Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Hi Rebecca. AF got me on Sunday afternoon. We had our hopes up when there was no sign of AF till Saturday night. Poor DH. I can't forget that grim look on his face when I told him that AF is starting. :(
Aw Pal, I'm so sorry af got you. I'm still keeping everything crossed you get your bfp soon!
How's everyone doing?? You've all gone very quiet! Remember when that used to mean we were DTD? Lol.

I'm feeling constant pressure/heaviness in my pelvic region, seriously worried I'm going to pee myself it's so bad/uncomfortable! He's been moving a ton today like he's trying to bust his way out. Keep at it, boy, momma's ready to meet you!! 😍
Wow wannabe, almost 37 weeks!

He'll be here soon enough!

I've been a but anxious between finishing up the school semester and finding out my uncle sold his business so now I'm out one of my jobs. With the ntnp/ttc going on it really sucks to have that added pressure of losing out on a paycheck. Fxd I can get a 2nd part time job quick, my other job wasn't willing to give me more hours to cover.

How is everyone else, I hope well!
Miranda- I've been cramping and feeling such pressure, went to docs on Tuesday where he said I'm 50% effaced but only barely 1cm... (he actually said a "fingertip" but then proceeded to shove a finger in, which made me bleed a bit).
I started my Maternity leave as of yesterday because of how uncomfortable I've been, and it doesn't seem to ease up at all.

Last night I got all excited, contractions were coming somewhat strong every 7 mins...I figured I'd better sleep in case it was starting, but woke up just crampy again, no big contractions :( I've gotta be close?? I'm gonna be so upset if it's still another 3 weeks on leave without baby :(
It definitely sounds like your body is gearing up, hopefully it doesn't take too long to go into labour, I can't imagine going three weeks cramping off and on and having irregular contractions
Thanks Pickle, still waiting lol

Cramping/contractions still there, the pressure comes and goes...tailbone pain I think was just cuz I overdid it yesterday.

I've been hand expressing colostrum for over a week and have probably close to 4.5oz frozen! It causes contractions/tightenings but hasn't lead to anything like I've read lol.
I originally started because I woke up to huge wet patches on my shirt, so figured I might as well try to collect that precious milk for my sweet boy! :)
If you have a pump it'll stimulate more, it causes the body to release prolactin which can trigger contractions.

Happy 38 weeks!

How is everyone else doing?
Thanks! I won't be getting my pump till I deliver, through my insurance.

I'm cramping bad like on a period, ctx between 4-10mins I think but not regularly still. They are getting stronger and longer, just not closer together?

Sharp stabby pains in vagina, and pressure/growing pains all over pelvic area, thighs, and butt.

I'm really hoping things amp up soon...this is just getting more and more uncomfortable so I gotta be getting closer..

Had a dream my waters broke...why couldn't that have been real? Lol
Hello Ladies. .sorry that I have been Mia. Moved house and kinda have been busy but I really haven't got any excuses. How is everyone?

How r the mummy's and babies Kk, Miranda, pickle and Dd? Hope you are all good?

How are the preggers Jessie and
Wannabe? Hope u and bumps are all good?

How is gorgeous pal? Hope you are good?

What has everyone been up to?
Hey girls I'm still here bout to explode lol was due this weekend but nothing!! Induction scheduled for June 6th.
Doc appts Tues/tmrw and Friday for non stress tests. Tmrw I get an ultrasound to check for fluids, etc.

I'm just SO irritated and upset with OH tho its ridiculous. He's so lazy and such a slob. Doesn't help unless I literally beg him. I'm so over it and can't wait to get away. I can't stand him anymore, at all. Even looking at him repulsed me. :cry: def not my vision I had in mind for my son but I just can't handle it anymore!
I'm sorry you and your oh are having issues wannabe, having a baby is very stressful and can be really hard on a relationship. I hope he steps up for you.

I'm just going day by day, I'm basically a sahm right now, the one job I have I only go in once a week and I take James with me...my other job is no longer. Long story. Still can't find a place willing to hire me on such limited hours. James is well though, he's such a great kid, and I've started him in his own bed, it's a full size bed so I can lay with him if needed. I can't believe he'll be 2 in a few months!
Sorry to hear that you and your oh are having issues Wanabe. But I second what Miranda said, having a baby is a massive change and can put a huge strain on even the strongest relationships. Hang in there hun. Just concentrate on taking care of u and try not to stress x
Aww Miranda . What about ur uncle's job? Have you left now? It can be very difficult finding a job with the flexibility to take care of a baby. That is why a lot of women end up staying at home with their baby's because it doesn't make sense to work full time and pay more than half to minder or baby sitter. And also miss precious time with your lo. . I hope you find something soon that suit your family life. I think the government should create specific jobs for mums in general with flexibility to suit their family life x
My uncle sold his business, and the new owners aren't the best people...Brett and I decided I should quit when my uncle told us the news. It was all very last minute and I'm still kind of angry with my uncle for not giving us a heads up when he first decided to sell his business 4 months ago...Brett is working as much overtime as he can to make extra money. We're stable, no net loss in income, just an inconvenience really.

How are you doing dream? How's it been at work?
Awwwwww how annoying. Ur uncle should have at least given u heads up knowing u've got lil James as well and need time to plan your next step. Good to know that u guys are still ok and hope that things change for the better soon. I am k. Work is k. Very stressful at times lol. My babies are fine. DD is 4 next week, and I am struggling to get my head round it. I only had her yesterday. Ds is fine as well just very active x
Hey lovely ladies my apologies for not updating sooner, but Xavier was born on June 2nd!! He's a week old today!
I had to be induced, waters popped and level 3 pitocin, but otherwise did everything 100% natural, no pain meds besides the tylenol I needed beforehand for a headache. Everything happened SO fast...Went in at 8, got started around 9/930, around 3pm I was crying saying I couldn't do it anymore, asked for meds once but luckily OH reminded me I didn't want anything. They checked me at that point I was 7cm and so I got on hands and knees for 20mins, said I needed to push, the nurse was like ok keep going, next contraction I screamed I NEED to push!! And got rechecked, sure enough I was fully dilated and ready to go. Did a few rounds of practice pushes which were successful, the doc came in around 430 and Xavier arrived at 454pm!!

So thankful it was quick and "easy" since my.pregnancy made me struggle thru the entire 9 months. I did tear internally but I guess it's considered minor. I'm also convinced my tailbone is fractured since he was back to back and head down since 24 weeks.
The cord was wrapped around his neck tightly 3 times, and once his head was out is when I decided I was "done"...I was SCREAMING and they literally had to get 2 extra nurses in to hold my legs down and yell at me to keep going. That was the worst part and still haunts me now. But I did it!! :)

Since the labor OH has changed drastically for the better, we are cuddling and kissing and loving each other all over again, thank God. We're still not rushing into marriage just yet, but things are definitely looking up. Hallelujah!

Oh, he was 8lb3oz 19.5in so not "big" at all, really...they had me so worried over nothing.

Hope you all are doing well!! I'll try to keep in touch but it's just been go go go since coming home, visitors and doc appts. Glad to just RELAX today at home!!

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