Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Hi ladies,

Fili and MrsM, you both explained it spot on about us all being British but such a variety of different accents. You would probably think that I have a strong Scottish accent.

Croy, that's brilliant news about those numbers, keep positive!

Hopeful, its interesting to read Ava and Dylan's stats, they've clearly came on leaps and bounds and thriving. Boys always tend to be a bit bigger than girls I find, but theres not too much between them.
That is a cute tea set, my niece has that! I'll need to ask for it as a hand me down for E to play with.

Heart, same about Delilah, she's obviously doing great and clearly healthy with her vegetarian diet.

Kat, I hope your not getting too stressed with making your house a home! Im sure I remember you saying a while back that you were going to raise Grey's jumperoo to level 2. Well I did that this morning and it was far too high for Emelia, she was on her tiptoes so I had to put it down again.

Emeli'as new favourite thing is her walker, she is very mobile in it now! Its funny I look at her now and think to myself that she is no longer a baby but a little girl, she's getting so big, she's 19lbs now.
Hey ladies!

YAY Fili! What did I tell ya! PMA PMA PMA and you have a HB! And Mel too! Leo always had a high HB all along so maybe you are having a boy this time!

Croy those numbers sound fab chick!

Kat! Yup I know your pain setting up house after a move! Our record so far is being rush posted out of Germany over Xmas on 3 weeks notice to the UK and then 9 weeks later we were posted again! I had barely unpacked and got sorted before I was packing again! I love G's mat! That is fab!

Hope, MrsM, Heart and Just your babies are thriving!! How brilliant to hear that! Happy first birthday Delilah!

Tuckie hope Bay has stopped nibbling you!

MrsM we had stopped sex as soon as I got a BFP.... I have reluctantly started again... I have to say it is not earth shattering yet! It will get back to how it was .... it will! LOL

Raps! Let set a date!!!!! Lucas and cake sounds perfect to me! Am happy to come to you if it is easier x

Leo is still in the 9th percentile bless him... still the diddyest out of all his NCT group, even though he was the second born, but he is so long! My friend put her 5 month old Daughter next to him (he is 9 wks now) and he was the same length as her!
Leo sounds like Alfie he's only just over the 9th centile now and weighs 17.3 at 9 and a Half months!!! He is long too such long legs! I'm struggling now though as with jeans and joggers 3-6 are still good round the waist but ankle swingers yet 6-9 are perfect in length yet huge round his little waist! I've had to resort to buying more 3-6 jeans with turn ups and then turn them down so they fit his long legs!!!!
These percentile charts really should be banned though, they make us obsess over everything...well I definitely used to anyway. I've definitely chilled a good bit now though.

My best friends baby boy is 8 weeks old and he is the same length as Emelia aswell, he is very long.

Bumpy, I guess that's where girls leggings are easier as they are still really stretchy at the waist etc. Emelia lives in leggings. I have a few pairs of jeans for her and tried them but took them off again as they were a strange fit having to roll them up etc.
I hope your enjoying this last wee while with Alfie before your properly back to work.

Pad, that's nice if you and Rap meet up in person, I feel like everyone becomes quite good friends on here and it would be lovely to meet everyone face to face!
Aww Bumpy! You really do need to post some more pics of Alfie... haven't seen him in what seems like ages and he is such a handsome lil man! All the best things come in small packages eh! Including our boys! I weighed Leo again today and he is now 10lb 7 so still diddy lol - 6lb weight gain in a week.

Just I am so trying not to obsess, but it is so damn hard... it is like my PARLanoia needs a new outlet hahaha! Me and Rap have met up a couple of times when we were pregnant - in fact she came in to hospital to see me shortly before I had Leo. I agree it is so fab to actually meet one another in person as I feel we have all shared so much with eachother.
Heart yes they had heartbeats but they were always slow and then stopped, also there were other things wrong like sac too small, yolk sac too big, no fetal pole etc. This time everything looked good but I'm measuring 3-4 days behind my dates. Not too worried as hb was strong but not getting overly excited until my next scan on 16th July. I'm thinking a latent egg maybe got fertilised as I had a few cooking in there!

Pad that's lovely about you and rapt!

Agh percentiles... Lexi is 20th long and 75th weight - an apple!
Morning ladies - I am having a slight freak out moment. I went to the dentist this morning which meant I had to tell them I was pregnant so they didn't so x-rays and I always feel like I don't want to speak it in real life until I am super sure its happening so that made me a bit uncomfortable but then for the whole appointment I was in the chair at a bit of a reclined angle as they cleaned my teeth - so now I am panicking - what if the blood flow was away from the baby fro too long?!! Am I crazy? I had an appointment early with Levi too but I don't think I was at that same angle. Maybe the hygienist was taller or something?
I thought it would be easier this time around not to worry but I think I am struggling even more with questioning and worrying about every little thing.
I will be 6 weeks tomorrow. Monday night can't come soon enough for my scan!
Croy I hope this makes you feel better: yes you are crazy thinking that!!!!! :rofl:. Sorry Hun but there is no way in this world that blood flow to baby was affected. Even if you stood on your head for a day the baby would have access to enough blood! After 24 hours maybe not so good for baby if you stood on your head. I think your anxiety plus pregnancy hormones are getting to you and I of all people know what that feels like!! So take it from me you are fine, baby is fine and everything is going to be ok. You got fab hcg results I am 100% sure you are going to be fine again this time round. :hug: xxx
Here are a few more recipes that are hits in our house. See a theme? Cheese rules supreme. The fritatas are great because they are fast, easy and can be kept for 3 days. Delilah loves them cold the next day. The mac & cheese can be frozen and eaten later. Enjoy!

Veggie Fritatas

• 3 large eggs
• 2 tablespoons milk
• 2 tablespoons parmesan, grated
• 1/4 cup asparagus, diced
• 3 sun dried tomatoes, packed in oil and diced

1. 1. Preheat the oven 375 degrees.
2. 2. Spray or grease mini muffin tins with oil or butter.
3. 3. Whisk the eggs and milk together. Add the cheese, tomatoes and
4. vegetables.
5. 4. Add a heaping tablespoon of egg/vegetable mixture to each muffin cup.
6. 5. Bake for 12-14 minutes.
7. 6. Cool and serve.

NOTES: Instead of tomatoes and asparagus, I used ¼ - ½ cup thawed peas (smooshed) and some small diced fresh zucchini. I used parm and sharp cheddar (lots more than what was called for). I cut the recipe in thirds. So 1 egg, 2 teaspoons milk and maybe ½ cup cheese. I cooked for 14 min. Can be kept in fridge for 3 days.

Green Mac and Cheese

• 1 pound elbow macaroni (you can also use campanelle, cavatappi or shells)
• 3 cups whole milk
• 1 cups packed fresh spinach
• 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
• 2 tablespoons flour
• 4 cups grated white cheddar cheese
• 2 cups chopped broccoli florets
• 1 cup peas

1. 1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
2. 2. Cook pasta in salted water for about 3 minutes less than package directions call for, until al dente. Reserve half a cup of the pasta water and strain.
3. 3. While the pasta is cooking. Place the milk and spinach in a blender and blend on high speed until smooth.
4. 4. In a large pot melt the butter and then add the flour, whisking continuously over low-medium heat for 2-3 minutes to make a roux. Slowly whisk in the milk mixture and bring to a boil.
5. 5. Reduce heat and simmer, whisking occasionally, 3 to 4 minutes, or until sauce is gently bubbling and starting to thicken.
6. 6. Add reserved pasta water and cheese and whisk until melted. Stir in the pasta, broccoli and peas.
7. 7. Transfer to a greased 13″ x 9″ baking dish and bake for 20 minutes, or until cheese is bubbling and the pasta is set.

NOTES: I used a multi-colored organic rotini like pasta from Trader Joe’s and cut up the pieces of pasta before serving. I cut the recipe in half the first time. Can be frozen after being cooked.
Croy, it's amazing what an RMC brain can do to a woman. Do you think any woman who never had a loss and went to the dentist pregnant has ever had that thought? Doubt it! I wouldn't worry about it in the slightest, though easier said than done.

Pad, Just, Bumps and anyone else looking at percentiles, they are just a small piece of the bigger picture. I used to get so caught up in it as Delilah was a preemie and I was desperate to know that she was gaining appropriately. I struggled with my milk supply too. I bought a scale and obsessed. What I learned was that as long as she was alert, happy, engaged, and looked healthy, she was! Try not to put too much weight (no pun intended) into the charts.

Pad, can we have more Leo pics please?

Tuckie, we're going to Kansas City for Tim's parent's 50th wedding anniversary for 5 days and then onto Cape Cod to do my big annual family week. After that week is over, Delilah and I are staying on the Cape with my mom for another month. Regarding sleepwear, I'm always trying to figure out what to put Delilah in. As you probably know, the Bay Area can get hot, but also very cold at night. Do you have a lightweight cotton sleep sack? I just got one and it's great. We were using a micro fleece one before but it was getting too hot. I put her in footless pjs and the cotton sleep sack. KicKee Pants makes awesome, lightweight clothing. They are kind of expensive though. I got a few pieces as handmedowns and the material is divine. Super soft and lightweight. Perfect for hot nights. I highly recommend their products. I also received a gorgeous dress that Delilah will wear to the anniversary party. It's no longer on their website though or I'd show you. Anyhoo, here is the site

Gotta run. Just wanted to pop in and say hello!
Heart - Thank you so much for all those recipes!! Levi has been a huge fan of the gnocci, sweet potato pancakes and I just gave hima veggie burger for the first time tonight. He ate quite a bit but I think its a new consistency so it miught take a couple of times to be the huge hit I am anticipating!

I love the new ones too!! I have been stocking up my freezr because I am anticipating not feeling like cooking for a while and I want to make sure he has some simple but healthy options! I will be getting ingredients for the newest dishes and making the nuggets this weekend!

Levi would be surviving on blueberries and cream cheese sandwiches without you!! ha ha

Hope you have a fabulous time out east! I hope the temps get a little cooler out there for you.
Croy you are most welcome! I am in love with the fritatas right now. They are so easy and adaptable. You can pretty much add anything you want. I had to buy a mini muffin pan to make them and I'm so glad I did. I'm seriously considering taking my mini muffin pan on vacation with me!

Delilah still doesn't like the nuggets for some reason. I have so many of them in the freezer. I wish I could give them to you. They are a bit time consuming to make.

Is it hot there? We are definitely in a heat wave. I love it! Usually summer here means fog. I hate the cold fog. Bring on the sun.

Off to bed. Sleep tight everyone.
Thanks so much for the recipe heart I have copied and printed out for future ref!

Croy no problem I'm sure you've helped me out plenty of times!! You're going to fine hunny and so is levi's sibling! :cloud9: xxx
Heart isn't it super hot where you are now? It's going to be 30 here tomorrow :nope: I stay out of the sun completely or put factor 60 on! My clinique factor 60 for the face! I don't have many wrinkles hardly any in fact! I hate the sun I'd rather it snowed and was freezing cold! What a misery I am lol!!
Fili it never really gets super hot in San Francisco or the surrounding areas. The coastal air keeps it fairly cool and in the summer it is very foggy. There are micro climates here. So in some areas there will be no sun and hot and in others it will be completely fogged in and freezing, especially in the summer. The hospital where Delilah was for 18 days was in a foggy part of San Francisco. We would leave my house in the morning where it would be sunny and arrive at the hospital to complete fog that sometimes wouldn't burn off all day. My mother couldn't believe how cold it was in June and July! She thought I was exaggerating when I would say that you needed a scarf and coat in July in San Francisco.

Sometimes we get a heat wave and it will get hot, but most days in all seasons, it is cool and comfortable. It doesn't get very cold here either. Never any snow.

You know the tourists in the summer because they are all wearing shorts and tank tops in San Francisco. People think that since they are going to be in California, it gets hot. The locals laugh at them because we know that it isn't warm!
I just realised i got my period date wrong!! My scan dating was spot on :dohh: I am stupid! I am 7.2 today (LMP Thursday 9th may) so on weds I was 6.4 which is what baby measured :yipee:
Heart that sounds nice to me! Actually when we went to san fran it was august for our honeymoon and it was just nice :)
Oh Fili, that's awesome news! I wasn't even worried before, but now things sound just perfect. :cloud9:

Yes, the weather in August is usually perfect as is September and October. July is one of our coldest months! LOL!
Hi ladies,

Heart, thanks again for the recipes. Im def. going to try the macaroni cheese one..sounds lovely!
On hot weather here I have let Emelia sleep in her vest inside one of her 1 tog sleeping bags and she seems fine. She did wake up one night cold though as the temp dropped overnight.
San Fran is very foggy isn't it, I was surprised by that. We went in October and we had to buy jackets from H&M over there as it was colder than I knew it would be and also rained quite a bit, still loved it though!

Fili, that's great that the scan was measuring spot on, that will be even more reassuring for you!

Croy, as the others have said, Im sure you will be just fine. I think us ladies that have suffered losses are more prone to being a bit irrational about things, its completely understandable though.

Hope everyone else is well...

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