Mid-May buddies!

Ninja and Moon that is so completely and utterly understandable! The thought of doing any kind of movement that may jeopardize these precious little beans is too scary. Best stay within your comfort zone.

Butternut woopeeee! How fun that we get to hear each other's firsts for every stage of these pregnancies.

Mississippi ha ha sorry I know that's not funny vomiting in your mouth but if we don't laugh then the only other option is to cry! Glad you are getting another appointment soon and that it's with someone you know and trust
butternutbabe, that's wonderful to hear! my due date is may 11, so close to yours. :) and the earliest i could give birth without the baby being premature is april 20th. :) so happy for you.

Oh that's awesome! I'm so glad I have you girls to talk to throughout these next few months.

I have to go back next week for my blood work. They didn't do it at this past appointment because I was still technically under eight weeks (7w5d) and they don't do it before then at the clinic I'm going to.
Wonderful Mississippi! Mine was also trans-vag. Not the most fun experience but hey ho, it's worth the awkwardness!
My first scan was transvag too, honestly once my baby came up on the monitor I was entirely too distracted to notice what the tech was doing. Especially once she put the heartbeat up on the speaker!
Well, I've reached a new low. Hahaha, I was driving to the city today and undid my jeans just to feel more comfortable. They were so uncomfortable while I was sitting but I refuse to change my jeans yet!!!! Lol. Gotta say, it is a good feeling though. It feels more and more real every time. I don't even know how I will react when I get my first u/s done this week.
Ninja that's awesome! I feel like I can't sit with my legs pressed together -I've got to let them hang open like a man ... Otherwise it feels weird putting that pressure on my pelvis area. When I wake up in the morning my tummy is normal but by midday I have such bloat I could be 5 months along!
For me it's still just the nausea, crying and fatigue. I'm in bed by 8pm almost every night now, and for someone who didn't used to go to bed before midnight that is super early!

I'm also a bit more lovey and cuddly than I was before. I'm telling my husband how handsome he is about 500 times a day haha.

I don't feel like these symptoms are too terrible though. I'm able to hide them pretty well when we see people. The worst is the constant nausea and the urge to cry over every tiny little thing, but even that I can hide so long as we aren't out for long periods of time.
Oh, the nausea is still kicking my ass. It comes and goes but now when it comes, I am so close to actually vomitting. It sucks. I've also found I am waking up super early in the morning to pee but I'm the kind of person that can't sleep after waking up so I don't know how I will function if that continues.
ditto on peeing! before when i take lots of liquids, i usually pee a lot on one sitting. now it seems my body wants to pee in batches in the middle of the night.
Alright, 8w3d and new symptoms to report! First off the bat is dry skin. My face is so flakey right now I look like a lizard having a bad shed. No where else on my body seems to be dry, just my face, no matter how much I moisturise.

Second, body pimples! I usually have pretty clear skin and very rarely if ever will get pimples anywhere other than my face. Now my boobs and even legs are getting the occasional spot!

Also yes, the peeing. It's definitely upgraded in the past few days. I drink a LOT of water so I've always been someone who pees a million times a day, but now it seems I have to go almost every 15 minutes or so.

Even with all that I cannot wait to go back to the doctors tomorrow for my blood work, in hopes I'll get another ultrasound! I am so ridiculously in love with this tiny wiggly seahorse.
I woke up this morning with 4 zits on my face, after weeks of mostly clear skin.

I almost threw up after having a sip of my morning OJ. It tasted fine but my stomach said 'NO'. It almost turned me off to OJ, but after I mastered the urge to vomit I finished the cup with breakfast and have been sipping on a thermos filled with watered down stuff. (plain water still tastes nasty)

I had spotting yesterday after sex. I freaked out for a good hour, but realized that since it was all brown and stopped right away it was probably just from the sex and an irritated cervix. It was pain-free. I freaked out partially because my symptoms didn't disappear, but I had an overall good day.

Nurse at my OB told me on Thursday I am 8w3d, which would make me 9w0d today, but I'm not updating my ticker until after my nuchal, if they do a dating measurement at that point. I don't want to lose almost a week, I don't think the measurement from 6 weeks was right, etc etc.

No peeing extra like some of you ladies, but maybe that's because I haven't gotten extra fluids... on account of water tasting terrible and scared of drinking too many calories.
Moon I love your expression peeing in batches!! Ha ha so true!

Thankfully my nausea isn't there every single day all day but I wake up in the morning so worried what the day will hold. Sometimes it only hits after 2pm and gets really bad around dinner time and sometimes it's worse than others. Today is one of those persistent gross days. I hate them! Seriously counting down the days. Probably looking at another 8 weeks of this!
I can totally second (third, fourth?) the peeing in batches. Soooo much. I have to pee between 3:30 and 4:30AM and once I'm up I'm up for good, so that's been my waking time. Not a fan! I do drink a lot of water but I've been trying to avoid it near bed time, to no avail.

Had a scan yesterday at 7+4. Went well. Measuring on track. Heart rate 152.8. Looked like a big headed sea horse, but a cute one. :p I could see the umbilical cord attaching baby to the placenta, which was cool.

Today is an absolutely crazy day from morning until night in terms of how much I have to do. I'll be at work from 7AM to 5:15PM, then have a few hours of errands to run, then need to come home and pack and do some work from home. Leaving on a conference trip tomorrow morning and will be gone until Sunday. Really hope this little sea horse doesn't make me unbearably nauseated today, or the rest of this week!
No peeing extra like some of you ladies, but maybe that's because I haven't gotten extra fluids... on account of water tasting terrible and scared of drinking too many calories.

I put a little bit of juice in water and it makes it bearable for me. So, some extra calories but much less.
I'm doing half water half oj but I can't be guzzling that all day. I bring a thermos at work and drink coffee and maybe tea the rest of the time.
I had my 8 week scan today, and they found another one!! That being said, one baby has a nice heartbeat of 170, but measured 7w4d even though they say I should be 8+1, and I thought I was 8+2. I'm trying not to stress, as the hb was strong, and I've read all over the place that measurements can be off by up to a week. The other baby only measured 6w2d and was too small to get a heartbeat reading, although there was something there. The tech is pretty sure I'll lose that one, but at least there's one strong little bub.
Anyone have any thoughts on the measuring smaller, or much smaller twin?
Wow Amanda! Congrats on the twins. For now, I'd just be excited. I wouldn't necessarily jump to the conclusion that you'll lose one. It may happen, but I think an equal possibility is it will be just fine and is only a bit behind. Sometimes they can't really get a good view/angle on both babies in the same way, so it's really hard to tell. It's really common for babies scan measurements to be way off. My singleton's first scan was spot on, but just one week later it was measuring ahead, and then the very next week back on track. The tech seemed alarmed this week that my baby was only measuring 7+4, and I had to remind her that the baby IS 7 weeks 4 days, it was just measuring ahead last week. I think it's really common. So I wouldn't be too alarmed quite yet! I'll hope that the little one catches up and grows quickly! When is your next scan?

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