May's Munchkins 2015

I keep SWEARING that I have a UTI and it keeps coming back negative. Then I am like "well then WHAT??" and they are like :shrug: its probably normal.... two times I had a "normal" urine sample that showed positive for blood in it. I was like "whats with that???" And they were like "well its just a little, don't worry" ---- :growlmad: I have said it before.... sometimes I think I could be like "my arm just fell off!" and they would be like "OH ya, that happens. It will probably grow back after the baby is born"

Glad you got some antibiotics - hopefully you will feel better.
Yeah my urine has come up with blood in it at 2 of my 3 last appointments for sure, I'm not sure if I'm reading it right but I swear the last time it did too. They sent it off for culture the first two times and it came back clear, one had notes that said "skin contaminants only", so I was extra careful about collecting the sample the next time...

LOL! I my arm just fell off! "Oh that is normal, it should probably resolve itself after birth..."
I feel that whole normal crap! If I hear it 1 more time I'm going to freak.

I do feel better now knowing there is some sort of something going on with my urine. At least I was able to get a good long trusted dose of keflex started so any discomfort I'm feeling is on its way out. I was given 4x a day 5 days for the MEGA infection I had in January and I felt better within a day or two, so the 4x a day for a week with a minor should put me right normal again :D.

I see the chiro tomorrow for my pelvis, I'm super nervous but hopeful it could help. Walking through my Dr's office today (it's a multi clinic with 5 floors of doctors and a bit of a jaunt to the elevator) has put my pelvis in agony. Fingers crossed for some, even minor, relief tomorrow!
Aw Meagan, I hope you are feeling better soon! The pelvis ache sounds horrible. I start to feel like that after being on my feet for too long. Only a few more weeks and it will all be gone and you'll be holding your little bundle of joy! :)
That's what I keep trying to remind myself of but man its hard.
I'm now throwing up again, if I eat too much. It's not even too much, I'm barely feeling like eating as it is.
Hubby just brought me an ice cream cone which I didn't even finish and it came up. Like I need throwing up on my list of complaints now :mad:
Aw, sorry about the throwing up! Sounds horrible! If it's any consolation, I cannot eat a lot either and I have to eat bland things all day long or else I get bad diarrhea. Tonight I had one cookie and I was in the toilet. I haven't gained any weight either. I keep telling myself, only 6 weeks to go! Almost there!
Yep - it is sooo that time. That time where EVERYTHING hurts, or itches, or makes us wanna barf, or sends us waddling as fast as we can for the toilet, or gives heartburn, and sometimes it feels like someone is trying to rip our legs off, and it is miserable and painful and people are just like "not that far now :) " and we wanna say (well, I do at least lol) FU! I GOT 5 MORE WEEKS OF THIS AGONEY!!!!!!

Oooooh I wanna be done so bad! 30 more days (or maybe 25?? I'd be cool with 25...) :cry:*puts big girl panties on* Oh well, its just the first example of how much crap I am willing to go through for the well being of my LO :cloud9: *panties slip off* :cry: *pull them back up* :cloud9: LOL I feel like I am Baby Bipoler!!! LOL
Anyone else EXTREMELY tired? I feel like I'm in first tri all over again. I can literally sleep for 9-10 hours at night then be up for an hour eat some breakfast and fall back asleep for two more hours and still feel physically exhausted. I feel like ANY THING I do just wears me out. I want to be out doing stuff like hiking (it's been so beautiful out lately!) But I just can't get myself to do it. I don't even have the energy to go to the store and go grocery shopping it seems... :(
I'm thankful my hubby and manager are so considerate and understanding. My boss let's me sit all day at work and my husband let's me sleep as much as I want on my days off but I had planned on spending these last few weeks with DS as he's been an only child for so long I feel like it's going to take a big emotional toll on him.... sorry for the bit of rant, just kind of realized that's what it was but I just feel so useless and horrid because DS always wants me to play and most the time I'm just too tired!
&& it doesn't help that my house is a mess and I'm discussed by it! (I'm ocd so my mess can literally mean anything out of place , hubby tries but I'm really specific)
I am not tired in the mornings, I feel pretty good most mornings and early afternoon, until around 2-3 pm, then my energy (and my mood) wane...
lisalove - you can sleep for 9-10 hours?? Like... in a row??? OMG I would LOVE that!!! (I can't really sleep for more than 45 min in a row) I feel so crazy tired too - - and it frusterates me because I got so much to do and Hubby is not happy with having to do everything himself... he doesn't SAY it and he tries not to show it, but I know. :( And I have a long commute and I am always afraid I am going to fall asleep driving. I keep the windows down and I sing and I bite my fingers... but if I didn't do that.... *shudders*
I get up to pee like 4 times during that time but yes. It's actually quite irritating. I wish I wasn't as tired as I am. I literally just woke up from my 2 hour nap an hour ago and feel like I could fall back asleep again.... I know what you mean about having lots to do. That's the most irritating part. I feel like I can't do anything, half the time hubby has to force me to go to work because all I want to do is sleep... I'm going to ask my doctor if maybe my iron is low tomorrow when I go in.. I'm so tired of being tired all the time.:sleep::nope:
I am exhausted too. Mornings are OK but by afternoon I am crazy tired. I'm not sleeping well at night though so I assume that has a lot to do with it.
I'm also starving! Anyone else??
Kazy yes!!! I've been doing so well with my weight gain this pregnancy (with my first I gained 65lbs) this time I've only gained 18lbs but last time I went in i had gained 4 lbs in two weeks :( all I feel like doing is eating and sleeping....
Hopefully they will be able to do something for you. My Dr. checked my iron levels and a few others and they are fine. zzzz making a person is just hard work for me zzzzz
My FIL said to hubby tonight that the reason I'm tired is coz baby is pushing up into my lungs and I'm not getting enough oxygen. I was like no, the reason I'm tired is coz I'm over 9months pregnant and not sleeping well! :haha:
Men, bless at least he's trying to be understanding about it! :)
I'm NOT hungry, I hardly have appetite at all, nothing sounds good or bad really, I cook and eat at the prescribed times so my toddler will eat....
I have all of the above problems! I actually took two naps on the weekend lol I don't nap.
And I'm not hungry either, I have a muffin for breakfast and soup for supper and that's usually enough. Maybe a small snack in the middle.

Chiropractor said my pelvis is all fucked up and she thinks it's because of my fall. I'm suppose to go back 3x a week for 2-3 weeks she's going to try to fix me lol. So yay I guess. Naturally I picked a chiropractor who is a half hour away in traffic, and who doesn't love $30 a visit times 3 visits a week times 3 weeks? Lmao
I am always tired too... But most of the time when dd takes her nap, I can't fall asleep! It's so annoying. I'm also up every 2-3 hours at night to pee... Luckily dd has been barely nursing at night, so I don't have to wake up to nurse her very often/if ever.

My DH is so wonderful though! He knows how difficult bending and crawling around to pick up dd's toys is for me. So he has been picking them up on one of his days off. Plus he does almost all the dishes and most of the laundry! I still cook and we grocery shop on his days off together. I am just very thankful for how supprtive and helpful he is!

With the gestational diabetes, I eat small meals/snacks so frequently that I'm hardly ever hungry. And it seems to be staying diet controlled, so I don't need meds! Yay!

I'll be 36 weeks tomorrow! I can't wAit to be done and hold my sweet baby. (And eat jelly bismarks, lol)
Oh I'm hungry all the time too! I have never been so hungry in my life! And tired! I can't even walk around a store very long these days without my back, hips and feet hurting right away. I was measuring 43 weeks at the dr yesterday! Ha no wonder my body is sore.

Tomorrow I go in for an ultrasound. I'm so nervous I just hope they are both head down. I really don't want a c-section and doc says that they both have to be head down. A month ago the girl was breech. I'm scared to have a c-section, mainly about the after care. How am I going to have that incision and take care of two babies. I would rather go through lots of pain in natural birth and not have all the recovery time problems! (Well I think so anyway I have never given birth or had a c-section before). Anyone else have any thoughts on this? The doctor said that if I haven't gone into labor before I will be induced or have a c-section on the 27th of April.
Meagan - oh man.... like you don't have anything better to do then go hop off to the Chiropracter 3 x a week for 3 weeks!! I hope it helps though!
Curlymikes -- my honest opinion is that if one or both are breach then your very best option is csection and if they are both head down then you might as well give natural birth a go, but be prepaired for a c-section! Don't get me wrong, natural birth with twins is so very possible -- but a c-section isn't the end of the world. I will keep my FX that they are both head down! Not that much longer :happydance:

I am hungry a lot in the morning/afternoon, but by the evening I really can't eat much. Mostly because of my back hurting so bad!
:happydance: 29 days to go!! :happydance: (or maybe the universe will be good to me and I will be able to meet my sweet baby Ian in 22 days! :) )

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