May's Munchkins 2015

Curly- I here ya on the section. I only have one baby and have delivered natural three but still scares me every time. My.sister successfully.delivered twins vaginally. Both were head down but second went breech right after came out. He was actually delivered breech successfully. But I know some drs won't do that.

I had my 36 week appointment today. Dialated 1cm which is basically nothing. But good baby is head down. I am planning to go past may 8th. Or at least I'm trying to mentally get there lol.
Curleymikes- as the others have said if they're head down I'd try for vaginal but be prepared for a sdction because you never know. Good luck and let us know how it goes!

I'm super excited though today I get my first check done. I really hope like hell I am dilated to at Lear a 1 but part of me feels like she's just going to say nope closed all the way off, no effacement, nothing. Lol I just want him out already!!!! 37w tomorrow and you can officially come out any time!!
At my appt I found out that I am dilated 1 cm. Thats like the size of a cheerio. Ill take it though. This is my 3rd child so hopefully this goes fast instead of slow. Im just happy to be dilating LOL:happydance:
I had my apt today too. Baby is head down, but cervix is still high and no dilation. Bummed!!
They checked me at my apt yesterday. I am "fingertip" (almost 1) dialated and 5% effaced. With DS1 I didn't get any dialation or effaced or anything until 39 weeks and he was born two days later - with DS2 I was 5% effaced and dialated to 1 at 34 weeks and I went to 41 weeks with him!! So.... whatever will be will be :) :) I just hope he stays baking for a few more weeks. Then it will be looonnnnggg walks and lots of :bunny: LOL
I'm totally baby bipolar right now. I've been hit by lots of stressful things, some pregnancy related, some not, over the past few weeks. I'm frustrated by my lack of energy and having so much that needs to be done but no energy to do it. My DH is awesome and supportive but also stressed and busy. I keep thinking it can't get worse and then it does and it's just been hard.

I'm refusing cervix checks this pregnancy. So I guess I won't have one until I go to the hospital while in labor!
An hour an a half till my appointment, I'm not going to lie part of me hates the appointments because the nst's just feel like they drag. The other part of me loves that I now get an ultrasound every appointment so I get to see him and so far he's stayed head down at every one so I'm happy about that. ^.^ I just want to know already.
Ill just be happy when my maternity leave gets here!! Tired of working. Im off May 2-Aug 10. Hopefully baby comes before then so Ill have even more time off. Im so tired of standing and teaching these kids!! I have very low tolerance and energy for them!!:growlmad:
mrskcbrown - ME TOO!!! OK, I don't have to stand and teach kids, but I work in an office with 43 other woman and I have to talk to insurance companies all day I have freaking little to no patience for any of it!!! Just gotta make it to April 30th.... 21 days to go!
I decided to leave work on April 15th, but after calling in because of BP twice they said just don't come back yesterday, so I am no longer working/already on leave/now a SAHM. I wasn't planning on going back to work, so it seems weird to call it leave...
That's awesome misspriss. I definitely have to go back but one day I'll be blessed to be a sahm. We have a lot of things to fulfill first.
@kaja: we just have to stay strong! Almost there:dohh:
I don't know where to start....
so had my appointment.
NST -Passed with flying colors
Biophysical profile - levels went up to a 10 from an 8 so that's a +
Asked the ultrasound tech if I could see him in 4D she said we can always try so I got to see him for the first time in 4D pretty sure hes got my nose ^.^ and he was sucking on his bottom lip/umbilical cord. And he's gone up on the percentile chart as well he's now in 48th percentile and is about 6 lbs give or take half a lb.
So I got done with the ultrasound and was told that there wasn't a room yet and to go into the waiting room, wait ten minutes out there then get called back into a room told to undress from the bottom down so I can do my swab and check for dialation. I wait 20-30 minutes then someone comes in and says sorry you'll need to get dressed the doctor just left to do a delivery well have to reschedule.... -.-
Don't get me wrong I understand that if it were me I'd want my OB there for my delivery. But im irritated I was at the office waiting for 40 minutes after my nst and us. To be told that I won't be seen I'm just frustrated.... I've looked forward to this appointment for as long as I can remember I just want to know if I'm dilated at all! And on top of that I had questions I wanted to ask and really don't want to have to drive all the way there again tomorrow morning. :(

hope you all don't mind my rant, it was such a good appointment up until that point though frustrated it couldn't have ended on a positive note as well....
Bit of a random rant - dont feel you have to read.

Arrrggh, I ordered a really cute crib set from a small business on Facebook in JANUARY! And it arrived at the end of the month. It was beautiful but the only problem being she had sent a Moses basket set instead of a crib set. I contacted her by messenger ( how the original order was made) and she apologised, claimed baby brain, to which I sympathised, and said she would get the right product sent along with a returns envelope for the wrong set. Nearly 2 MONTHS later I realised this had not yet been sent so I messaged her again and she admitted she had forgotten and would get right on it. Another 20 days later still nothing so I sent another message and she said that she had just finished and would post it the next day ( this made me wonder!) And when it arrived yesterday she hasn't put the more expensive fleece backing to it that I'd paid extra for!!!
I'm fuming!! I used to work in retail, I know how important service is especially for a small business that relies on word of mouth!! I have sent her a message saying how disappointed I am with the service - it would have only took for her to scroll up to the original message to check the order! Another reason I feel that she rushed out my order because she had forgotten for a second time! Nothing else to be done, I'm fed up with it now!

Sorry for the long rant, I think I'm starting to become a bit irritable!! Hope your all doing well today xx
I am sorry mrsmandy and lisalove! I would have been just as frustrated in both of those cases. Mrsmandy, she should refund your extra money and let you keep that set since your baby is almost here, and make you the right set!!

Kiss, I totally get you denying the cervix checks. I really don't like them, though it is exciting to see progress. I am going to ask to only get them every other week this pregnancy because my lady bits are swollen and it was so uncomfortable! Plus, I tried to lady scape the day before the apt and it was terrible, hahaha. Mr dr didn't say anything, but it is so hard when you can't see below the bump!
Oh I just saw that Kiss! I'm actually refusing cervical checks myself, and limiting them (or even refusing) in labor.
This may be a dumbquestion, but Misspriss and kiss, is there a medical reason to refuse, or is it just preference?
This may be a dumbquestion, but Misspriss and kiss, is there a medical reason to refuse, or is it just preference?

It's actually sort of the other way around. There's no medical reason TO have them while not in labor. I'm pretty sure the UK doesn't do them until labor. I really don't know why they do in the US.

If you're completely closed, you could have your baby that night and if you're 3 cm you could be 3 cm for 6 weeks. It really means nothing about how soon you will give birth.

I did have them last time and was always completely closed. I found them painful and discouraging (even though logically I knew being closed one day meant nothing about my chances of going into labor the next day). The only reason I could see myself getting checked this time is if I believe I'm in pre-term labor but even then.. there's not a whole lot that can be done to ward off labor so I don't know what I'd do!

The other risks associated with cervix checks at routine prenatal visits (though I think these are pretty rare) are that it increases the chance of getting an infection and the person checking could accidentally break your water. Though, as I said, those things are rare. I more so just don't like how they feel and don't want to be frustrated or overly optimistic for no reason.
Oh I just saw that Kiss! I'm actually refusing cervical checks myself, and limiting them (or even refusing) in labor.

My plan for labor is upon admission, before pushing, and otherwise only by my request.
That makes sense! Ya, I don't think I will have one next week. My bits hurt all day yesterday after the check!
I wish the us did a lot more things like the uk as far as having a baby goes. I do like all the baby stuff our hospital provides, but wish they did delayed cord clamping, gas,air, etc routinely. I think some hospitals are starting to try these things out here at least.

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