Mid-May buddies!

Hi all!!! I got my bfp this morning and so hubby and i are over the moon!!! Hopefully we all have sticky beans! Ill be due 21st May 2017 (5 days before dd's birthday ..oops!)
Just hoping I can make my way through the wedding this weekend without getting caught not drinking. Its going to be super hard.

If I want to not drink at social events without raising suspicion I usually make myself the giver of drinks. If I'm constantly asking my friends "hey you need another glass? I'll grab that for you" they tend not to notice that I've had none myself! It's also handy to have a lemonade or coke in hand and then you can just lie and say there's vodka/rum/whatever in there too if they really push you about it.

Thats a good call. Im planning on keeping lemonade on hand.. It helped cool my nausea last pregnancy too!

Mississippi, I also sometimes lie and say I'm on antibiotics. People don't usually question that :)

I dont think this one would fly for me AND I feel like its the universal.. Im pregnant but hiding it excuse lol

Ive already started playing up my anxiety about leaving my son with my parents that night (an hour away) to my in laws.. And how i need to be able to drive in case anything happens lol
Welcome to all the new joiners and congrats ! I think I saw some one that shared the same due date as me on the 19th woo hoo !
The husband and I told our families today. My mom seems super excited for her 6th Grand baby .

I did a knock of version of the FRER on Saturday it was nice and dark! So happy it's starting to progress.
I am using Midwives , they haven't called me to set up my first appointment yet. Should I be contacting my doctor to get bloods done? I've never had an Mc only a chemical so I'm not very high risk.
I am super bloated also. I was already over weight by a few lbs. But now I feel like like I'm 8 weeks pregnant. I haven't weighed my self yet to scared to haha.
Yes to taking pictures ! Can't wait to see everyone's progressions.
Hello everyone! :) I got my BFP today, worked out I'm due around 21st May (DD birthday on the 15th, ooops! :haha: )

How are you all? X
I am a substitute teacher, and since it is the start of the year, this is the first time I've been in the school in about a week and a half and now my sense of smell is so strong!

I work in a high school and so between tons of perfume and some of the kids being smokers, I feel so overwhelmed. Ugh. I hope I get used to this soon.
I'm 5w3d today and I am super nauseous! I'm still not actually to the point of throwing up but argh I just want to eat crackers and sleep.
I'm with you butternut. I have to saw it comes and goes though, but have lost my appetite. 5w1d
Welcome Rebecca and flower!

I feel absolutely exhausted in the morning but then as I acclimatize to being awake I feel OK. The queasiness usually comes on and off very mildly in the afternoon. Waiting for it to build up properly so that I wake up with it and go to bed with it! Not that I will be happy but at least I will know all is well.

Got my 7 week scan in 2 weeks time hooray!

I wish we used midwives but in SA most of us go private and so we all have our own Gynae who monitors our pregnancy very, very closely. We get scanned once a month from 7 weeks and then once a fortnight from 30 weeks and once a week from 36 weeks! And they hardly ever allow you to have a vaginal birth. I had a vbac and my Gynae was AMAZING. One of the only ones in the whole city who is prepared to help you through one.

We obviously do have midwives in the hospitals but they are pretty much redundant due to the high ceaser rate. If you do have a normal birth they are brilliant and actually get to do the job they are trained to do!
I am exhausted! Really struggling to get out of bed in the mornings,and back into bed between 8-9 at night.
DH and I are going to a 30th birthday party on Sat,1920's theme and I have an outfit and am really looking forward to it but I have no idea how I will last because I am so tired!
Welcome Rebecca and flower!

I feel absolutely exhausted in the morning but then as I acclimatize to being awake I feel OK. The queasiness usually comes on and off very mildly in the afternoon. Waiting for it to build up properly so that I wake up with it and go to bed with it! Not that I will be happy but at least I will know all is well.

Got my 7 week scan in 2 weeks time hooray!

I wish we used midwives but in SA most of us go private and so we all have our own Gynae who monitors our pregnancy very, very closely. We get scanned once a month from 7 weeks and then once a fortnight from 30 weeks and once a week from 36 weeks! And they hardly ever allow you to have a vaginal birth. I had a vbac and my Gynae was AMAZING. One of the only ones in the whole city who is prepared to help you through one.

We obviously do have midwives in the hospitals but they are pretty much redundant due to the high ceaser rate. If you do have a normal birth they are brilliant and actually get to do the job they are trained to do!

Thats actually pretty sad.. Why would they unnecessarily have people getting csec over natural birth?

And wow to the amount of scans.
I get 2 with my midwife.. One at 13 weeks and one at 20. Other then that, unless somethings wrong they find in unneccessary. OBs here do them I think once more? But unsure as I go midwife!
Mississippi- have the Midwives contacted you yet to set up your first meeting? I haven't gotten a call yet. Just sitting here in limbo...
I'll stick with my RE until 10 weeks, and then I need to make a decision about whether I want a hospital (obgyn) or birth center birth (certified nurse midwife). My hospital is supposed to be natural birth friendly (can labor in water but deliver in the water, can be in alternate birthing positions, immediate skin to skin contact). At 10 weeks I'll tour the hospital/talk to my OB/GYN, and then talk to a midwife at the birthing center I would use and get a sense of what feels better. For now though, I just want to make it to 10 weeks!! Feeling very nervous about early miscarriage rates. It feels like every thread I look at someone is having a miscarriage, and it makes me pretty uneasy. Trying to tell myself that so far, there has been absolutely no indication of a problem. Really hope it continues that way and I get good news back from my blood results today.
Mississippi- have the Midwives contacted you yet to set up your first meeting? I haven't gotten a call yet. Just sitting here in limbo...

No not yet. I filled out the intake a week yesterday and it can take up to 3 weeks at our office. Im not too worried about it as I contacted when I was 4 weeks and since I was with them for my last pregnancy, I get taken as priority compared to a new client.

Last time they didnt start seeing me until around ten weeks.. So you have time.

Where are you located? Did they give you a time frame for contacting you?
I see my midwife at 8 weeks. I'm a new patient there so I have no clue what they do then.

Dannypop, that makes me sad that South Africa is like that. I can't imagine having a csection just because. That's so much intervention and lots more money I imagine.
Hi ladies, :wave: there's a second topic over in Groups and discussions for May. Posting the link here just in case anyone wants to post there too, as that topic ought to do for all three trimesters. (And who wouldn't want to go through the whole journey together? :D)


Since the topic is midwives... I applied over here, and I've got a response from a midwife group at a birthing center. They asked me to fill out some secondary form, but haven't gotten back to me since. I'm uncertain if I'll switch to them or if I'll stick with the OB my GP arranged for me, I've heard marvelous things about both, and I know both refer to the hospital I'm thinking about. But although I've met the OB before (briefly) I haven't met any of the midwives, so I guess I've got to go in and meet them before I decide!
Thanks for sharing the link, Arturia. I'll come join in a bit!

I got back my beta results from today and they're great (they were 361 on Thursday 3 wks 6 days and it is 4237 today on 4 wks 4 days, so a doubling time of 32 hours). I'm thrilled with that and am going to give myself permission to not worry about miscarriage for at least another week. :p A break from paranoia!
Where are you located? Did they give you a time frame for contacting you?

I am located in Ontario Canada. Just north of Toronto . They sent me an email after I sent in the form that said they would be in contact with me shortly.... that's it ! :/

Im in Kingston - so I bet you have a 3 week wait as well. I think ontario follows same rules everywhere.

And if its for your first, they typically see you around 10-12 weeks initially so you have the option of first tri screening at 12-14 weeks and they do blood work at first appointment.

Ideally you would see your GP for first tri.. But I was discharged from my RE last time at 6 weeks and opted not to see anyone until my appt with midwives as my gp is useless when it comes to anything pregnancy.
Well ladies, I think I've suffered a chemical. Although I've had no bleeding, or pain.. I haven't had a positive test since Monday! Monday I had two positives, on different brands - one was a digi.. Then from Tuesday I've done about 4 different tests - all neg! :cry:

H & H 9 months to you all! :kiss: x
Rebecca, I'm so sorry to hear that! That must be so frustrating to get your hopes up and then have to start over. But at least you're a fertile myrtle! I hope it happens very very quickly for you again.

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