May's Munchkins 2015

I want his room ready more for me lol, I know he won't need it for a bit.

I need to wash clothes, car seat cover, swing cover, boppy, ergo, moby, and bedding. That's all I really need to have done. Everything else is more for me, lol.
Eep, last day at work moro and then I can get cracking properly with nesting and get everything washed!! (Please dont come too early bubba I have too much still to organise!)

I have an old chest of drawers that I want to paint, if I get this done during the Easter weekend do you think it'll be safe to put bubbas clothes in after a couple days/weeks or will it be still need airingb for longer? Just dont want fresh lovely clean baby clothes to end up smelling like paint!
If you have a covered area, I would put it outside for like 2 or 3 days then it should be good! You can also put some baking soda in a dish in each drawer to help absorb the smell!
Thanks - I don't have anywhere out side but the baking soda is a fab idea!!

My last day was very surreal but my workmates surprised me with a lovely nappy cake and goodies!

I also read something so lovely this morning I just had to share it:


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Awhh that's such a cute diaper cake!

I was reading through this again last night playing catch up from last time and you guys made me realize I could pretty much give birth at any time now... (36 weeks tomorrow!) So I put a few things into my hospital bag... for some reason it's the one thing I haven't even really tried to get ready... I have baby's done, DS1s is all done, and hubby's is simple food and clothes which I can throw together in 5 seconds. I'm just feel like I have so much longer than I know I do...

on another note I have a doctor appointment and my first nst and biophysical profile today... kind of nervous about it and I'm not sure why.
Omg anyone else feeling the shit getting kicked out of them from the inside out?? I know I'd be freaking out if it happened but I would love a get hours of no movement to let my insides rest lol. This kid is nuts!!

Weird question, anyone else get really uncomfortable after they go pee? I get this I'm going to burst feeling when I have to pee so I go and when I'm done I have that same feeling for like 2 minutes after before it goes away. I know I don't have a uti or anything, it's the baby. What on earth is she doing? She should be happy I emptied my bladder not do whatever she's doing to it after I go lol
Ian doesn't really kick and punch that much - he just moves. I actually like it a lot :) <3 :cloud9: BUT sometimes he kicks me hard in the kidneys or headbuts my cervicks and I do not like THAT at all!!! Oh, and the "low days" are pretty miserable too.... So perhaps what I mean is that RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT he is just moving around and I like it a lot :haha:

Oh and that bladder thing.... I think I get that too. It feels like almost a stabbing pain but my Dr. swears everything is fine....
The bladder thing could be that having a full bladder is triggering BHs for a little while. That happened to me recently.

Soooo I've had a stressful 24 hours.

First, I had to have a non stress test at my appointment yesterday because of a change in baby's movement pattern. The results were good as far as baby is concerned but I had several BHs plus one real contraction. They told me to be more vigilant about kick counts and BHs, especially if they start to come in any regular intervals. They also said I'm anemic.

Then, this morning at 5 am, I woke up to BHs every 10 minutes. I had 7 in an hour. I called my OB. He said I should take the day off work to rest and that I should call back if they got more intense or shorter intervals. They seem to have mostly subsided now. Freaked me out though!!
This one just moves around a lot.... his favorite thing to do is make tents. Hell use his elbow or knee and just stick it as far out as possible. Which really hurts but we kind of make a game out of it and I'll push him back in and he'll push out. Hehe. As for the bladder thing not exactly in the same boat but sounds kind of similar to what I have going on. I feel like I'm going to explode and when I go to the bathroom it's immediate relief but then it just hurts because it feels like he's putting all his weight on my empty bladder! (He's had his head resting on it since at least 20 weeks in every ultrasound I've had)
Kiss08 - oh man - I hope times get less stressfull for your! Baby Kiss08, you have to stay in there a little longer before you can come out an meet your Mommy and Daddy!!!!
I too get bh if my.bladder is full. Anyone else have crazy pain in the lower abdomin? It feels like round ligament pain but Lasts now sometimes.for hours! I mentioned this a few weeks ago but it just gets worse and worse. It was only at night but now today too. I can deal with the pain im more wondering if it's normal??
Not so much painful kicks but soo much pressure down below that it really hurts to just stand up. But eases a bit as I get moving. Bubba does get hiccups quite a bit which bumps the head into my cervix quite rhythmicaly which is interesting shall we say ;)
Bubba also enjoys doing a superman impression and pushing out but hasn't done that for a while now. Maybe running out of room for that particular party trick!
I also get the painful bladder must-pee-immediatly feeling as soon as I stand up! But not a lasting pain.

Hope things start to get better for you kiss! Take care and rest up as much as you can! Xx
Oh good I'm not the only one with the bladder thing! Ive had my urine checked several times sure that was a uti but it's not, glad it's just my stinky stinker!

I'm getting those super stretch movements that push my stomach out and hurt like a son of a gun!

Y'all remember when kicking was super cute and exciting? Now it's like (at least for me) get her out get her out I want my tummy back! Haha
I get a strange pain at the bottom of my bump that my Doctors are like "huh, maybe ligament streatching pain" .... and I think they just don't know what it is but baby's heartbead is great so they "don't care" BUT it feels to me like bad AF cramps but just in that spot. It is different from the lighning pain of baby butting my cervix and different from the pressure it puts on when baby is "riding low" that day. It hurts quite bad for hours but they aren't concerned so I try not to be too. I had it with my DS2 as well
I am having round ligament pains again, when I cough, or sneeze, or move to quickly. I used to have round ligament pain really early on, but it's been gone for a while.

Also sometimes when I have to pee it feels really weird. Kind of feels like I have to pee, but not really, usually I don't actually have to go that bad, but the urge is really sudden...I guess it's the baby putting odd pressure on it.
Having my bladder back will definitely be the highlight of all the things that'll go back to normal after she's born lol.
Along with easy turning over in bed, man I do miss that!
Turning over in bed, sleeping on my stomach. Those will both be oh so nice.
Haha! Oh man do I agree with the turning over in bed and sleeping on my stomach part. I've been getting weird bladder pains too - but mine is mostly while I'm going. Not like a UTI burn, but it's like when I go to release the muscle so I can pee - that muscle feels sore sometimes. Probably has something to do with the weight of baby too.

Also - fun pregnancy side effect - my leg hair has stopped growing!!! Anyone else have that? I told my mom and she said that happened to her too - and after two pregnancies hers stopped growing altogether even when she wasn't pregnant. Fingers crossed! :)
My leg hair has slowed way way down too!! LOL good thing cuz I can't really shave them anyway! lol

The other day I told DH that I was going to sleep on my stomch for a week straight after Ian is born so not to even bother me with wanting to snuggle! LOL Then I remembered that I will be engorged the first week so stomach sleeping will still be out!! LOL

:happydance: coconut week!!!

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