May Buds and June Bug 2012 Mummy's Club

Ah it's a nightmare, it just seems to be one thing after another but I'm just trying to be grateful for the small mercies and be thankful that it's not the actual scar that's infected as that would be a massive setback. When I went to the docs she asked for a rundown on what happened with my labour and I ended up getting all teary as she was being really nice to me and saying how overwhelming it must have been. Steven looked a bit scared when I came out with tears in my eyes bless him :)

Shopping was good thanks, it was nice to get out of the house and be back in the land of the living for a little bit. We only managed about 3 shops and had to stop for a coffee as my stitches were pulling but like you we only managed to buy stuff for Caitlin :) we've bought her a cuddly Tigger and a Dragon from the Build-a-Bear workshop as she was born in the year of the dragon! This child is going to have more cuddly toys than she know what to do with. She finally got to meet my mam yesterday as she went to London on the Mornig Caitlin was born and only just got back yesterday. She's besotted by her and offering to babysit already :)

Bet you're not looking forward to Ric going back to work. I'm terrified of being on my own looking after her. Especially seeing as I can't drive for the next 5 weeks so can't get out to see anyone. How long will Ric have had off altogether?

Hope your change in formula and the dentinox do the trick with the wind. It's awful seeing them in pain isn't it. I could just cry along with missy when she gets stressed out or upset x
I started getting teary with the midwife on wednesday when we started talking about my ordeal after the birth. I didn't realise i felt that emotional about it all until she started being nice to me and started to talk about it all :cry: She has offered to get me a copy of my records so i can make sense of it all. That will be an interesting read! :coffee:

No the 12:30 - 6am thing was a one off!! although i have given up on clock watch TBO she woke about 3 times yesterday night. but i got a massive lay in! Eventually got up at 9:30am as we had the registry office today to register her birth.

Aptimil milk is brilliant. I used it for Chloe as i didnt breast feed her for long and i used to give it to katie on the rare occasion she accepted a bottle!
They used to do a comfort version of the aptimil milk for delicate tummies. Not sure if they still do. What bottles are you using? As the problem is with bottle and breast feeding togeather so young is nipple confusion. Which would you rather have? A nipple which you have to suck and wait for 30 seconds or more for 'let down' and the milk to flow........ or a bottle nipple whch has fast milk flowing upon touch??? Ashleigh already sucks then lets go and does that a couple of times before 'let down' like she has learnt she has to stimulate my boob before it lets her have the milk!! Do you have baby cafe's by you, they are really good and you can get advice from active breast feeding mums not just know it all health professionsals.

Finally! x
That's rubbish that you cant drive for 5 weeks! I was so glad to drive to the shops yesterday, felt like something 'normal' if you know what I mean.

Ric goes back on Wednesday - he will have had 2 weeks 3 days off. 2 weeks paternity, 2 days bank holiday, and 1 day because he worked from home during his paternity leave. Its gone very fast though! When does Steven go back? We havent got a really nice teddy for Theon yet (well my best friend bought him one from Harrods but its massive - not a take to bed with you bear), think we need a trip to build a bear too!

Theon is using AVENT bottles at the moment, but if it comes to it I may try those Dr Brown ones that Suze mentioned. Just so expensive to have to buy them all again though! I'd love to read my notes, would be really interesting, im jealous x
Hi ladies! I wish I could find more time to come here and chat. I keep telling myself to take some time to, but before I know it the day has gotten away from me. Last night was our first all nighter. I still dont know what was wrong with her, but Zoey cried all night long. She finally wore herself out and fell asleep around 4am. She seems much better today though. I on the other had feel like a zombie as well. I have added some pics of my girl to my signature. We had ourselves a little photo shoot yesterday with my new camera. I think they turned out pretty good. Anyway, I will check back in when I can!
Brandy, I hardly have time to come on here either so don't worry :hugs: Love the pics but sorry Zoey had a bad night, hope she's soon more settled.

Nicola, hope your skin heals soon. All you need is more complications on top of whats already happened isn't it?

Hope everyone else is ok?

My last two nights without Mark haven't been too bad, she's actually settled by midnight-1am then waking for a bottle around 3 or 4 and again by about 6 or 7 by then Mark is home again :) She can be a bit of a madam in the evening, very clingy and she was really sick last night, all over the pram liner and herself. Had to strip everything extra fast whilst she was in the bouncy chair. All washed a dried now thankfully. I managed to get some baby olive oil too and her skin is starting to look better already :)

I've tried to talk to my midwife about my experience of labour and birth this time and all I get is "third babies can come quickly". Well maybe they can, but I wasn't prepared and after being sent home from the hospital (with attitude from mw) and then returning to be told I was only about half way there and the next minute bam she was on her way, I'm struggling to make sense of it. I've got an appointment with the postnatal depression woman again on Tues at the hospital so I'll discuss it with them, probably get the same answer but its worth a go.

Had a good cry this morning when Mark got home, not sure why lol but I felt better afterwards. My stitches are a bit sore, still haven't dissolved yet and I plucked up the courage to have a look with a mirror down there last night. Blimey its a mess! But looks like its healing well. Stitches run most of way down perineum and I can feel a few internally too. I knew she was lying when she said its only a little tear that needs a couple of stitches by the amount of local anaesthetic she put in at the time lol.

Anyway, Missy is crying again so must dash. Hugs to everyone :hugs: XxXxX
Hello Ladies!!!!

How are we all doing? You all sound knackered!! Lol! I am too but am used to it.

Couple of things cow and gate milk is meant to be the best for colic babies so try that.

Also there is a product called coleaf for colic (not sure I've spealt it right) its amazing! You get it from behind the counter at pharmacies it's very expensive about £11 for a tiny bottle but it's a miracle cure and worth every penny x

With regards to bottles I add water in the bottles and leave them on the side to add formula as and when needed. Tesco also do a version of the advent dispenser for half the price and it's better IMO.

Anyway that's all I have to add really!

Indy is doing well not sleeping well at night but I think I have a long wait for that as I have to use her adjusted age for when that will/may happen (Sonny still only sleeps through on the odd occasion!)

Love to you all, so glad we have this new thread and also what lovely looking babies we all have!!!!

P.s. Megan i think Ashleigh really looks like Indy! X
Hope everyone's having a good weekend? I've got a quick question,does anyone know how long after pains are supposed to last for? I thought they'd have gone by now but they've started up again this afternoon and evening :( XxX
Thanks for all that advise debs, I did see that colief but it was about 5 times the price of the other colic remedies so I thought i'd try them first!! Willing to pay more if it means he isnt in pain though. Might get some tomorrow. And I agree, we do have some super cuties on our hands! Glad Indy is doing well x

Rose - I am still having pains, and passing clots every now and again. Not sure if its normal, but its still happening to me! Maybe ask your health visitor.

Ok so another question for you all. Theon seems to like sleeping in the evenings and then when we go up to bed he kicks off - typical. I have just tried to wake him up but he's like a rag doll he is that out of it. Do I need to wake him to try and get him out of this sleep pattern? It seems a shame to wake him when he is so settled but I just know we will pay for it later!

Hi ladies

Sorry I haven't posted in ages, just don't seem to find the time!

Hope everyone is ok! Nicola I hope your feeling better and everything has cleared up. Definitely good that its not your wound that is infected.

Rose, I was getting after pains until about 2 and a half weeks after the birth. My bleeding got a lot worse around that time and I passed a few large clots. I was thinking of phoning the midwives after passing a huge clot as I was worried that I might have had some retained placenta, especially as I had quite bad bleeding after birth. The next day though my bleeding really lightened and then pretty much stopped. I still get the odd day where I feel quite crampy and I have read it can take 6 weeks for the uterus to totally shrink back down do I think it's normal to still have pains. If you're worried though, give midwife or health visitor a call.

Leanne have you tried changing Theons nappy to wake him up. I usually do that to wake Connor about an hour before bedtime, I completely change his clothes too which wakes him even more. Once he is totally awake he says awake until I swaddle him and feed him just before bedtime. I don't think it's wrong to try and wake him. Midwives advised me that if I felt he wasn't taking enough milk before falling asleep to start stripping him to wake him up a bit to drink more. I was advisd this last time when I was breastfeeding too. If it means an easier night for you, I would definitely do it xx
P.s Leanne, loved reading your birth story it was fab. Had a wee giggle imagining you wandering around a dark carpark leaning against a wall every so often. It's a wonder you didn't get arrested for acting in a strange and suspicious manner :haha: xxxx
Thanks for that ladies, glad to know its all normal :) x
I think it isn't the Moses basket that my baby doesn't like. I think it's that laying on her back causes her pain. I think she had colic! If she sleeps on her front she is fine but we aren't aloud to put our babies on their back so what do I do?? V
Megan have you tried putting her on her side to sleep? You can wedge a rolled up blanket or towel beside her to stop her rolling forward or back xx
Theon has terrible colic too.. well what I am assuming is colic. I have just changed him from avent on to tommy tippee to see if that helps him ingest less air, and changed from SMA Gold to Aptamil Comfort. Not seen any difference yet though, he still screams in pain (even in his sleep). So horrible to see. And I have the exact same problem megan, he loves sleeping on his front but not his back. Im getting into a really bad habit of lying down with him in bed and cuddling him close to me on his side as he seems to settle a bit easier that way - think its the warmth and pressure on his tummy. Also when he has these pains he flings his arms around so by cuddling him close to my chest it stops him moving his arms and waking himself up even more. Its the only way I can get any sleep sometimes. I cant keep doing it though, he'll become dependent on being near me to go to sleep.

How is everyone else doing??

Can I just ask, has everyone had a visit from the health visitor now? I last saw the midwife last monday and she said she was discharging me to the health visitor who would be in touch but I havent heard anything and I have no idea who to contact! Should he have had another visit by now, its been over a week?

Ric goes back to work tomorrow - arghhhh!! Not quite sure how im going to cope without the extra pair of hands!

Leanne sorry you are having a hard time settling Theon. Have you tried swaddling him, that can stop him from jumping. What I do is swaddle and then have a rolled up blanket wedged in the cot beside him then a blanket pulled over the top of him and the blanket. I think this works as he is totally enclosed and feels like he is still being held.

I would phone the health visitor or your midwife as I think you should have ha a visit by now, I definitely had seen her within a week of being disharged from the midwife.
Leanne if Theon is in pain, it may be worthwhile taking him to your gp as it could be reflux. If this is the case they might prescribe infant gaviscon which will work wonders. Hope you find a solution soon hun xxx
Leanne go on YouTube and search for "colic massage". My sister in law swears by it and said it was the only thing that worked with my niece. She said she tried all the colic medicines and nothing made any difference at all but they done the massage exercises a few times a day and it worked wonders. We were looking at it last night as Caitlin had a horrendous day yesterday and cried every second that she wasn't eating or sleeping. Didn't actually get to try it out though as she fell asleep on my chest while we were looking at it and stayed there til 3am this morning.

Are these babies old enough to be forming bad sleeping habits or should we just do whatever it takes to comfort them at this age? I'm just worried that she only seems really settled when she's on my chest or in my arms. I love having her fall asleep on me but wouldn't mind a break now and again!

I've given up on breastfeeding completely now. She was just getting more and more agitated every time I tried to get her to latch on and it wasn't worth seeing her in so much distress. Although now she seems to be in distress with wind so I can't win :( I cried twice yesterday when she was screaming, it rips my heart out to hear her in pain poor little thing.

Megan I was wondering about putting them on their fronts too as she seems so much more settled than she does on her back. I'm scared to try it though as there's so much bad press. Might try her on her side tonight.

Suze I just noticed your signature - I can't believe Connor is a month old already! Time really does fly when you're busy doesn't it?! :)
Try propping up the crib or moses basket a little that may help.

I have the mam bottles and I think they are great! Not a hint of colic here!!! Trust me the colief is the best thing ever! Sometimes you can get it on prescription so may be worth asking.

Regards night sleeps I haven't woken Indy but last night she did 5 hours fom 1am to 6am, was very chuffed with that! They tend to get into a longer sleep from 6 weeks some even go all night at 6 weeks so your babies will give you a break soon! I find Indy wakes up as soon as I want to go to bed too, so I am going up an hour earlier and watching telly upstairs for a bit that seems to be better for my sleep.


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