May Mummy's 2012

We did CC last night, she fell asleep before half an hour. I felt hideous, especially when she woke after 40 mins, but then....... she settled herself within a minute!!!! AND slept until 1 am woop woop and then until 4:30, had a feed but didn't need it. Then came in with me from 5 until 6:30. Very naughty not holding out but, I couldn't handle Will up then. All in all not bad, really hope it continues to work xx
Vicky it sounds like you're really making progress with Ava! Hopefully she'll start feeling better about falling asleep now & you'll be able to catch up a bit! Is Will excited for Christmas?

Logan's sleep is just unpredictable at the moment. Most nights he wakes up once between 2am-4am for a feed and then is up between 6-7am for the day which is fine. Sometimes he wakes up more often wanting to be cuddled. No idea why I'm struggling with the sleep though, I get far more now than when I was pregnant but seems like I need more!

The hand is a lot better than before but still very painful :-( I'm hoping it will have healed more by Christmas.

How's everyone else getting on? Sarah have you had anymore viewings? We were discussing what to do with our house if we had another baby. It's a good size house but only 2 bedrooms. I love the garden though, it's big with outbuidings and leads to a huge private field which I could imagine Logan having loads of fun in! Oh well, we've got a while yet!

Chloe you have the best outfits for Johnny! Looking forward to seeing his Christmas outfits. In Ireland we actually have a Christmas outfit, you get all dressed up for the day and people spend a fortune on it! It was wierd coming to christmas in England where everyone seems to wear their dressing gowns!
Hi Tay, can you extend?? Sounds lovely!

Well she has just taken 15 minutes for her nap, just have to see how long she stays asleep. It's heartbreaking xx
We could extend upwards & outwards but it's deciding if it's worth the cost! I'm always thinking too far ahead!

If Ava's napping for a decent amount of time then it's worth it! I'm currently trying to get Logan to nap but he's not having any of it! My own fault as he's tried napping twice in the car and I've disturbed him! I tell him to go to sleep and he does the most gorgeous giggle, I can't help but smile back! How's Will doing with Ava? Any signs of jealousy etc or does he just get on with it? xx
Will is fantastic with Ava, he only calls her 'baby' or 'my baby sister'. Sometimes he's a little bit boisterous or over excited but mostly he's very caring and attentive towards her xx

It's good that you have options with the house. How long does Logan nap for normally??
His naps vary. He's starting to cut down to 2 naps a day and these can be decent if you catch him right. He loves being really warm so if I can wrap him in a blanket to fall asleep and keep him wrapped in his crib with a blanket over then he can nap for up to 2 hours. His room is always really warm (around 24*) which helps.

Otherwise he'll have 3 naps lasting half hour to 45 minute. How long does Ava nap for? Are you guys finished with 2 or could you imagine having another? x
Ava's naps are really hit or miss as everything seems to be dictated by Will and his activities. She tends to have two and if she's not slept enough in the pm, I take her out in the pushchair. Will always used to do 3, 45 min kips but gradually extended to one long one.

This is def it for us, I'm perfectly happy with 2 and couldn't imagine going through it all again. Plus we're getting older and feel old enough as it is lol x
I have to be honest that I feel old now as well since having Logan! All my friends of the same age are childless & our worlds are now so different. They don't understand why I won't leave the house after 6pm but Logans bedtime routine is so good now that I don't want to disturb him!

Hope everyone else has got nice plans for the weekend! Russ is working which really sucks so it's just me & Logan!
My DH is working this weekend too, shame you're not nearer lol x
My DH is working this weekend too, shame you're not nearer lol x

I know! You're the only other person I know whose hubby works some weekends. No-one wants to come & play with me as they're having family time! I don't want to leave the house as it keeps raining but I've run out of nice things to eat!
Hi ladies,
All ready for Xmas?? Wish I was lol! Omg it's so strange shopping and wrapping for 3!! I'm not going to be able to move in my house xmas day! Morgan is having a new bike and carter a huge ride in fire engine lol oh and Taylor's having a new high chair - lots of toys too lol!
I will have a look at those videos vicky will google it in a bit :) hope avas sleep is improving. Taylor still wakes and gets in our bed,
Oh and Taylor's now on 3 meals a day with pudding and rusks invetween and 3 breast feeds lol he is such a greedy boy, he snatched Carters hot dog out of his hand tonight and started eating it! Those teeth are fab!
Glad Taylor's doing so well! We still have no teeth here, I bet he looks awesome eating with those!!

Russ managed to bring home a bug from work which has put us all out of action for the last 5 days, it's been awful! Logan has barely slept, last night he was up every 40 minutes, even coming into our bed didn't help.

I'm kind of ready for christmas, still a few more things to wrap! Hope everyone else is doing better than us!! xx
Still no teeth here either, I wonder where they are haha

We are ready for Christmas! I finished my wrapping yesterday and have ordered the food so feeling organised.

Johnny is a bit funny with his naps, trying to get back in a better routine because his sleep has changed now he's in his own room and for the better! He sleeps from 7pm until around 8am with a few wakes, sometimes he wakes twice sometimes 5+ times but he goes straight back to sleep after a feed. He's also napping in his bedroom now because he's become such a light sleeper and I wake him if he falls asleep in his bouncer in the living room.

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well Tay, hope you all feel better soon. That bug seems to be getting around everywhere! We had one a few weeks back, it was awful. Just hoping no one gets sick before Christmas now!

How was everyone's Christmas? Mine has been lovely just got to find somewhere to put everything now,
Anyone got any teeth yet? Xx
We had a lovely Christmas here. Johnny got spoilt rotten by everyone and loved it! Soo many toys, I don't know where to put them!

He's also started doing so much!! He started saying mama a few weeks ago and he said dada for the first time on Christmas day which was lovely, now he won't stop saying it. And today he got up on his hands and knees, like he was going to crawl.. me and Bill cheered him and he got freaked out and cried haha.. but I'm guessing crawling is not too far off.. so proud of him!

No teeth yet though.

How was everyone elses christmas?
Christmas has been a mix for us. The day itself was lovely and we had such a good time but Russ went back to work boxing day and won't be off again until friday so he's missing it all. Me & Russ are both ill with chest infections and Logan has started waking up every hour which is so draining!!! Not sure if it's because we're staying at my mums so it's a different environment or because so much is going on but I hope it stops soon!

He's started wanting to walk everywhere holding onto my fingers for support. On boxing day me & my mum were walking him between us and he let go of her fingers and took 2 steps! He may have taken more but I screamed in excitement and he lunged at me. He's no where near crawling at all and still can't roll over, he hates laying on his tummy. We also still have no teeth!

Well done to Johnny for talking, that's so clever!! I saw that Taylor's nearly crawling, maybe he could give Logan some tips!

Hope everyone has a lovely new year!! xx
Awww they are growing up so fast :) Taylor can now get from one side of the room to the other, he sort of crawls, rolls, shuffles and slides its so funny :) he also helped himself to a slice of dominoes pizza by doing this and say there sucking it like mad!!
Taylor says dadda too and Babba he doesn't stop shouting lol.
Johnny and Logan, Ava and lexi, are so cute I love seeing their photos :) looks like Sara is really busty (lol lol the predictive text) try again - looks like Sara is really busy with work.
Logan what a really clever boy!!!! Tay you will have your hands full soon lol!
Chloe it mts your heart the first time they say mamma! Clever Johnny :)
I'm so excited, the woman who's house we want to buy knocked on my door tonight, she is thinking about buying our house wow! They want to down size!!
She's coming back tomorrow with her husband so fingers crossed!!!!
Tay - you know what they say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
I've also booked Taylor's christening abd git a fab dress for it in the sale. He will be wearing my sons christening outfit (if it fits lol)
Happy new year :) xx
Ah Sarah that's amazing news about the house! I have my fingers crossed for you!

Logan loves his walker, the poor dogs are being chased everywhere!

I can't believe your babies are talking, I'm so jealous! Logan mainly growls at us!

That's exciting that you're getting taylor christened, we had a lovely day. You'll have to show us some photos!
Sorry guys I forget about B&B half the time these days probably due to sleep deprivation (up every hour and a half last night) work isnt helping like was said haha I can't wait to go part time in the next couple of months!!

Seems five minutes ago we were moaning about them taking ages to appear now they're getting big, cheeky and independent!

Though Lexi isn't crawling and still has no teeth! It's frustrating as she is obviously getting pain and discomfort from it my poor baba :(

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