Just to share my experience.....
I was in labour for
63 hours as the hospital kept telling me that I wasn't and shouldn't go in. After 2 days I told them I was coming in and wanted to be examined. Was then told that actually I was in active labour and that 'at this stage most people would've been in a couple of times and been on the ward a good few hours' LIVID.
I was there for
4 hours before they offered me any pain relief (in the form of 2 paracetamol) and after a while I had docs in to see me because of a pain in my leg that was worse than my contractions. After a further 3 hours they decided that I might have a
blood clot, couldn't give me blood thinners obviously so they needed to hurry things along. Was given an epidural (after a few failed attempts at it I was shaking and pretty frightened) and a stretch and sweep (at this point was SO grateful for the pain relief lol). The midwives weren't happy at all that I was having an epidural and that one of them would have to stay with me and made this known to me.....
When my waters were broken there was meconium in them so there was more panic and they were concerned about LO's heartbeat (but no one actually told me that). They gave me the 'help' button and told me that if
his heartrate dropped below 100 I was to push it. It did, drastically and instantly so I pushed the button and told them I thought it was now picking up my heart rate. MW replied with 'no it isn't' sprinted out the room and ran back in with 3 or 4 others.....more panic, more monitoring etc and I was getting pretty worked up.
They then find out (after over 12 hours of me being there) that my son is
back to back and making life very difficult. I get the bitch midwife ask 'are you scared? You're pushing and then pulling him back again' this was after I'd been pushing for an hour. She then told me that 'you have to push properly or I'll need to get the doc in and you really don't want that' so now I'm pushing with all my might, a bit dazed as to what's already happened and terrified of the doctor.
Her shift ended (thank the lord!!!! and I'm not even religious

) and another MW came in who looked at me for about 30 seconds and was able to determine that my baby was stuck and no amount of pushing alone would get him out!!! I was also falling asleep between contractions now having been awake for over 62 hours.
So, I had to have a doctor come in - the thing I'd been made to be scared of. After an hr and a half of pushing, an episiotomy, 2 failed ventouse and forceps my son was here. I had the ultrasound on my leg,
no blood clot but no explanation as to what else it could've been. Finally after 88 hours solid of no sleep (I kid you not) I was actually able to get my head down.
A day later a new MW discovers that I'm
REALLY anaemic and need blood. 4 Canulas - 2 of which weren't even put in veins by the idiot doctors and a load of my blood all over the floor because they left the torniquet on and didn't cover one of the canulas. I had the blood but they left a canula in incase I needed more which was fine til later LO started crying in the night (obviously) and with a canula in each arm I couldn't pick him up so I FINALLY had my cry and a bit of a snap at a MW to get them out of my arms now so I could hold my baby as he wasn't feeding and it was awkward enough getting milk into him without me struggling to hold him.
Went in on the thursday evening and went home monday afternoon.
There was no really huge catastrophic incident as such, so for that I'm extremely lucky and grateful, but more of a constant amount of fuck ups, exhaustion and horrible staff at the hospital.
Not expecting anyone to read all that

Just always feels really good to get it out and this post is the perfect place!!

to you all x