Kat: I feed Zoe, then she gets a bottle about half hour later, when she gets fussy. I am doing puree so I don't really have any output to give you. The only thing I know is when she's handling puree well enough we will move to a thicker texture, and will start putting small pieces of food on her tray. She's starting to hold the spoon, now she just has to learn not to put it on her head
She is an AMAZING eater. So far she eats everything!! She's had a mix of pear, brocoli and spinach for lunch then oatmeal with banana for dinner. Until I start meat I will keep oatmeal for dinner, then it will be in the morning, and I'll start introducing other stuff, like yogurt, peanut butter, egg yolk, wheat cereal, etc. For pureed food we have a nice variety of organic food, with amazing fruit/veggies mixes. Same for meat. When they're used to ''plain'' meat they have lamb with fruit, pork with apples, and many others I am looking forward to try!!!. Yesterday she's had mango and LOVED it!!! She also slept from 7pm 'til 4:30 am

Funny enough she started to sleep longer since she's been able to roll back to front and vice-versa. She loves sleeping on her tummy and on her side. Hoping it's the start of something!!
Just: How small does it have to be? The pasta I mean. We eat a lot of pasta so I know pasta with homemade sauce is gonna be on the list. How old was she when she started to eat pasta? i'm just paranoid it's gonna be too big and I don't want her to choke.
Croy: So sorry you're not feeling confident about this little bean

Do you have another scan next week? I'm sending you lots of positive vibes
Tuckie: Your weekend sounds amazing!!! Enjoy every second of it