Does anyone know that if you have an abdominal scan, and they hold the doppler thing on the right, does that reflect the baby being on the right?
Did anyone notice if the doppler was more to the right or left for them?
Im going to get a scan in a couple of weeks so am going to ask more about it then so I know exactly where the placenta is
I think the sonographer may position the probe more often on the right because that's were they(sonographer) are your right and it's just easier than reaching over....
I asked in my last pregnancy when I had a scan at about 7 weeks if because she was holding the probe on my right side it meant that that is were the baby was....she said: no....and went to put the probe on the left side and got a very similar picture.....I also asked then were the baby was and she said it was very much in the middle nothing away!