I keep on getting ache a top of chest and at armpit area and nips really sensitive but get that every month, Im a bit gassy and crampy every now and again and dull cramp yesterday at right handside aligned to my belly button and queasy in morning just for a couple of mins but always get this and leads to nothing. creamy gush of ewcm a couple of days ago but nothing now and diarhea this morning.
Tanikit FX for you!!! I think a few people have gone onto the TTHF thread but im still on SMEP so cant really do both but I lurk there
Lucia - Well your a mummy now love!!! hehe.... When would your AF have been due?
Nixi what are you currently trying?
Griffinh have you tested yet?
Madlyttc I have that aswell I have cramps in legs and tummy but have this every month sucks lol....
Julie thats good news with your RE appointment, I hope you dont need it tho cos you will get your BFP this cycle!!!!
Becky any signs yet? Goddess25 - How come hun? So sorry for AF Anxious Lynne good luck with this month
GL Jollypop