Agree with the above!
Getting yourself educated is key to a good latch, confidence and therefore minimal discomfort while your nipples are toughening up. While they are toughening up, Lansinoh is so helpful for most ladies so definitely worth having some in the cupboard.
I was lucky and my girl fed like a champ from birth, with no complications and I have loved it from day 1. Because she was a good feeder and I felt confident with what I was doing I didn't have much soreness and after 2 weeks it felt easy. I have always thought that I would much rather use my breasts to feed her any time, anywhere than faffing with bottles and sterilising etc, plus it's just wonderful having that special time with your baby
Before your milk comes in baby will feed a lot and sometimes you might feel like you're glued to the sofa for a day or two BUT it's only that first week and you're not in much of a physical state to get up and go anyway hehe, then the milk is in and they usually start to space out feeds better. For us she has always done her feeding in the day and slept much longer stretches at night, so you never know how a baby will be
Also if you are having trouble, there really is so much support available if you seek it, don't do it alone. Tongue/lip tie seems very common and is often missed but easily fixed, so if you're struggling to get baby to latch or nipples are very sore, get experienced professionals to check for it.
Finally, don't let yourself feel pressure, do what's right for you and what feels good. I suggest try putting your gorgeous newborn to your breast in that first mesmerising hour and see what happens, see if it works. There are things you might have to push through but you only should if you want to. If not, there is formula. So there is no harm in giving it a try, you might regret it if you don't