May's Munchkins 2015

Hi ladies,

So glad to see so many good scans the last few days! I have definitely been dealing with headaches - seems for me that they coincide with big temperature changes or pressure changes. My doctor also recommended the tylenol and caffeine combo. I usually try just the caffeine and lots of water to see if I can kick it before I take the tylenol. It works most of the time and I've only had to take tylenol twice.

I'm also feeling pretty fat. I had to do some shopping this weekend for maternity clothes. But then at work today everyone is commenting on "my little bump" so maybe it's more in our heads that we just look fat when in fact we're looking pregnant? OR they're just being nice to me. lol!

We put the crib together this weekend! I bought it off craigslist because it is made by a company with our last name that I never knew existed and I couldn't pass it up! It's so gorgeous and I'm so pleased with it! It feels too early to have it up, but I also figure it's one less thing on the "to do" list for later!

We've got a scan this Friday to check my cervix length. Hoping that goes well, but also looking forward to another look at baby!

Hope you all have fantastic weeks!

All the best with your cervical length scans!, everything crossed your cervix stays nice and long and strong :)

Mitodc, is the scan to check cervix length abdominal or transvaginal? I am thinking on requesting one as I have felt a ton f pressure o the point of nausea and my cervix feels weird like there is something in it and it gets worse when I bend. I am afraid of having an incompetent cervix and would rather them check to put my mind at ease.

I do have an incompetent cervix and if you had one you'd have had it in your first pregnancy unless you have had cervical surgery since giving birth. A cervical incompitence that isn't caused by surgeries/biopsies (the type I have) is extremely rare and is most likely caused by genetic muscle tissue weakness. Which would have come out in your first pregnancy. :) don't worry it's impossible for you to have a IC
I've felt like I have really popped this last week.. this being my 3rd little one I started getting a belly real fast but then I hardly had any bump growth for a good while from about 12 weeks to 17 weeks.. I took a bump pic for facebook and then like 4 days later my husband was like wow, your stomach has really popped over the last few days.. and I told him that it totally has! Not sure if there has been any weight gain to go along with it..but as all I have gained so far is the 5 lbs I initially lost I assume I will start racking up the weight gain now =/ hopefully though its not TOO much haha. I have my next appointment on the 10th, so a week from today.. I will be having my anatomy scan so should get a confirmation on gender, and hopefully some good change in the placenta previa issue..

We are also reconsidering baby names (some of you may have seen my post about it about a week or so ago in 2nd tri) I've tried to give it time but I really don't feel like this name is meant to be for our baby and I don't want to settle for something I don't really care for.. Hubby wasn't happy about it as its a name he's wanted for a while (though I told him we can use it for a middle name, which is what I originally suggested but he wanted it as the first) but anyway in the end he understood where I was coming from too.. Not tossing the name out completely just yet but hopefully we figure something out that we both like!

Soo, has anyone bought anything for baby yet? We have about 7 packs of diapers in a few different sizes, some receiving blankets (which I use as spit up rags more than anything really) a few bottles in a disney cars theme, and a couple outfits then one pack of pacifiers. I also have a friend out of state that sent me a bunch of stuff! a blanket with a little matching mini blanket (one of those things with a stuffed animal head on it), a bath toy, a bathtime set of lotions and baby wash, a bath robe that looks like a shark, some wash cloths and a few other little things like that..

After the hollidays and my son's birthday are over I am going to stock up on more clothes! but if anyone asks what we want for Christmas, I am telling them gift cards so I can go baby shopping! :p
Thank you missz, that puts my mind at ease!!

Sjd, we have our double stroller now, one pack of NB diapers till cord falls off then I will use mostly cloth, and I have been slowly getting oh clothes at garage sales and on Craigslist. With dd we still use normal diapers whenever we go out or I get behind on laundry, so will defiantly need more diapers. I think I will be asking for gift cards too!
I had another scan today. Everything measured great and they look like real babies now! They think (and me too) there is one boy and one girl. We saw a little something on one and nothing on the other. They weren't sure and wouldn't give me a direct answer because they say it's early. I dreamt that it was a boy and girl even before I knew it was twins so now I feel even more confident. I am just thrilled to know everything is measuring correctly and they saw no malformations. Their heartbeats were 154 and 156. I'm soooo happy today.
Wow curlymikes that sounds amazing! Glad there were no abnormalities and so exciting to hear there is likely one of each :winkwink:
Wow congrats curlymikes! So exciting! :)

I'm very excited tonight! Hubby put his chilly hand on my belly this evening and got a very definate nudge back! Hubby thought it was me until I asked if he felt that!! So happy - been waiting over a week for another definite movement, so happy hubby felt it too!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
Congrats curly!

That's so exciting mrsmandy! I am feeling baby now for sure, but no big kicks hubby would be able to feel. Can't wait go that!!
I'm really looking forward to feeling our baby move as well. Every day I make some time to try and feel him, but so far nothing yet. But as I'm only 16 weeks and have anterior placenta, I probably will have to wait a while longer...

I had a scan last week though as he was measuring right on time and moving around a lot.

It's great that your OH got to feel it so clearly, MrsMandy!
This week I bought a lamp with an owl on it since I'm decorating with owls and found one I was in love with. And I bought one little outfit when I found out the sex. My MIL gave us some blankets and a very frilly, completely impractical dress. We have a wedding to go to when she'll be about 2 months old so hopefully it will fit for that, otherwise no idea where she'd wear it!
This week I bought a lamp with an owl on it since I'm decorating with owls and found one I was in love with. And I bought one little outfit when I found out the sex. My MIL gave us some blankets and a very frilly, completely impractical dress. We have a wedding to go to when she'll be about 2 months old so hopefully it will fit for that, otherwise no idea where she'd wear it!

My grandpa loves to buy my daughter dresses... but they are ALWAYS obviously picked out by someone old... its something he usually picks up at a yard sale or goodwill or something and looks like something a little girl would have worn about 40/50 years ago -_- Needless to say she rarely ever wears them longer than to take a picture in for him to see lol but its the thought that counts!
Hi! I just had my 16 week appointment 2 nights ago... Standard visit - weight, blood pressure, and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat again! Never gets old :) the baby's heartbeat is 170! I hear that's fast, but the doctor said it sounds good and normal.

I haven't felt the baby move yet and I can't wait!! What's it feel like?!

I haven't bought anything for the baby, yet... I think I'm going to wait until my 20 week scan. We're not going to find out the gender so it will be tricker! What are some great things you bought?!
I love my moby wrap. It was awesome. And I will use again. That's a must in my opinion (or some sort if carrier if you prefer something different).

To me baby feels like popcorn in my stomach. I have been feeling a ton of movement today. Not so much from the outside but by the amount I'm
Feeling I think I will within the next few weeks. Now I'm counting down the days to my next ultrasound on the 17th!
I agree with getting a wrap/carrier. I got the moby wrap at my baby shower, but didn't use it as often as I expected to. I plan on using it all the time with #2! It takes a few minutes to get on, but is so comfortable. I may get a ring sling as well tho.

It's harder to find gender neutral outfits. We have all the clothes we will need from my sister, thank goodness. She's already given us 5/6 bins of girls clothes for Ruby and has the same amount of boy clothes to give us too! Our favorite outfits for the first 4 months were zipper pjs. I suggest getting lots of those! The button up pjs are good too, but it's so much faster with a zipper lol.

I haven't had an appointment in about 6 weeks. We joined a centering pregnancy group that includes our prenatal appointments. And those start on Monday! I can't wait. We were in the same type of group with Ruby and it's so informative and nice to meet other moms and moms to be.

Baby was moving about once a day from 10 weeks to about 14 weeks, then they were a lot less frequent. I was getting a bit concerned, but remembered how early it still was. He/she has def been moving around a lot more the past few days. Hopefully they will be getter stronger soon!
This week I bought a lamp with an owl on it since I'm decorating with owls and found one I was in love with. And I bought one little outfit when I found out the sex. My MIL gave us some blankets and a very frilly, completely impractical dress. We have a wedding to go to when she'll be about 2 months old so hopefully it will fit for that, otherwise no idea where she'd wear it!

My grandpa loves to buy my daughter dresses... but they are ALWAYS obviously picked out by someone old... its something he usually picks up at a yard sale or goodwill or something and looks like something a little girl would have worn about 40/50 years ago -_- Needless to say she rarely ever wears them longer than to take a picture in for him to see lol but its the thought that counts!

Yeah, my MIL had 3 boys so she's been dying for this for forever. This dress is all ribbons and tiny pearls and it's cream-colored. It's beautiful but DH said if she wears it to the wedding it might look like we want her to be the bride, lol.
Please be careful with wraps and carriers and do some research! (Not so sound like one of those annoying know it alls or anything but..) At my daughters 1 year check up we told the dr about how she walks with one foot pointed in, after observing her walk he sent her to a specialist who took xrays and noticed she has what is known as a tibial torsion (its very common and something she will outgrow) He said that usually its just a result of how the baby lays in the womb BUT that it can be made worse by excessive swaddling or use of baby carriers. The use of them can also cause hip dysplasia.. My kids hated being swaddled and I never used a carrier but anytime I hear talk about them I always want to let people know what I was told, just in case!

That's not to say they can't be helpful here and there, just wouldn't advise excessive or prolonged use of them.
Please be careful with wraps and carriers and do some research! (Not so sound like one of those annoying know it alls or anything but..) At my daughters 1 year check up we told the dr about how she walks with one foot pointed in, after observing her walk he sent her to a specialist who took xrays and noticed she has what is known as a tibial torsion (its very common and something she will outgrow) He said that usually its just a result of how the baby lays in the womb BUT that it can be made worse by excessive swaddling or use of baby carriers. The use of them can also cause hip dysplasia.. My kids hated being swaddled and I never used a carrier but anytime I hear talk about them I always want to let people know what I was told, just in case!

That's not to say they can't be helpful here and there, just wouldn't advise excessive or prolonged use of them.

Only certain types of carriers are associated with a possible increase in risk of hip dysplasia, and that has not been proven it is purely theoretical. Wraps do not fall into this category, and regular/loose blanket swaddling does not usually fall into this category either. It's very tight swaddling that restricts the movement of the hips which is associated with the increased risk. The type of carriers that theoretically might increase the risk are the kind that do not support the child's legs, just allow them to dangle only supporting them in the crotch. Not wraps or most SSC that properly support the legs/seat.

Please be careful with wraps and carriers and do some research! (Not so sound like one of those annoying know it alls or anything but..) At my daughters 1 year check up we told the dr about how she walks with one foot pointed in, after observing her walk he sent her to a specialist who took xrays and noticed she has what is known as a tibial torsion (its very common and something she will outgrow) He said that usually its just a result of how the baby lays in the womb BUT that it can be made worse by excessive swaddling or use of baby carriers. The use of them can also cause hip dysplasia.. My kids hated being swaddled and I never used a carrier but anytime I hear talk about them I always want to let people know what I was told, just in case!

That's not to say they can't be helpful here and there, just wouldn't advise excessive or prolonged use of them.

Only certain types of carriers are associated with a possible increase in risk of hip dysplasia, and that has not been proven it is purely theoretical. Wraps do not fall into this category, and regular/loose blanket swaddling does not usually fall into this category either. It's very tight swaddling that restricts the movement of the hips which is associated with the increased risk. The type of carriers that theoretically might increase the risk are the kind that do not support the child's legs, just allow them to dangle only supporting them in the crotch. Not wraps or most SSC that properly support the legs/seat.


Yep - agreed with all of that. We love babywearing and do it a lot! There's a few cheaper products that aren't good for hips (narrow bodied carriers or most carriers that allow forward facing) but the vast majority are just fine! :thumbup:
My dr said anything forward facing is a no no, but others with support are great! I like moby when dd was small then ergo as she grew!

Thanks for the info sjd! A lot of people need to hear thatso they can research propped carriers!

I am thinking on wearing lo while I push dd in a stroller while we are out at first, but I got a double stroller too since they will be so close in age.
My daughter was born with hip dysplasia and we were instructed by her orthopaedic surgeon not to use any type of wraps or slings as her legs were supposed to be kept apart and she didn't like the way they held baby's legs at the hip. So we just didn't use one and we probably won't this time either. We also couldn't use a jumperoo or a walker or even wear pants for quite a while. It was a tough time but we got through it and she has no signs of dysplasia now. Hoping the next one doesn't have it. My daughter's was discovered in the hospital before we left so we knew from the beginning but it didn't make it any less shocking when she was fitted for a harness. I didn't realize that slings could cause it though...
My dr said anything forward facing is a no no, but others with support are great! I like moby when dd was small then ergo as she grew!

Thanks for the info sjd! A lot of people need to hear thatso they can research propped carriers!

I am thinking on wearing lo while I push dd in a stroller while we are out at first, but I got a double stroller too since they will be so close in age.

We'll have the same age gap and I think we'll likely do the same thing with wearing this one while putting the older on in a stroller.

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