Just - Oh my goodness, that would be scary. I'm glad to hear that it most likely isn't anything serious, such as meningitis...that is a nightmare. As for complaining about her...babies can be tough. When we complain, it doesn't mean we love them any less, or that we're not eternally grateful to have them...it just means that sometime it's TOUGH, and that's okay!
Croy-Good luck today! I pray everything is okay!
Hannah had her 4-month pediatric appointment today. Got her vaccinations, which was your typical nightmare...crying, SCREAMING, arching her back, Momma's upset, blah blah blah. She's still on the dinkish side, although she is catching up...she's 14 lbs. exactly, which puts her in the 44th percentile, and 24.25" in height, which is the 38th percentile, and head circumference at 15.6", which is in the 20th percentile. My pediatrician was very please with her growth, and she seems to be functioning a bit ahead of the game in her developmental milestones and such, so that was good news. She's now napping contentedly in her swing, and I'm hoping we have no fevers or reactions, as she didn't react to them at her 2 month check-up...we'll see. I've got my eagle mom-eye on her.