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Hi ladies,

Croy, being in this limbo land is no good for anyone. I think its very reassuring what Hopeful and Fili have said about the heartbeat rate and also measuring slightly small. I hope this works out for you and is all worry over nothing.
Also that is a long time if you have to wait 2 weeks for next appointment, could you not get another scan in a week? Weekly scans really were brilliant for my peace of mind.

I tell you, I am not looking forward to the anxiety and worry that pregnancy brings when I hopefully go through it for another baby. I for one always experience bleeding and spotting and the worry never ends.

Pad, that picture is great and what are you talking about wrinkles! Your looking great! So cute is that bubbles on Leo's head?

Hopeful, that is a good recommendation about bowls with suction, I never thought of that! also for posting that toy link, I must check if you get it over here.

Pups, nice to see you stop by, its unreal that Samuel is 11 months already.

Hi to everyone else...
Very quick hi. Would love to post properly but Lucas thinks otherwise:growlmad:. We are very much in the fourth trimester, he wants to be next to me ALL the upper arm muscles are a tad sore :wacko:.
Croy, I'd be worried too, but as the other girls said, things do seem like they're normal with the baby measuring a tad small, and the hb sounds about right too. PARL isn't for wimps, you're right. The anxiety really never did let up for me the entire 9 months I made it with Hannah...

Rapt- I'm sure you ARE busy! Those newborns are very clingy/needy, but enjoy it while you can...that teeny tiny phase doesn't last long. I miss those precious first days with Hannah. If your back is getting sore, and arms are tired, do you own a sling or wrap to carry Lucas in?

Croy: I know it's hard, but being 2-3 days behind shouldn't be too much of a concern. The egg could have implanted a bit later, and those machine are good, but not that good. And a HR of 100 at 5+6 is perfectly normal:thumbup: Remember it starts at 85 bpm or so. Hang in there:hugs:

Pad: beautiful picture:cloud9:

Rap: Oh yes, the 4th trimester. Enjoy every moment, they grow sooo fast!!

AFM, well Zoe has a tooth slowly coming out, I can feel/see it. So she is a bit cranky and wants to chew on EVERYTHING!!!! She's also figured out how to roll from back to front but has yet to master the opposite. And she loves it and is soooo proud of herself:haha: Makes naptime and bedtime interesting lol. And she keeps getting her legs stuck between the slats:haha:
Hey Just... yep that was me and Leo having our first bath together! He loves bubbles.... tries to eat them, which is a little odd.... but then again, my Son is a little odd! Haha!

Croy I never knew what Leo's HB was that early on.... but my Consultant did explain to me that at the early stages they are measuring something so small that even a fraction of a mm out can result in a difference of days. I agree.... 2 wks is a long time, can you get another scan sooner? Just for your peace of mind?

Hey Mel! How are you feeling! Leo is trying to roll too... am dreading those days when I will need eyes in the back of my head! This teething lark is rubbish! Me and Leo don't like it! Not one bit!!!

Hey Rap! Aww I bet you had forgotten about those newborn days hadn't you! Who can blame Lucas for wanting to be so close to Mum all the time... he knows he has a great one!

Wook I like you never stopped panicking the whole pregnancy.... was so exhausting always thinking and wondering! I wonder IF we have a next time if I will react the same or relax knowing I have one Son already so I know my body can do it...
I have no idea how I'll feel if there's a next all of my anxiety is being channeled on whether we can get pregnant again (today is my 35th birthday, so I'm feeling my biological clock ticking away), and if we can, if we won't have even more miscarriages, due to the quality of my eggs declining and all of that. Well, we now have Hannah, and I guess what will be, will be. We really do want another child, but just to have the one healthy daughter at this point seems like such a miracle...
Wooks my friend who is a midwife said today that once you've had one child the risks plummet to the floor of anything going wrong even past 35 - that made me feel better! Oh I plan on giving pregnancy a go when I'm 40 :) happy birthday Hun!! I hope you had a wonderful day with your gorgeous little Hannah and hubs :cake: xxx
Pad lexi tries to eat bubbles too and she sucks water off my arm in the bath!! I'm going to get her a sponge :)
Heart- thanks for all the recipes :) hope you have fun in KC and cape cod! I'd love to see a pic of D in her party dress! Thank you for posting the link to the kickee pants site. They are a bit out of my price range, but they look very nice. Maybe I'll check back for clearance items :D DH will kill me if I spend anymore money this moth on baby stuff anyways :haha: Just got my Ergo with teething pads for the straps, baby books and a baby sign DVD from Amazon...I've gotta hold off on the spending for awhile now! I am looking for a sleeveless, cotton sleep sack though!

Just- I'm anti-percentile charts as well! Those damn things drove me crazy for months!!!

Fili- glad you miscalculated your AF! :) lol @ "mr tuckie" :haha:

Croy- :hugs: seems like being parl never gets any easier hun. I tried going back on parl to see what B's first heart rate was but I was 7+4 the first time i heard hers and I didn't even post the heart rate! :dohh: I did see that Sara had a scan the same day as me and she was a week behind me so she was about 6+4 and her's was 128, but thats a bit further than tou so i thought that might comfort you some. And like hopeful said, the twins were close to 100 so that's comforting as well! Fx for you!!!

Cazi- what a gorgeous girl you have! Sorry about the chicken pox, but it's good the spots are fading quickly!

Melfy- yay for a great scan and a growing little girl! 15 lbs is great :)

Pad- love that photo of you and Leo. So precious! Bay teethed early too but it took a few months before they erupted. It lasts a long time and it is hard to see them suffer, but you'll get through it mama!

Wookie- I'm curious about the amber necklaces too. I'm naturally a skeptic so I wonder if they really work, but I would try them if they really do help! Teething sucks. Madrid had one for her LO and I asked her to get back to me on how well it worked for her. Happy 4 months to Hannah :)

Kat- hope everything is going well for you in your new home :)

Puppy- :wave: good to see you stopped in!

Rap, Bumpy :wave:

Afm, I'm just going to copy from my journal entry today:

These last couple weeks have been hell! We're in the midst of a heat wave here and it has been around 105 degrees daily! To top it off, Bay has been really cranky with teething and fighting her naps, when she's clearly exhausted! Yesterday the power went out for a few hours and it was miserable so I had to take her outside and give her a cool bath. She loved it and perked right up! My FIL had a little Dixie cup and he was scooping up cool water from her tub and pouring it on her head and back & she was happily splashing away! The rest of us were dying though! On a brighter note, Aaron was home this last weekend and we got some baby-free time together which was really nice! We went to the local indian casino and ate at the buffet with his family and then we played some slots (we all lost lol) & Aaron had some beers (I just had one cocktail after lunch) and then we went to a movie. We saw 'This is the End'...Total guy humor! Never heard so many penis jokes in my life Aaron loved it and I did laugh too. Then we went and picked up Bay from my mom's and had to go home and do DH's laundry for work the next day. It's going to be a busy few weeks now. We have 4th of July festivities, my grandma and an aunt visiting from KY, & some family from my dad's side coming from Idaho in a couple weeks too! Everyone wants to meet Bay! Speaking of which...tiny rant ahead!

So, Aaron's family is having a BBQ on the 4th and they've invited my MIL's friend, Melissa, and her family over and my MIL keeps saying how Melissa is dying to meet Bay. Aaron and I can't stand this lady though! She's loud, obnoxious, and overbearing! It will be my aunts last night in town so I should say bye to her that night and there's also the Pro Rodeo in Folsom with fireworks and all that I would love to go to instead! Since my MIL has said repeatedly that her friend wants to meet Bay, I feel like we're obligated to at least make an appearance. Aaron is not thrilled either, to say the least. Is it rude if we leave early or show up late??? Melissa really is awful...we can only stand her for so long. Aaron's dad and brother dislike her as well.
Tuckie- don't worry about pleasing that lady! Do what u want to do and a rodeo sounds awesome (I used to show hunt seat and western with quarter horses) so sounds like a fun time! I might have 2 cotton sleep sacks! I've just been giving them and most clothes to charity as I have no time to deal with trying to sell them. If I find some I can send them to u. I only use cotton sleeveless sleepsacks, even in winter so I had all sizes but they are in larges now. Going to have to go to xtra large at some point here too I guess.
What size would she wear? You will probably be next with bfp as I'm guessing that's all u do with mr tuckie home, lol!
Hopeful- that's very thoughtful of you to offer to send the sacks :) I don't know what size she would be :shrug: she's probably close to 18lbs now...I'm guessing, maybe med or large? That's so cool that you used to show horses! I'm sure you know horses are big in Kentucky, where I'm from. Some of those derby horses live in nicer places than I ever have :haha:
Wow tuckie I loved reading what you did, sounds fab! Poor you and and your family in that heat though!!! It's on the news here about the heatwave in the US and those poor fireman too, how far away was that from you? oh just tell your mil that you've made other plans and can you see awful lady another time! The pro rodeo sounds so exciting! Xx
tuckie - you will want a large for her (both of mine are in larges). they have them at BRU sometimes buy 1 get 1 half off. I hear Kentucky is beautiful and gorgeous ranches

for the pool - if I ever get a chance to be in one with the kids this summer, I want to get these, they get great reviews online and from my moms of multiples group. seems hard to find though, need to buy them online:
Fili- there were 19 firefighters that lost their lives fighting a fire in Arizona :( so sad. That's a couple states away from where we are, but I really feel for their families. I saw a photo of one of the men with a wife and 2 small children :cry: We lost power due to a local brush fire, but it was only 5 acres and was contained pretty quickly. Nothing like the one in Arizona.

Hopeful- the Halo sleep sacks have sleeveless options. Their mediums are 16-24lb, 6-12months and their large is for 12-18mos, 22-28lbs so maybe the sizing depends on the brand? That swim floater looks nice :) I wonder what the age/weight requirements are for that. Wish they had an adult sized one with a cup holder! :haha:
How many oz of milk should Lexi be having alongside how much solid food at 6 months? What did your lovely babies take? She is sleeping through for 12 hours without feeds but not without dummy pushing lol so I think she's getting enough. She's 8kg now which is 17.6lbs I just worry she is gaining too fast as she is only 20th percentile length still too. Lexi is having around 35oz milk a day plus say 2 tablespoons of some kind of 'solid' food. Should i cut out a milk and give her water and more solid food? :help: I feel like I should go on a course!
Not much time to post, but wanted to say that Delilah is still in a small Halo sleep sack at 20 lbs and 30 inches long. She's almost too long for it, but we'll be able to use it through the summer.

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