Missed Miscarriage/ how long did it take you to miscarry naturally?

Hey.. sorry for you loss honey!!

I am 20 years old and i have experienced 2 misscarriages, one at just under 6 weeks and the other nearly 13 weeks, i miscarriaged naturally with both, the first miscarriage came more or less straight away.. with no pain what so ever, just lots and lots of blood.. but the one i had just over a month ago was the worst pain i have ever had in my entire life, i got told the heartbeat stopped and day after i miscarriaged which lasted 2 and a half hours if i havent of miscarriages naturally i would of had the pill. xxx
Gotta be quick.....Doctor scanned me and no beany in there and I am on to IUI #3 as soon as HCG levels go down to 0 and I start to ovulate again.
Sorry for everyone able to post in this forum :hugs:

I had a small amount of bleeding and had a scan the next day. I had already had bleeding when 6w and had a scan and we saw the heartbeat, so it was a major shock when scanned at 10w (20th Jan) to be told baby had died not long after first scan (i was still having symptoms, pos test etc so thought scan would just put fears to rest). That night I started bleeding properly. I wanted to avoid D&C so thought this was good. Went back 10 days later and it was still in there, despite bleeding - alot. i had pains but they were like period pains (i have quite heavy periods). Lost a few large clots but thought this was it.

10 days ago i woke up in AGONY at about 2.30am. I have never felt pain like it. Blood was pouring from me - i felt like i was wetting myself. Hubby took me to A&E who sent me up to gynae ward where they gave me morphine - that helped a lot! Apparently i was contracting but my cervix was closed, so they gave me something to stop the contracting.

Later that day they gave me a D&C as they scanned me and it was STILL in there. According to my notes my uterus was the size of a 12 week pregnancy (if i was still pregnant i would have been 13w) and i had my first negative test 4 days after the D&C. i stopped bleeding yesterday.

Personally, i wish i had had the D&C earlier as i feel drained. However i didnt want to admit what had happened and hoped they had made a mistake. But i also seemed to bleed alot longer than others. If it had happened like my friends (over in 4 days) i would obviously be happy with natural.

Its whatever feels right for you. Just dont discount anything.
WelshoneEmma - So sorry!! It's really sad what some women have to go through. It breaks my heart. :hugs: I hope you have a good recovery and heal well.
Just posted missing a whole page so it didn't make sense!!

:hugs: Emma, so sorry for you loss. How are you froliky? :hugs:
Hey.. sorry for you loss honey!!

I am 20 years old and i have experienced 2 misscarriages, one at just under 6 weeks and the other nearly 13 weeks, i miscarriaged naturally with both, the first miscarriage came more or less straight away.. with no pain what so ever, just lots and lots of blood.. but the one i had just over a month ago was the worst pain i have ever had in my entire life, i got told the heartbeat stopped and day after i miscarriaged which lasted 2 and a half hours if i havent of miscarriages naturally i would of had the pill. xxx

Sorry about both of you're Miscarriages. do they know what caused them? I can't imagine going through 2. Which is why I fear getting pregnant again.
It isnt a very nice thing to experience... but all i can do is lift my head up high and get on with life because i cant change what has happened and i couldnt do a thing about it back then ... and they dont investigate why it happened untill you have 3 or more miscarriages which is stupid .. they just class it as bad luck as it is a very common thing.
My stepdads sister had 9 miscariages ... and then had 3 children .. i couldnt even bare to imagain 9!!
People inspire me and motivate me to not feel so down and sorry for my self because even though it is so painful and heartbreaking there is people who have gone through so much worse, and they inspire me to keep my head held high and get on with life.
It is scarey the thought of ever been pregnant again .. i am so very scared of having a 3rd miscarriage, but i am afraid life will be life and it is a bumpy ride.. after the darkest of days there is always a brighter tomorrow!
I hope you feel better soon xx
Elm - I am better. I had my first negative pregnancy test today. Moving forward. How are you? I actually am very lucky. The most difficult part for me was definitely the emotional and mental. I actually felt "myself" again today (1 week after the doctor told me the news). I have a scan next week to check my ovulation/egg and acupuncture scheduled for Monday night. Feeling better.
It isnt a very nice thing to experience... but all i can do is lift my head up high and get on with life because i cant change what has happened and i couldnt do a thing about it back then ... and they dont investigate why it happened untill you have 3 or more miscarriages which is stupid .. they just class it as bad luck as it is a very common thing.
My stepdads sister had 9 miscariages ... and then had 3 children .. i couldnt even bare to imagain 9!!
People inspire me and motivate me to not feel so down and sorry for my self because even though it is so painful and heartbreaking there is people who have gone through so much worse, and they inspire me to keep my head held high and get on with life.
It is scarey the thought of ever been pregnant again .. i am so very scared of having a 3rd miscarriage, but i am afraid life will be life and it is a bumpy ride.. after the darkest of days there is always a brighter tomorrow!
I hope you feel better soon xx

WOW. 9?! My best friend had 3 but she has lupus. and she also has 2 boys, who were born premature. It's crazy how this works. When I first got pregnant I was just worried about the baby having a possible defect of some kind. It never crossed my mind that I would miscarry. So they haven't tested you to see why you keep having them? That would annoy me. Thanks for the support, and I hope they 3rd time is a charm for you!
Elm - I am better. I had my first negative pregnancy test today. Moving forward. How are you? I actually am very lucky. The most difficult part for me was definitely the emotional and mental. I actually felt "myself" again today (1 week after the doctor told me the news). I have a scan next week to check my ovulation/egg and acupuncture scheduled for Monday night. Feeling better.

Was this the first miscarriage you had? I wouldn't get out of bed for 2 days after I found out I lost the baby, but it's been getting easier. I don't know what I'd do without my oldest step-son to keep me occupied. My husband has been really great but I don't think he really knows what to say or do about the situation either. Have you had a baby before?
Sorry for everyone able to post in this forum :hugs:

I had a small amount of bleeding and had a scan the next day. I had already had bleeding when 6w and had a scan and we saw the heartbeat, so it was a major shock when scanned at 10w (20th Jan) to be told baby had died not long after first scan (i was still having symptoms, pos test etc so thought scan would just put fears to rest). That night I started bleeding properly. I wanted to avoid D&C so thought this was good. Went back 10 days later and it was still in there, despite bleeding - alot. i had pains but they were like period pains (i have quite heavy periods). Lost a few large clots but thought this was it.

10 days ago i woke up in AGONY at about 2.30am. I have never felt pain like it. Blood was pouring from me - i felt like i was wetting myself. Hubby took me to A&E who sent me up to gynae ward where they gave me morphine - that helped a lot! Apparently i was contracting but my cervix was closed, so they gave me something to stop the contracting.

Later that day they gave me a D&C as they scanned me and it was STILL in there. According to my notes my uterus was the size of a 12 week pregnancy (if i was still pregnant i would have been 13w) and i had my first negative test 4 days after the D&C. i stopped bleeding yesterday.

Personally, i wish i had had the D&C earlier as i feel drained. However i didnt want to admit what had happened and hoped they had made a mistake. But i also seemed to bleed alot longer than others. If it had happened like my friends (over in 4 days) i would obviously be happy with natural.

Its whatever feels right for you. Just dont discount anything.

I'm sorry you had to go through all that! It's a horrible thing to go through and I just hope and pray that nature takes its course. it's hard enough to go through without having complications on top of it. I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet because I'm still bleeding. I'm assuming it won't say negative until I stop. I have to go back to test my levels next week, and also my thyroid since there is a history of it in my family. Thank you for sharing you're experience with me. I really found this site to be really helpful in my healing process. <3
Elm - I am better. I had my first negative pregnancy test today. Moving forward. How are you? I actually am very lucky. The most difficult part for me was definitely the emotional and mental. I actually felt "myself" again today (1 week after the doctor told me the news). I have a scan next week to check my ovulation/egg and acupuncture scheduled for Monday night. Feeling better.

Was this the first miscarriage you had? I wouldn't get out of bed for 2 days after I found out I lost the baby, but it's been getting easier. I don't know what I'd do without my oldest step-son to keep me occupied. My husband has been really great but I don't think he really knows what to say or do about the situation either. Have you had a baby before?

Thanks for your support. Yeah, I am typically very active..and I still stayed busy but found I did not want to exercise or do yoga like I normally do. I would come home from work and just want to have a glass of wine and relax in a bubble bath. I found it to be healing. I believe I had a chemical mc in August due to failure of fetus to implant because I had a large polyp in my uterus. Doctor said it was the biggest he had seen. This was my first "official" one though because I was definitely pregnant and was around 6 weeks. I have never had a child. This is our first. I am 38 and DH is 46. :hugs: I am feeling better. I went for a light jog after work. I still have not wanted to go to yoga though. I have not felt like being around people too much.
Sorry for everyone able to post in this forum :hugs:

I had a small amount of bleeding and had a scan the next day. I had already had bleeding when 6w and had a scan and we saw the heartbeat, so it was a major shock when scanned at 10w (20th Jan) to be told baby had died not long after first scan (i was still having symptoms, pos test etc so thought scan would just put fears to rest). That night I started bleeding properly. I wanted to avoid D&C so thought this was good. Went back 10 days later and it was still in there, despite bleeding - alot. i had pains but they were like period pains (i have quite heavy periods). Lost a few large clots but thought this was it.

10 days ago i woke up in AGONY at about 2.30am. I have never felt pain like it. Blood was pouring from me - i felt like i was wetting myself. Hubby took me to A&E who sent me up to gynae ward where they gave me morphine - that helped a lot! Apparently i was contracting but my cervix was closed, so they gave me something to stop the contracting.

Later that day they gave me a D&C as they scanned me and it was STILL in there. According to my notes my uterus was the size of a 12 week pregnancy (if i was still pregnant i would have been 13w) and i had my first negative test 4 days after the D&C. i stopped bleeding yesterday.

Personally, i wish i had had the D&C earlier as i feel drained. However i didnt want to admit what had happened and hoped they had made a mistake. But i also seemed to bleed alot longer than others. If it had happened like my friends (over in 4 days) i would obviously be happy with natural.

Its whatever feels right for you. Just dont discount anything.

I'm sorry you had to go through all that! It's a horrible thing to go through and I just hope and pray that nature takes its course. it's hard enough to go through without having complications on top of it. I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet because I'm still bleeding. I'm assuming it won't say negative until I stop. I have to go back to test my levels next week, and also my thyroid since there is a history of it in my family. Thank you for sharing you're experience with me. I really found this site to be really helpful in my healing process. <3

I finally stopped bleeding about 4 days ago, so had negative tests about a week or two beforehand (maybe 4 days after the D&C). I have thyroid issues too, but they were checked in Jan as part of the pregnancy. a little high but not too bad.

A month on and i am starting to feel more "me" (mind you, went to a pole showcase last night and cried at one of the songs!). We have our honeymoon on Monday - two weeks in the Philippines. Its a little bittersweet as i had pictured myself with a baby bump by then, but I suppose i will have to take my mind off it by buying lots of shoes!
So sorry to everyone who has been through this terrible experience.

I found out on Thursday that baby has passed at around 8 weeks. I was supposed to be around 12 weeks. I went to the hospital yesterday and had my first tablet and I'm being admitted tomorrow morning to have the rest of them and hopefully pass the baby. I just feel so alone and numb. I know others have gone through this but I just feel so alone. This baby wasn't planned and was a huge shock to us. We didn't find out till 8 weeks and hubby wanted me to 'get rid'. It was something I always said I could never do and hubby came to terms with another baby. Now I just feel as though he is relieved it has happened and I know that he will not want to try for another after this. We haven't really talked but I dunno what to say to him. I know he was shocked when the sonography announced there was no heartbeat but he hasn't said much else. He has said he thinks I should leave the forum for a while as I mentioned today that seeing people's journals and updates on FB was upsetting me.

It sounds selfish but it's something that I never thought would happen to me. I am so naive, I know it happens and know people it's happened too but never thought it would happen to me. X
3 weeks after finding out I had miscarried, I finally got a NEG. pregnancy test yesterday. I'm still passing a teeny bit of tissue but I haven't bleed for 2 straight days. I hope that everything passed naturally and the doctor doesn't tell me when I go back Tuesday that something else is wrong. I'm so glad there are forums out there like this one for support. I really believe you ladies help so many people!
It took 6 days to complete for me. I didn't expect the whole sac to come out, perfectly round like a ball. stay home until its over. Sorry for your loss. I was 7 weeks, I regret just flushing it down the loo, so think about what you will do when the time comes.i was in total shock/panic
It took 6 days to complete for me. I didn't expect the whole sac to come out, perfectly round like a ball. stay home until its over. Sorry for your loss. I was 7 weeks, I regret just flushing it down the loo, so think about what you will do when the time comes.i was in total shock/panic

I did n't expect the sac to come out perfectly formed either....I did n't know what to do with it so wrapped it in tissue, sealed it as best I could and stuck it in a food container (which I will throw away!) and put it in the freezer (TMI). Maybe that sounds disgusting but I wanted to think about what I should do. Two weeks later its still in my freezer but we are going to plant a tree this weekend in our garden and bury it.

did anyone else get a bad smell though from theirs (sorry if TMI) ? When I passed the sac and placenta they smelt really strong....again no one tells you this, the hospital said it'll just be like a heavy period.
It took 6 days to complete for me. I didn't expect the whole sac to come out, perfectly round like a ball. stay home until its over. Sorry for your loss. I was 7 weeks, I regret just flushing it down the loo, so think about what you will do when the time comes.i was in total shock/panic

I did n't expect the sac to come out perfectly formed either....I did n't know what to do with it so wrapped it in tissue, sealed it as best I could and stuck it in a food container (which I will throw away!) and put it in the freezer (TMI). Maybe that sounds disgusting but I wanted to think about what I should do. Two weeks later its still in my freezer but we are going to plant a tree this weekend in our garden and bury it.

did anyone else get a bad smell though from theirs (sorry if TMI) ? When I passed the sac and placenta they smelt really strong....again no one tells you this, the hospital said it'll just be like a heavy period.

I did notice that there was a strong metallic smell, more "bloody" than usual periods. I know its gross, but to me it seemed logical.
Pippi sorry for your loss :hugs: I thought there was an awful smell when I passed baby and the placenta too. I wasn't told about it either. I think planting baby with the tree is a lovely idea. I am really not into gardening. Hubby is but I'm going to get him to plant a tree for baby for me x
I didn't notice a smell but we'd been burning incense - ours went in a food container in a shoe box in the fridge :hugs: x

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