May Buds and June Bug 2012 Mummy's Club

My friend gave me one of those dispensers :) Shes gorgeous megan, isobelle has got terribly dry skin at the moment, need to put some baby oil on her, apparently its common in overdue babies. I've had some pretty bad afterpains too, still taking my diclofenac and paracetamol from the hospital XxX
I never got those tablets!!! Humf!!!!
Ashleigh has dry skin too and a terrible sticky eye.
Caitlin has the dry skin problem too, especially on her hands and feet. The midwife told me to use baby olive oil which seems to be helping so far. She's developed jaundice too but they said it should clear itself up.

Had to ring midwife out yesterday as I kept feeling really dizzy and spaced out. She took one look at me and said I was the colour of our cream living room walls so apparently I'm anaemic. Have to take 3 iron tablets a day til I start to feel human again. Can't wait to get some energy back but she said it'll probably take about a month.

Ashleigh is gorgeous Megan, a proper little cutie! x
Hope you're feeling better soon Nicola :hugs: Where did you get the baby olive oil from, i've been looking out for it but haven't found any yet XxX
Steven picked it up in Asda, it's a bit less greasy than baby oil and her feet are looking much better. Her hands are still a bit dry though poor little thing x

Got the midwife coming tomorrow and then we actually have a whole day without visitors! I'm so looking forward to spending the day chilling out and getting a little bit of normality back. Is anyone managing to get babies into a sleep pattern yet? We're really struggling - she seems to be a proper little night owl! She was the same when I was pregnant though, she would always start kicking off at night time :)
I'm struggling still, but like you she used to be quiet most of the day and alive at night. Going to register her tomorrow. We've finally decided on Isobelle Margaret (margaret is my moms name). XxX
Aw that's a lovely name :) we've decided on Caitlin Elizabeth after my nanna. I'm desperate for sleep now - I really appreciate everyone coming to see her and all the gifts they've brought her but I REALLY just need a day of rest x
Hey ladies!! Sorry I have been MIA. We have had a couple of crazy weeks, but are all settled now. My husbands new company has transferred us AGAIN! When Zoey was a week old we packed up everything we own and traveled 9hrs to El Paso Tx. Fortunately this will be a year and a half job so no more moving for a while!

On baby news. I gave birth to a dream child!!! Unless she is hungry or needs changed she is sleeping or just laying around enjoying life. She doesnt cry, just yells out a little when she needs something. I sometimes actually have to remind myself that she is here because she is so quiet! She is sleeping through the night!!!!! I am getting at least 6 to 7 hours straight through at night. Unfortunately, our only issue has been that my milk completely dried up as it did with my other two, so now we are formula feeding. She is up to 4oz but it keeps her full and she sleeps a lot longer. I will post some recent pics soon.

Oh, and as for formula bottles. I am making them in advance and keeping them in the fridge for 24hrs. Has worked like a charm so far and Zoey seems happy and has had no tummy issues at all. I did this with my other two and had no problems. It even says to do this on the container. Anyway, I should be around more often now. Happy baby holding!!!
Will be nice for you to have some time to yourselves nicola. Im the same, cant wait til thursday because thats the first day in 6 days that we wont have had visitors! Honestly, I need a diary for Theon to keep track of what his social plans are!

I have been awake sine 3.20am because Theon just wont settle. He has his bottle and nappy changed and then just cries in pain til he passes wind loads of times. I have him on infacol but doesnt seem to help much. Thing is he is as tired as we are... Between the crying/screaming sessions he yawns his little head off. He only wakes up twice in the night on average but it may as well be 15 times seeing as it takes so long to settle him again.

Wow brandy, cant believe you had to move again so soon. Well done you! Dont think I could have coped moving house with a one week old! And im so jealous that zoey is sleeping through the night already! Whats your secret??!

We were told to use vaseline on theons dry patches but thinking i might get some of the olive oil because he is pretty dry all over now and vaseline isnt the easiest to spread

Daddy has the magic touch... Theon is asleep so im going to join him now and hope he doesnt stir til 7am ish. Wish me luck! X
He lasted 10 mins and then woke again. Arghhhh so tired! Been up for 3 hours now and I can hardly see straight. Any body have any anti-wind advice? X
Nicola, I hope you feel better soon. Enjoy your day to yourselves and use it to get some rest :hugs:

I'm sure it won't be long before Caitlin and Isobelle get their nights and days the right way round.

Wow brandy what a busy few weeks you have had! I hope you are all settled now and lucky you that Zoey sleeps through the night x

Leanne we have the wind problem too, not every night though. Last night was by far the worst, he was really hard to settle. We are using infacol too, but I am going to try dentinox to see if that is better. For infacol to work you have to use it before every feed and it takes a a while to work as it needs to build up, dentinox is the same. Another one is colief. I have heard dr browns bottles are excellent for wind but I've never tried them. Last night I massaged his tummy for a wee while and peddalled his legs round and that seemed to work for the bottom half!! As for burping I haven't found a solution, sometime he brings his wind up as soon as I sit him upright, but sometimes like last night that doesn't work. Have you tried rotating his upper body about while he is upright on your knee, that can work too. If you find a solution please let me know!! I mentioned it to the midwife when he was a couple of days old and all she said were boys were notorious for not bringing their wind up-much bloody help that is!!
Gripe water is a good one x

Last night I had such sore nipples on my left boob I warmed up a bottle of breast milk I had stored. That was around 12:30am. She drank all 4oz and slept until 6am! Then I breast fed her and she slept until 8am! That has to be the best nights sleep since forever!!!!!
When she drank the milk out of the bottle. When she had finished it was like she was drunk!!! Lol.
I think I need to get a pump to fill up a couple of bottles to put in the freezer. The breast shells are good for catching drips but it's takes a whole day to make 5oz :/ the babe cafe is good as they let you borrow pumps.

Last midwife visit today so I'll talk to her about it.
Midwife has been and gone. Ashleigh has gained 5 1/2 ounces since Friday! Woo hoo
Aw go Ashleigh!! What a clever girl putting on so much weight and sleeping well last night :happydance:
Hope everyones ok? I've had the Health Visitor here this morning and Midwife here this afternoon. Thank god I've got the rest of the day to myself now. Isobelle still hasn't regained her birth weight so I've got the midwife again next Friday. She managed to wee all over the scales and her new clean blanket i'd just got out of the dryer lol.

Registered her yesterday so she's all official now :)

Mark is going back into work tonight for some night shifts, earlier than i'd expected and i'm a bit nervous about being on my own with her tonight but fingers crossed she'll be good for me.
Pretty much zombified here too! Had midwife out today for an extra visit as Caitlin has gotten really awkward with breastfeeding since my milk came in so she came out to help me out. I've had to give her a few bottles of formula as she just wouldn't latch on at all yesterday but managed to give her 2 feeds today so far so we're making progress :)

Rose how did Isobelle behave for you last night while Mark was at work? Hope you got some sleep.

Leanne hope you're finding some sort of cure for Theon's wind. I can't help with that one unfortunately as I haven't had to contend with it yet.

To add to my long list of complications from missy's birth I now have a skin infection around my scar. Had to go to docs yesterday and got a steroid cream for it, it's driving me crazy. They think it's either a reaction to the dressing that I had on or a fungal infection from where they've shaved me before the operation. It's very glamorous this pregnancy and baby lark isn't it? All the midwives and docs keep talking to me about contraception - like that's even an issue at the min! I can barely stand up never mind anything else :)
Aww Nicola you poor thing, its the labour that just keeps on giving isnt it!! Hopefully that cream will get to work quickly and give you a bit of relief. How was your shopping trip? We went out yesterday too, I was exhausted! Theon slept the whole time, good as gold! We got home and realised that we had bought NOTHING for us, but somehow managed to spend about £80 on things for him. Spoilt baby! Well done for managing to get Caitlin to breast feed again today, good job momma!

Thanks for the advise about the wind/colic Suze. We bought some dentinox from boots yesterday and have started on that so will see how it goes. He seems a lot more settled today so hopefully its doing some good. We have also swapped to aptamil because someone told me that it is meant to be the easiest formula to digest and its the one midwives recommend. We had a half decent night last night, he was up at 12.30am, 4am and 7.30am so got some decent sleep. Actually once he had gone down again after his 7.30am feed me and him slept in til 11am when daddy walked in with breakfast in bed for us all!

Rose, glad its not just boys that wee everywhere! Lol, bless her. We are going to register Theon on Monday, cant wait. How was your night without Mark? Ric will be back to work next Wednesday and I am wondering how on earth I am going to get through the day!! Probably be a wreck by the time he gets home!

Megan, cant believe Ashleigh slept from 12.30am til 6am that is amazing!! You lucky thing! Was it a one off fluke, or was she good last night? Nice to hear she is putting on weight, must be having a growth spurt :)

We have to be up early tomorrow because we are going to a friends birthday do and she is having a picnic in the park so we have to be there for 11am and it takes an hour to get there. So far the earliest we have managed to leave the house has been about 2pm so will be a challenge tomorrow!


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