cycle. EDD Apr 9th 2014 :blue:
#2- :blue: early 2017

#1- August :bfp: from July Cycle. EDD Apr 26th 2014 :pink:
#2- :blue: 2017
#3- :blue: 2019

ST's (SmallTownGal)'s
#1- September :bfp: from August Cycle. EDD May 30th 2014 :blue:
#2- :blue: late 2016
Oh yeah, no sign of AF yet but CP is super low. Wish she'd just show. I hope the fertilitea isn't messing with my cycles.
I'm Rachel :hi: DH and I are both 30, TTC #1, on our 9th cycle. I'm a nurse, DH is a cop...we are so cliche. I am currently on CD 17, not sure when I O'd or if I even have yet. Usually I O on CD 14. I was very vigilant about using OPKs and temping, but the last few cycles I have been trying to take a more relaxed approach. And it is sooooo stressful lol. However I do take an abundance of vitamins and supplements, still use softcups, and occasionally stand on my head after sex. Oh and I am not ashamed to admit that I am a POAS addict. Well that is me.

Welcome to our wonderful little group :flower:
Hi. I'm Nikki. I'm 28 and dh is 25. We both deal with medical issues that is causing "infertility". They are offering us ivf/icsi this next cycle...and we are debating. I'm currently 5-7dpo and praying for a bfp. Dh goes for another Sa tomorrow!!!!!
Helllooooo, Im Sonia ...DH and me both r 30 .... Weve lost 2 of our pregancies till in july last yr which was at ectopic and then one in feb 2013 which we dont really know y ... we r goin to go bak on our ttc journey from the middle of may... im so glad ive had you ladies in my life this whole time...u gals made it so much more easier for me to deal with all of this.... heres to seeing alot of bfps and beautiful babies amongst ourselves :happydance:
So im ordering my fertilaid today and was wondering tht is it fine to start takin it in the middle of my present cycle or shud i wait to begin a new cycle to start taking it??? also im debating between taking fertilaid and fertilitea...dont wnat to over dose of everything together...what do u think i shud start with???
I'll probably start on Mother's Day just because it would be awesome to get a BFP that day, but I think I just ovulated so that would only put me at 11 dpo or so. That's when you are testing right?
I figured I'd just reply to everyone from the old thread here :)

Waves - Is there anything the doc can give you to start AF, out of curiosity, assuming you aren't preg? I know my friend was having issues after getting off her BC and her doc gave her something to start and she started a week later... I'm not sure how that works though... I never bothered after getting off BC because I wasn't TTC so my cycles didn't matter that much to me (aside from being annoyingly unpredictable).

Waves-- I was put on meds to jumpstart my period before too. It was norethindrone acetate, made me feel really yucky--nauseous, etc, but it did the trick.

You know... I've read about that on here and various sites when Googling but hadn't thought about it personally. My doc didn't mention it but just said fertility would return immediately and expected she'd be seeing me again soon for prenatal care haha. I'm nearly a month out from having the Implanon removed & so far... nothing. No sign of AF so I'll give it until Monday and if she still doesn't show, I'll give her a call. I had a really nasty cramping feeling awhile ago that felt like my usual AF cramps but it could have been a fluke, like everything else haha.

Amanda - temping cud really help even if u dont know where u r in your cycle... i started temping more than a mth after i had finished my miscarriage but hadnt got af and i was like u goin on wondering wat was happening...once i started temping i saw a temp shift 3 days later and got my ovulation date...mentally i was so much at rest after tht...:hugs:
Also my doc said tht he wud prescribe me with provera if i didnt bring on a period naturally but i dont know if tht can/shud b done wen u get of bc at for the first period...u can find out tho

Thanks. I think I'm going to give temping a try. I created an account with FertilityFriend last night but that's as far as I've gotten with it haha. I work most mornings (I close 1-3 nights a week) but if I have to open at work, I wake up at 7am so I figured I could set my alarm/temp at 7am before I get out of bed and it wouldn't be too hard to remember to do.
I feel silly doing an introduction post since we just came from the other thread but for anyone new coming along...

I'm Amanda and I'll be 27 in two weeks (May 15th.) My fiance and I are engaged to be married on May 31, 2014 so we're TTC #3 before then. Ideally I'd like to conceive by the end of June to make sure we can get through the pregnancy, recover from delivery & adjust to life with a newborn again. Oh and to make sure we've had time to get normal amounts of sleep again. I have a 7 year old from a previous relationship & my fiance and I have a 1 year old together.

I had Implanon from August 2012 to April 10, 2013 and got it removed to TTC #3. I haven't had my first AF since having it removed but thought I ovulated on April 14th. I've only had BFN so my body is likely still adjusting to having the implant removed.
It does feel a bit weird doing an introduction :haha:

Hello!:wave: My name is Nichole and I am 25. I am happily married to the love of my life who is 33. Together 4 1/2 years married almost 2. We have been ttc since Sept 2012 with a few month break in between. I am currently cd12 of what I am hoping isn't an anovulatory cycle (I have problems with those) Besides two temps, they are looking good! FX'd they stay this way! :thumbup:
Rachel I want to wait till mothers day, but ill be 16-18dpo, and my LP is usually 13 days. So what do you think?
Hi, I'm Amanda! I'm 22, OH is 25 and we are trying for our first baby! I am currently 1dpo and anxiously waiting to POAS! I miscarried in October at 11w6d and haven't had a pregnancy since-- although we took a few months off after the d&c to recover. We started actively trying again around nov/ dec 2012 :)

Waves-- it's worth a shot if you don't get a period anytime soon. Acupuncture also works wonders for me!

Cassidy, I hope AF decides to show up soon!
My name is Ashlee. I'm 23, DF will be 25 this month. We are getting married June 23rd this year. After 3 months TTC and dinking fertilitea, I got my :bfp: and am super excited! Have my first appointment with my midwife on May 9th, can't wait to see my little bean! Hope to see a lot more BFPs this month so I can have some bump buddies!
Sonia-The fertilaid and fertilitea are made by the same company and they encourage you to take them together so you should be fine. Also, they say you can start taking it as soon as you get it, not wait until your next cycle starts.
We do intros every month for any newcomers.

Emily - the market here is crazy right now. By the time we see a house it's already under contract. It's so annoying.
I say if AF doesn't show by then, test. But you know me, I am all about testing early! I'm trying hard not to this month though. I didn't use any opks so I'm on the right path!
Blarg... I am leaning towards this month being anovulatory. My temp jumped .43 degrees this morning and I know I didn't O. It only does this during bad months. I am just going to keep on exercising and hope for the best....
Hey all, I had posted on the old thread in the beginning of the month but then just followed it mostly as I needed a break. My name's Alissa. I'm currenltly 7-8dpiui. DH and I have been ttc for over a year now. I wanted to post on this thread regarding my experience with working with the fertility clinic and having to pay completely out of pocket because our insurance doesn't cover anything related to infertility. Nikki, I know that you might be headed toward IVF and have mentioned that you will also be paying out of pocket... some thoughts/advice. (warning - sorry this will get kind of long but I'll try by best to explain it).

With the IUI procedure, it is protocal for them to do infectious disease testing prior to the procedure, so they tested for HIV and Hepititis A and B (I think). Anyway it was two Heptititis tests. This was required of both my DH and I. All because such things can be transferred to a baby if pregnant so I'm sure it would be required before doing IVF as well, yada yada yada. My main point is that if the fertility doctor tells you that you need to have these tests done, request that you go to your general practioner and ask them to do the screenings so then insurance will cover them. If the fertility doctor orders/does them, they will most likely code the diagnostic reason for the testing as infertility and your insurance will kick it out because of not having coverage for that. But such tests are done frequently just as STD screenings with general practioners so wouldn't need to be coded as infertilty by them. Plus, the day of the actual IUI (which is basically like having a pap) they take a culture for Chlyamidia and Ghonorrea, since they are all up and in there anyway. (I believe for the same reasons as before - preventing any sharing of the disease with the baby). Inquire if these will need to be done as well for IVF or any other procedure. If so, request to have them done by your general because again, they are common tests done for many reasons other than infertilty.

Unfortunately, I had to learn this the hard way. Well not really, the clinic told me that ins. should cover them because they are common tests not always done because of infertilty, but ins. didn't cover them since the code the doctor submitted with the procedure was female infertility. Had they not told me ins. would cover them I would've inquired about going to my general.
Now, I'm not 100% guarenteeing that it will work to go the general practioner route but I definately would've tried it knowing what I do now. Also, if you do see your general for these tests, it might be a good idea to explain to them what's going on and make sure they don't code the reason for the testing as infertility but rather simply for general screening as if you had had multiple partners and just wanted a clear bill of health or something. And then of course, you would have to have your results/records shared/transferred ot the fertility clinic if they are not part of the same hositpal, etc. The total for the just the testing I've mentioned here will be close to $500 which is the near the cost of the actually IUI procedure alone. Had insurance covered some or all of this testing, we could've gone onto do another IUI without hesitation (should we need to but really praying we wont).

Sorry this got so long...let me know if you have questions or if something doesn't make sense.

Hoping for many May-be Babies this month!
Hello, you can call me ST or STG or whatever :hi: The only interesting tidbits that aren't in my ticker are that I've been married to DH for 5 years :), I'm in constant battle with the "it will never happen for you" feeling :|, and my next no-bfp consolation trip is planned for August to Cedar Point (yay, Cedar Point).

STG - gosh im down with the allergies too...soo sooo disgusting :wacko: feel better soon babe

Hope you feel better soon too!


In other news: Got my positive opk today :) Hopefully DH will have some energy left when he gets home from work.

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