Messed up cycles after BCP!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2011
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Well here's a little about me so far, im 26 and DH is 32, been married just over 12 months and i came off BCP 4 months ago to TTC!!

I had breakthrough bleed within a few days off BCP then had a 39 day cycle and now currently on CD63!! :nope:
Have started using OPK's this month as ive had no signs of ovulation or AF!! But so far nothing! Am getting really frustrated as everyone i know seems to get pregnant without even trying or within first few months and I can't even manage to get af!!
Dont know where im at with the whole TTC business!

Sorry for the rant im just havin one of those days :blush:
I just wondered if anyone else TTC#1 is in a similar situation??
what were your cycles like prior to bcp? how long were you on bcp? maybe you should consult with your doctor and let them know your situation.
Hi mrsd

I think I have spoken to you before.

DH and I are 33 been married for two and a half years.

I came off bc in November and haven't had a withdrawl bleed and no sign of AF. I know how frustrated you feel, what i would do to get a regular cycle. I have been diagnosed with PCOS.

I have changed my diet and started acupuncture so hopefully that will sort me out soon. Yesterday I had an away day with work and ate a load of rubbish and drank quite a bit of alcohol and I am getting a really upset stomach and cramps today so I really think the change in diet is doing somthing for me.

I am also taking Agnus Castus and Milk Thistle.

Have you tried any to regulate your cycle?
My cycles were crazy before I went onto BCP and are no different now I am off them!

Came off BCP June09
First AF July 10
Then AF Sep 19th
Oct 27th
Dec 26th
And am due to come on next week (or so my body is telling me from all these nasty cramps!)

I was tested for hormone level's and given an ultrasound but all normal - apparently I am just weird :haha:
I'm the opposite.

After I was off BCP, for first 5 months I was regular 31 days cycle, I got +OPK on CD16 every month. I thought I was very lucky.
Then, in the 6th month, January, I got + OPK 7 days late!!!
This month I got + OPK 3 days late, on CD19.

It makes me think the leftover hormones from BCP made my cycle that first 5 months regular.
Now is unpredictable because the hormones has worn off.
Hi I am 27 and DH is 29. I have had really messed up cycles due to the evil bc depo. I have ordered chasteberry to hopefully help regulate my af. Right now Af is here about every other week and getting really old. I always thought that ttc would be tons of fun but so far just been emotionally draining. Never been an emotional person until ttc. Good luck to all!
i am in the same boat but my cycles were all screwy before & that is why i was put on it to begin with. but when i came off it in october, i had bleedy from 28 to halloween and now nothing. we have been TTC #1 for a while & no luck. i wish you all the luck!!! :)
mine were messed up for prob 6 months after coming off the pill...they are normal now but around 31 days, before i went on the pill they were around 28 days but they do get longer with age.
Have you ever considered talking to your doctor about PCOS? My periods were long and irregular before BC and afterwards went right back to the same thing. I was diagnosed with PCOS this month.
My story is that I was on BC for 14 years and came off last July. I thought my cycles would be back to 30ish days after a month or two but it took six months. They gradually got shorter and then after my first 30 day cycle in Jan, I got my first ever BFP. It was also my first month using CBFM too.

I hope you get it sorted it out soon but I would say don't stress too much just yet as it can take ages to get things back to normal.

Good luck!
I feel your frustration! I came off implanon four weeks ago and I'm eagerly awaiting AF just so I know that things are okay down there! Before implanon my cycle was totally screwy and then I had no AFs with the implant in, but I lost 3 stone last year, so I'm hoping that the weight loss will help regulate my cycle and get me that BFP!

I'm reluctant to try anything herbal or medical just yet, as I might be worrying about nothing, but I am trying to eat well and lose some more weight.

Good luck! xx
Thanks everyone for your replies, it does help to know that its not just you going through it,and the support on here is great :hugs:
Was having a low day yest but feeling back to my usual self today and i do try to not loose sight of the fact that its not really been that long and there is still plenty of time.

I wouldnt really know what my period were like before BC, I was put on BCP age 13 due to very heavy af (I was very anaemic), since then iv used various BCP's, implanon (very few af's with this), the coil and the injection then back to the pill! Think ill give it another few weeks then if nothing ill go and see my gp.

Its funny, i used to think it was great when i had no af for months on i'd do anything to have a normal 28 day cycle!!

Loads of baby dust to everyone:dust::dust:
[/QUOTE]Its funny, i used to think it was great when i had no af for months on i'd do anything to have a normal 28 day cycle!![/QUOTE]

Ditto! I used to be so smug that I didn't have periods on depo or implanon and now I just want as many chances as possible to conceive!
Hi hun

I'm in a similar situation myself! I've been off BC for about 7 months now. My last AF was back in Jan, been about 2 months and no sign of the next yet. And before that I went 3 months with AF... my body is confusing the hell out of me! And, like you say, it doesn't help that a lot of people I know are preganant/have just given birth recently :( it's so frustrating that they don't even try but end up getting a BFP but we don't and it's all we want :(

That's all I can think to rant at the moment! :haha:

Much love xoxox

Well here's a little about me so far, im 26 and DH is 32, been married just over 12 months and i came off BCP 4 months ago to TTC!!

I had breakthrough bleed within a few days off BCP then had a 39 day cycle and now currently on CD63!! :nope:
Have started using OPK's this month as ive had no signs of ovulation or AF!! But so far nothing! Am getting really frustrated as everyone i know seems to get pregnant without even trying or within first few months and I can't even manage to get af!!
Dont know where im at with the whole TTC business!

Sorry for the rant im just havin one of those days :blush:
I just wondered if anyone else TTC#1 is in a similar situation??

I could have wrote your thread!!! Same story here!
TTC for number one... came off pill in September.... had 6 weeks then 5 weeks cycle then a massive 9 weeks one (i thought I was going out of my mind!).... currently on CD 23 and I have peed and peed in cups did not get one OPK positive.... i barely get a faint line these days!

Very angry no one told me that the BCP could do this to me... same as you, I just though the first time i would have unprotected sex would just do!

Let me know how you get on! I am getting so worried that there is something really wrong with me and I will never be able to conceive! :(

:dust: to all of you!

Im in a similar situation regarding coming off the pill, ive only just stopped taking mine and only just started to bleed!. I dont really know where my cycles are or let alone how long their gonna last.

Im gonna consider tracking my cycles when they return back to normal by taking the body temperature. :D

But know how frustrating it must be when theres no sign of AF..Grrr hehe!
Hi there, i'm in the same boat as you! I came of Microgynone (cant spell sorry!) in May 2010, and havent had anything since my withdrawel bleed. I have been and had my scan for PCO which has been confirmed, and they said then that I should have an AF very soon.

It has been very faustrating waiting for it to happen!!!
Hi Ladies,

Just thought id update you all

I've been to see my gp today and she's agreed to start doing blood tests, I think to be honest I have a very good gp as most seem to want you to wait 6/9 months after coming off the pill before they'll start doing any tests!! Anyway im going nxt tue for these so fx!

She's also said that although they normally allow 12 months of trying at my age (im 26) before starting treatment, because it appears im not ovulating she'll start in a few months!! (obviously depending what the blood tests show) So all in all it was worth going as i was worried id just get told to come back in another 3 months.

How is everyone else getting on?
hey i was on BCP for 5 years came off in august ... had proper period in september then nothing! 6 months passed so went for blood tests but on day i went to get results i got my BFP.. tests showed i was about to ovulate.
I used soy, EPO, Starflower oil and Vit B Complex.. im sure this is what brought on ovulation as i started using them the end of Jan beggining of feb and ovulated the very start of March
dont lose hope!
That's great coopfairy congrats.

Has anyone else been having AF type pain but still nothing?

I posted earlier in this thread went of BCP in November no withdrawal bleed and no AF (also have been diagnosed with PCOS) this month though I have been getting really bad cramps like AF is going to show but nothing! I also seem to be putting on weight at a rapid rate which is stressing me out (think the weight might be linked to the PCOS boo).

Is anyone else getting pains?

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