omg finally people from around my area. I just moved from valleyfield to huntingdon. originally from nord du quebec but lived most of my life on the west island. Mommy to a 2months old
Im Mary nice to meet you. can i ask how your finding being a new mom. I love it but ill tell you its something.. I actually live on the outskirts in godmanchester, but to me its all the same thing lol. what is her feeding and sleeping schedule like.
I dont, but I know its not too far from chateauguay right?? I hear there's a movie theatre near brossard that plays english movies! My friends talk about it all the timeDo you guys ever go out to south shore area??? I'm in Saint Jean sur Richelieu
Well I tried to breastfeed but she had a hard time staying latched and my SO was nagging me about her crying so much. So being super discouraged I switched to formula.I agree that the sleep deprivation is probably the worst part. She is eating 4oz every 3 hours but usually she will have her last one around 9 pm and sleep from 10pm until around 4am so that has been great. but she has already slept a whole night.. Man did i feel good in the morning. She had eating at 6pm but took us a while to get her to sleep and she went down at 9pm and didnt wake up till 6 am that was amazing. lol isnt it so nice once they start to sleep more the night.. just that she doesnt sleep very much during the day. just a little bit here and thereé making it hard to get things done. I love the weekends as its like my little break and her daddy does most of the work. I cant believe how fast its gone so far.
That's still pretty close! Chateauguay is only 45 minutes from where I am anyway approximately.Chateauguay is about 20 min from here and only a few minutes from the theatre. Yes, it's Dix30 right on highway 30/highway 10, plays the original movies (some dubbed ones, but English always available). Are you guys anglophone? I am... nobody speaks English here in Saint Jean though, it's entirely French.
I cant wait too for Leyla to sleep through. whats ur daughters name? (I dont know if I asked! baby brain )Yes it is super nice to sleep in.. Cant wait till shes on a regular schedule and does her nights ever night lol. I know what you mean sometimes hes a pain in the ass and i think it would just be easier by myself, but he is still a help and he loves his little girl.
Yea I am anglophone, Well in a sense, my mom was an inuit and my dad is french quecbecer but we spoke english at home as my mom didnt speak french but i am billingual. my SO is french so dont speak english very often anymore, just when im with old friends. huntingdon is pretty english though, only a small percent of people speak french here.
I don't really like to speak french despite knowing a little so I know how you feel, and all my friends live in montreal because I met them when I was in college. Its really isolated here but luckily my mom gives me full use of her car as long as there's gas in it, so sometimes I take a drive out to the coffee shop in ormstown just to have some coffee.. and people are always more than willing to coo and aw over Leyla..even if they're all old! lol.That's so weird to me as I'm from Vancouver so I didn't know of any English areas out here, tbh I feel quite isolated (I'm at a really rudimentary French level as we don't really learn it in British Columbia). It's very hard living here as an anglophone. People are nice but it is hard to learn when I'm already 28!
Maybe I will take a trip out there lol and just hang around as I'm kind of homesick lol. My OH is French.
Yeah Foxy, Dix30 is really worth the drive. It's a really nice shopping area, even has spas & hotels, upscale restaurants etc... It's worth a night's stay.
I think you chose well! I dont think I'd want to live in franklin if I could choose, I'd much rather huntingdon area, I think there's more people!!lol her name is Melyna. she just turned 2 months yesterday, they just flew by.. I went to see a house in franklin, but it wasnt what we wanted, so now we are in a semi detached in godmanchester. it was a hard move as it was done 2 weeks ago. Still going through Melynas clothes to sort out the sizes as it all got mixed up while i was packing.
I cant imagine having to live in a place where i can barely speak the language. I dont blame you for being home sick.. most of my friends live out in ile perrot so when im not alone with the little one im with my OH and sometimes it can get pretty boring...
I dont know how you do it Foxxy franklin is even more isolated then huntingdon. and im bored here. lol
I wanted to move to ile perrot but my OH works in st stan and st anicet the summer so would have been to much of a comute for him. Anyways we are here until the end of august atleast. much better then the last place we were in.. and we get along with our nieghbor here so thats a plus.. lol not that we see them often.
lol yea more people for sure.. I want to see if they still have space in there parents and babies group here. Ït would be nice to have something to do even if its only once a week. I think i will try and call tomorrow.. I have our 2month apt tomorrow so Im sure Melyna is going to be a cranky little girl afterwards.. my foster mom(very long story) is coming to get us as OH works and has missed so much already. atleast his boss is good about it. I love how cute old people get when around a baby, i like that my little girl just brought a little joy into there lives