Haha, Soph, I feel full-bellied too! Sorry you're coming down with a cold!
Sue, love the name! Congrats on having a girl!
Art, sorry you're feeling stressed
I hope DH can come around and step up to his role. Hopefully it's just a matter of him feeling overwhelmed at the whole thing, but he needs to support you!
AFM, things are going well. Scan was good yesterday, a bit emotional for me as I had to go alone. She confirmed it's a girl and she was just all sorts of moving around! I forgot to bring my scan pics to post, maybe tomorrow! I was able to get all my Christmas/Announcement cards sent out yesterday, so I'm excited to see what kind of feedback we get!
Found out I have an anterior placenta. Anyone have any experience with that? Maybe it explains why I've only been feeling kicks down low?