Mission Impossible! 2 New Arrivals and 8 Little Ones x

Hey girls

So, started back to work on Wednesday and initially it wasn't THAT bad...my job is the same, and for some reason I was ok leaving him that day.
That night I picked him up and could just tell he was different. Super cranky and refusing to nurse...so I gave him a bottle and he went to bed about an hour after I got home...
Thurs and Fri I had mental breakdowns because he's just so cranky now and actually cries when he sees me, but is happy for everyone else. And nursing still is a battle all of a sudden...it's breaking my heart.
Gonna talk to work asap to see how long I have to stay just to ensure benefits will be covered for delivery...then I need to just stay home with him. We both were SO happy being home together that I honestly feel he's mad at me for suddenly leaving him :'(
I just can't.

And to top things off, I am now having my 2nd period already...I thought breastfeeding would delay periods but I had a light one at like 8/9 weeks pp and now 21 days later I'm having yet another one :( ugh.

Any updates from Pal??

Can't believe we have so many bfps in here again! And soon another little one, Howre you doing, Jessie?

Miranda, Dream, Cobyn- Do you have gender preferences? Symptoms? Did the spotting go away??

Hope all is well!
Good evening ladies!!!

Miranda: I am demanding a scan. Lol Just because of my history and how worried I have been already!

Wannabe: I am so sorry you and your LOVELL are having a rough transition. I used to work in childcare, specifically in the infant room for 3 years. I loved it so much, but It was definitely a challenge at times. Having 8 baby's who have different schedules and different parents who want things done different ways. No baby ever had the same routine. Is there something they maybe doing that seems to be upsetting him? To many naps? Not enough? It takes time for the both of you to adjust, so be patient and strong, and maybe just talk with his teachers to see if there are different approaches that can be then while he is there that will benefit all three of you.... Good luck darling!

AFM- I DO have a gender preference, but I just want a healthy, squishy baby to join our family... I don't have many symptoms at all... Slightly sore bb's, nothing major. Occasionally heartburn right before bed. Occasionally very mild nausea before I wake and before bed, and just extra trips to the bathroom. Being pregnant has ALWAYS been an AMAZING experience for me. The spotting hasn't come back, so I'm staying slightly positive these days.

With that being said... I am on the mend from the FLU!!! Oh, my, goodness, it has been awful! Thursday, things had gone down hill very quickly. For the past few days I'm sure I've lost around 10 lbs. From not being able to eat much as my appetite was completely gone and my tonsils were way to raw and inflamed, though I was able to keep myself hydrated as much as I could. I have woke up everyday DRENCHED in my own sweat, from fever and chills. The first day I slept a total of 18 hours, and could have slept more if I didn't have to pick my babies up from school...

I sure hope the worst is over now and that our health is on the up and up!

I hope you ladies are all doing so very well!!!
Wannabe - I'm so sorry it's been so hard for you. It may just take a little to adjust, James still cried when I drop him off and he was so cranky the first few times I picked him up. It's a huge transition, for both of you! Hang in there, I know it's hard but it does get a little easier.

Cobyn - I can't imagine having the flu while pregnant, so glad you're feeling better! And glad the spotting hasn't happened again, fxd it stays away. Did you say when your first app is?

Pal - how are you?

Jessie - you must be so excited it's getting so close to meeting your little one!

Hope everyone is well!

AFM- I did my 24 hr urine catch yesterday, and my lab work for it this morning. Hoping I won't have to do it again, it was such a hassle and I felt sick most of the day. I ordered a doppler, it should arrive today. I'm really excited to try it out
Miranda- My appointment is Sept. 7th. They informed me that I won't have a scan. I will be over 8 weeks, and I am devastated. With my boys, I always had early scans. I just know my nerves won't settle until I see my munchkin. :(
Cobyn - did you mention the spotting? I only got an early scan because I pretended I didn't know my dates...and then the bleeding I had a 2nd one the following week. I may or may not do the NT scan at 12 weeks, it depends on my specialist app. Are they wanting to wait until 12 weeks for you?

AFM- today's been really shitty. Our older dog couldn't get up this morning, and my afternoon when we finally got him to stand, he fell right away...we took him to the vet and ended up having to put him down. I can still see his sad face as we left the room, I've been in tears off and on most of the day..and James just doesn't understand how upset my husband and I are...my husband has had this dog since he was a puppy in 2004....the dog has been in my life for the last 6 years....I didn't realize how attached I was until today.
Aww Miranda I'm so sorry about your dog! :hugs:
Happy 11 weeks tmrw! Howre you feeling otherwise?? Do you plan on announcing to the public soon? Will you get James a Big Brother shirt or something cute? Do you have gender preference or names picked?

Cobyn I agree about mentioning the spotting to maybe get an early scan. I only got 2 routine scans but one was at 9 weeks for dating and 19 weeks for autonomy. I had an extra scan at 24 weeks when I had felt leaking and wanted to rule out my water leaking. I would've had a last scan at 40+2 to check for fluids again but I ended up going to the hospital at that checkup because I felt dizzy and his heartrate was low in the 80s! He ended up being ok but I never got my scan, and was induced at 40+4. Turned out that the cord was wrapped 3 times...had they have scanned me I'd likely have had a c-section, so it's a blessing.
My point was to ask for a scan cuz you know your body. My, I went on a tangent there! Lol

How's everybody else???

Jessie how far are you now?? Pickle Howre the girls?
Dream how are you feeling? How far are you now??
Kristi, Danielle, hope you're ok with little ones?

AFM - I quit my job on Friday!! They saw it coming, I'm sure. They understood completely. I just need to be home with my baby. I've been drastically better already. I just LOVE the idea of ME being the one raising him anyways. And btw I just had friends watching him, no daycare, but even my friends were doing things like leaving him in the car, propping bottles, letting others hold him without my consent, leaving him on the couch unattended...all within 2 weeks. No thanks,not worth my aggrivation! Pumping at work was super inconvenient also and I spent my mornings prepping for the next day and by the time I got home he was sound asleep for the night, so I never saw him :( Just SO glad I'm able to stay home with him. It'll be tricky financially but OH says he'll make it work to keep us happy 😍

OH and I are doing much better overall, just had our 3 year anniversary! I put my engagement ring back on, and we are starting to agree to marriage next August.

Xavier will be 3 months on Friday already!!
I have good days and bad days for Ms, but thankfully it's pretty mild compared to with James. Had some more spotting, but had a good listen on my doppler to ease my mind last night. Love that heartbeat!!!! I have my 12 weeks app next week at both my regular obgyn and the specialist I have to see, so if I can get a scan in I'll announce after that publicly...my husband has already accidently told someone outside our family :dohh: I think if I don't get another scan anytime after 12 weeks I'll announce...the doppler helps ease my mind. I do have a shirt for James, I'll try and get a picture with him in it for you ladies!

I'm glad you're happier, going back to work is a major struggle. When this new baby comes I'll be back at work after 8 weeks...but my sister will be watching the baby and I trust her. She has two kids and has watched James on many occasions. After the summer the new baby will be in daycare, at the same place James is at now...I like the place and I've seen the infant room, I know they care for those babies.

How is everyone else doing? It's been a while since we've heard from some of you ladies!
Hi Ladies.
How is everyone? Hope everyone is k?

Miranda so sorry about ur dog, it must be very painful.

Wanabe good for you for handing in your resignation to stay with ur boy, kudos to u.

As for me I am 9 weeks and 3 days today and I have finally put up a ticker lol

Jessie not long now, eagerly awaiting the news ........Yikes
I made it facebook official and announced yesterday :)

Saw my specialist on Thursday and they did the NT scan that same day. I was surprised as it was my first app and thought I'd have to schedule it for another day. I really like the specialist, she's a nice lady and that makes it easier on me having to see her and my regular obgyn the rest of this pregnancy. Have my anatomy scan scheduled for Oct 27 :)

Cobbyn- how'd your app go?

Dream - how are you feeling? I can't believe you're already almost 11 weeks!

How is everyone else?
I am fine. Told my mum and mum in law and noone else :blush:. I have my first scan on the 26th. I am hoping to tell work in November ouch.

Almost 11 weeks I know right. It is flying by lol.

How are you? U have announced yeaaaaa a. Now you can relax. How is ur nausea this time around? Hope not too bad. This pregnancy is different, I am constantly tired and out of breath. Excess saliva as usual and nausea but I am not being sick (thank God).

How is everyone else doing?
Thankfully the nausea has been very mild this pregnancy...with James I was nauseous non stop until 18 weeks! This baby I've thrown up more, but once that passes on feel fine. Just so tired- but I chalk that up to having a toddler and working full time haha.

2 weeks until your scan! I hope your work takes it well, how did your mom and mil react?

I feel really good that I've gotten such positive responses from people about this new baby, I was so afraid a select few family members would give me trouble.
They were both over the moon. All my family will be ecstatic I know. I am just a bit worried about work.
Do you have to be back a certain amount of time since your last maternity leave?

I mean, life happens, they can't really hold that against you if your work is still getting done and done well.

My boss was more excited then me when I told her and I was so worried since I had just started...I won't even reach 90 days until Oct 6. It's such a hard position to be in, but don't let it make you too anxious. I'll be keeping my fxd they take it well
Thanks hun. Oct will make it 1 year that I've been back and I am not off till 5 months after so that's fine. It's just that I will be off to close to 1 year again and they have to keep my position for me for the 3rd time yikes and I just kinda got a promotion last week with a lil bit more money so I have a feeling the news is not going to go down well yikes.
Hello ladies!!! So sorry I have been VERY absent. Monday marked our 11th week! So far, so good. I still get nervous and worried but I'm staying positive.

Miranda- Our first appointment went VERY well. I decided to go with a new doctor this time around. This time it's a female. Already, I felt so... much relief, confidence, and comfort. Even though they were SUPER busy, she still snuck in the portable ultrasound so me and Hubby could see our little nugget for the first time. I was told they usually don't do them on the first visit, as they are already so time consuming. :) I bawled like a baby at the sight of our little one, and even got to see him/her wiggling it's arms. The doctor joked around saying baby was waving hello! That appt. Was at 9 weeks. We have our 12 week scan next week Wednesday. I can't wait to see baby again.
I hope you and baby are well!

Dream- I hope you and baby are doing well also! :)
So glad they snuck in a scan for you cobyn! That first glimpse of baby is like both the biggest relief and happiest time!

Can't wait to here how your 12 week scan goes!

I'm doing well, just so so tired. Feeling very lucky ms has been so mild and is basically gone now! I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow!!
Hi girls!! Wow, 14 weeks Miranda that's so exciting! And Cobyn and Dream are you both 12 weeks? Time is flying!! Do any of you have gender preference or name ideas yet??

My Lil guy is 3.5 months already and growing like a weed! I'm loving staying at home with him but OH lost his job the week after I quit mine, so times have been tougher than ever and putting a huge strain on our relationship. He has actually just got a new job that he started shadowing for yesterday, which is good. Our relationship is just not doing great at all and I've once again threatened to take the baby and walk out the door...just so much going on its outta control. I'm so upset in general ugh. But at least I have my little lovebug! He's the only thing that keeps me going!!
Wannabe- I hope things get better, but please don't stay if your miserable with you oh, it'll just make things so much harder.

Can't believe your little one is already 3.5 months!

I'm hoping for a girl, and in my gut I think girl...but I'm afraid I'll be dissapointed if a boy. I'll be happy with either so long as they're healthy I just really think this will be my last baby and really want one of each

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