Memorial Tattoo ideas...anyone have any?

LOL that is so funny about dafont!!!! Going through there can get overwhelming. I do a bit of graphic design on the side (not seriously, mostly for fun or for trade work), but I go on there sometimes looking for fonts for things, once I go on, it is hard to get off! LOL I spend forever there browsing fonts and installing them, hahaha.

Once again, LOL @ the Irish/Scottish thing! It really is hard to know for sure- I have some story tellers in my family, lol. I have some norweigan too somewhere! Not really sure what else is there!

My sister did the tummy tuck thing and felt better mom on the other hand had 7 kids, and didn't get a single stretch mark. Talk about luck. I certainly didn't get her genes, unfortunately! I have a butterfly tattoo in the bikini zone...well, it used to look like a butterfly, it now looks like a butterfly that's been run over a few times...I am hopeful that they can take the whole thing off! Screw laser surgery! Ha! LOL

I love the quote you are getting on the back of your neck, it seriouslty is perfect! hahaha I love when you are just able to find that perfect spot for something!!! I have so many pieces I want to is a matter of finding how I want them done, and waiting on the hubby of course...LOL. Do you have a shop you stick to out there? We have a lot of loyal customers, but we also get a collectors (people that go all over the place for the work) once in a while.
I did graphic design too! Lots of it for many years!! In the last 2 years I've fallen away from it, but it used to be my main artistic outlet! I only did a little bit of it for money, I found creating art on demand took away the "art" part of it for me since I wasn't always inspired, so I mostly did it for fun. And that website is a gold mine for fonts!!

I think we've got mostly German and Irish/Scottish, but we got some mutt in us that I'm not sure of. Like you say - storytellers! haha You never really know.

Wow! Your mom is luckkkyyyy! That's amazing. but aww lol @ at your poor run-over butterfly! :hugs: I was thinking about the placement of mine and wondering if I was going to get the speech from my family or whomever about it being in a bad place if I have more children. But I don't actually plan on having kids in the future (I would love to adopt if anything. my angel was a gift unplanned, and if it happens again then that's fate, but otherwise I hope my future hubby and I can just give love to someone who's already here and without a family) so I'm not concerned about getting tattooed down there. It's basically the same thing with all my other tattoos and people saying "do you really want to be 80 and having all those tattoos all wrinkly" or whatever the argument is with age. Age is irrelevant, all we have is now, and I'm not hurting my body by putting meaningful artwork on it :flower:

It is hard when you want so many pieces and can't decide how you want them or where to put them! I do have a shop I go to, I went there for my first 2 tattoos, but then attempted the back tattoo somewhere else - afterward I came back to the shop and had it reworked (but a different guy did it than the one who did my first two since I didn't care for him), my 4th I got done in Hollywood - paid a pretty penny to get my own hollywood star :winkwink: I SOOOO did not take good care of it while healing, so it's kinda wrong looking now, lol, but i don't want to fix it, I think it represents my crazy time in CA just fine! when I got my thumbprint done I went back to the same place I got the other 3 and had a new guy once again - but I LOVE THIS GUY! He was soooo amazing, he understood just what i wanted and that it was extremely important and he was a veteran so he knew what he was doing, so from now on any tattoos I get in this city I'm going to him for! Definite loyalty! That said, I am someone who if I did a lot of traveling would be getting a tattoo every where I went, LOL. It's probably better that I don't have the money to do that :blush:

LOL, that is so funny!!!! My sister does graphic art professionally, she works for the schools and does that kind of stuff. Mine is totally more like designing logos and flyers and building websites, etc. I've gotten some cool stuff out of doing it!! (All services) I went to school for psychology though (that's what my degree is in). There are sooo many things I want to do career wise, I could easily be in school forever! lol

I know! My mom got super lucky! Yea, my butterfly makes me laugh! Luckily it was a total impulse tattoo...i got it back when me and my hubby first got together, it was actually the first one I got I think? ...I'm not sure...i think it is though? Oh well...there is absolutely nothing original about it at all..haha. Seems crazy to me that I let him tattoo me back then, I don't even think I saw any of his work, i didn't know anything about tattoos...he just said he did them, so i asked him to give me one! LOL insane.

That is so cool about the adoption thing!!! I always pictured myself doing that when my guys grew up, or doing foster care or something. It would be hard to have kids in and out though with the foster care thing...I dunno. My brother adopted his daughter, she is such a doll, and it is bizarre how much she looks like her brother! (Whom she obviously isn't related to by blood).

I have that argument with people all the time about how gross i'll look when I am old with all my tattoos...My thoughts are that when I am that old I am already going to look bad, saggy skin is saggy skin, colored or uncolored it is still going to look bad. lol. We only get one shot at life, might as well live it the way we want and not plan for how we will look when we are silly is that? It just seems like such a silly argument to make, and a silly reason to not get tattoos.

That's cool that you found an artist you like! It is really hard to find one that actually listens to what you are telling them. I have heard so many of them with the "you'll get what I wana give you" attitude, so bizarre to me! I am always blown away to see people come into the shop to get something fixed, then hear the story about how they ended up with the one they needed fixing...Usually it was someone they knew that did it cheap, lol. But not'll see that a lot at the tattoo conventions, people will come up for a quote without even looking through the books, i *always* encourage the customers to look at the artists work to make sure they like their style before chosing who they want to go with. Did you get you hollywood tattoo by any famous shops? I know Kat Von Ds shop is insanely expensive. Her work really isn't worth what she charges either, if i ever wanted to get an insanely expensive piece and could afford the travel, I would go to this guy in poland- his work is insane Nikko Hurtado is really amazing too, his color portraits are insane!
2 weeks after I lost our baby I got this tattoo. Its means purity and fertilty.

Funny since I was getting this tattoo for a reason that it did not hurt as opposed to my other one?


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Wow, you ladies have some beautiful tattoos!!!!
LOL, that is so funny!!!! My sister does graphic art professionally, she works for the schools and does that kind of stuff. Mine is totally more like designing logos and flyers and building websites, etc. I've gotten some cool stuff out of doing it!! (All services) I went to school for psychology though (that's what my degree is in). There are sooo many things I want to do career wise, I could easily be in school forever! lol

I know! My mom got super lucky! Yea, my butterfly makes me laugh! Luckily it was a total impulse tattoo...i got it back when me and my hubby first got together, it was actually the first one I got I think? ...I'm not sure...i think it is though? Oh well...there is absolutely nothing original about it at all..haha. Seems crazy to me that I let him tattoo me back then, I don't even think I saw any of his work, i didn't know anything about tattoos...he just said he did them, so i asked him to give me one! LOL insane.

That is so cool about the adoption thing!!! I always pictured myself doing that when my guys grew up, or doing foster care or something. It would be hard to have kids in and out though with the foster care thing...I dunno. My brother adopted his daughter, she is such a doll, and it is bizarre how much she looks like her brother! (Whom she obviously isn't related to by blood).

I have that argument with people all the time about how gross i'll look when I am old with all my tattoos...My thoughts are that when I am that old I am already going to look bad, saggy skin is saggy skin, colored or uncolored it is still going to look bad. lol. We only get one shot at life, might as well live it the way we want and not plan for how we will look when we are silly is that? It just seems like such a silly argument to make, and a silly reason to not get tattoos.

That's cool that you found an artist you like! It is really hard to find one that actually listens to what you are telling them. I have heard so many of them with the "you'll get what I wana give you" attitude, so bizarre to me! I am always blown away to see people come into the shop to get something fixed, then hear the story about how they ended up with the one they needed fixing...Usually it was someone they knew that did it cheap, lol. But not'll see that a lot at the tattoo conventions, people will come up for a quote without even looking through the books, i *always* encourage the customers to look at the artists work to make sure they like their style before chosing who they want to go with. Did you get you hollywood tattoo by any famous shops? I know Kat Von Ds shop is insanely expensive. Her work really isn't worth what she charges either, if i ever wanted to get an insanely expensive piece and could afford the travel, I would go to this guy in poland- his work is insane Nikko Hurtado is really amazing too, his color portraits are insane!

That's really cool about the graphic art - I don't think I could do logos, my creativity is limited in that respect. I could probably do a few commercial things and flyers, but mostly I just love to play with photographs - blend them together, retouch them, etc.
Aw that's great you have so many aspirations and having gone to school for psychology. I'm starting a degree in counseling next year, I'm really excited about it.

LOL that's funny that you're not even sure if it was your first tattoo!! and LOL again that you'd just let him tattoo you so spur of the moment! That's a free spirit if I ever heard of one!

I've thought about the foster care thing too, but yeah it would be very hard having the kids come and go like that. Awww so happy for your brother! That's really sweet.

lol, I agree with your take on the old age thing, definitely! And it is a pretty poor argument for other people to make. I recently got a new job and my supervisor has made it clear that he wants all my tattoos to remain covered up (well, obviously the one on my wrist will still show!) but then he admitted that he wishes he could get some (!) but at the end of the day "people judge too fast" based on outward appearance.... imo if a person is going to judge me harshly for these images which all hold beautiful meaning then they aren't worth my time anyway, and who I am is more important than money or a job. it's sad he doesn't see it that way.

yeah it's good you encourage people to actually look up an artist's work to make sure it's the right style. it really is so important. I didn't go to anyone famous in Hollywood, I was just on Hollywood Blvd and saw a little shop and thought OMG I WANT A TATTOO NOW! lol I didn't even know what I wanted, and all the artists were standing outside the shop trying to coax people to come in and get inked. (that was kind of annoying). at first I blew them off and kept walking, but then after a few minutes it hit me what I wanted was a little star, so i went back, and dude was all excited to make money, i saw dollar signs in his eyes, but i was so not caring at that time about spending money, so just told him he wouldn't be getting a tip, lol. dude wasn't a bad artist, but he was clearly not a "real" artist, just in it for the cash. Knowing all of this you'd think I'd just gone elsewhere but like I said I just wanted it and I knew the place was at least clean (not a dingy tattoo place) so I settled and ended up not taking care of it at all afterward, lol. it still means a lot to me and represents that trip perfectly but I wouldn't recommend anyone else doing that!
OOOH i love those artists you linked to! Those are so cool. Before I went to Europe for a couple weeks (this was in like 2008) I googled around for tattoo artists in Paris, Dublin, and Germany, found so many great artists, but never had the opportunity to stop in and get anything done.
2 weeks after I lost our baby I got this tattoo. Its means purity and fertilty.

Funny since I was getting this tattoo for a reason that it did not hurt as opposed to my other one?

That is so pretty :hugs:
2 weeks after I lost our baby I got this tattoo. Its means purity and fertilty.

Funny since I was getting this tattoo for a reason that it did not hurt as opposed to my other one?

That is beautiful!!!! I love those flowers, and the filigree around it, ah, simply beautiful!!!
LOL, that is so funny!!!! My sister does graphic art professionally, she works for the schools and does that kind of stuff. Mine is totally more like designing logos and flyers and building websites, etc. I've gotten some cool stuff out of doing it!! (All services) I went to school for psychology though (that's what my degree is in). There are sooo many things I want to do career wise, I could easily be in school forever! lol

I know! My mom got super lucky! Yea, my butterfly makes me laugh! Luckily it was a total impulse tattoo...i got it back when me and my hubby first got together, it was actually the first one I got I think? ...I'm not sure...i think it is though? Oh well...there is absolutely nothing original about it at all..haha. Seems crazy to me that I let him tattoo me back then, I don't even think I saw any of his work, i didn't know anything about tattoos...he just said he did them, so i asked him to give me one! LOL insane.

That is so cool about the adoption thing!!! I always pictured myself doing that when my guys grew up, or doing foster care or something. It would be hard to have kids in and out though with the foster care thing...I dunno. My brother adopted his daughter, she is such a doll, and it is bizarre how much she looks like her brother! (Whom she obviously isn't related to by blood).

I have that argument with people all the time about how gross i'll look when I am old with all my tattoos...My thoughts are that when I am that old I am already going to look bad, saggy skin is saggy skin, colored or uncolored it is still going to look bad. lol. We only get one shot at life, might as well live it the way we want and not plan for how we will look when we are silly is that? It just seems like such a silly argument to make, and a silly reason to not get tattoos.

That's cool that you found an artist you like! It is really hard to find one that actually listens to what you are telling them. I have heard so many of them with the "you'll get what I wana give you" attitude, so bizarre to me! I am always blown away to see people come into the shop to get something fixed, then hear the story about how they ended up with the one they needed fixing...Usually it was someone they knew that did it cheap, lol. But not'll see that a lot at the tattoo conventions, people will come up for a quote without even looking through the books, i *always* encourage the customers to look at the artists work to make sure they like their style before chosing who they want to go with. Did you get you hollywood tattoo by any famous shops? I know Kat Von Ds shop is insanely expensive. Her work really isn't worth what she charges either, if i ever wanted to get an insanely expensive piece and could afford the travel, I would go to this guy in poland- his work is insane Nikko Hurtado is really amazing too, his color portraits are insane!

That's really cool about the graphic art - I don't think I could do logos, my creativity is limited in that respect. I could probably do a few commercial things and flyers, but mostly I just love to play with photographs - blend them together, retouch them, etc.
Aw that's great you have so many aspirations and having gone to school for psychology. I'm starting a degree in counseling next year, I'm really excited about it.

LOL that's funny that you're not even sure if it was your first tattoo!! and LOL again that you'd just let him tattoo you so spur of the moment! That's a free spirit if I ever heard of one!

I've thought about the foster care thing too, but yeah it would be very hard having the kids come and go like that. Awww so happy for your brother! That's really sweet.

lol, I agree with your take on the old age thing, definitely! And it is a pretty poor argument for other people to make. I recently got a new job and my supervisor has made it clear that he wants all my tattoos to remain covered up (well, obviously the one on my wrist will still show!) but then he admitted that he wishes he could get some (!) but at the end of the day "people judge too fast" based on outward appearance.... imo if a person is going to judge me harshly for these images which all hold beautiful meaning then they aren't worth my time anyway, and who I am is more important than money or a job. it's sad he doesn't see it that way.

yeah it's good you encourage people to actually look up an artist's work to make sure it's the right style. it really is so important. I didn't go to anyone famous in Hollywood, I was just on Hollywood Blvd and saw a little shop and thought OMG I WANT A TATTOO NOW! lol I didn't even know what I wanted, and all the artists were standing outside the shop trying to coax people to come in and get inked. (that was kind of annoying). at first I blew them off and kept walking, but then after a few minutes it hit me what I wanted was a little star, so i went back, and dude was all excited to make money, i saw dollar signs in his eyes, but i was so not caring at that time about spending money, so just told him he wouldn't be getting a tip, lol. dude wasn't a bad artist, but he was clearly not a "real" artist, just in it for the cash. Knowing all of this you'd think I'd just gone elsewhere but like I said I just wanted it and I knew the place was at least clean (not a dingy tattoo place) so I settled and ended up not taking care of it at all afterward, lol. it still means a lot to me and represents that trip perfectly but I wouldn't recommend anyone else doing that!
OOOH i love those artists you linked to! Those are so cool. Before I went to Europe for a couple weeks (this was in like 2008) I googled around for tattoo artists in Paris, Dublin, and Germany, found so many great artists, but never had the opportunity to stop in and get anything done.

Yea, I have fun doing the logo thing..sometimes. It depends- I like it when I have more freedom to do what i want. I could never do it professionally! I have a lot of fun playing with pictures! (Here is a link of a picture I modified, it is of my hubby, he wanted a scary pic of himself where he looked like a vampire, hahaha, It is gross- so don't look if you don't like blood ;) that's exciting about the degree you are going for!!! I loved being a counselor!! (I used to be a counselor/case manager for heroin addicts). It is pretty rewarding. I've thought about going back for my masters so i could do private therapy...I need to pay off my BA first though! :dohh:

LOL yea, free spirit or just impulsive, I'm not sure which! hahaha My first 3 tattoos were like that! I wished I wouldn't have been so impulsive, but there are great memories attached, so i suppose those make them worth it! lol

I really wish tattoos were more acceptable. It is getting there...I would imagine it is less accepted where you are at, in CA it is a lot more common. (And i actually see it a lot here in Idaho, surprisingly). I actually have a physicians assistant trying to create a job for me working with the homeless population here, and he was really excited about the tattoos I have, he feels that it would make the people feel more comfortable around me due to the mentality that tattooed people are generally less judgemental, lol. It is funny to be getting a job i didn't even ask for because of tattoos! haha (It isn't just because of the tattoos of course, but the is help me, which is funny, seems so backwards!). It helped with my patients too though- they liked that I had tattoos.

That's crazy about the artists acting like car salesman outside a tattoo shop! That would totally turn me off!!! I would think it makes them look super bad too, a desperate artist is never a good thing! LOL

That would be awesome to get out of the US, I'd love to travel someday!!

I just got a kitty today to help distract me from all the miscarriage stuff. Perfect distraction, she is super sweet too! I haven't had a pet in years!
I took some tracing paper to work on colors from her sketch. I'm thinking this will be my tattoo. It's hard to pick up on all the colors but that is pink in the accent and then fading out to light blue on the wings


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I took some tracing paper to work on colors from her sketch. I'm thinking this will be my tattoo. It's hard to pick up on all the colors but that is pink in the accent and then fading out to light blue on the wings

That is beautiful!! I love it!!! where are you going to put it?
That is beautiful!! I love it!!! where are you going to put it?

It's going on my chest. I never thought about placing a tattoo there but it seems appropriate that it be near my heart
my fiance has one from his first misarriage with his ex. it's a beautiful design he came up with on his own... an arm reaching out of a broken heart, holding a newborn baby. he's planning on another from their second miscarriage..... but he doesn't know what to do for her yet either (his ex only recently confessed about having one a few days after she left him, both of them are very broken about it right now.) they didn't know the sex of the babies, but named them Haley and Marcy. We believe I may have had at least one miscarriage as well, so he is planning something for that as well......... Good luck on your designs. My thoughts are with you and all the little ones you've lost in your life. *hugs*
my fiance has one from his first misarriage with his ex. it's a beautiful design he came up with on his own... an arm reaching out of a broken heart, holding a newborn baby. he's planning on another from their second miscarriage..... but he doesn't know what to do for her yet either (his ex only recently confessed about having one a few days after she left him, both of them are very broken about it right now.) they didn't know the sex of the babies, but named them Haley and Marcy. We believe I may have had at least one miscarriage as well, so he is planning something for that as well......... Good luck on your designs. My thoughts are with you and all the little ones you've lost in your life. *hugs*

:hugs:I'm sorry for both your loss and your OH losses!:hugs: His tattoo sounds really cool! I love the concept of it!
Yea, I have fun doing the logo thing..sometimes. It depends- I like it when I have more freedom to do what i want. I could never do it professionally! I have a lot of fun playing with pictures! (Here is a link of a picture I modified, it is of my hubby, he wanted a scary pic of himself where he looked like a vampire, hahaha, It is gross- so don't look if you don't like blood ;) that's exciting about the degree you are going for!!! I loved being a counselor!! (I used to be a counselor/case manager for heroin addicts). It is pretty rewarding. I've thought about going back for my masters so i could do private therapy...I need to pay off my BA first though! :dohh:

LOL yea, free spirit or just impulsive, I'm not sure which! hahaha My first 3 tattoos were like that! I wished I wouldn't have been so impulsive, but there are great memories attached, so i suppose those make them worth it! lol

I really wish tattoos were more acceptable. It is getting there...I would imagine it is less accepted where you are at, in CA it is a lot more common. (And i actually see it a lot here in Idaho, surprisingly). I actually have a physicians assistant trying to create a job for me working with the homeless population here, and he was really excited about the tattoos I have, he feels that it would make the people feel more comfortable around me due to the mentality that tattooed people are generally less judgemental, lol. It is funny to be getting a job i didn't even ask for because of tattoos! haha (It isn't just because of the tattoos of course, but the is help me, which is funny, seems so backwards!). It helped with my patients too though- they liked that I had tattoos.

That's crazy about the artists acting like car salesman outside a tattoo shop! That would totally turn me off!!! I would think it makes them look super bad too, a desperate artist is never a good thing! LOL

That would be awesome to get out of the US, I'd love to travel someday!!

I just got a kitty today to help distract me from all the miscarriage stuff. Perfect distraction, she is super sweet too! I haven't had a pet in years!

WOW haha you did a great job on your hubby's pic!!!!!!!!!! I Love that! I did a vampire-esque design one time.....lemme see if I can find it.... oh man, ok so this is waaayyy old school, I think I did this like 8 years ago... not as dead-on vampire bloody as I remember though.

If you wanna browse the other stuff feel free, just look for the sub-albums. it's all super old though, I think I have another site with artwork but I can't remember the address it's been so long.

That'd be awesome to have your own private practice!! Yeah I think it would be very rewarding. I'd love to work in a church someday...helping families and individuals who are in a spiritual crisis of sorts.

These days so many people have tattoos (even if they're mostly hidden in areas like the midwest that are still a little conservative) you would think it wouldn't be such a big deal anymore. People gotta get over their prejudices!!!
That is so funny about the job offer though! haha!! very cool!!! sounds like a great job too, I hope it works out!!

Hollywood Blvd is soooo touristy, I guess it's not surprising they would act like a bunch of hustlers outside their shop, but it totally did make them look super bad!!!

Awwwwww a kitty!!! I've had a cat for about 10 yrs now, he found us :D was a stray wondering around our yard, a really expensive nice cat too, not a normal outside cat. So we took him in and no one claimed him so we got to keep him. He eventually bonded with me the most and he's been my steady companion ever since. Is yours just a kitten? Have you named her yet?
I took some tracing paper to work on colors from her sketch. I'm thinking this will be my tattoo. It's hard to pick up on all the colors but that is pink in the accent and then fading out to light blue on the wings

That is really beautiful :hugs:
WOW haha you did a great job on your hubby's pic!!!!!!!!!! I Love that! I did a vampire-esque design one time.....lemme see if I can find it.... oh man, ok so this is waaayyy old school, I think I did this like 8 years ago... not as dead-on vampire bloody as I remember though.

If you wanna browse the other stuff feel free, just look for the sub-albums. it's all super old though, I think I have another site with artwork but I can't remember the address it's been so long.

That'd be awesome to have your own private practice!! Yeah I think it would be very rewarding. I'd love to work in a church someday...helping families and individuals who are in a spiritual crisis of sorts.

These days so many people have tattoos (even if they're mostly hidden in areas like the midwest that are still a little conservative) you would think it wouldn't be such a big deal anymore. People gotta get over their prejudices!!!
That is so funny about the job offer though! haha!! very cool!!! sounds like a great job too, I hope it works out!!

Hollywood Blvd is soooo touristy, I guess it's not surprising they would act like a bunch of hustlers outside their shop, but it totally did make them look super bad!!!

Awwwwww a kitty!!! I've had a cat for about 10 yrs now, he found us :D was a stray wondering around our yard, a really expensive nice cat too, not a normal outside cat. So we took him in and no one claimed him so we got to keep him. He eventually bonded with me the most and he's been my steady companion ever since. Is yours just a kitten? Have you named her yet?

That is a beautiful picture!! I love the look and feel of it!!! (I wasn't able to view any others from the album) Do you still do any of the graphic design? I thought you said you didn't, if so, why did you stop doing it?

That would be cool!! (Helping people in a spiritual crisis) It is definitely rewarding work, it is a matter of being able to seperate it because it can definitely wear you down mentally and emotionally.

I definitely agree with you. I am pretty sure that there are more tattooed people, than non tattooed people. I rarely meet someone with no tattoos (aside for the underage people, lol). Yea, I am kinda torn, I want the job, but then at the same time i like being a stay at home it is a toughie, lol. It would be hard to turn down.

LOL yea, it is definitely touristy! Fun to check out, driving around there is insane! I couldn't imagine living there!!!

That's cool about your cat!!! What kind of cat is it? My sister got a pair of ragdolls, super cute! The one i got isn't a little kitty, but she is still young, solid black kitty. The kids named her Bella. (I am a twilight fan, so i didn't argue, hahaha....they wanted to name her that becasue she has a bell on her collar, lol). I'm not supposed to have pets where I live, so I am hoping the landlord doesn't find out!! LOL
Sorry not read the whole thread...will go back and do it now, but so many of the ideas sound great! I've been trying to think of an idea for my angels for so long!

I'm thinking about getting a cherry blossom tattoo...not sure where yet though, think they're getting quite popular, but I like the's something along the lines or mortality, but how it is so beautiful yet only blossoms for a very short period of time, and so much more that I can't remember! Think I want it smallish with only 3 flowers (to symbolise 3 angel babies!), just need to decide where i want it!
Sorry not read the whole thread...will go back and do it now, but so many of the ideas sound great! I've been trying to think of an idea for my angels for so long!

I'm thinking about getting a cherry blossom tattoo...not sure where yet though, think they're getting quite popular, but I like the's something along the lines or mortality, but how it is so beautiful yet only blossoms for a very short period of time, and so much more that I can't remember! Think I want it smallish with only 3 flowers (to symbolise 3 angel babies!), just need to decide where i want it!

I am so sorry for your losses!!:hugs: i love cherry blossom tattoos, they are so beautiful! They are fairly common, but it is because they are so beautiful! I wanted to get one of those as well, but I have no where to put one =( I am thinking of getting the blossoms without the branch (I have an asian inspired back piece, so it would work well). I've seen the cherry blossoms most commonly on the ribs, but that is for a full branch, if you are just doing 3 blossoms (with or without a branch) you could do it on your shoulder blade, the calf might look nice a well! (or it might look nice on a forearm if you are wanting it to be a little more visible). So many possibilities!!! You could search around for an artist in your area whose work you like, and see what they can put together for you!
That is a beautiful picture!! I love the look and feel of it!!! (I wasn't able to view any others from the album) Do you still do any of the graphic design? I thought you said you didn't, if so, why did you stop doing it?

That would be cool!! (Helping people in a spiritual crisis) It is definitely rewarding work, it is a matter of being able to seperate it because it can definitely wear you down mentally and emotionally.

I definitely agree with you. I am pretty sure that there are more tattooed people, than non tattooed people. I rarely meet someone with no tattoos (aside for the underage people, lol). Yea, I am kinda torn, I want the job, but then at the same time i like being a stay at home it is a toughie, lol. It would be hard to turn down.

LOL yea, it is definitely touristy! Fun to check out, driving around there is insane! I couldn't imagine living there!!!

That's cool about your cat!!! What kind of cat is it? My sister got a pair of ragdolls, super cute! The one i got isn't a little kitty, but she is still young, solid black kitty. The kids named her Bella. (I am a twilight fan, so i didn't argue, hahaha....they wanted to name her that becasue she has a bell on her collar, lol). I'm not supposed to have pets where I live, so I am hoping the landlord doesn't find out!! LOL

Hm wonder why you could view anything, I think I'll pm you a link to my facebook pics, there isn't much there but it's more current than the other link anyway. I'm not currently doing graphic art, I kind of wish I was but I simply don't make time for it.... so that's easy enough to do if I ever really felt in the mood. it used to be my creative outlet, I'd stay up until 5 am working on designs. but then I got into writing more, and painting, and I just fell away from it. I still love it though and hopefully I haven't lost my touch. the facebook pics you'll see are from the last yr-yr 1/2, but most of them are just retouched, and that takes less time than blending pictures which used to be my major specialty (my nickname I got was "Shimmer" because almost every design I did had sparkles on it! lol).

Yeah i can see how listening to folks' problems could wear and tear on the mind and emotions. it is something I'd have to be able to separate myself from!

Aww yeah I totally understand how you'd be a little torn about the job! Pray and go with your gut :)

Oh i know I couldn't imagine living in la or hollywood or any crazy town like that in ca! i like my quiet neighborhoods :)

Aww your cat sounds pretty!!! Mine is a Norwegian black forest cat :D love him to death! Named him Midnight (obviously cuz he's a black cat), which I always kind of regretted, lol, I was just 14 though so what can ya do! Looking back I always wished I'd named him Bagheera (from the movie the Jungle Book) cuz he's so regal, like a panther or a lion or some big wild cat, and then call him Baggy for short, LOL. But Midnight suits his dark color fine and we call him all sorts of nicknames. aww Bella, haha, that's cute!! my friends have a cat named Bella and I asked if it was pre-twilight or post-twilight, lol, but they named it that long before the book/movie ever happened. oh my gosh i hope you don't get caught!!! LOL cats looooove to look out windows, so that's the only way anyone would see him, cats are such wonderfully quiet little critters whose only fault is the occasional vomit on your carpet :thumbup: lol.

So I'm thinking........for my tattoo I haven't considered color someone who's been in the business for a while is there a reason script is usually tattooed in black? I can't even think of one example where someone had writing tattooed on them and it was in a different color.... cuz I don't really want black.... but I'm not sure what color I'd want.... my first thought was yellow, but that'd be so light it'd probably be hard to read unless it had a black outline or something.... so then I was thinking maybe orange or pink or blue.... But like I said I don't know anyone who's gotten writing in a color other than black?
Black lasts longer just, colour fades faster and merges together sooner! Black stays clear :)

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