Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Nina, welcome! I haven't been to the PAL thread in ages, but my own little girl was born March 12, so our kids are a day apart! Cool, huh? Those little twins must keep you busy, especially since you have an older child to keep up with also!
Welcome giggles and congrats! I bet ur daughter loves the twins! Adorable pics!

Heart- hope u made it to kc. Guessing u r there now and hope D is feeling better.
I don't rock the kids in a chair. I hold one and I stand and rock back n forth. From left to right foot. I used to rock like that when I was little for whatever reason I always liked to be moving and now I use it to get the kids to sleep! comforts me too, its strange i guess!

Ava probably doesn't need to do it, but I like to hold her for a couple minutes and Dylan takes about 5-6 mins usually? And then I lay him down and he gets on his belly and snuggles down. If he's not tired enough he won't sleep then I just take him out and play more downstairs.
Croy - I would love to go camping! Did u use bugspray? Not sure if the have Mosquitos out there? I've heard Repel is good so might look for some. I can't even go outside without bugs all over.

Kat- how is grey sleeping in the new house? I might have missed a post.

Hi tuckie! I see u on here. U have fun at the lake?
Thanks ladies,

Yes these bundles of joy definitely keep me busy, luckily enough I have my two helpers that I couldn't live without. My husband and my daughter :)
It is awesome that our babies are a day apart, if some test that I had done while I was pregnant would have come on time, our children would have been actually born on the same date.
As you all may understand, I will be on here but not all the time due to that I am constantly busy with these lil ones, but when I have that quiet :sleep: mommy time, I love to check in and see how everyone is doing.
I hope to get to know you all a lil better, have a great day ladies :winkwink:
Heart- so sorry D caught a stomach bug :( are you going to have to postpone your trip? I had to cancel a flight once because I flew while sick & my ear hadn't popped in days. I felt deaf in one ear & heard it could bleed or get badly damaged if I flew again, so they canceled it for me without a charge. I can't really make all Bay's food. I do a mix. She gets fresh food like bananas, avocados, pears, sweet potato, & carrots. Then she gets organic pouch food also. We have a serious issue with freezer space here. DH's fam buys a TON of frozen food (pretty unhealthy stuff!) and there's hardly ever room so whatever I make has to be eaten up in 2-3 days. We eat healthier than Aaron's family does so I won't let her eat that frozen crap & I hope I can pass good eating habits on to Bay, but we also don't deprive ourselves either. Everyone gets to splurge sometimes & I don't want her having food issues or anything. Maybe when we get out on our own again I can prepare more meals for her, but I honestly like having the pouches too because sometimes I'm not up for all that work! B can be funny with men too! Especially if they have a lot of facial hair :haha: a few times my uncle or grandpa would talk to her and she cried!

Just- I hope you and your DH can come to a compromise on a time to ttc. How fast were you able to get preg before? I think that makes a difference too...can probably feel more pressure if it takes awhile to get preg. I usually got preg in 3-4 months of trying but I know for some it takes longer. Hope you can reach an agreement. Glad your first overnight away from E went well :)

Kat- sounds like you're staying pretty busy with your new home. I agree with being too busy for #2 right now! Also, we need to be in our own place, have 2 cars, savings, etc & I need to go back to work before we can even think about it! CA is just too expensive for only one of us to be working, unless one of us was making a ton of money, and I don't see that happening anytime soon. I keep trying to figure out when I should go back to work & DH has no input really except he doesn't like the idea of a stranger caring for Bay. This 2nd car is going to eat most of our savings & then I guess we'll go from there. I give B water also. She likes it and I'm glad because I worried she would only like sweet stuff & water has no flavor but I think it's important she gets used to that. I only gave her juice once and it was 1/3 juice and 2/3 water.

Melfy- glad Zoe is such a great eater :) and yay for better sleeping too!

Croy- yay for a successful camping trip! DH & I LOVE camping but we pretty much decided we wouldn't be camping for a long time since we had Bay, but now after reading your post I am hopeful! Bringing the pack & play was a great idea! Glad Levi is being a trooper with all those teeth cutting too :thumbup:

Nina- welcome & congrats on your beautiful twins :)

Hopeful- hi hon :wave:

In regards to nap time/rocking:
I have completely weaned Bay off of the washer/dryer naps and bed sharing. She sleeps in her rock & play sleeper right next to our bed. I do sing to her and rock her in that for about 10 mins. She almost always falls asleep in that time but if she doesn't, I leave. She might cry for a second when she sees me leaving but then she just plays with her feet or chews on her blanket and then puts herself to sleep. She actually rocks herself in that rock & play by kicking her feet out lol I sing and rock her mostly to calm her down and let her know its time to settle & rest. Like I said though, at some point I leave her and let her soothe herself to sleep if she hasn't already. I'm fortunate that B is pretty good about napping. She really loves her sleep! She doesn't sttn though. She always wakes for a feeding.

We had a great time in Tahoe! Bay was pretty good too. I thought she'd have a hard time sleeping being somewhere new and different but she was fine! The only bad thing was when we drove back from Emerald is always heavily congested through one area where a big, touristy campground is and it's one way in and one way out. The idiotic CHP put a damn DUI checkpoint there of all places. So we sat in traffic for over an hour and Bay was screaming bloody hell! DH had to lean his seat back and feed her a formula bottle in the backseat just to get us through it. When we finally got to the stupid checkpoint, they were just waving everyone through!!! WTF was the point of that?!? Other than that, it was a great weekend. We went on a nice walk along a creek and I wore B in our new Ergo and it was great. We went out to a yummy breakfast on Saturday and I gave B tiny bits of my wheat toast and red potatoes. She was loving that and it kept her from fussing in the restaurant. At night when Bay was sleeping, we watched The Wire on my laptop and hung out on the porch and chatted. We took the scenic route home too and that was really pretty. It was really great to have family time with just our little trio. I'll post some pics from our trip!
This was taken while we were packing right after DH got off work. He always takes his shirt off to hold her so he doesn't get his dirty work shirt on her & they do skin to skin :) So sweet!

We were calling her Emerald Baylyn :haha:
tuckie- ava used to rock herself by kicking in her infant carseat and in the bouncy chair. now she bounces in her highchair and sometimes just on the floor sitting up and sometimes she will sit so her back is touching dylan and she laughs and bounces on him! I was a huge bouncer and bounced on everything when i was little. so strange it's hereditary I guess.
cute pics! bay looks so happy, and check out mr tuckie's muscles.. ;) that scenery is gorgeous
Hopeful- how funny! That's cute that she rocks on D too! :haha: B doesn't really try to rock her carseat, but thats part of the reason we stopped putting her on the washer/dryer at 6 months...we didn't want her to learn to rock and be able scoot it off!
Hi Ladies,

Welcome to the new Marl.

It sounds like you two had some much needed private family time. I can't wait for you two to be on your own again with Bay. Your DH is so buff. My DH used to be super buff, but since having G he has gotten a bit skinny. No more bulging biceps and ripped six pack. He started working out a bit again, so I am hoping it fills out again soon.

Sounds like hell with a crying baby stuck in a carseat. In desperate times I pull up Youtube videos and crank my arm in the back for G to watch. It seems to keep him occupied. Baby Einstein is on youtube.

BTW-I bought the grow and learn jumparoo and Grey loves it. It teaches them ABC, and putting shapes back in the proper place, etc... It is like the older babies Rainforest Jumperoo. He still loves that one too. Just in case Bay wants another.

Sounds like special mommy and baby time when you put them to sleep.
We have no mosquitos here as you might remember from when you lived in Sherman Oaks, but I grew up in the midwest and know all about those little devils.

Hope you and DH can compromise when you TTC. Maybe split the difference.

Grey has been STTN for the past 2 weeks except last night he woke at 5:35 am for good. He usually waits till about 6:15-6:30. We are in a good routine now. Naps at 9am and 1:30 pm. He barely eats a teaspoon of food twice a day at 8:30 and 12:30. He feeds many times a day on my boob still.

I might have pityriasis rosea and it is miserable. going to another dermatologist tomorrow. that contact dermatitis spot is still there and it might actually be a herald patch. i have itchy bumps all over my body =(. I am talking about 90 or so of the little f***ers and they itch. Trying not to let it get me too down. On the plus side, the benadryl i am taking is making me sleep very well. I look a bit diseased in my bikini and it has taken up hours and hours of my life obsessing for the last few weeks. It sucks.
Hi all. We made it to Kansas City in one piece. Delilah had a decent dinner last night and slept through without puking. Sadly I had to wake her at 5 am to leave for the airport so she didn't get her usual 11-12 hours of sleep which she really needed. But she was AMAZING on the plane and in the car. She napped twice on the plane. Hasn't fussed all day. Not even afraid of anyone (grandparents, great aunts and uncles). She's napping now. Still doesn't have much of an appetite but is in great spirits. Loves her grandmother's dog and is following it around and panting like the dog. Lol! Thanks for all the kind words. I'm exhausted. Will catch up later. xo
Awww, Heart, I'm glad she's doing better. Yay for no puking, and making it safely to your destination without too much incident! Now go try to rest! LOL!

Tuck- Beautiful pics! Such gorgeous scenery there, huh? Bay looks like she thoroughly enjoyed herself!

Kat- Glad to hear G's is a good routine in your new home, and stuff is coming together for you all!
Great to hear all went smoothly and that D is feeling much better.

My dermatologist just confirmed Pityriasis Rosea =(. She called me and we discussed it at length after she viewed pics. So no need to go in tomorrow. I'm a bit depressed about it, but relieved that it is not contagious.
Heart- glad you made it to KC safely and that D had such good behavior on the flight! Have a great time hon :D

Kat- yes, my DH is buff. He has a very nice bod, which just makes me feel worse about mine! But, I weighed myself yesterday and I've lost 8 lbs! Woo hoo :) He loves boxing and so for his bday, I got him a heavy bag and he pounds away on that thing and is dripping with sweat after his workouts. He is a lot more disciplined than I am, but I'm still watching what I eat since I had all those bowel troubles and things are going better for me. He eats whatever he wants, but he works out harder than I do. He gained about 15 lbs when I was preg though! :haha: sympathy weight I guess! I didn't know what PR was so I googled it. Looks painful :( i read that it usually heals up in 6-8 weeks though so that's good, but I can imagine its annoying! Thanks for telling mw about the other jumperoo too. Has G cut his bottom teeth yet? B is in full blown teething again with the tops coming :/

Wooks- Thanks, Bay did have a great time! I think she likes to travel :)
Heart - so glad to hear that D was such a great little traveler and is settling in well with new faces. I hope this is a relaxing time for you all.

Kat - sorry about the diagnosis. I hope that the doctor can help it clear up soon.
It's called the laugh and learn. I told you the wrong name. PR sucks, but it does go away. It's bikini season... I feel diseased, but am going to rock them anyways.

Congrats on feeling fitter. I hope my DH gets buff again. I find him much sexier that way, but don't want to say anything more than I have... Which has been that it is time for him to start working out again now that G is not napping on him for his first nap.

No teeth whatsoever despite all the symptoms for months now. I'm happy about it. I do not want to get bit. Has Bay stopped biting yet? I certainly hope so for your sake.

Thanks for Googling to support me.

I used to NEVER get ill. Since being pregnant I've had food poisoning, an infection during child birth, mastitis, insomnia and now Pityriasis. AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! Don't think I want to do it all over again. My immunity must not be what it used to be... though I have never gotten a cold/flu or anything.
Hi ladies,

Giggles, welcome to you and what beautiful kids you have. This is a great part of the forum, I look forward to hearing more from you.

Heart, glad you arrived safely and that Delilah hasn't been sick. I laugh at the thought of her chasing after the dog panting. I think its great to have kids used to dogs instead of developing fears. Hope you enjoy your trip!

Kat, Im going to have to google that condition, I also haven't heard of it but it dosent sound pleasant for you, but that's the right attitude to get that bikini on regardless!
I hope your enjoying your new home and settling in nicely!

Tuckie, your trip sounds great and such beautiful pictures! Not so good about being stuck in traffic!
I read your previous post aswell about having lack of freezer space and thought is that not partially due to a dead pet being stored in there too? haha or did I just make that up?
y husband loves The Wire but I never really got into it that much but will watch it again!
We're still trying to finish watching Sopranos, we only have about 10 to watch and that's it, we've been loving that! Also watched a really good film last week..Gangster squad! Really enjoyed it and a bonus that Ryan Gosling is in it!

We're having amazing weather right now about 25-27degrees which is such a luxury in Scotland. Just lazing around the garden and day trips. Today we're off to a park to meet a friend and her 10 week old baby!
We have also had the offer to go to Nice in France for a week next month with my MIL and FIL, they have offered to get a 2 bed apartment! This isn't set in stone yet but sounds very appealing but I will need to rush to get Emelia a passport sorted! Family time during a holiday sounds good, I often think my husband dosent get much time with Emelia when he gets home from work and she is going down to bed at 7/8pm!

Oh and I think her overnight stay on Friday night may have knocked her sleeping pattern a bit off, she has developed a body clock that wakes at 5am! Apparently when she stayed with my sister and niece on Friday night she woke at 4am thinking it was playtime and because she was in the room with them and could see them!
My 4 year old niece was also shattered on the Saturday and kept saying how she couldn't sleep at all because of Emelia's snoring, it is unreal for a baby haha.

Oh and regarding ttc, part of me thinks that maybe waiting until next Summer is wise, we'll see what happens I guess. I've figured that there are actually quite a lot of positives about waiting until next Summer and not really any negatives other than me feeling a bit impatient that is a long time but I know its not really . Im just glad I guess that we are both in agreement that we would like a second child at some point.
I have been lucky in the past to get pregnant so quick. The first two pregnancies I got pregnant first month trying using my CBFM and then with Emelia it did take the third month of trying. I really hope its as easy next time around, I would hate to think of it taking long.
Hi, Jenny! Hope things are going well for you!

Just- I'd have to take them up on the France offer! Nice is so beautiful!!!! I was there in my teens, right after I graduated from high school. Hope getting E's passport isn't a pain!

Kat- I forgot to mention how much I think it sucks that you have that condition! It sounds awful! How is it usually treated?
Thanks hon. No treatment. It goes away usually within 3 months.

Have you spoken to the Dr about E's snoring? It could be hereditary, but the fact that it is so loud sounds a bit concerning. I'm not trying to upset you. It's just something you might want to ask about.

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