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Hey girls! Not much time to reply right now, but I've read and will respond later. Wishing everyone a fab weekend! DH is off all weekend and my girlfriend is out of town and left us the keys to her place in Tahoe!!! Woo hoo! Mini getaway with the baby. Wish me luck :D
Kat: I feed Zoe, then she gets a bottle about half hour later, when she gets fussy. I am doing puree so I don't really have any output to give you. The only thing I know is when she's handling puree well enough we will move to a thicker texture, and will start putting small pieces of food on her tray. She's starting to hold the spoon, now she just has to learn not to put it on her head:haha:

She is an AMAZING eater. So far she eats everything!! She's had a mix of pear, brocoli and spinach for lunch then oatmeal with banana for dinner. Until I start meat I will keep oatmeal for dinner, then it will be in the morning, and I'll start introducing other stuff, like yogurt, peanut butter, egg yolk, wheat cereal, etc. For pureed food we have a nice variety of organic food, with amazing fruit/veggies mixes. Same for meat. When they're used to ''plain'' meat they have lamb with fruit, pork with apples, and many others I am looking forward to try!!!. Yesterday she's had mango and LOVED it!!! She also slept from 7pm 'til 4:30 am:happydance: Funny enough she started to sleep longer since she's been able to roll back to front and vice-versa. She loves sleeping on her tummy and on her side. Hoping it's the start of something!!

Just: How small does it have to be? The pasta I mean. We eat a lot of pasta so I know pasta with homemade sauce is gonna be on the list. How old was she when she started to eat pasta? i'm just paranoid it's gonna be too big and I don't want her to choke.

Croy: So sorry you're not feeling confident about this little bean:hugs:Do you have another scan next week? I'm sending you lots of positive vibes :)

Tuckie: Your weekend sounds amazing!!! Enjoy every second of it:thumbup:
Kat, I didn't start feeding her solids until she was 7 months old. At that time I was nursing her before solids. I only fed her pureed solids 2x a day. When she hit 9 months or so, I started giving solids first and then would either nurse her or give her formula. I was also giving her 3 meals a day and 2 snacks, but in small portions so she would still want milk. I can't remember when I moved away from pureed foods. Pretty early as she was always interested in finger foods. I think if you don't want to pump or BF, you will need to give him formula. The first year is really about milk (either breast or formula). Solids are mainly practice and a way for the digestive system to get used to them. Now that she is 1, I nurse her only in the morning and maybe once in the afternoon if she wants. We give her a bottle of breast milk and formula after dinner (though will be stopping that soon). For the rest of the day I give her water. I used to give her pear juice as the solids were constipating her, but that has stopped. I don't think he is too young for the spinach and carrot juice, however there is concern about nitrates from carrots and spinach that you might want to read about It's really a personal decision.

She got blood drawn on Tuesday to test for nut allergies. That wasn't very fun! We should know the results next week.

Delilah had a major vomit fest last night. She woke up with puke all over her and her crib at 10pm. I got in the bath with her while Tim did laundry. I took her to bed with me and Tim slept on the couch. She threw up 2 more times last night in my bed. Poor baby. She had 2 good naps today and is in good spirits. She is barely eating anything though so I think her stomach is still upset. I'm giving her lots of bland foods and tons of water. No fever luckily.
Hi ladies,

Heart what ashame for Delilah having a sickness bug. My niece used to hate all men aswell, she just gave them the strangest look and only was ok with her own dad and mines (her papa). It was a stage and she seems fine now but I would say it did last until she was 3 haha!

Kat, Im the same and feed Emelia her bottle of milk first and then solids as I know that if it were the other way around she would eat the food and then not take milk!
Im not too clued up on that juice sorry, but apparently the best thing really is just water. My niece who is now 4 always still asks for water instead of juice as its what she knows and I guess it is a good thing for teeth etc.
I always find that Emelia gets quite constipated and Im guilty of not giving her enough water probably. I sometimes give her fresh orange diluted down with water when she is constipated as my health visitor recommended that to help.

Has Grey tried yoghurt yet? Emelia absolutely loves natural yoghurt by itself or with fruit added in. Also just bits of bread and butter, toast etc. If Im eating that I will break her tiny bits off and she loves it. Also cheese aswell if Im having it on toast I'll break her bits off which she loves. I've added cheese to her dinners aswell and she scoffs it all!

Melfy, I started off cutting up pasta for E but now just buy baby pasta shapes, over here its tiny little stars you get. They are small but still a good size and she has never once struggled with them.
I think its good to get them onto lumpy and textured foods quite quickly, that's what my weaning visitor told me anyway that you want to move onto lumpy quite soon or some babies can get too used to just smooth food.

Tuckie, enjoy you little getaway, it sounds great!

AFM, well we had an all day wedding yesterday which was great and Emelia went to my sisters overnight and the dog is with a dog sitter. It felt so strange but I was absolutely fine with it. That was Emelia's first over night away from us.
Im missing my little sweetie and looking forward to getting her back in a few hours.
My sister text to say that she was great and sent me some picture messages where she has been dressed up by my niece. She has tiaras and all sorts of hairbands on haha.
I was guilty of keeping looking though my phone at all of her pictures.
Heart: Hope everything comes back ok for Delilah and that if she really is allergic, it's gonna be a mild case:hugs:

Just: Right now we're doing pureed fruit and veggies, but when she turns 6 months I'm gonna start meat and will NOT do pureed meat as I find it gross:haha:. I think with fruit and veggies it's ok because they get used to so many different tastes and mixes (an honestly we never heat plain kale, spinach or sweet potatoes anyway), so I really want her to try as much as possible. And then I will also give mashed fruit, like avocado and banana. We also have small stars here as well. Usually we put it in soup, but it will be perfect for a baby. I"m totally against cutting pasta (I'm half Italian :haha: ) but DH always cuts his
Thanks ladies. I was unclear. I am still going to mainly BF. I feed first. I offer food an hour later twice a day when DH and I eat breakfast and lunch. Just wanted to know what to offer to drink, if anything, with the snack. He is a milk junkie. I won't take that away, but don't want to pump just for snack time. Water has no nutrition, so I wasn't sure about it. Won't do fruit juice, too much sugar. I'll ask dr on Thursday. Thanks for nitrate info. Aargh! Seems like a low risk.

We are just introducing whole foods first. Toast and yogurt will come later. Glad E loves her food.
Congrats on your first night away. Must feel nice to know this is an option.

Let us know how d's test comes out. Poor D and poor you. Hope she is feeling better.

Can't believe she eats so much already. How are you feeling?

Hope you are having a blast!
Kat, I would absolutely offer water as your "bonus" drink. Sure, it doesn't offer any nutrients per se, but it's good to establish healthy water drinking habits from a very young age. I agree about juice...they say the "best" introductory juice to start with is white grape, diluted 1:10 with water...but I believe that it's best to wait as long as possible before offering juice - way too much sugar, seriously. You COULD purchase a juicer, and make little batches of combo fruit/veggie juices, and those would be entirely within your control nutritionally. But honestly, the best thing to offer would be little cups of water.
We have a Blendtec and whole juice daily. Whole cause the fiber is still kept in. I think I'll do diluted veggie juice with water. I'll wait to see what dr says. Thanks for the water opinion. I know you are prepping for food intro too.
Kat I didn't give her any liquids other than milk. We did two ounces of pure pear juice for a while as she was so constipated from solids and nothing was helping. Once her body adjusted to the solids, I stopped giving her the juice. I just started on water recently and she only gets it in between meals and after she's eaten snacks. I don't want her getting full from water, but since we're not doing cow's milk, she needs hydration during the day.

You don't need to give him any liquids during meals. He gets plenty from you. But I'll be interested to hear what your ped says.

Have I mentioned how much I hate flying? I get extremely anxious. And now there was just a big plane crash at San Francisco airport. We're flying out of a different airport, but are flying back into San Francisco. It's a pretty dangerous runway from what I've heard, but this is the first crash I've heard about. Makes me even more nervous to fly. Ugh.
Kat: I don't offer drink with food, but soon I will put a sippy cup with water on her tray so she gets used to it. When she was constipated I gave her apple juice diluted with water and she didn't like it. But now she's getting used to solids and with all the veggies she's eating she's fine. She also gets fruit like pear and mango, which are also really good for her constipation. Honestly she eats everything with so much interest; today she had cauliflower, broccoli and carrots, and wow...she was disappointed when the bowl was empty:haha: I'm feeling pretty good, but it's so warm in here. Good thing with have the a/c in our bedroom and Zoe has a fan in her room. How's the house coming?

Heart: Sorry about your fear of flight. My grandpa was the same. When my grandma would ask him if everything was alright, he'd say yes, while ''reading'' a magazine upside-down.:haha:
The chances of something happening at SF is at an all time low because they will be on super high alert. You will be fine. Don't even spend energy worrying about something so unlikely to happen. Thanks for the info on what you did with D. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't supposed to give him something with each snack. I will get him a sippy cup soon as he is very interested in my drinking.

Wow, she must love her food. Grey just takes a few bites and then he is done. He loves milk.
Heart - I get a bit nervous before flying, and the anxiety is at it's worst during takeoff. Just that sensation of ascending into the sky, and your gut gets all leapy and everything. Ugh. Once we're in the air, I'm okay.

Kat- I want a Blendtec! I would love to make whole juices. My mom used to make us one that was cucumber, apple, and carrot, and it was amazing!!!!!!!!
Melfy, that's awesome how much Zoe likes to eat. Reminds me of Delilah. She loves food! I was giving her exclusively pears and peas for constipation but it wasn't working in the beginning. Juice was the only thing that worked. But now her body is used to solids. I'm like your grandfather. My knuckles get white from clenching my fists during take off, turbulence and landings.

Kat, thanks. I know logically I shouldn't worry. It's always been a place of anxiety for me. I've actually joked to Tim that whenever I'm about to fly, there is a plane crash. As he's known me for so long he just shakes his head because I'm right! Our jaws dropped today when we saw what happened in SF. We use a sippy cup now. It took her a little while to figure it out but I don't want her drinking from a bottle during the day. I'm going to wean her from the night time one after we get back from vacation. Sounds like you are doing everything perfectly.

Wooks, I feel the same way. That anxiety leading up to take off and then the actual take off. Once we're up, I'm much better. Tim told me I need to calm down because he doesn't want Delilah taking on my anxiety. He's right. I need to get a grip.
It is a great investment... it really pulverizes everything into juice and doesn't have that non-blending issue that cheaper blenders have. I have had mine for almost 5 years and use it every single day. DH and I start the morning off with a green shake. We throw in all different types of veggies, raw meal by Garden of Life, banana or pineapple to cut the taste, hold our noses and drink it down. The mix you talk about sounds good and you won't need to hold your nose. Just spinach and fruit tastes good. We whole juice kale and strawberry tops and arugula... you need to hold your nose. We also make delicious shakes to enjoy all of the time (mango lassies, blueberry smoothies, raspberry shakes). Get one for yourself for christmas. Your health will thank you.

Have you tried Paul McKenna's technique for airplane flights? Visualize all going exactly the way you want. Think of all the fun you are about to do. Think of the plane getting you there. See it like a movie and you are in the movie. Make it bigger and brighter. Then step into yourself and see it from the 1st person. Have fun hon!!! You and the family will be fine.
I have a phobia of big dogs. When I see one I tense. I don't want G having this, but I also want him to be aware with big dogs. This has intensified since I saw my sweet, fur baby being attacked and killed. Now I will go out of my way to avoid all big dogs except for Golden Retrievers and Golden Doodles. I don't actually know if it is a fear I want to release.
Heart - I totally get it. I get so anxious before traveling at all but especially flying. I think for me its more about the change of place and all the unknowns but still, I get really nauseous and feel light headed with anxiety a few days before we fly. I have to do my thinking/packing way ahead of time sot hat I can be in my yucky state right before we travel without having to much to do. I have had anxiety attacks on the plane sometimes so I always make sure I have a sickie bag now just incase I need it!! I think jjust having it make me feel calmer - I feel so silly but it is just the way my body handles stress. When do you fly? I will certainly be praying for peace for you. We also weaned Levi as soon as we got back from our flights to Barbados. We were pregnant so it wasn't a choice, but we had wanted to make sure I had boobs on hand to use ont he plane. Levi nursed well on take off and landings as well as in between so I am sure that helps.

Kat- we always offered Levi water with his solids. He was nursing enough that he didn't need the water necessarily but he is now a big water drinker which I hope will continue as he gets older. I want him to develop that as a good habit. I think I remember our doctor telling us that the water was good to rinse out the mouth and rinse the solids off teeth and gums too. We try to remember to brush his teeth every day but as least I know he is getting something rinsed away with his water!!
Glad you are enjoying your new house, its a busy time but I am happy to hear you are enjoying getting settled. I got nervous about spending money on the house t first, but I had to start looking at it as an investment. Enjoy!!!

Tuckie - How was your trip? Hope you had a great time.

afm - Sorry I havent been on here a while, we went camping for a few days. I think I was in denial that we were actually going to go! I love to camp but keeping Levi occupied in the great outdoors when he wants to get into everything and put everything in his mouth didn't sound fun or at least didn't sound relaxing. But Hubby bought a new tent and was so excited to get away so we went. We didn't think through the fact that the place where we camp is on a reservation and our first night was July 4th! It felt like we were in a war zone!! Huge booms all night long!!
Levi did great overall. He didn't go to bed until bout 9pm because I think it was too light out - I might have to invent a tent black out cover if there isn't one already! - the first night he got up early with the sun a little before 5. Hubby got up with him and they played outside while I slept. I woke up just before 8.45 and Levi was in the pack and play next to me fast asleep for his nap already!
He did even better last night, he woke up around 6.30 but we brought him in bed with us, I think he might have been chilly and he snuggled down and went bat until 8. I woke up so happy snuggling with both my boys!
We had a great time going to the little towns close by and just playing at the camp site and walking to the beach. All in all not a bad trip after all.

I was a bit nervous because I had started to get a little nausea on Thursday, I was dreading having morning sickness kick in while we were gone but it wasn't too bad. I am just having to really make sure I am eating regularly and then it doesn't hit too bad at all. I did have to get up to pee a couple of times at night but I refuse to walk to the bathrooms and pee by the tent! I'm not proud, and its cold in the middle of the night!

But I have to say I am happy to be home now!

Also Levi cut his three top teeth in the past few days and the fourth is almost through! He s been a trooper, but it looks sore in there!

I know I missed people - His Mefly,. Wooks, Fili, Cazi and everyone else.
Thanks Kat, I'll give that a try. I hate having a phobia. It's not extreme, but it isn't pleasant. The juicer sounds awesome. Might have to invest in one. I wish our house was a little bigger. No room for appliances.

Croy, that trip sounds fun/terrifying LOL! It's great that Levi did so well. I'm not sure Delilah would do as well. You are a brave, brave woman. The thought of camping with my baby sounds awful to be honest. It must have been a big tent to fit a pack and play in it! How do you put him down for naps and bed? Did CIO ever work? I fear we are moving towards that once we are back from our travels. I can only rock her to sleep now. She won't let Tim and she won't go down in her crib without a massive fight. Sigh. Luckily once she's down, she sleeps.

She didn't puke today thankfully but was really fussy. Her 4 year old cousin, who we saw on the 4th, threw up last night. They must be passing a bug around to each other. I just hope she's in better shape for the flight. Otherwise it's going to be torture for everyone on board.
Ugh she just puked again. Our flight is Monday morning at 6:50am. Tomorrow is Sunday and the docs office isn't open. I don't know that this warrants a trip to the ER. I can't believe this is happening right now.
Heart, still no fever? As long as she's eating/drinking, and you feel that she's staying hydrated, you could probably wait. I'd try some dry toast with her, jello (yeah, I know it's sugary, but it goes down okay, and stays down), unsweetened applesauce, plain rice cakes, and frozen juice popsicles, if she doesn't mind really cold stuff. Poor's no fun being sick.

Croy- Sounds like your camping trip was a success! I love to camp too, but we usually stay in my in-laws huge air-conditioned camper/RV trailer thing. It's the glamorous, easy side of camping, that's for sure! LOL!
Amanda - So sorry, I totally forgot to answer about rocking to sleep. I still rock Levi to sleep. I don't mind when it take five minute but he started taking longer and longer to settle and can take 20 mins somtimes which I just dont have time for. We have been pretty lazy in getting a good nap routine set for him so I thin our plan (now we are back from vacation and have nothing on the calendar to worry about) is to start taking him to his room reading a book or two in the rocker, sing a song then rock him for a verse of 'Silent night' before putting hi in his crib with his lovie and leaving him. Coming back in an hour. I guess I have to be ok with him not napping for a while becasue I think he will happily amuse himself for the majority of that time but I have to hope and pray he figures it out after a while. I am guessing after missing a nap or two he will be too tired to stay up and then we might have to deal with crying it out again but I am not sure.

Hubby does bedtime and he rocks him but often puts him down almost asleep and he settles himself. He also settles himself back during the night if he wakes he rarely cries out.

I guess we can compare notes when we start trying to wean them from the rocking!

And I am so sorry she is still feeling unwell. I am sure that's doing nothing to relieve your anxiety about traveling. I know that airlines often let you change flights without a fee for a medical reason. I am sure if you called the nurse on call from her doctors office they could issue you a Dr's note if you thought you might want to postpone your flight a day or two to make sure shes better before you go.
Hello Heart,

My name is Nina and I am a member from your other page PAL and just wanted to say hi to everyone, since I graduated to this page now that I had my babies :) I finally had my rainbow twins, a boy named Joshuel and my girl named Isabel :oneofeach:. I as well have an older 9 yr old daughter. I have gone thru 4 years of trying to get pregnant, then after so many yrs of unexplained infertility I got pregnant 3 times only to lose them at 5 or 6 weeks. Thankfully God has blessed us once again and we were able to give our daughter siblings on March 13th, whom are happy and healthy babies :happydance:.


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