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Kat- lol! I think you telling your hubby "it's time to sart working out again" is one of those things women can say to men but watch out if it were the other way around :haha: I'm sure he's used to you being blunt by now though :p Do you see any white on G's gums? I've heard some babies that don't get their first tooth until after a year so it's no biggie. Bay hasn't bit me in several days thankfully...but I'm not getting my hopes up that the biting is over yet. She went awhile without biting before and then bit me out of nowhere a week or so ago so I'm going to wait and see. Good for you for rocking your bikini anyways! Sun won't make it worse, will it? The salt water and sun could even make it better! :shrug: you've NEVER had a cold or flu?!? :saywhat: sorry you've had this whole slew of health troubles since you had G :hugs: I can relate! All the stuff I've been having since my csection like chronic heartburn and diarhhea...I never had those before B! I've also peed a couple times when sneezing since I had her :dohh: I probably need to do some kegels!

Just- yes, we have my BIL's dead snake in the freezer :rofl: He has issues with parting with things. I guess the snake doesn't take up too much room but its the kind of freezer that is on the bottom and its like a big drawer that pulls out with a big metal basket inside. You cannot put anything in there flat (like ice cube trays) which is annoying! It's good that you get preg rather quickly then. Holding off a bit longer shouldn't cut into precious ttc time for you then. If it took a year or longer each pregnancy, I could see feeling impatience. But you have a lovely dd and a good record of getting preg easily so don't worry too much :) DH & I loved the Sopranos! We just hated the ending of the series...won't give a spoiler, but you've been warned! :haha: Still a really great show. The Wire is good. It's very realistic. It's more of a 'guy show' I suppose, but it's gritty and real, not the usual Hollywood spin they put on police dramas. We also really liked Boardwalk Empire.

Jenny, Wooks :wave:
Tuckie, that's right I remember it being a dead snake haha. Oh I hate when endings are disappointing, I'll be sure to tell you my opinion on it when we Finally watch it!
My hubby also loves boardwalk empire, its another one that I need to watch from scratch!
I meant to say aswell well done on your weight loss, 8lbs isn't easy to lose!

Kat, I've never been concerned about Emelia's snoring but the worst thing I just done there was to google it! My health visitor heard her on each visit but said that it was normal and that babies are full of mucous but it can take months to fully clear. She said that sometimes it takes them to get a cold to fully clear passages.
I would say that it has got better/quitter than it was previously.
She definitely dosent heavy breathe or mouth breathe whilst awake as I know that can be a sign of an underlying problem. I think I will mention it to my health visitor anyway on next visit just to see what they think. I have read that sometimes they will refer to an ear, nose and throat specialist.
I didn't mean to scare you. Grey has never snored once, so I have no experience. Just my dad snored and he had surgery to fix it cause it was interfering with proper sleep. Never heard about the cold and mucus thing. G has never had a cold and we never sucked out mucus. If your health advisor heard it then I guess it should not be an issue. Just wanted to be sure.

Glad she hasn't bitten in a bit. Sun is supposed to help me. I'm sunbathing right now. You poor thing. I never heard of continuing heartburn and the runs post birth. Hope our bodies go into balance again. I just cleaned up my food and bought every organic veggie and fruit at trader joes. I need to heal my immune system.
Hey US ladies: I just wanted to quickly pass on this great find! I don't know if you remember me saying a couple weeks ago how I've been struggling to find summer sleepwear...well, I finally found some! They had these at Kohl's for $5/piece! Regularly $12. I think they have boyish designs as well. There were some cuter ones than the ones I got too, but a lot of the 9 month sizes were picked over at the Kohl's I went to. Anyways, I love a bargain and wanted to pass along! I don't think they have this chain store in the UK, but the brand is First Moments...might be exclusive to Kohl's though, but I'm not sure. I think these will be perfect for her to sleep in this summer and I'm going to check back for more in a couple weeks :thumbup:
Those are cute Tuckie and perfect for summer nights. We have just been putting Emelia to sleep in her vests as its unbearable heat at night here so I dread to think of some of you US ladies!
Tuckie- those look like outfits I dress Hannah in for daytime use! LOL! But honestly, those little Carters/First Moments rompers are so soft/light/comfy that they can be used easily as jammies. A cute, good find there!

Kat- I know what you mean about trying to help our bodies find balance once again. I ate HORRIBLY while I was pregnant...anything and everything I could grab, and all I craved was junk. Once I had Hannah, I immediately wanted to go back to my healthy eating habits, and I'm trying to eat as much organic produce and whole foods as possible. So far, I really do feel better, and I've lost a lot of weight. I've got a ways to go, but I feel like I'm prepping my body well for hopefully a second pregnancy next year... I'm glad to hear that the sun is something that clears up your skin condition. At least you can relax with a book while trying to heal!
cute outfits tuckie! i keep forgetting to see if i still have some Med sleep sacks left (or smalls, I might have given in a goodwill bag though along with a ton of other stuff). I've had them in larges for months now as I like to have the sacks be bigger on them.
Tuckie - Such sweet outfits! I hope they help Bay to sleep well in this warm weather.

Wookie - I was the same with Levi. I tried to eat healthy when I was pregnant and sometimes I would crave carrots and apples but I balanced that with many cravings for french fries!! ha ha! I would have loved to be back at pre baby weight before getting pregnant again but I still had about 10-15lbs to go to my ideal. I guess I am just going to have to work out even harder after this baby if this pregnancy continues. I eat pretty well usually but I am not very motivated to work out - ever! ha ha! I have been blessed until recent years to be tall enough and have a fast enough metabolism to get away with not having to do much but when 30 hit the trouble started! ha ha!

afm - yesterday I ate a bag of marshmallows left over from camping smores. I don't even like marshmallows. And today I have eaten my weight in cheese and crackers!
Wooks- you could definitely use those for daytime too. I'm sort of anal about B having separate clothing for sleep :haha: We have started a bedtime routine (bath, lotion massage, pajamas, book, & bottle) As she gets older I think it will be good to have separate things she wears to bed that she will grow to associate with sleep. My mom was the same way with us & even now as an adult I like the comfort of pjs and once I get mine on, I get the "it's relaxation time" feeling :)

Hopeful- I like to buy things a little big too so they can wear them longer since they outgrow things so quickly!

Croy- lol @ your pregnancy cravings & eating a bag of marshmallows. Just the thought makes me sick lol but I know how that goes! I was craving cherry slushies and kept getting them at the gas station and target LOL now the thought of one makes me ill! When is your next scan? Happy 11 months to Levi!!! :)

Just- Bay gets cranky and can't sleep if its too hot. How's E handling it? How hot does it get in Scotland? During the heat wave we had a couple weeks ago, it was 100-105 F, which is about 38-40 C. It was horrible!

I lost another pound! Woo hoo! Getting close to my pre preg weight and my belly is finally shrinking more! Can't believe B is 7 months and my body is just starting to go back. I still have a pooch though & look like a marsupial :haha:
Tuckie - My next scan is Tuesday morning. I think after that if it shows everything growing ok I will start thinking a bit more positively.
And yes, with Levi I certainly wanted to eat certain things but its very different this time. The "craving" feeling is much stronger and I start to feel very sickie if I don't eat whatever it is I fancy.
Good for you losing lbs!!! I am glad you are starting to feel good again, just remember your body did something amazing, its only natural to take some time to get back , especially because you are nursing, you still need your calories. Sounds like you are hitting a great balance. Keep up the good work!

Hopeful - S'mores are so good, aren't they?! We had them last week when we camped but its the only time I eat marshmallows but I swear I have eaten the rest of the bag over the last 2 days, I couldn't help it!!
tuckie- I found them! mediums. pm me your address if you want me to send them. my kids wear a short sleeve onesie under the sleep sack and they don't want to go to bed at night without their sleep sacks...their room is around 76 or so at night
Hi ladies,

Croy, I really think this pregnancy will work out for you, not long until Tuesday for your scan.

Tuckie, we are seriously suffering due to this heat. This week has been brilliant weather and between 23-30degrees. The past two nights Emelia has been up most of the night crying and rolling about restless. During the day she is also so cranky and not interested in her milk, a couple of days she only took 10 oz. I have been offering water inbetween.

Oh good god I couldn't imagine the temperatures that you have said you get, I don't think we would cope with Emelia.
We have a fan in our room but Im going to need to buy a second one for Emelia's room.

We have made up our mind that there is no way we are going a summer holiday, the trip to France sounded amazing but the price of flights and spending money was so much and I'd rather use my savings to stay off work longer and get a new car. Plus it just didn't sound appealing for Emelia in the heat again
Read back! Phew!

Kat massive hugs you're really going through it that can't be nice at all - do you think the pityriasis rosea could have been brought on with the stress of moving? LOL about you telling DH to work out :rofl: Love that you tell it like it is haha! Josh works out all the time it makes me dizzy!! Re weaning Lexi has 5 feeds from 6am to 5pm: 1. 7oz milk 2. A solid plus 4 oz milk 3. A solid plus 4oz milk 4. 7oz milk 5. 7oz milk. Then she sleeps for 12 hours with about 10 shouts for her dummy ot be pushed back in! :dohh: She never wakes up hungry. By 7 months (she is 6 now) I hope to have weaned her to 3 bottles of milk a day only. That's just how I'm doing it not saying at all it's right or wrong but that's my plan and I'm sticking to that now :) Oh and I give her sips of water from the cup when she's in the bath!!

Heart glad you made it to Kansas City. Sorry you're scared of flying and D is scared of men! I bet she will grow out of it soon enough. I hope you have a fantastic time and we get to see pics!

Tuckie - love your pics!! Sounds and looks like you had a fab time!

Croy I am craving Marshmallows so badly!!! I try to limit to 5 a night! Your scan will go great!! I just know it!

Melfy - Lexi is a good eater too. Any cravings for you?

Hopeful :hi:

Giggles weclome :hi: beautiful children :cloud9:

Wooks :hi: how you doing?

Afm midwife booked me on Tuesday and my BMI is 27 which I am over the moon about because this means I am only 'overweight' and my weight loss efforts after Lexi were worth it. With Lexi I was '30' and 'obese' so had to have glucose tests. The midwife looked confused when I said that and said I didn't look it at all - before she weighed me she said I looked normal :) I think I carry it well! Next scan next Weds - eeeek! Trying not to think about it. Been feeling dreadfully sick every night so hope it's not for nothing!
Fili, what's the scoop on Andrea? Her journal moves so fast, I must have missed something???
She had a scan at 8 weeks and all was perfect :yipee: :cloud9: And she managed to get herself on TV but that's another story haha!
She had a scan at 8 weeks and all was perfect :yipee: :cloud9: And she managed to get herself on TV but that's another story haha!


I am so far behind with everyone apart from my journal sorry ladies...I do try and read but never get to post as often as I like.

Fili...:shhh: only in my world eh?

Good luck for Tuesday Croy and Wednesday Fili...

All these rainbows are growing so quickly...crazy huh?

Anyone hear from Sara at all? is the new house?

Hopeful...loved the pics of A&D :cloud9:

Amanda...hope your trip is going well and loved D's pics too :cloud9:

Just...crazy how holidays are seen differently now we have babies?

Tuckie....Love the B pics, she looks like both of you these days :flower: glad she has stopped nipping you too

Apologies for people I've missed :blush:


You lot need to get your act together! I haven't been on here for ages and I'm down with the gos!! :smug: :rofl: It's not like you have babies to look after or anything!

Just Lexi snores from time to time we find it funny! I wouldn't think it's anything to worry about at all but maybe just ask the HV for peace of mind?
Hi ladies,

NSN, that's fantastic news about the baby being well at your scan, exciting stuff, and a bit scary no doubt going through it all again!

Yeah we've decided that we are definitely not going on holiday this year. Emelia has still been terrible all week, she is not coping well at all with this heat, its a sin for her.
Last night went a bit better as we put a fan in her room but she still was up and down during the night.
Today she was in the paddling pool for the first time which was funny to see her and good for cooling her down.

Fili, its lovely to see you have a ticker now so we can follow your progress, good news about the BMI aswell.
That sounds about right your feeding schedule for Lexi along with solids.
I was reading the side of the aptamil carton today and it says that at I should be giving 3 feeds a day of 7oz each, but Emelia wouldn't take that amount each time. I still feed her every 3 hours at 5oz, it all adds up about the same though.

Are you's having really hot weather Fili? I've seen it on the news about heat waves in London? How is Lexi coping with it?

Hi to everyone else, hope your all well...

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