May's Munchkins 2015

Haha kaja, that's how I was with dd! I was so excited to sleep on my stomach, but my boobs hurt too bad or leaked.

Yay for coconut week!!
Haha kaja, that's how I was with dd! I was so excited to sleep on my stomach, but my boobs hurt too bad or leaked.

Yay for coconut week!!

Dr checked me and I'm 1 cm. this is my third so that can be fast or slow. All I know is that since she checked me, I have been having horrible cramping, lower back and front. Not bad enough to go to L&d but I don't think I'll make it until May 1.:shrug:
mrskcbrown, sounds like you are almost there! I don't think you will make May 1st either! So exciting! :)

I too have the round ligament pain that comes on and off. I also get a quick feeling of AF cramps too but they go away pretty quickly. I made the mistake of shopping for 3 hours on Friday and paid the price on my back! So sore and I was spent the rest of the day. I could barely get out of my recliner. Thank God for my husband who took care of my 2 year old while I rested.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate!
This bladder thing is really getting uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable enough when it's full and I feel like I'm going to burst but when I'm done peeing and I still feel the same that's really terrible. It never lasts more then a few minutes and is usually the worst walking away from the bathroom until I sit or lye down. It's been like this for a few weeks and I've had my urine checked multiple times and it's all come back clear.

We went to an Easter buffet today with family and I had a pop and slushie (yes, it was classy enough to have a slushie machine) and but the time we were ready to go I was bursting. I uncomfortably waddled to the bathroom made sure to empty as best I can and got up to go back to the table. The whole walk (and it wasn't a short one) to get my coat and kids and go out to the van was terrible! Shots to the bladder leaving me feeling like I'd pee myself.

It's gotta be the baby, if I don't have a uti then it has to be the baby. I can understand her kicking it when it's full and it's impeding her room in there, but why when it's empty? I miss going pee and feeling better after I've peed, not just as uncomfortable or worse.

Sorry, had a bladder rant there. Happy Easter to everyone lol.
Things did calm down after I took that day off work. Now I'm back to irregular (though still frequent.. but normal frequent) BHs. We had a busy weekend out of town for Easter so hoping that doesn't come back to bite me!

For my anemia, I tried the prescription pills I got at the doctors but those made me really nausea and started getting me constipated after only two days on them so I ordered some SpaTone from Amazon. Had my first dose this morning so I hope those work out well!!

I had my first experience with round ligament pain this weekend! No fun at all!

Anyone have any planned sections or inductions in April?
I have been a busy bee today! Sorted out the furniture in the nursery so I'm finally happy with where it all is and it all fits! And then sanded and put the 1st coat of paint on an old chest of drawers for bubbas clothes. I have however now fully taken over the available floor space while this dries meaning I've let hubby off putting up the new curtain pole!
Just hoping that all this activity doesn't bring bubba here in the next few days!! ;)
Anyone have any planned sections or inductions in April?

I have a section planned for April 21, as you know. (I'll be 37+1) That's only 2 weeks away and we are so NOT ready yet! :wacko:
Last night I was having regular contractions for about an hour and a half they were painful enough for me to pause and gasp and hubby would look over every time and ask are you okay? Lol I love him but if he does that while I'm in actual labor I'll probably hit him! It was cute seeing he cared and he kept saying you're not in labor are you and I kept reassuring him I wasn't. But honestly in my head I started to wonder after they kept going and going. Then all of a sudden they stopped! Part of me was disappointed part of me was relieved. He needs to stay in for just a little longer...
lisalove - I know what you mean. On one hand its like "awe Hubby cares" but on the other hand it is like "ya' being pregnant and getting close to time hurts... a lot... you can't constantly ask me if I am OK... I AM NOT OK!!! But everything will be fine..." I get cramps all the time too and I feel the same way with my Hubby's constant worrying and asking me if I am OK.
I know what you mean ladies. My husband is incredibly caring. I am really quiet when in pain. With my first he would look at the monitor and when they spiked.he would say "wow, that's a huge spike. Does that hurt?" Lol. I was not too pleased. Let's just say he didn't do that with my.other two.
Finally.have a crib up. But still haven't washed clothes or organized kids play room. My goal is by the end of next week.
Kajastarlight & Kazy that's literally how I felt. Yes things will be okay. Obviously I'm in pain but it's part of being pregnant. I'm the one who was like let's have another one, of course I knew what that meant!
Anyone have any planned sections or inductions in April?

Yes, I have a planned C-Section on May 19th! 6 weeks from tomorrow! We have nothing ready but I am actually not stressed out.

Today I am feeling "crammed". I think baby boy is pressing into my right rib and up into my lungs. I am taking deep breaths and trying to stretch out my torso. Very uncomfortable! I am hoping he turns during the night and I am feeling better tomorrow! Anyone else feeling like a stuffed turkey? LOL
I am! I can't eat meals anymore, I'm stuck between sitting up cuz it eases for some reason on my bladder and lying down to breathe! Ugh.
So I've been awake since 3.30am. Its now 5.30ish and I've given up!! Gone to finally get the first wash of baby bedding and clothes on!

Hope you all start to feel more comfy soon!
I feel you mrsmandy! It's 2am here and I just can't sleep. This damn hearburn/refluxe is ruining me!!
Just got back from my 34/35 week apt.. What a fucking WASTE OF TIME.

I wanted to get checked cuz I saw in my chart that I was suppose to get the gbs swab today. NOPE.

I wanted to discuss being induced or a section because of the pain. NOPE. "Will make a plan next time"

My Dr doesn't consider 37 weeks full term so even if I was to be induced she wouldn't do it until 39. What's the point!?

My blood pressure was 90/60 for the second apt in a row and she said nothing.

I didn't gain weight from last apt to this apt and she said nothing.

I told her ALLLL about the pelvic pain, she did offer me something for it but what's the point at the stage?

Told her about the increase in braxton hicks she didn't seem concerned.

Only thing I'll get accomplished is a rush urine sample to check for uti. So if that comes back positive I'll have a script tonight for it.

Why did I even go in? Ugh. I'm so angry.
Meagan - I know how you feel! I HATE it when I am like "oh this worrys me and that worrys me and this other thing worrys me" and they are like "meh, normal..." Its like, can you explain to me WHY some of this is going on??? WHY is it "normal"? WHY if everything is so normal do I feel like ALL of my freaking insides are going to fall out my whowho??? Would it really be so freaking bad if you just checked me???? Bah!!
I KNOW! It specifically said in my file I was getting a swab today and she decided not to. I wanted to be checked like fuck off. I don't want to go back I'm just saying.
Oh I'm so sorry things are not going the way they need to be!!! I hope all is well and you have no UTI!! That'll be miserable. This will all be over for us very soon and we will have beautiful boys and girls in our arms soon!!:cloud9:
Quick dip on the urine did show some white cells so I'm getting some keflex for the time being and they're letting it culture. I knew I was feeling off but at this stage in the game who can tell what's baby and what's not lol

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