Missed Miscarriage/ how long did it take you to miscarry naturally?

Oh, we planted a Vibernum (flowers in February) in a pot as we expect to move house at some point x
I found out I had a missed MC on 2/13 when I would've been 11 weeks +6. Baby measured 8 weeks+ 3. I started spotting about a week later and miscarried on 2/23. My body showed no signs till the spotting started.
Some of you talk about seeing the sac come out whole. I had wanted it to happen at home so I could possibly see it and maybe try to see baby if it wasn't too small. I know some women don't wish to see and I totally understand that..we all grieve differently. But I unfortunately ended up having "tissue" (what they called it) removed at the ER and I was too scared to.ask for it or to see it... :(
With me I had a scan at 8 weeks baby had strong heart everything was looking great! But I had a cyst which was pretty large so the doctor asked me to return the week after to keep an eye on it, week later arrived and the doctor doing the viaginal scan was very quiet I knew in my heart something was wrong then she said it the baby's heart has gone very slow, she turnt the screen to me and showed me and I burst into tears my heart was broken. She said the baby could be Lying in a funny position but chances was slim she said to return in a week for another scan which I did and was told baby had died I was 10 and a half weeks at this point and was told the baby had died the day before this scan! I was told either to choose natural tablets or d &c I opted for the tablets as the thought of a d&c terrified me! So I was booked in for tablet later that week hoping before then would happen naturally which it never! So I went back four days later had another scan to double check still baby lying in same place lifeless, so I had the tablet and omg! Pain doesn't even come close! From 9 in the morning until 5 I was in extreme agony and so much blood and after that I had to go back for a scan to make sure everything was gone etc! Which it wasn't there was still tissue! So I had to get d & c anyway!!! So I would recommend the d&c rather than go through what I did! It's no where near as bad as I expected and wish I would of done it in first place now x
I hope it's ok to add a bit more to this thread, it's nearly 9 months since my miscarriage now and looking back on it I actually have some really positive memories - I remember the devastation at finding out my baby had died and the horror at the thought of it coming out and not knowing if I could cope with seeing it or not but the actual miscarriage I had was healing and empowering.

I had the herbs I'd been prescribed by my herbalist friend which helped with both the physical side of releasing my baby (miscarried at nearly 12 weeks, baby measured 7) but also helped with the desperate feeling of having empty arms and grief. I was able to put on music, have candles and incense lit and listen to what my body wanted to do (changing position and moving my hips with mini contraction like gushes). It didn't hurt very much at all (I had after period like cramps the next day but nothing too bad). I was able to get myself in a head space where I could release my baby with love. It's all helped me feel that this time when I actually give birth I'm going to be able to cope a lot better than the first time I gave birth and I'm feeling able to plan a homebirth.

Just wanted to add a different perspective on miscarriage. I'm really sorry to read about your loss jxexn and I'm sorry for all the pain you suffered :( I was terrified of a d&c too, I did end up in hospital after miscarrying because I was passing a lot of large clots but thankfully managed to avoid surgery.
Hi... I'm worried!

We found out at our scan yest that the baby stopped growing at 5 weeks. I should be 10 weeks and 5 days now so that was almost 6 weeks ago and I've only been getting mild brown spotting for a few days - no real signs of it passing yet.

Not sure what to do as I haven't come across anyone else who has gone as long as I have without fully miscarrying!?!

Worried, really worried :-(
Hi... I'm worried!

We found out at our scan yest that the baby stopped growing at 5 weeks. I should be 10 weeks and 5 days now so that was almost 6 weeks ago and I've only been getting mild brown spotting for a few days - no real signs of it passing yet.

Not sure what to do as I haven't come across anyone else who has gone as long as I have without fully miscarrying!?!

Worried, really worried :-(

Emma, I am sorry you're going through this. :hugs: I am in the same situation. We were trying for our second child, got pregnant right away and at my scan where I should have been 10 weeks, I was told I was carrying twins but neither had developed past 6 weeks and there was no heartbeat. We were devastated. I was also one who never thought this would happen to me. Yes, naive I know since it is very common and doesn't mean you have anything wrong with you.

When I spoke to my ob/gyn, I was given the 3 options (natural, medical or surgical) and I opted for natural m/c. I have spotted brown on and off since I was 6 weeks 5 days and now I would have been 11 weeks 4 days and still only spotting brown sporadically. No pain, no red blood, no clots. I'm still waiting. According to the scan, my babies didn't develop past 6 weeks so I'd be 5 weeks 4 days out now with nothing more than sporadic brown spotting. I was assured by the hospital and my ob/gyn that there was no significant risk of infection at this time and it was recommended that I wait out this week and then we'd be called to re-evaluate.

Stay strong. PM me if you want to talk.
Emma, I am sorry you're going through this. :hugs: I am in the same situation. We were trying for our second child, got pregnant right away and at my scan where I should have been 10 weeks, I was told I was carrying twins but neither had developed past 6 weeks and there was no heartbeat. We were devastated. I was also one who never thought this would happen to me. Yes, naive I know since it is very common and doesn't mean you have anything wrong with you.

When I spoke to my ob/gyn, I was given the 3 options (natural, medical or surgical) and I opted for natural m/c. I have spotted brown on and off since I was 6 weeks 5 days and now I would have been 11 weeks 4 days and still only spotting brown sporadically. No pain, no red blood, no clots. I'm still waiting. According to the scan, my babies didn't develop past 6 weeks so I'd be 5 weeks 4 days out now with nothing more than sporadic brown spotting. I was assured by the hospital and my ob/gyn that there was no significant risk of infection at this time and it was recommended that I wait out this week and then we'd be called to re-evaluate.

Stay strong. PM me if you want to talk.
Really sorry to hear that Neptune.

I've just finished a medically managed miscarriage today. It went smoothly. I've posted about my experience in the medically managed miscarriage section.

I'm sure your miscarriage will pass soon too. I appreciate how difficult it is and just hope you can stay strong. It WILL be better!!!
Hi everyone. I am so glad to have found such a supportive forum. I am going through Avery difficult time and trying it figure out how to process this all. I found out I was pregnant back in October and my doctor office set up my first ob appointment for this past Wednesday. I was so excited, my husband and I already have too beautiful baby boys, but were hoping for. Little girl. So when we went in for our very first sonogram, the n/p was doing the internal u/s and after a few minutes she said I'm sorry I am not seeing a heartbeat. I just broke down into tears. They said I was 12 weeks and the baby was measuring at 10 weeks, I just did not want to believe it. She called a doc into confirm it. He continued to talk about my three options (which I am sure you're all familiar with,sadly) He told me he sees no point in waiting and scheduled me for a d and c next Tuesday. I have been having some cramping on and off since my appointment, but no bleeding at all. I Am still trying to cope and am not ready to accept it, but I feel like the d and c is the best option, because I just want to be able to have closure, instead of waiting. I just wish I had signs of a natural miscarriage, I am afraid of having a d and c, scared i will never be able to havea baby again. Any advice to help me decide what's best and to help me ease my mind about having the procedure ?
Hi Ladies - I was told last tuesday that baby had not grown from the internal scan the week before and so it was a missed miscarraige. Should have been nearly 10 weeks by then but baby was still about 6 weeks in size.

How stupid am I thinking it would start straight away ? If my dates were right then baby must have died nearly 4 weeks ago now - I have a week and a half left til I have to go back to the hospital to re-evaluate as I asked to go natural.

I have heard such a range of stories about all of the procedures and am just crossing my fingers it will start soon and be over with smoothly.

How horrible it is to know I have my own dead child inside of me :( but I know I'd also rather pass it naturally than have it forced out :(

Bless you alllXXXXXXXXXXxx
I am sorry you are going through this. My baby dies at 8+3 and I passed it at what would have been about 10 weeks. I believe the baby died on the 2nd or 3rd and I passed it on the 9th. I know the dates don't add up because the growth was already lagging at my 7+4 ultrasound (baby only measured 6+6 and sac measured 6).

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