YES! I feel like I should have a bald spot somewhere!
In Gabe news: Im firing his pediatrician. Im so fed up with having my concerns brushed off. He pukes so much, and every time I have asked to have it investigated, she brushes me off, says its just reflux and he'll grow out of it. But, its getting worse, not better. I took him to a well baby clinic on monday and had him weighed pre and post feeding. I fed him 6 oz, so he should have gained 6 oz in his post weight, but he only gained 3 after all his puking. Im having to give him close to 50 oz of formula each day, and I told the ped this, and she just told me to stop overfeeding him. So I only gave him 36 oz for 2 days, and he still puked tons, was miserable, and stopped peeing! Great advice lady! I also asked about putting rice cereal in the bottle. She told me no, just increase his zantac dosing. Well the Zantac did nothing for him. As adults taking the max dose, we would be taking 3-4 mg per kg of weight. Gabe is on 10 mg per kg, and I really dont like that. I tried the rice cereal anyways, and he cried in pain for 2 days. I dont know how he is going to tolerate any solids. I only put a half teaspoon in the bottle, hardly enough to make a differencce! She just refuses to check him out because he doesn't fit the "textbook" picture, and he is gaining weight. I think its because I feed him an obscene amount of food to compensate, and I really dont feel like stopping that to get her to listen. So tomorrow im going back to his regular doctor, and asking for either an ultrasound of his belly, or a referral to a pediatric gastro-enterologist. I wont put him to bed on his back anymore, because when he pukes, he chokes, and im terrified that its going to seriously harm him one day.