Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

I hope you have heaps of luck at sleep school!

We had one of those nights last night too. Turns out Raph has double ear infections! Making his already bad sleep impossible!
But worse than no sleep... i was that mum this morning, you the one you feel sorry for and dont ever want to be... screaming and kicking tantrum in the supermarket carpark and on the floor of the chemist while i got Raphs antibiotics... so embarrassed and traumatized! I couldnt do anything to stop it as i was carrying Raph too so in the end i was walkjng through car park with a kid under each arm one screaming and kicking... so glad when the chemist ladies helped me back out to the car... gee so many people forget what it was like to have small children... especially sick ones. I just wish the ground would swallow me up... think waiting a long time for a third is a great idea... imagine that with another baby... i just want to cry at the thought!
Oh Becky I'm sorry! I've been there. I hate the looks..... I think to myself most of the people have had children so know kids have paddys. There are a few lovely people out there that sympathise and help! Children all have there moments so try not worry. Sorry Raph isn't sleeping. Iyas had started sleeping a little better (when I say better I only mean a few less wakings haha) and now has a tempreture so woke lots last night.... One step forward three steps back hey!

Hi ladies how is everyone? sorry I've been Mia again lol. Life has been a bit manic the last few months which is probably a good thing. Jess I really hope the sleep school helps a friend of mine went to sleep school with her daughter in Victoria (I think) and said it was amazing. Swimming should also help to tire her out. They also say a lot of fresh air helps babies sleep and this used to be true for my Carys. I'd take her out in the pram for a walk and we'd have a great night sleep.
Becky I know the feeling you kinda just want to walk away and pretend they aren't yours for 2 mins until they calm down lol. I know I certainly try not to judge a mum in that position, we've all been there. How's the ear infection now?
Vicki congratulations on passing half way.
Dan o how are you?
Afm it is the 4 year anniversary of my first pmp today or yesterday now. It's a sad day but I'm actually feeling very positive as to how much we have moved forward since then! On the plus side I have a new job, and a grown up job at that lol. It's working for the local health board organising and adding people to waiting lists for nhs dentists. So I have a desk job which is Monday to Friday 8:30 to 4:30. I've never had a job where I get weekends bank holidays and Xmas off so I'm soo excited. It's also really good money and is a job for life of I want it. This does mean that ttc is put on hold which is fine as I have a wedding in June which I am maid of honour for and my best man is getting married in adelaide so we have to save up for that and I don't really want to leave a newborn home. But really we are in a very good place right now. I'm still having my days where I'm feeling g a bit shit but kalms works wonders lol. Plus I have ducks to try and stem the broodiness. You probably seen photos on fb hahaha. Sorry for rambling. I hope everyone is good :) xxx
Laura i hope Iya is feeling better. I hope that once she is feeling better she is back sleeping longer.
Its amazing how quickly antibiotics work! Raph is heaps better this morning. Still sick but slept a little better last night and seems a bit happier today.

Thinking of you Rach on this hard anniversary! But congratulations on your new job! And excellent that its one you can get more family time with and extra money.
Whens the wedding in Adelaide? We live close to Adelaide. 4.5hr drive which is close here given the overall size of Australia. We have lots of family there and used to live there for a number of years. Actually going there to visit our new nephew Edward in a fortnight. Cant wait. I think ill let my cluckiness get satisfied by nephew cuddles at the moment.
Oh Becky you poor thing! It's so crappy how ppl look down on you when your child cries in public, especially ppl who should know what it's like!!! Makes me so angry!
Hope Raph is better asap!

That's always the way Laura, you start seeing an improvement then they throw a spanner in the works!

Congrats on the new job Rach!!
Thanks :) it's next November I think my hubby said. My beat man is living our there now and he's asked us to go. This is a man I never thought would settle down and he's even discussing kids lol. I really hope we can go, I've always wanted to although I'm terrified of spiders here so jo idea how I'll cope in aus lol xxx
Haha I don't think it's as bad as people make out over here in Aus :)
Adelaide is really nice :) cold but I guess if ur from Wales you prob will think it's warm lol
Well its meant to be the height of our summer and it's raining, Meghan's school trip to the beach is postponed until tomorrow. Oh really? I am a right wimp. I can barely clean out my ducks shed because I'm constantly looking for spiders I just hold the bag for dh now he got fed up lol. Xxx
Hehehe... jess is so right! Its no where near as bad as its made out to be. I dont think i even notice them anymore than when i travelled... actually they were worst in central America. November will be great time of year for Adelaide. Should be warmish but not too cold and very unlikely to get the very hot days of later summer. Great time of year. Im a bit bias as i lived there for a number of years but Adelaide is a nice city. Not too big but still has heaps to do. Always lovely to be able to go to a wedding of someone who you never thought would be settling down. Sounds like great things to look forward to!

Oh how many ducks do you have?

I was lucky today.... made it through the doctor and chemists tantrum free ☺
We have 6, 3 call ducks and 3 pekin ducks. The pekin ducks are huge, they look like the sister ducks in aristocats :)

That's great, tantrum free trips are amazing lol xx
Sick sick sick waaaaa
Our house is full of the flu :-( poor Layla has a yucky cough and nights have been horrible! Worst timing since we have been trying to get sleeping on track but I am trying to stick with at least having day sleeps in the cot and she has been hit and miss with that! Today her first sleep ended up being in my arms feeding but the lunch time sleep she self settled in her cot and slept for 1.5hrs yayyyyyy and she is asleep right now in there after self settling again!!!! I NEVER imagined her being able to do this :)
Ahhhh in sorry your all poorly Jess! And yay to Layla getting some sleep! Hopefully once her cold had gone you can fully get back in the swing xxx
Hey lovely ladies,

Sorry I have been mia again - been so busy!

I hope you are all well, and enjoyng seeing you on facebook :)

Lotte xx
Really sorry to crash you thread especially as it seems most of you have moved on from your molar pregnancy experiences...... but I searched on bnb and this came up....I really need help, am freaking out!!!!

Baby's heartbeat stopped at 9 weeks, found out within 24 hours of it happening with a scan. Had a surgical mc (erpc) 12 days ago and consented to molar pregnancy check. Knew nothing about them. Had a phone call from epu yesterday saying it detected a partial molar pregnancy. consultant wants to see me asap to discuss....can't get in until Wednesday next week (4 days away) and in the meantime have been googling.

I am 42 and myself and hubby were actually going to dtd this weekend...unlikely to be successful but physically I feel fine to try asap. But obviously everything I have read says they will tell me not to try for 6 months.....whilst being monitored. It took us a year to get this bean and my age is against me and my Daughter is 3.5 years, I don't want. a bigger age gap. Selfish reasons maybe but I am in bits!!!!

Please tell me your experiences... did you try straight away, did you wait til 8 week normal hcg or full 6 months????:cry:

Sorry again for crashing...Hope to get some reassurance that's it's not over for me x
Mitchnorm i am so sorry. I had a complete molor and my dr told me a year. The other dr told me 6-12 months. The specialist mow say 3 months + 1 week from when you get your first neg blood draw. But it depends on situations too. Although uncommon if it grows back you would need to wait longer then that 3 months. My cm was down on its own in about 4 weeks and i have heard it was uncomo for that. I tok the depo shot once and by my luck it worked for a year just one shot. So had my d+c in june by oct i wanted to try with unsuccess cause of the depo shot. I was basically due with my last child when i was due with my molar.

Afm- mia some more too. I am 24.1 weeks. I had u.s. Thursday and baby was measuring a few days ahead. Starting to get uncomfy lots of pressure. He was laying sideways. Getting anxious but dont want to rush it at the same time since its my last. Kids start school on the 12 of aug. And at tat time it will go faster no doubt.

Mitchnorm i am so sorry. I had a complete molor and my dr told me a year. The other dr told me 6-12 months. The specialist mow say 3 months + 1 week from when you get your first neg blood draw. But it depends on situations too. Although uncommon if it grows back you would need to wait longer then that 3 months. My cm was down on its own in about 4 weeks and i have heard it was uncomo for that. I tok the depo shot once and by my luck it worked for a year just one shot. So had my d+c in june by oct i wanted to try with unsuccess cause of the depo shot. I was basically due with my last child when i was due with my molar.

Afm- mia some more too. I am 24.1 weeks. I had u.s. Thursday and baby was measuring a few days ahead. Starting to get uncomfy lots of pressure. He was laying sideways. Getting anxious but dont want to rush it at the same time since its my last. Kids start school on the 12 of aug. And at tat time it will go faster no doubt.

Thank you so much for your reply and sorry again for crashing. I am feeling so upset by it all....the mc I could handle when I was able to ttc straight away. time is not on my side and I have really taken it badly. Have consultant appt on Wednesday and will find out the procedure in the UK I guess :-(
Hey Hun, just so you know your not crashing! We are all here for ladies like you! A molar is a scary time and the thought of the wait is hard. So for me I'm coming up to my 4 year anniversary of my cmp. My story is different as I had to have chemo. I was told a 1 year wait but after lots of research we waited 6 months...... I fell pregnant with my first rainbow 8 months after treatment. I believe wait times may have changed?!? Do you know what centre you will be under? I'm under charring cross. I would Defo wait until your levels are normal. I'm sorry your going through this but remember we are all here! Ask away as a few of the ladies have had pmps. Take care of yourself and keep us updated xxx
Hey Hun, just so you know your not crashing! We are all here for ladies like you! A molar is a scary time and the thought of the wait is hard. So for me I'm coming up to my 4 year anniversary of my cmp. My story is different as I had to have chemo. I was told a 1 year wait but after lots of research we waited 6 months...... I fell pregnant with my first rainbow 8 months after treatment. I believe wait times may have changed?!? Do you know what centre you will be under? I'm under charring cross. I would Defo wait until your levels are normal. I'm sorry your going through this but remember we are all here! Ask away as a few of the ladies have had pmps. Take care of yourself and keep us updated xxx

Thank you so much mummy2corban!!

I have the consultants appt at my local hospital on Wednesday after getting the call on will see what she says. I am presuming it will be Charing cross as my nearest centre. I am hoping no chemo...less chance with partial but a chance none the less. I think waiting times are still 6 months but they'll tell me on Wednesday I'm sure.

I won't ttc whilst still hcg levels but interested in what others did with regards ttc....wait full 6 months OR Starr ttc when hcg levels dropped to normal?

Thank you for allowing me to crash....I am so sad about all this especially at 42 I can't waste time trying for my rainbow baby x x
Remember your not crashing! We are hear to help ladies out whatever stage you are. The chance for a pmp needing chemo is extremely low so I've my fingers crossed that you'll be fine. I'm sure they will tell you Hun but once you've been referred and you have any other questions I would call charring cross. My consultants at my local hospital just didn't have enough knowledge. Chatting cross are amazing. Thinking of you xxx

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