Hey everyone, hope your all ok!?
I haven't posted in ages and could really use your support right now.
I started a new job, which I love, in July so have been manic. My EDD would have been the end of August so the past few weeks have been difficult emotionally. For the past 4 weeks I have been having constant headaches with the odd migraine in between. I only usually get one every few months so it is odd to get 4 in the space of 2 weeks. I went to my Dr last Thurs and he gave me naproxen and asked me to come back in 2 weeks to review. He also put a request in for me to see a pregnancy bereavement counsellor as I feel I am not coping very well this time around. Any way... my headaches have just got worse and the naproxen doesn't even touch them, and in work yesterday I came over all dizzy and faint, which has never really happened except in pregnancy. I went home and seen my Dr again, and I have no idea why but I started thinking about the pmp. I remember reading that it can travel around the body ect so I mentioned this to Dr not really thinking too much about it but thought it was worth mentioning and he sent me for BhCG today. I will have results tomorrow morning but I rang CX just for some advice and it seems I'm not far wrong. Although it is rare for it to happen it can travel to certain areas, however Dee said that I fall in the low risk category for it happening. Dr has signed me off for a week so stupidly I do some research and I'm starting to believe that my luck is that bad when it comes to pmp that it may actually be a possibility for me that it has developed to choriocarcinoma and has gone to the brain (trust me I know how crazy this sounds) but it is a possibility and considering I had the second evac I feel the risk i slightly higher, as my hCG was too high so it shouldn't have been done because it can cause the cells to enter the bloodstream. Sorry for rambling on, I just really need some advice and I don't really know what to think, and I have to wait until the morning before I'll know either way! xx