Medical Insurance covers my breast pump!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2009
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Just found out today that my insurance will pay $200 for a new pump-who knew!!!
Something tells me that that will not be the case for the American girls on this board...:nope:

Sigh. are probably right.

I have blue cross blue shield, but i wont get my hopes up xxx
If all medical insurance companies covered breast pumps I bet it would encourage alot more woman to give BF and Expressing specifically a try.
I posted about this awhile ago. My cousin's friend got hers covered by her medical insurance in the US. In addition I gather that WIC will cover them? You may need to speak to your OB/GYN though and get one prescribed for it to be covered though.
You'll have to contact your insurance and see under what circumstances they will cover a pump (and then talk to your Dr). It may be you need a medical equipment provision or something. Good luck!
What insurance are you with? I am with manulife and doubt will cover it.
Hmmm, I'm with Desjardins. Will give them a call today.
I posted about this awhile ago. My cousin's friend got hers covered by her medical insurance in the US. In addition I gather that WIC will cover them? You may need to speak to your OB/GYN though and get one prescribed for it to be covered though.

Yes, WIC does cover a breast pump (not anything fancy, but will do the job), however, WIC is income based ("low" income) therefore most ppl wont qualify. But it is a great thing! Wish they offered that opportunity to everyone! Youd think they would as to encourage breastfeeding.
I am with Sunlife.

I realize this is an old post but I am looking to claim my insurance coverage for a breast pump (I'm also with SunLife) but they have told me that I need to provide a doctor's referral note, as well as an official receipt with my name printed on it (like a prescription receipt) and I have looked and asked EVERYWHERE here in Vancouver and have been unable to find a place that would provide such a receipt.

I was wondering if you were successful in claiming your breast pump with them, and if so, what did you have to provide to substantiate the claim?

Thanks in advance for your help!
I just wanted to let all of the U.S. girls on here know that starting this year, the government has finally decided to make breast pumps tax deductible! so if you have the money to front, you will get it "back" during tax season next year! Just thought someone might be happy about this :)

(^ there are tons of other articles about this but that was the first one i ran across. I am also a childbirth educator and we were told about this through our organization)
Definitely a thing. I got a free pump (wasn’t great). I don’t even think I had to return it. But I did have to do some paperwork/request it. No referral needed.

I also got a hospital grade medula spectra double pulp because my son was underweight (5lbs full term) and wouldn’t latch. So they covered that for 9 months (3 months at a time). This was by his ped’s referral though.
Why didn't I know about it before? I also already had several insurances and I did not know that something like this was possible. I recently read Altig International complaints, but I didn't find anything bad for me there. So, I'm thinking of getting a new insurance for myself and I'll know about the pumps next time
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