Awww they are growing up so fast
Taylor can now get from one side of the room to the other, he sort of crawls, rolls, shuffles and slides its so funny
he also helped himself to a slice of dominoes pizza by doing this and say there sucking it like mad!!
Taylor says dadda too and Babba he doesn't stop shouting lol.
Johnny and Logan, Ava and lexi, are so cute I love seeing their photos
looks like Sara is really busty (lol lol the predictive text) try again - looks like Sara is really busy with work.
Logan what a really clever boy!!!! Tay you will have your hands full soon lol!
Chloe it mts your heart the first time they say mamma! Clever Johnny
I'm so excited, the woman who's house we want to buy knocked on my door tonight, she is thinking about buying our house wow! They want to down size!!
She's coming back tomorrow with her husband so fingers crossed!!!!
Tay - you know what they say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
I've also booked Taylor's christening abd git a fab dress for it in the sale. He will be wearing my sons christening outfit (if it fits lol)
Happy new year