*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

Do any of you have/use a moby wrap??

I do! :hi: I have a manduca and a couple wovens too.

I can't get LO into my wrap!! Think I need more practise and confidence.

What hold are you using? I like to use the pop-in tie and once I get it all tied then I can get LO in. He likes to be in the froggy position on my chest with one of the rails supporting his head. Are you tying too tight before trying to put LO in or is it the confidence that comes with practice you need? Remember to put LO on the opposite shoulder from the inner rail before trying to lower him/her in. I find that once LO is in the first rail pocket with his feet in a comft position that the other rail and waist piece go on easily. My only complaint with the moby is how hot it gets!
Do any of you have/use a moby wrap??

I do! :hi: I have a manduca and a couple wovens too.

I can't get LO into my wrap!! Think I need more practise and confidence.

What hold are you using? I like to use the pop-in tie and once I get it all tied then I can get LO in. He likes to be in the froggy position on my chest with one of the rails supporting his head. Are you tying too tight before trying to put LO in or is it the confidence that comes with practice you need? Remember to put LO on the opposite shoulder from the inner rail before trying to lower him/her in. I find that once LO is in the first rail pocket with his feet in a comft position that the other rail and waist piece go on easily. My only complaint with the moby is how hot it gets!

This is exactly what I do! I've found that the tummy to tummy froggy position means Saskia will sleep happily for ages!

Well she's 1 month old tomorrow! I can't believe it's gone so fast. Still exclusively BF and I'm really proud of myself because I didnt do it as long with the boys. I am finding it's getting easier too. She slept from Midnight till 9.30 without a feed this morning! Lovely rest, but I did wake up in a panic !
Had her weighed today and she's 9lb!! Still small but she's on the 50th Percentile and gaining weight so they're happy.
Glad everyone seems to be doing well xxxxx
I think I'm tying it too tight before I put LO in. Maybe I'll try it looser and tighten it once she's in. :shrug:
Well she's 1 month old tomorrow! I can't believe it's gone so fast. Still exclusively BF and I'm really proud of myself because I didnt do it as long with the boys.

Great job! :flower::thumbup: So glad it's working out for you. The first month is the hardest.
Nic: good for you! That's so awesome! She sounds like she is doing well on the boobie juice!

Ana: she might be doing a bit of what Gabe does (but he does it for most of the feed) and is comfort sucking. You should hear her swallow every 2 or 3 sucks. Gabe has 10-15 sucks in a row, and only sometimes swallows... It's good that you are having a lactation consultant. She will be able to determine what's not working for you, and suggest ways to make Amy a more efficient feeder. Good luck! I hope it's not a supply issue.

Becki: we left Gabe with a good friend for a few hours when he was 2 weeks old. I hatred every minute, but now I'm ok with leaving him. At first I didn't even wasn't to leave him with his daddy alone!

Anti: I have a Moby wrap, and once toy get the hang of getting them in, it's fantastic! Gabe will sleep for hours, and you can be naked under it for some skin to skin with baby, I just put a sweater on to cover my back, and Gabe loves it!
Ana: she might be doing a bit of what Gabe does (but he does it for most of the feed) and is comfort sucking. You should hear her swallow every 2 or 3 sucks. Gabe has 10-15 sucks in a row, and only sometimes swallows... It's good that you are having a lactation consultant. She will be able to determine what's not working for you, and suggest ways to make Amy a more efficient feeder. Good luck! I hope it's not a supply issue. !

She def does comfort sucking, I can tell. I need to call the lactation consultant again today because I haven't heard from her.
Last night she slept for 8 hours O_O
It was awesome but I also felt a bit bad, since she should be eating more and all. Honestly, I fell asleep and woke up when she cried, I didn't realize we had slept so long!
But anyway, when I woke up, one of my boobs was leaking, since it had been so long since the last feeding. That gave me hope that it may not be a supply issue ^_^

Re to your comment to Becki: I didn't want to leave her alone with her dad either, at first. Now, I'm actually thankful when he drives hr somewhere for a couple of hours. I can catch up on my sleep ^_^
I am so so so so jealous of all you ladies that can get more than 3-4 hours of sleep a night :( I haven't had more than 5 since he was born... I know it could be so much worse but I don't know why he can't eat enough at night to fill up his tummy :(
Ana: that's how my issues started. Hopefully the LC can see you soon. I waited too long, and had to start supplementing with formula, which made my supply decrease even more... I'm slowly losing my supply, and maynot be able to continue breast feeding much longer. Hang in there hun, and make them see you asap!
Kendra :hugs:
Amy slept quite a bit thefirst two weeks. Now she has times when she's up e Rey couple of hours.mlast night she slept a lot but th night before I was a zombie.

Meghan, I have an appointment for Monday at 8:30 in the morning.im sorry your milk supply is decreasing :(
Maybe there's a way to make it go up again? I heard about this book called mother's milk that is supposed to have great advise for breast feeding.
I am so so so so jealous of all you ladies that can get more than 3-4 hours of sleep a night :( I haven't had more than 5 since he was born... I know it could be so much worse but I don't know why he can't eat enough at night to fill up his tummy :(

It's so individual though. DS1 didn't give me 4 hrs in a row until he was around 6 mo! Hope it's sooner for you but there really may not be some magical trick that you've missed. :hugs:
Thanks Ana. There really isn't anything I can do at this point. Gabe doesn't do his part well enough, and I can't pump much, maybe half an ounce each time I pump. All I can do is hope he figures out how to get the milk out before I completely dry up or give up. I gave myself a timeline of 6 weeks for him to be at least on his way to getting it, but I have gained and lost the same ground for 2 weeks now, so I'm not very hopeful that he's will figure it out. I'm kinda resigned to the formula now. As much as I would rather breast feed him, I can't do what I am right now for much longer. We have no life at all! I'm so glad that you are being seen soon. Hopefully the LC can solve the issue quick!
Sane mother is much more important than anything else, Bumpin =)
I understand the frustration. I got mad at my body when it wasn't producing enough amniotic fluid and I was frustrated with Amy because she wasn't even trying to turn and she was breech the whole time. I would have love a water birth but ended up with a csection instead.
Sometimes, "natural" just doesn't happen, no matter how hard we try =)
I guess no one bothered to pass the memo on to Amy and Gabe about doing their jobs!
Any bottle-feeding mommies already go up a nipple size to the medium flows? I have been reading and Jackson NEVER finishes a bottle even if I only do 2 ounces, then 45-60 minutes later wakes up hungry. I thought that was just his personality but after reading I think that the slow flow nipples are too slow for him and that's why he always falls asleep at the bottle and never finishes. Also, could be why he didn't breastfeed as well because its a slower flow, so the slow nipples are kind of similar. I have a few medium nipples and I'm gonna give them a try. I know on accident I had used a fast nipple a couple weeks ago because I got the bottles used and I didn't realize there were different sizes and I noticed he ate it so much faster but he never spit it up or anything so I think that we should have kept using that size. If it works I'll have to go out and buy a bunch more of them but I think its worth a shot to get him sleeping longer between feedings and not waking up hungry.
Any bottle-feeding mommies already go up a nipple size to the medium flows? I have been reading and Jackson NEVER finishes a bottle even if I only do 2 ounces, then 45-60 minutes later wakes up hungry. I thought that was just his personality but after reading I think that the slow flow nipples are too slow for him and that's why he always falls asleep at the bottle and never finishes. Also, could be why he didn't breastfeed as well because its a slower flow, so the slow nipples are kind of similar. I have a few medium nipples and I'm gonna give them a try. I know on accident I had used a fast nipple a couple weeks ago because I got the bottles used and I didn't realize there were different sizes and I noticed he ate it so much faster but he never spit it up or anything so I think that we should have kept using that size. If it works I'll have to go out and buy a bunch more of them but I think its worth a shot to get him sleeping longer between feedings and not waking up hungry.

I have bought some medium flows ready for Eddy going up as he's already starting to cave the slow flows in and get a bit sleepy, but he's polishing off 4oz at a time most feeds now, so it's ever-likely that he gets bored/tired taking at that at a slow flow! :dohh: You can get variable flow teats that the baby is more in control of (meant to be used with thicker formula) so maybe that's an option too (I have some of these too lol).
Argh!! Just want to rant... I went and bought ashlynn 3 pairs of leggings today at tesco when I did my weekly shop and I paid for them and must have left them by the till coz they aren't with the groceries but they're on my till receipt!!!! So freaking annoyed!!!!
Argh!! Just want to rant... I went and bought ashlynn 3 pairs of leggings today at tesco when I did my weekly shop and I paid for them and must have left them by the till coz they aren't with the groceries but they're on my till receipt!!!! So freaking annoyed!!!!

Ring the store and ask if they have found them. Xx
Argh!! Just want to rant... I went and bought ashlynn 3 pairs of leggings today at tesco when I did my weekly shop and I paid for them and must have left them by the till coz they aren't with the groceries but they're on my till receipt!!!! So freaking annoyed!!!!

OT: Amy and Ashlynn share a birthday!

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