Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Dream- how are you feeling? Did you tell your dh?

Yea told dh immediately after I took the test. He is the only one that knows for now. He was obviously shocked as I was but he was very relaxed about it and kept asking me how I felt. He is more excited than me but I have accepted it now and warming up to the idea x
Wow! Congrats Dream!

I'm going back to work on Wednesday...absolutely freaking out! I don't want to go back AT ALL! I'll just be working to pay childcare anyways so I'm hoping to only go back for a month or two...just to establish my benefits. But I really can't see myself as a working mom...it's just not for me. The idea of leaving my baby is actually making me physically sick to my stomach...
Hi ladies... so I've had a rough couple weeks. I'm a hairdresser, and my boss made an abrupt decision to close the salon... also, we took the kids to the local Waterpark here yesterday, and someone broke into our car and stole my purse and our title out of our new bought car... with all that stress, last night when we finally got home and I used the restroom, when I wiped I had very light brown blood discharge and light cramping.... :( any idea what this means? I don't see my doctor for another week. Today I am 5w6d. As if I don't already have enough on my plate, now this.
Also, I hope everyone is doing well!!!
Fairyy, how many dpo are you now? When are you going to test? How are you feeling?
Dream - it took a while for me to be excited about this pregnancy...not that I didn't want it or wasn't happy I was, but the timing wasn't ideal...so I get taking some time to warm up to the idea, my husband was so excited when I told him, made me feel like it was all going to be okay. Big :hugs:

Wannabe - sorry you're having such bad anxiety about going back to work. It sucks, it really does. James started preschool last week and it's still heart breaking to drop him off, but just think of how happy he'll be to see you after work...that's what gets me through the day. Granted, I was so lucky to be able to work part time - maybe that's something you can try, drop your hours a little to help ease the transition?

Cobbyn - what an awful few days, so sorry you're having to deal with all that stress. Spotting can be normal if it's not bright red - worse case scenario you can go to the ER for a scan...but I'm not sure of the cost of that. Maybe call your dr and see if you can get in earlier or should be concerned
Miranda, I've cut down to 30hrs a week...it's the lowest I can do while still getting much-needed benefits...and I'm starting on a a Wednesday, my choice, to help ease back...still hoping only temporary tho because I'll literally be breaking even to pay childcare (and that's with friends & family cutting us slack!)

Cobyn - could it still be implantation maybe? I know spotting can go either way, honestly, but the stress of your day could've very well have caused it, I'd think.

Pal - when are you testing? Dpo? Maybe I missed this?

Dream - Howre you feeling?

Pickle & kristi - how's things?

I still miss Ciara :(
Can't believe it is time for you to go back to work already :(:growlmad: :hugs:
Hope your first day at work is ok.

Cobyn as long as the spotting is brown you don't have to worry I think. I hope it has stopped by now.

How are you doing Miranda and Natasha ?

AFM: I am 13dpo today. If no AF on Friday then I will test. But I doubt that is going to be the case :( I got prescription refill for clomid for higher dose (100mg, I was on 50mg for first two months). If I decide to take clomid after next cycle then my OBGYN wants me to come for ultrasound on cd11/12. Anyways see wants me to make an appointment between cd1-3 if I get AF in September.
I had a scare yesterday afternoon/last night...long story short I ended up with an emergency scan to check the baby due to bleeding- apparently I have an SCH. In other words, a pocket of blood in my uterus. The u/s tech noted it last week, but it wasn't mentioned to me until today.

Pal - how are you, what dpo are you?

Dream - how are you feeling?

Cobyn - hope the spotting stopped, it's a horrifying experience. I stressed so much last night over my bleed, cried and cried until I was sick. I hope all is well with you!

Wannabe - big :hugs: I still cry a little leaving James at daycare and he's 2. It's hard, but take comfort in knowing at this age, it's less stressful on him then it is on you. If you need someone to talk to just message me anytime.

How are the rest of you ladies? KK, DD it's been a while since we've heard from you.
That seemed scary Miranda. I could imagine your fear. But why they didn't tell you about SCH! Strange! Hope that everything is ok now and you and baby are fine :hugs: Thank God!!
Miranda - I've heard of that, does it resolve itself? Did they give you info? They can't be too worried if they didn't mention it, but really bad of them not to. Have you checked your notes?
Fxd it's a bfp come Friday Pal, I'm so hoping for you!

I don't have access to my notes, unfortunately. The u/s tech talked like I should of known about it, she must of noted it in the system, but the thing is my dr is old..like 30+ yrs as an obgyn, and is bad with the new online system they've converted to recently...so he may of just missed her note about it. We talked a little about it after the scan...he did say it should resolve itself, I did more research on it when I got home. Basically it's a pocket of blood that forms during implantation...they don't know why it happens and there's no fix for it, I just got to wait it out. I did look up pics of scans with sch online and mine looks small in comparison, so I'm hoping the bleeding doesn't last long. It's very light, only when I wipe...but still happening. My dr made it seem like no big deal and didn't seem to be worried about it at all, I assume that's a good sign
Fairyy- My fingers are crossed that af stays away and this is your bfp month!!! Anything different with how you feel this month?

Miranda- I am so sorry for your scare. It is absolutely terrifying to go through a bleed. With that being said, I am glad you were able to confirm baby is doing fine. Big hugs to you!!

AFM- After my spotting scare, I haven't had another, but still inspect my toilet paper (with a magnifying glass it seems) everytime I use the restroom. :(
I read somewhere you can experience implantation bleeding up to two weeks after implantation has happened. Right now, I'm trying to convince myself that is what it was.

I am a RAGING ball of hormones. It seems my OH is passing me off more and more everyday, and I have already had to apologize three times due to my outbursts. :/ We are really going to try distressing, and him finding ways to be a little more sensitive right now. Lol.

Today, I went to Target and "scratched an itch". After my first loss, I didn't purchase anything until after the 12 week mark. I broke down today and bought a gender specific outfit that was on sale, because I just couldn't pass it up. If the baby happens to be the opposite gender, I'll just give it away... :)

I hope everyone else is doing well...
I am fine ladies. Thanks for asking.

Cobyn I had implantation bleed with my dd up until 10 weeks (if I remember correctly) and then it stopped. As long as it's brown and not red then there is nothing to worry about.
Miranda omgosh how can they not tell u in advance. Oh well good thing is that it is nothing to worry about x
Cobyn- I'm glad the spotting hasn't occurred again. I had a small bleed just before 7 weeks, but as we know now it was the sch. When you go in for your first app are they doing a scan, or not until 12 weeks?

Dream - do you have a date for your first app yet?

I'm really not sure why I wasn't told, it's been bothering me that they didnt...but at least I know now. It would of saved me so much stress though if I had a heads up. No one ever feels good about seeing blood while pregnant.

I told my work yesterday, since I left so abruptly in the morning, when I came back after my appointment I figured it was best to get it out in the open. They were all really happy for me, and I feel a huge weight lifted, like I don't feel like I'm hiding something or guilty about the timing anymore. My boss was probably the most excited and was going on about how great it was and how my kids will be close in age and what not, it was really good to hear.
Nope Miranda. I only just registered on Tuesday. So I am just waiting for my letters to arrive.
It seems so weird to me you guys register and then wait for a letter for your first app, here we just call the obgyn say we want to confirm pregnancy and then set up our next appointment before we leave our initial maternity work up.

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