*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

I can't even think of another baby right now LOL. Kudos to you :)

And YES thank goodness someone else is mentioning the hair loss! I feel like someone is murdering a wig in my bathroom every time I wash my hair :( its sooooo gross and annoying cause my hair is so long it wraps around my hands and gets everywhere. I honestly believe I have lost half of my hair so far. I have super thick hair and it feels like there is nothing left anymore. I am going to chop several inches off the next time I get it cut because I am so tired of dealing with all the hair loss. And I'm going to need another cut because my hair doesn't sit the same now with all the loss. Ugh. I started taking my prenatals again in the hopes I can stop it.

As for me, I don't know if I mentioned I had my gallbladder removed end of August. I have heard a lot of pregnant women get gallbladder problems but I believe this is something that was going on for several years and I wasn't aware that that was the problem. I have been deathly scared to eat anything fatty since then though! I don't want to be in the bathroom all day LOL. Anyway bumpin I had a similiar issue as you did with a Dr only it was my surgeon. Kept telling me one of my incisions was fine and gave me a band aid. I finally went to an after hours clinic because I felt like crap on top of the incision looking bad, and I had a freakin STAPH infection. They tested me for MRSA it came back negative which is good. But to have a skin infection when you're in close contact with an infant that scratches his face constantly? I am now going to file a complaint with the state against the surgeon for negligence and potentially putting my health and my babies health in jeapordy.

Jackson's last appt he weighed 15lbs 10 oz. What a chunk! He is so fun now. Laughs all the time, is grabbing his bottle and sucking on it but hasn't figured out how to pull the bottle up above his face to get the milk to come out.
Hey kendra! Haven't seen you here in a while =)
A staph infection? Those things can be dangerous! I'm glad you're taking care of it.

Meghan, number 2?! =D Good for you, guys! June is still a ways away, it's not that soon =)
I think we'll wait 3 or 4 more years for #2, unless I get baby fever really bad again, or DH does, haha.
Thanks also for being encouraging about Amy. I am not concerned, really. Thursday was just a stressful day all around and I was very moody.
What does make me concerned, though, is that I went to pump tonight and nothing came out O_O from either boob. I could express a little bit by hand, but the pump wasn't getting anything. I will try again tomorrow morning when they are full. It may be time for a new pump, maybe? 0.o
Hi everyone! Life is really great here. I just love listening to my baby coo and babble! :cloud9: His whole face lights up when he finds me in the room. Very rewarding! :flower:

I'm participating in the Avon breast cancer awareness walk this Saturday in Helsinki. I've been crocheting pink flowers that some of our team will be wearing. It feels nice to be doing something non-child related for once. I also made a cooking tutorial video (reindeer stew) for a competition yesterday! I submitted my youtube link and got an email that my submission will be published on the blog!! :happydance::happydance: So excited to see if I'll win. The link is on my FB but if anyone else wants it let me know.
Ana, when I was still trying to bf, I was reading that a lot of women have a hard time pumping and nursing as baby gets older. You could try a new pump but I don't think that's the issue. As long as Amy seems satisfied with bfing your supply is fine, but only enough for her, not for pumping. You could try pumping a tint bit before feeding so that your body gets the extra stimulation from Amy, or just keep feeding as is. My friend started supplementing as she stopped being able to pump anything and her supply disappeared. She never did get it back, so just keep nursing! Your bossy will adjust to meet Amy's needs. You are doing such a great job, I would hate to see you guys start struggling now.

Still waiting for our US appointment. Still puking away...lol... Same story different day!
Oh and as for number 2, I'd try today if I didn't have to go back to work! I want my kids close in age, especially since I feel like the next one is also going to be a boy. Before I got pregnant, I had a strong feeling that my first would be a boy, so I'm interested to see if I'm right for baby 2.
Monique, isn't it great when they smile when they see us? Amy gives me the biggest smiles when I enter the room. It makes DH a bit jealous, have to say, hehe.
And I like all your other projects. Never had reindeer, does it taste like venison? Because if yes, then yummy. Although, I wouldn't serve it for xmas, I feel like it would make the kids cry, hahaha.
"mommy, this is yummy, what is this?"
"reindeer stew"
"you mean, like Rudolph...?"

Meghan, thanks for for the advise! I know Amy is getting plenty to eat. But yes, me and pumping are not best friends. I put myself on a strict pumping schedule and it seems to be working somewhat.
I will buy a new pump regardless. I shouldn't really be using the one I have anyway, I borrowed it from a friend and got new parts for it but still... the other day she came visit and told me her husband was looking for the pump so he can milk their goats with it O_O
(kid you not) so I'm giving it back.
Toys R Us has a good Playtex pump for $100 and I still have an $80 gift certificate for their store, so I'm going tomorrow to get it. I figured I need my own anyway, since I plan on more kids =)

:happydance: for baby #2. I will be a FB stalker for sure!
Hi all,

Update from me as I've not been on here in ages.

Eddy is doing great. Last weighed in at 16.5 weeks at 21.5lb and 69cm long. We've started on a few solids and yesterday he sat up on his own for the first time!! :cloud9: Little star is keeping me up at all hours due to 4 month growth spurt and sleep regression but I know it wont last long.

Earl is great - 1 month until he's 3 so preparations in full swing for a birthday tea and pressies for him. House move is currently scheduled for November depending on when we can get a new house. Car is still having trouble - failed 2 MOTs and had to have £500 of work done! Should be fixed this week though fingers crossed so we can get viewing! :thumbup:

Otherwise not a lot going on. Hubby has gone back to uni now so I'm at home with the boys a lot. I think we're getting there, but having to run the house and look after them is proving tricky at times, especially when Eddy takes nearly 2 hours to settle on an evening (bring on 5 months and his sleep will get back to normal!).

Hope we're all doing ok. I see some talk about new babies. We've decided we would like to have 1 more. we're not sure when, or how, or anything really, but we think a 3rd is probably going to happen lol. :wacko:
I can't believe how grown up the babies are getting! I am going to introduce a few solids in 4 weeks when she's 24 weeks and try BLW. She's not sat up yet but she likes to stand holding onto your hands!!!!!
That's a bugger about all the costs at the moment. :( Hope Earl has a great birthday x
I can't imagine Saskia ever getting to 21 lbs, she seems stuck on 12 :rofl:
I can't believe how grown up the babies are getting! I am going to introduce a few solids in 4 weeks when she's 24 weeks and try BLW. She's not sat up yet but she likes to stand holding onto your hands!!!!!
That's a bugger about all the costs at the moment. :( Hope Earl has a great birthday x
I can't imagine Saskia ever getting to 21 lbs, she seems stuck on 12 :rofl:

They're both growing like the clappers - hubby says I'm feeding them in the night secretly to make them grow lol. Eddy stole food off my plate, so I thought it was time to give him a go and so far we've only done a little bit of fruit, rice and porridge. I don't want/need to rush. He loves it though, and literally devours it. I've given him some carrot sticks and some peach slices to play with and he managed to take a bite out of them! :wacko: He doesn't seem to like finger food yet though - just gets frustrated. Spoon feeding though - my god, the mouth is open at the sight of a spoon now! :dohh:

I didn't get Eddy weighed until he went for his 3rd jabs, and cheekily asked to borrow the scales. The nurse was shocked, but he did have a head start :haha:


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Aww sounds like he is doing fab and that picture is sooooo gorgoeus xx
Hi guys not been on here in a while!

Teddy is doing super! He was 13lbs 10 about 3 weeks ago so he's probably the top of 14lbs now but we will see next week!
He has been rolling the last few weeks but not on purpose, yesterday he figured out how to roll both ways on purpose and he hasn't stopped since! He can sit up for a few seconds on his own and for a while holding one hand, he just needs abit more confidence/ balance!
He never stops babbling and shouting either which is so cute, still no teeth but you can see them pressing just under his gums.
We have started solids properly this week. Since 17 weeks (hes 20 weeks tomorrow) I have been giving him little tastes of things, he stoles a chunk of banana from Jesse around this time and happily chomped away on it. Since then he's had a
Spoonful or do here and there or mashed banana, pear, peas and abit of gluten free baby porridge.
Iv started giving him 'lunch' this week as he started waking a lot earlier, and being upset an frustrated after his milk feeds. (7oz but each time we tried him on 8oz he would just chuck up everywhere) and also I realised he was supposed to be having 5x 7z a day and he's only having 4 but that's because he slept all night.
Yesterday and today he had some butternut squash and sweet potato mash before his lunch feed and he went mad for it and was happy and not frustrated after his milk feed.
I'm not giving him purées, started with texture straight away, with Jesse we moved to mainly blw from about 7 months so I'll probably do the same with ted.
We started baby massage today too which he loved!
Hope everybody is doing well! X
Woooow, I can't believe some of the babies are starting to eat solids already :happydance:
Aimee-Lou and Becky, it's nice to hear from you =D

Amy hasn't sat up by herself but she will stay sat up if I put her on the couch right in the corner. She's started to reach for mugs/food when we are eating but I don't feel confident giving her solids yet. We'll wait until 6 months, I think, unless she shows more interest in it.

so, after 59 blissful week, AF showed up yesterday! I knew it was on her way, I could feel something was going on. I was having some weird cramps and other stuff. I used to be super regular pre-pregnancy. But I have an IUD now, I'm insterested to see if it's going to change anything.
I heard that periods can be very long and painful with the IUD but this hasn't been painful at all. Very heavy, though.
Ok, ok, way TMI.

Also, I found a studio that offers great zumba classes. I'm having a lot of fun with those. And slowly but surely, pre-Amy pants are starting to fit again :happydance:

Glad everyone is doing well =D
I got a blender today and some broccoli, carrot, parsnips and sweet potato. I fed Jesse all pouches when we started weaning and it was so expensive! I paid about £2 for that veg and it will make about 2 weeks of lunches to freeze. So impressed with myself. Jesse is really fussy with veg potatoes and until recently meats so im going to try as hard as I can to make sure teddy eats a good variety. He had apple and pear today which he loved! I know weaning befor 6 months isn't for everyone but he is so much more settled this week since we started and he's really seeming to enjoy everything and has so far coped really well with it. I think he was definitely ready to start (the constant grabbing from jesses or my plate was a big sign for us)

Here's a pic of him enjoying his sweet potato yesterday and some recent ones x




If you look at the top pic you can see his teeth pressing through under his gum! x
Awwww such a cutie. Eddy is still only have a bit of cereal or fruit as he's ready but in no rush as his appetite isn't increasing. I'm off to do something similar to you next week - need to get a new blender too though as mine went caput not that long ago - gutted! lol I made all of Earls up to about 8-9 months then I went back to work and it was a lot easier to give him organic jars plus stuff off our plates. Plan on doing the same thing with Eddy. Earl is really fussy veg wise, but he's getting a lot better with trying new foods (went through a phase of only eating 'seperates' that couldn't touch on his plate. Now he'll eat a big plate of pasta bolognese or chilli are rice no problem! :thumbup:

Best be off - talking of cereals it's breakfast time all round! Soooo hungry lol.
I need to get the blender too. I've been given a few containers of baby food but I will mostly make my own, since it should only take a minute. And it's only a few months before they don't even need pureed food anymore, you can just boil some veggies and they are fine.
Hello in here! Emery cut his first tooth yesterday finally. :happydance: He'd been working on it for a while. I'm so relieved it's through because he was waking up a lot. He's beginning to get a bit more active on the floor now and let's me leave him there for little snippets thankfully since my toddler requires A LOT of attention is driving me absolutely mad. :haha: That kid doesn't know what he wants! :dohh:
Hello in here! Emery cut his first tooth yesterday finally. :happydance: He'd been working on it for a while. I'm so relieved it's through because he was waking up a lot. He's beginning to get a bit more active on the floor now and let's me leave him there for little snippets thankfully since my toddler requires A LOT of attention is driving me absolutely mad. :haha: That kid doesn't know what he wants! :dohh:

I know the feeling - Eddy has blisters on his gums at the moment so hoping to see some white very soon lol

I can now also leave Eddy for 10 mins or so on his play mat without him having a fit lol. Has to be when he's just woken and eaten but it is now possible lol. He will happily sit in his chair for 10-15 minutes as long as either Earl or the dog are around to watch :haha:

He is now over 22lb, wearing 9-12m clothes. I've had to go out and buy him a bigger sleeping bag today (only started to use them 2 weeks ago as the weather closes in) as his toes were stretching the zip on his 6-12m one lol. Crazy - he really does weigh a tonne!

Photo attached of mealtime in our house lol


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He is now over 22lb, wearing 9-12m clothes. I've had to go out and buy him a bigger sleeping bag today (only started to use them 2 weeks ago as the weather closes in) as his toes were stretching the zip on his 6-12m one lol. Crazy - he really does weigh a tonne!

haha i know the feeling. i'm sure E is over 11kg... he's also in 74/80cm clothes, my sweet little fatty :haha: having a cloth bum doesn't make him any smaller either!

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