Memorial Tattoo ideas...anyone have any?

That is a beautiful picture!! I love the look and feel of it!!! (I wasn't able to view any others from the album) Do you still do any of the graphic design? I thought you said you didn't, if so, why did you stop doing it?

That would be cool!! (Helping people in a spiritual crisis) It is definitely rewarding work, it is a matter of being able to seperate it because it can definitely wear you down mentally and emotionally.

I definitely agree with you. I am pretty sure that there are more tattooed people, than non tattooed people. I rarely meet someone with no tattoos (aside for the underage people, lol). Yea, I am kinda torn, I want the job, but then at the same time i like being a stay at home it is a toughie, lol. It would be hard to turn down.

LOL yea, it is definitely touristy! Fun to check out, driving around there is insane! I couldn't imagine living there!!!

That's cool about your cat!!! What kind of cat is it? My sister got a pair of ragdolls, super cute! The one i got isn't a little kitty, but she is still young, solid black kitty. The kids named her Bella. (I am a twilight fan, so i didn't argue, hahaha....they wanted to name her that becasue she has a bell on her collar, lol). I'm not supposed to have pets where I live, so I am hoping the landlord doesn't find out!! LOL

Hm wonder why you could view anything, I think I'll pm you a link to my facebook pics, there isn't much there but it's more current than the other link anyway. I'm not currently doing graphic art, I kind of wish I was but I simply don't make time for it.... so that's easy enough to do if I ever really felt in the mood. it used to be my creative outlet, I'd stay up until 5 am working on designs. but then I got into writing more, and painting, and I just fell away from it. I still love it though and hopefully I haven't lost my touch. the facebook pics you'll see are from the last yr-yr 1/2, but most of them are just retouched, and that takes less time than blending pictures which used to be my major specialty (my nickname I got was "Shimmer" because almost every design I did had sparkles on it! lol).

Yeah i can see how listening to folks' problems could wear and tear on the mind and emotions. it is something I'd have to be able to separate myself from!

Aww yeah I totally understand how you'd be a little torn about the job! Pray and go with your gut :)

Oh i know I couldn't imagine living in la or hollywood or any crazy town like that in ca! i like my quiet neighborhoods :)

Aww your cat sounds pretty!!! Mine is a Norwegian black forest cat :D love him to death! Named him Midnight (obviously cuz he's a black cat), which I always kind of regretted, lol, I was just 14 though so what can ya do! Looking back I always wished I'd named him Bagheera (from the movie the Jungle Book) cuz he's so regal, like a panther or a lion or some big wild cat, and then call him Baggy for short, LOL. But Midnight suits his dark color fine and we call him all sorts of nicknames. aww Bella, haha, that's cute!! my friends have a cat named Bella and I asked if it was pre-twilight or post-twilight, lol, but they named it that long before the book/movie ever happened. oh my gosh i hope you don't get caught!!! LOL cats looooove to look out windows, so that's the only way anyone would see him, cats are such wonderfully quiet little critters whose only fault is the occasional vomit on your carpet :thumbup: lol.

So I'm thinking........for my tattoo I haven't considered color someone who's been in the business for a while is there a reason script is usually tattooed in black? I can't even think of one example where someone had writing tattooed on them and it was in a different color.... cuz I don't really want black.... but I'm not sure what color I'd want.... my first thought was yellow, but that'd be so light it'd probably be hard to read unless it had a black outline or something.... so then I was thinking maybe orange or pink or blue.... But like I said I don't know anyone who's gotten writing in a color other than black?

hahaha, I got halfway through reading this and stopped to google what a Norwegian black forest cat looked like, haha. Seriously, in the google images it looks so much like my cat! But then some of the other pictures I saw the face looked a bit fluffier than my kitty. I don't know what kind of cat I have, aside from it being a black

I am looking forward to the fb link! Can I request you on there? (i have an album with my fliers and stuff that I do). I love glitter! SO fun!!! (I was nicknamed 'tinkerbell' in high school because of all the glitter and I guess that part of me will never grow up, I'll always love it ;)

Yea, I have to make sure everyone knows that I didn't name the cat, her name was inspired by the bell she has on her 7 year old being clever...hahaha I have a group of friends that are twilight fanatics, and would likely assume i named it after the movies, lol. (I read the books and thought they were okay, they sucked me in...but they were just okay), I find the movies entertaining, but was not impressed by them. It's funny when I think of the names I've given to pets in the past. I think for a few years I am out on the naming thing, seems like the kids will be naming them for some time which means silly names most likely! LOL

i hope I don't get caught too! I am trying to train her to stay off the window, so far so good. We want to move anyway, so I am already looking at our options, and this time will chose somewhere that allows small pets!

one of the biggest reasons that script is done in black is because it ages the best, and because it is always hard to read color script on tattoos. What you can do though is have it done in black and have color shading around the edge of the script. It depends on how you want it done, but if you tell the artist you want the script black but that you want color mixed up in there he should be able to accomodate you. Yellow is usually a tough color because it typically doesn't stand out a whole lot on most peoples skin tone. unless your skin is as white as a sheet of paper then the color will change a bit, the same color is going to look different on two different people. So, I would say yellow makes a great accent color, or would be nice for some soft shading but there is a chance it will blend a lot.

okay, I'm excited! off to check the PM! =)
hahaha, I got halfway through reading this and stopped to google what a Norwegian black forest cat looked like, haha. Seriously, in the google images it looks so much like my cat! But then some of the other pictures I saw the face looked a bit fluffier than my kitty. I don't know what kind of cat I have, aside from it being a black

I am looking forward to the fb link! Can I request you on there? (i have an album with my fliers and stuff that I do). I love glitter! SO fun!!! (I was nicknamed 'tinkerbell' in high school because of all the glitter and I guess that part of me will never grow up, I'll always love it ;)

Yea, I have to make sure everyone knows that I didn't name the cat, her name was inspired by the bell she has on her 7 year old being clever...hahaha I have a group of friends that are twilight fanatics, and would likely assume i named it after the movies, lol. (I read the books and thought they were okay, they sucked me in...but they were just okay), I find the movies entertaining, but was not impressed by them. It's funny when I think of the names I've given to pets in the past. I think for a few years I am out on the naming thing, seems like the kids will be naming them for some time which means silly names most likely! LOL

i hope I don't get caught too! I am trying to train her to stay off the window, so far so good. We want to move anyway, so I am already looking at our options, and this time will chose somewhere that allows small pets!

one of the biggest reasons that script is done in black is because it ages the best, and because it is always hard to read color script on tattoos. What you can do though is have it done in black and have color shading around the edge of the script. It depends on how you want it done, but if you tell the artist you want the script black but that you want color mixed up in there he should be able to accomodate you. Yellow is usually a tough color because it typically doesn't stand out a whole lot on most peoples skin tone. unless your skin is as white as a sheet of paper then the color will change a bit, the same color is going to look different on two different people. So, I would say yellow makes a great accent color, or would be nice for some soft shading but there is a chance it will blend a lot.

okay, I'm excited! off to check the PM! =)

lol! Yeah the norwegian forest cat has that lion-like mane! so fluffy. but we had to shave him this summer because he was sooo full of knots. poor lil guy went through trauma with those vet people!! but afterward he was sooo happy to be free of his heavy knotted coat! we left his legs furry so he looked like he was wearing furry boots, hehe. lol @ not knowing what kind of cat yours is! we didn't know either til we brought him to the vet for the first time, it also took them a while to figure out if he was male or female, LOL.

oooh I gotta check out your album of stuff, glad you liked mine! aw tinkerbell, that's so cute! hehe we should never grow up :) i still wanna be a toys r us kid!

Aww i love how your kids thought of the name because of the bell on her collar! (i tried putting a jingle bell on Midnight's collar but he just freaked out, LOL, he's too used to not wearing a collar at all unless I let him out on my balcony) kids can come up with some awesome names, lol!
I wasn't impressed by what I saw of Twilight either (never read the book), i only saw the first one but the script was too painful for me! I'm not proud to say I tend to be a snob about stories and character development, lol.

definitely hope you find the right home for you soon! and for your kitten! hehe

Thanks also for the info! I'll think some more about it and see what I can decide on for shading and whatnot. but yeah i'll definitely want color in there somehow...
Ok, so my cat definitely doesn't have a maine!! LOL That is super cool though, it almost sounds like the persian cats! My sister had a himalayan and she has to shave it occassionally too, she give it the lion look, which is funny because the cat seriously is the most unintelligent cat you've ever jumps off of things and can't land, hasn't figured out how to go to the bathroom without a mess, runs into just has issues. And then to see it looking all fierce like a's funny.

I agree! I don't think I ever really will!! haha I like it that way! LOL

haha yea, the name they picked is cute, but I know it is going to come with an explanation. I told one of my sisters the other day and that was her first question 'oh...was it inspired by those twilight movies?" she is not a fan either. I don't even think she's watched them. She is a total movie snob and usually hates hollywood movies.

How is the weather for you over there? You getting any more? We are getting rain this week, wierd!
I have an E with a shooting star on my hip for Eden...
I have an E with a shooting star on my hip for Eden...

I love star tattoos, I can't get enough of them! I was actually thinking of doing a shooting star for this baby too!
I love the name of your wee lost one. Beautiful tattoo idea.
Ok, so my cat definitely doesn't have a maine!! LOL That is super cool though, it almost sounds like the persian cats! My sister had a himalayan and she has to shave it occassionally too, she give it the lion look, which is funny because the cat seriously is the most unintelligent cat you've ever jumps off of things and can't land, hasn't figured out how to go to the bathroom without a mess, runs into just has issues. And then to see it looking all fierce like a's funny.

I agree! I don't think I ever really will!! haha I like it that way! LOL

haha yea, the name they picked is cute, but I know it is going to come with an explanation. I told one of my sisters the other day and that was her first question 'oh...was it inspired by those twilight movies?" she is not a fan either. I don't even think she's watched them. She is a total movie snob and usually hates hollywood movies.

How is the weather for you over there? You getting any more? We are getting rain this week, wierd!

LOLOLOLOL that poor cat, that's so funny, the contrast of the lion cut!

lol @ always having to explain the name to people, yeah that could get annoying, lol.

the snow has stopped, it's just chilly now! oh is the rain turning to sleet or ice at all? that happens here in the winter - no good!!! I'm hoping by the time i have to go back to work on friday things will have gotten a little less icy... i'm so scared of hurting myself on what's just a 4 minute walk!!
LOLOLOLOL that poor cat, that's so funny, the contrast of the lion cut!

lol @ always having to explain the name to people, yeah that could get annoying, lol.

the snow has stopped, it's just chilly now! oh is the rain turning to sleet or ice at all? that happens here in the winter - no good!!! I'm hoping by the time i have to go back to work on friday things will have gotten a little less icy... i'm so scared of hurting myself on what's just a 4 minute walk!!

Whoah, there's been 1,100 views to this thread! (and only 88 responses, hahaha).

I have been coming to BnB less the last 2 or 3 days. I find it frustrating cause the DH is out of town until the I keep reading about different things in another forum (TTC after a loss), and he isn't here, so i can't act on things! grr.

We have actually just been getting regular old rain!! I am glad, because now I am not afraid to drive...but then i have been debating on going to the dollar store to buy a bunch of pregnancy tests to see what I turn up a negetive. (I am not sure if I would yet or not, i have no idea!).

4 minutes is a long time when you are slipping and sliding the whole way! I have a super short walk to the end of my court to get the kids to the bus stop and I almost fall every day! (I actually did today!!)

I am sooo excited to get my ink! I am hopefully getting it next week. I decided to get a heart made out of ivy with a hummingbird pointed towards it with the words forever slightly overlapping the bottom left of the heart (and the bird at the top right). I'm not sure how it will all look together, DH will have to draw it up for me...

Have you decided on how you are going to do yours yet??
I have an E with a shooting star on my hip for Eden...

I love star tattoos, I can't get enough of them! I was actually thinking of doing a shooting star for this baby too!

I always say she was my shooting star...she shined too bright for this world. Now she's just up there sparkling in heaven...:flower:

Aww, I love that! Soo cool!!! How was it getting tattooed on the hip? I don't have anything there yet, it seems like a painful spot!
Whoah, there's been 1,100 views to this thread! (and only 88 responses, hahaha).

I have been coming to BnB less the last 2 or 3 days. I find it frustrating cause the DH is out of town until the I keep reading about different things in another forum (TTC after a loss), and he isn't here, so i can't act on things! grr.

We have actually just been getting regular old rain!! I am glad, because now I am not afraid to drive...but then i have been debating on going to the dollar store to buy a bunch of pregnancy tests to see what I turn up a negetive. (I am not sure if I would yet or not, i have no idea!).

4 minutes is a long time when you are slipping and sliding the whole way! I have a super short walk to the end of my court to get the kids to the bus stop and I almost fall every day! (I actually did today!!)

I am sooo excited to get my ink! I am hopefully getting it next week. I decided to get a heart made out of ivy with a hummingbird pointed towards it with the words forever slightly overlapping the bottom left of the heart (and the bird at the top right). I'm not sure how it will all look together, DH will have to draw it up for me...

Have you decided on how you are going to do yours yet??

wow that's a lot of views!
I've been lessening my time here too but mostly just because I'm trying to not lean on it so much like a crutch which I tend to do for distraction!

only a couple more days til your hubby comes home!!
I've never had a test from a dollar store but i'm sure they work well enough - i love that commercial for...i think it's clear blue - the one that goes "it's the most advanced technology you will ever pee on" :haha:

we're supposed to get a huge snow storm tomorrow (well, today technically), 8-11 inches! I won't mind walking to work through the fluffy snow, i will however hate walking home over an ICY road!!

awwwww i love your tat idea!!! can't wait to see how it turns out!!!!
I still have no idea about mine....i need to consult with the artist soon. i was going to do it next sunday (not this one coming up) buuuut i may no longer be with the guy who was gonna give me the ride...that does complicate things :\ not to sound like a user, but couldn't we have waited another week before we had a fight and broke up? :blush:
Aww, I love that! Soo cool!!! How was it getting tattooed on the hip? I don't have anything there yet, it seems like a painful spot!

the hip is nothin'! it's really not that bad. i mean at best it tickles and at worst it's a little bit of a hot branding iron. not painful at all (i have a high threshold though), i mean i sat and read a magazine when I got both mine done, lol, occasionally trying not to laugh cuz it tickled.
I had a turquoise star tattooed on my wrist, in memory of my baby. We lost him/her due to an ectopic pregnancy in June. We found out whilst we were on holiday in Crete, where we had been swimming in the beautiful turquoise sea. so that is why the star is turquoise.


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I have miracle in russain with 2 hearts on my arm :)
Hey SuperKat Its cool to know that you are a tattoo lover, I am too. I am an Artist and the OH decided to buy me a Tattoo Kit and I've been experimenting on him. I'd much rather my canvas though, lol. You mentioned your Irish heritage and I thought maybe a Shamrock with a Rainbow either above or attached and a set of Angel Wings flying off in the Distance...
I think that would be cool.
Whoah, there's been 1,100 views to this thread! (and only 88 responses, hahaha).

I have been coming to BnB less the last 2 or 3 days. I find it frustrating cause the DH is out of town until the I keep reading about different things in another forum (TTC after a loss), and he isn't here, so i can't act on things! grr.

We have actually just been getting regular old rain!! I am glad, because now I am not afraid to drive...but then i have been debating on going to the dollar store to buy a bunch of pregnancy tests to see what I turn up a negetive. (I am not sure if I would yet or not, i have no idea!).

4 minutes is a long time when you are slipping and sliding the whole way! I have a super short walk to the end of my court to get the kids to the bus stop and I almost fall every day! (I actually did today!!)

I am sooo excited to get my ink! I am hopefully getting it next week. I decided to get a heart made out of ivy with a hummingbird pointed towards it with the words forever slightly overlapping the bottom left of the heart (and the bird at the top right). I'm not sure how it will all look together, DH will have to draw it up for me...

Have you decided on how you are going to do yours yet??

wow that's a lot of views!
I've been lessening my time here too but mostly just because I'm trying to not lean on it so much like a crutch which I tend to do for distraction!

only a couple more days til your hubby comes home!!
I've never had a test from a dollar store but i'm sure they work well enough - i love that commercial for...i think it's clear blue - the one that goes "it's the most advanced technology you will ever pee on" :haha:

we're supposed to get a huge snow storm tomorrow (well, today technically), 8-11 inches! I won't mind walking to work through the fluffy snow, i will however hate walking home over an ICY road!!

awwwww i love your tat idea!!! can't wait to see how it turns out!!!!
I still have no idea about mine....i need to consult with the artist soon. i was going to do it next sunday (not this one coming up) buuuut i may no longer be with the guy who was gonna give me the ride...that does complicate things :\ not to sound like a user, but couldn't we have waited another week before we had a fight and broke up? :blush:

Hahahha, the most advanced technology you'll pee on, that hilarious!!!

I have been mia from this forum, It makes me sad- it is so hard to avoid the other threads, i feel bad for not being more supportive to others, but I need to gtake care of my mental health as well.

How is that snow treating you? can you believe ours is almost completely melted already???

I still haven't got my tat yet...i need to get a sitter, we might do it on Sunday...we shall see!
Hey SuperKat Its cool to know that you are a tattoo lover, I am too. I am an Artist and the OH decided to buy me a Tattoo Kit and I've been experimenting on him. I'd much rather my canvas though, lol. You mentioned your Irish heritage and I thought maybe a Shamrock with a Rainbow either above or attached and a set of Angel Wings flying off in the Distance...
I think that would be cool.

That's so cool jbo!!!! How are you liking it? I have thought about picking it up, I have carpel tunnel though, so I'm not sure I could handle it...poo poo! lol I love your idea too!!!
ive made this in memory of my little angel as i dont like needles


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