May Mummy's 2012

Yay for Taylors tooth, bet he looks so cute. Glad he's feeling better too.

I hope Logans christening was lovely, we don't plan on having one just because we're not religious but I love going to them. How was Logan on the day?
Good luck withe weaning, did he like it? I haven't tried Johnny with tomatoes yet, yum.

Johnny's caught a cold so it's been runny noses and calpol here :haha: He seems a bit better this morning. This time of year is awful for babies, every ones sick!
Could be first signs of a tooth Chloe, I know everyone puts everything down to teething at this age lol
My daughter and son and looks like Taylor were always I'll when cutting a tooth, esp snotty!! I highley reccomend Ashton and parsons teething granules. They are in an old fashioned white box from chemist. They are herbal and just open the sach and put the granuaks in their mouth, it so help with teething and you can still give calpol ect, they are cheap too :)
Vicky how's wills poo lol!
Tay how's your stitches??
Sarah xxxx
Glad the christening went well! Can't wait for the photos!

Aw teeth! Can't wait for Lexi to finally get some, she has been an absolute nightmare the last 3 nights! Omg she's been up like 4 times a night screaming and not settling, I want to cry I'm so friggin' tired!

I have the ashton and parsons powders but not used much....should maybe try some tonight and pray it works!

Hope everyone is well! :)
The Christening was so lovely! Logan was amazing the whole time. Towards the end it seemed to go on a bit but 2 of my cousins kids who are 6 came to sit with us and Luke let Logan spend the whole time kissing him (basically sucking on his cheek!) which kept him occupied! Everytime I try to upload a pic taken from my camera, it says it's too big.

Logan amazed us and stood up by himself recently! Hopefully this photo will load as it's from Russ' phone.

Unfortunately my hand is awful :-( I have a horrible gaping hole in it which is now infected, I've got a tonne of butterfly stitches on it as it turns out the proper ones were too tight & on strong antibiotics but it's not getting better.

Sarah - how's Taylor doing? Really hope he starts feeling better!
Sara - I really hope you get a good nights sleep tonight! Poor lexi!
Chloe - I'm loving weaning logan now. He loved porridge tonight, think it's his favourite so far. What does Johnny like?

Clare & Vicky I hope you're both doing okay!

hate to say it ladies but.... I'm broody!! :dohh:


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Oh wow! Check Logan out, what a clever boy. He even looks shocked that he can do that :haha:
Sorry to hear about your hand :( It must be so hard having to do everything one handed, really hope it gets sorted soon.
Johnny hates porridge for some reason but he loves apple, pear and carrot, we also just started getting little stars yogurts which he loves! He only had 1 small meal a day up until now but we're trying to add breakfast and a snack but he's not much of an eater.. he gets bored pretty quickly.

Vicky - I have tried the powder but not those ones, I've heard great things about the ashton and parsons ones but never seen them! I do hope his tooth comes in soon, if it is that.. it's so hard to tell.

Sara - Did Lexi get any teeth? Hope she's sleeping better!

Have any of your LO's shown any signs of crawling? Johnny hasn't really, he hates tummy time and we have wood floors so he kinda slides over the place :haha: he's worked out how to drag himself around the floor and has put his bum in the air looking like he wanted to crawl but nope! He loves standing with our help and being upright so I wouldn't be surprised if he skipped crawling all together.

Also, when are you all thinking of putting LO's in their own room if you haven't already? We always said around six months so think we will try when he's over this cold. We bought a monitor and those air wrap bumpers in preparation. He's completely too big for his moses so it's definitely time but I'm gonna miss him so much, hearing his little snores at night are so reassuring.
Logan's been in his own room since he was 2 months old. We were waiting for 6 months but it happened by accident and worked out really well. I'm such a light sleeper that everytime he even breathed I would wake up.

He's the same as Johnny in that he'd much prefer to be upright instead of on his tummy. Really don't think he'll be crawling anytime soon.

Took him to Milton Keynes shopping centre today to see the Christmas set up, it's amazing there!
Lol! I wish Taylor had a room, we have found our perfect home we just need to sell ours now. Have another viewing on sun so fingers crossed!
Omg at Logan! Clever boy his legs must be very strong!
Taylor now has 2 teeth and I'm enjoying weaning him too :)
He's trying his hardest to crawl! He gets around by rolling and dragging himself across the floor, I really must video him. He grabs the pile on the rug and pulls lol!
Tay that doesn't sound good, hope you heal soon :(
My poor boy is poor yet again! It's back on his chest but not as bad as last week x
Where's everyone gone :(

I know! Everyone's obviously busy!

How did the house viewing go? What's the house you've found like?

I'm so looking forward to Christmas! I keep watching Christmas films, they're so American and cheesy but I love them. I absolutely love the big American houses, they make mine look like a shed.

How's everyone else getting on?
Johnny's night in his own room went badly haha, he woke up more and it was so much harder getting out of bed and going to his room at stupid oclock. These sleepless nights are something else. I went to baby group the other week and there was a lady there complaining that her 3mo old woke up once in the night for a feed!!! I wanted to tell her the horrors of waking 7-8 times haha but I'm not that cruel. I feel like it's my fault, every mum I've met has said how their LO pretty much sttn. Oh well, it won't be for long (i hope). I do wish we got a cot for our bedroom instead of the moses basket, I won't be able to squeeze him in there for much longer and his cotbed is way too big for our bedroom. Boo, sorry for all the complaining haha.

Tay - I LOVE Christmas so much! I can't stand scrooges :haha: We put the Christmas tree up today and we're gonna take Johnny to see Father Christmas. Apart from the night time, Johnny is such a joy.. he's so happy and funny, he's really growing in to his own little personality, it's amazing. He's just started to sit himself up, still no interest in crawling. When I put him on his tummy he does this thing where he lifts his legs and arms up so he's rocking on his big tummy :haha: It's so funny.

I've rambled on a bit anyway, hope everyone is good! xoxo
Chloe, Logan doesn't sttn either! Last night was good, he woke up at 11 for cuddles, 5 for feed and then couldn't get off again in his own crib so brought him in with us which I don't usually do (he's got a bit of a cold). Occasionally he will go through to 6ish but for the last couple of months he wakes at least once.
I've come to the conclusion that a lot of people at babyclubs lie! Either that or the whole of my club seems to have advanced babies according to the mummies!
I love Christmas too!! We've been to see santa already, Tay did you look into the Birmingham Xmas market, has anyone seen that Lapland uk?? I priced it up for us all to go for my daughters birthday but I haven't got a spare £240 for a day out :( looks amazing though!
The lady wants to come back for a second viewing so fingers crossed,
The house we want to buy is not far from where we are now it's on the same estate but bigger, it has a garage which we haven't got now and a lovely big garden :)
Chloe Taylor doesn't sleep through either my angel baby turns into a little bugger at night lol! He always ends up in my bed! Naughty I know! But he's the baby no more for me, I've given away my muses basket so it's final :(
(I'm not changing the predictive txt)
I've had such a bad day today :( you might laugh but - its not bloody funny to me! Taylor has started biting!! And he won't have a bottle awchhhhh!!!!! I'm trying my hardest to get him to have a bottle but he's having no e of it little monkey
Also I ran over a cat today :( im not a fan of cats but that cat had an owner who loved him/her :( feel bad but if I had slammed my breaks we would have been hit and carter was in the boot so he would have been hurt (we have a 7 sweater lol! So not in the boot literally!) oh Jesus there goes the predictive text again!
And my house is a tip ahhh pulling my hair out today :(
Ah Sarah that sounds like a crap day! I actually did imagine carter in the boot when you said that, my dad used to let me & my brother ride in the actual boot all the time, be arrested for that now but we thought it was fun!

I can't believe it's that expensive to go! It's hard finding fun things to do that don't cost loads. Even for Logan to see santa was £5, you're not allowed to take photos yourself so you buy theirs and his present was a pink toy which has what sounds like a dog squeak in it!

I really hope taylor learns to take a bottle soon. Logan doesn't have any teeth yet but I can imagine how painful that must be. We're down to one proper wake up for a feed at around 3am then he sleeps til 7ish. He stirs between 6-7 but doesn't cry.

Just to make you feel better, not only is my house a mess but I haven't managed to wash my hair in a week! It's seems like so much effort with one hand to wash, dry & straighten it.

Good luck with the 2nd viewing!

How's everyone else getting on? x
hi one handed typing. having a really down day today. DH is away until Friday.....

Ava's sleep has gone really silly, she was soooo good for the first three months. The longest she goes is 3 hours between feeds at night and will go down and then be awake after an hour. I've tried all the shhh shhh pat pat, pick up put down stuff. she sleeps with me mostly, which can only be a bad habit which stresses me out. Yesterday she shrieked every time I put her down, which made doing anything for Will a nightmare.

Will has been up since 5:30 am. Ava refuses to sleep in her bed during the day, again my fault for not encouraging her, but now it's got to that point Will won't give me any peace to get her into it.

Solids are a total nightmare, she won't entertain them at all. It's almost like her mouth is wired wrong, she can't even have calpol without gagging and nearly throwing up. urrrgggghhhhhhh sorry!!! I'm pooped and more upset as I thought I'd know what I'm doing this time but I feel even more clueless and don't get the opportunity with a 2 yr old to rectify the situation xx
Aww vicky I so feel for you :(
Taylor much prefers to sleep in my bed too, I think it's the breastfeeding that does it.
Tomorrows another day xx
It is hard work having a toddler and a baby! I find every time Taylor goes to sleep in the day carter will shout at the top of his lungs jitter bug boogie on a Saturday night!!!! So not funny when I have a cranky Taylor!!!!
Lol at Logan's pink dog toy off Santa I did have a good giggle at that, we saw Santa for £3.50 and Taylor got a soft tigger toy with a night light in his tummy!! Carter got play dough and Morgan got paint!! Thanks a lot Santa!!!
Vicky have you done pnp (portable north pole) for will,
I know lexi, johnny and Logan wouldn't get it but if you google pnp it's fab!!!!
Good luck with the 2nd viewing!! Hope you get to move soon.

Logan was in our bed last night, we had 14 wake ups, think that's a record for him! Luckily Russ is off so we took it in turns.

For the older kids you should look at nasas tracking for santa. Nasa actually calculated how Santa would have to visit every country and it has a map of the world on Christmas day showing where he is. The kids in our family begin to panic when he gets to Paris & quickly run to bed.

Vicky hope your today goes a lot better for you! and I hope everyone got more sleep than we did last night! xx
Sounds like some of you have had some rubbish days!! Hope you're feeling a bit better now and all had a good weekend.

We went to Ikea last week and Father Christmas was there and it was free, Johnny loved it but tried to pull his beard off!! I was like, please god no.. do not debeard santa in front of all these kids. He got a teddy which was nice.

As for the sleep, it's actually been getting better (touch wood). We put him in his own bedroom again last night and it went much better, he went down around 7.30.. woke at 1am and I gave him a bottle without hugs and too much attention to not wake him too much then he went through until 7!!! I hope it wasn't a fluke and he's just as easy to put down tonight.

Vicky - Sorry to hear that Ava doesn't like solids yet. What have you been trying her with? I give Johnny little stars weaning yogurts occasionally and he loves them, eats them up straight away. You could try them with Ava, maybe to get her used to eating? You never know.

Tay - How is your hand? I feel for you waking up 14 times, jeez! Cheeky Logan. I hope you've managed to get some sleep over the weekend. Oh and the dog toy thing made me laugh :haha: what a cheek.

Sarah - Sorry to hear about your crap day! Really not nice, hope you're okay now though. Has Taylor started to take his bottle again? Johnny has been taking half of his bottle and then chewing on the teet, I really think he'll have a tooth by Christmas. Oh and I hope the viewing went well!

Can't believe how close Christmas is, I feel so unprepared. We have all of Johnny's presents but haven't even started on the rest of the family. It always gets done though, I loooove Christmas.. Decembers going too fast! xo
Not sold house yet :( woman loved our house but bought a cheaper one on another estate!
Oh well never mind
Taylor still won't have bottle!
Tay that Santa tracking sounds really good I will take a look :)
Have any of you tried Ella's kitchen pouches ? Taylor lives them! I was doing all my own food but saw these and thought sod it lol! They are fab!
Hare we all ready for Santa??
I have almost all my prezzies just got to wrap them all now X
Urrhhhh sleep is really rubbish here. Ava goes down at 7 pm and then is up every 40 mins on the dot. So it must be a self soothing problem. She is a bit better after 10 pm but not great.

Will was a rubbish sleeper for the start so I was quite strict and got it down to a t. Ava was great and I was more relaxed and have done nothing to encourage good sleeping and now it's all gone to poo. Have tried everything, really don't want to have to do CC, but it's looking that way xx

Chloe, that's a good shout Will try some today, she's had flavoured porridges, rusks, fruit pouches and some finger food, she did have one freaky day and ate some rusk and broccoli.

Sarah, that's such a shame about the viewing, hopefully things should pick up after Christmas. We've done pnp, have you seen the jibjab videos, they're brilliant!!

We're all ready I think, all wrapped to, did it last night during to 40 min slots.

Ava's picked up quite a bit with the antibiotics, didn't realised how off colour she must have been, probably not helped the sleep. Will has almost finished his too, he had an ear infection.

Tay how are your nights??

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