Aww Nicola you poor thing, its the labour that just keeps on giving isnt it!! Hopefully that cream will get to work quickly and give you a bit of relief. How was your shopping trip? We went out yesterday too, I was exhausted! Theon slept the whole time, good as gold! We got home and realised that we had bought NOTHING for us, but somehow managed to spend about £80 on things for him. Spoilt baby! Well done for managing to get Caitlin to breast feed again today, good job momma!
Thanks for the advise about the wind/colic Suze. We bought some dentinox from boots yesterday and have started on that so will see how it goes. He seems a lot more settled today so hopefully its doing some good. We have also swapped to aptamil because someone told me that it is meant to be the easiest formula to digest and its the one midwives recommend. We had a half decent night last night, he was up at 12.30am, 4am and 7.30am so got some decent sleep. Actually once he had gone down again after his 7.30am feed me and him slept in til 11am when daddy walked in with breakfast in bed for us all!
Rose, glad its not just boys that wee everywhere! Lol, bless her. We are going to register Theon on Monday, cant wait. How was your night without Mark? Ric will be back to work next Wednesday and I am wondering how on earth I am going to get through the day!! Probably be a wreck by the time he gets home!
Megan, cant believe Ashleigh slept from 12.30am til 6am that is amazing!! You lucky thing! Was it a one off fluke, or was she good last night? Nice to hear she is putting on weight, must be having a growth spurt
We have to be up early tomorrow because we are going to a friends birthday do and she is having a picnic in the park so we have to be there for 11am and it takes an hour to get there. So far the earliest we have managed to leave the house has been about 2pm so will be a challenge tomorrow!