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Well I live in Kent now (not far from London) but cooler I think! I won't go out in this heat I am a heat hermit!

I'm feeling sooooooo sick now and I want a prawn curry WTF (and I never swear!) :munch: :sick: Thank goodness Lexi went to sleep pronto!
Fili, I forgot you have actually said in the past that you love the rain haha. I always think I want hot weather but now Im complaining and the humidity is awful, I have constant frizzy hair!

I hope you treat yourself to that curry, it is a Saturday night afterall!
Thanks hun, well the Chinese is shut because they are on holiday! :hissy: I need them to be there at my pregnancy beck and call :hissy: so now I am contemplating a Dominoes pizza - oh dear! ... being pregnant is not fun is it?
Sorry ladies not been on for a while I'm so far behind.

Fili, croy, melf and nsn sounds like your pregnancies are moving on nicely - so happy for you all.
Kat I hope u are settled
Just - heat is not made for babies lol! Alfie suffering too!

How is everyone?

AFM - we have had a rough cpl of weeks. I'm back at work now which isn't too bad except my boss is an idiot. But things have been hectic with my little man. He's crawling now which is fab - no more frustrated Alfie but mummy is tired from chasing him around all day! He's also learnt to wave, kiss and clap recently which is really cute.
On the flip side getting 4 teeth in 4 weeks has been agony for him. His gums got really inflamed and we had days and nights of screaming for hrs at a time. Last sat I had nhs direct and doc on phone at 3am as he had pretty much screamed from 9pm-2am and nothing would settle him. He's also had a cold and a tummy bug so it's been hard. But theist stressful thing has been his eating. He used to eat really well, nearly anything I would give him but for the last 2 weeks he just spits 90% of his food out. This has stressed me out so much as things he used to love he won't eat anymore! Sometimes I would make 3-4 meals at a time and he wouldn't eat any of it. All he will eat now is wheetabix, porridge, fruit, yogurt and plain bread (not toast!) it's been driving me mad and I ended up in tears on Friday :0( but my lovely health visitor has ensured me that this is quite common and to let him eat what he wants for a week or so and then try and reintroduce things back in. I hope it's just a phase as I really don't want Alfie to be a fussy eater.
Anyway despite that we have had a lovely day at the beach and I'm off to bed
Night girls x
Hi Ladies,
Quickie catch up:

Great news hon!!!

Sorry about the no Chinese and yay for not being obese, lol.

Sorry you have had such a rough time.

Cute sleep outfits. It's cool enough here that G is still in his onesie.

Hope you are having a ball in KS.

Hope E has returned to long sleeping pattern for you.

Hi everyone else I might have missed.


G turned 7 months old. :cloud9:

Baby Grey 7 months old - 3.jpg

Baby Grey 7 months old - 1.jpg

Baby Grey 7 months old - 4.jpg

The home is coming along. I am still in the pits with my itchy pityriasis.:nope:
nsn - If my scan goes ok on Tuesday we really will be pregnancy twins!

Kat - Grey is just so gorgeous, his smile is a killer!! I can't believe he is getting so big. I am impressed he is still pose-able for those pictures. For Levi's eleven moth pics that I took last week I had literally 15 seconds of his in one spot and managed to get a couple of snaps before he was off and running and after that they were all blurry - even with my fancy camera and flash its impossible to get pics when he won't stay still :)

Bumpy - Levi cut his tip from teeth in the space of a few days and his eating went up the spout too. He also refused more than an ounce or two from his bottle at each feed. I totally understand how stressful it is when you know they must be hungry. BUT since the teeth cut, his appetite had returned and he is back to eating pretty much anything. Honestly, I think its just that their mouth hurts and it makes eating tough.
I am so sorry he's been struggling. I hope it passes now his teeth have cut. Poor little man.

Fili - These craving are killing me too! How could that Chinese be closed!!?! How inconsiderate :) I hope that something hit the spot. I am having DH whip up some pasta with olive oil, parm and fresh tomatoes right now. It just sounded so good and we ate on a weird schedule today so its late but I am starving and ready to chow down! I never felt this way with Levi. Its strange to feel so different.

afm - I am really having a hard time with how tired and all round gross this pregnancy is making me feel. I am not sure if its just because I am so busy with Levi but I have been trying to get out with hi at least once a day even to just run errands but I try and have it be a play date or a trip to the part but its just exhausting to keep going like nothings changed. I am hoping that this is just the early stage and when I am not feeling so sick my energy will return.
Still feeling on edge about our scan - is it Tuesday yet?!!!!
Hi ladies,

Kat, I love the pics of Grey, he is super cute! Can you believe he is 7 months and how quick time is going!

Bumpy, that does sound stressful for you. Poor Alfie, I bet his mouth is really hurting him, that combined with the heat and he will be off his food. Most important that he is taking fluids I guess.
I think the non stop crying is extremely difficult for anyone.

I met up with some friends this morning and I actually feel a bit terrible now as I complained the whole time about how bad Emelia has been all week. I have had non stop crying and whinging due to the heat and she does not want her milk or food at times.
As I said I feel bad now about complaining as I must have sounded terrible but when your used to a baby that is so happy and smiley all of the time it is a complete shock to the system to experience the crying.
Emelia is also becoming devastated when I leave the room now, she breaks her heart when she see's me walk away, even if Im just quickly grabbing something!
My husband has been going to work shattered because she has been up all night and when he walks back in the door from work she is normally crying again..oh it has been tough!
She still has no teeth yet and Im wondering if that could be bothering her aswell just like you've mentioned with Alfie.

Oh and you could really be doing without your boss being an idiot aswell to top things off!
I'll stalk for your update on Tues. Of course you are tired. I napped for 4 hours at a time while pregnant AND went to bed at 9pm during 1st tri. Now you have to keep after Levi and cannot do that. I held G down to get those photos.

Sorry you are having a rough time. That is what several of us went through the 1st few months and it sucks! Hopefully the heat subsides.
Happy 7 months grey! Gorgeous little man!

Croy will be thinking of you on tues.

Just I really think this heat is not made for little ppl!! Alfie didn't get his first tooth until his 9 month birthday!
Well good to know we're not the only ones dealing with's 40 degrees Celsius today (or 15 367 F I suppose:haha:) Zoe sleeps with nothing on but her diaper, but today we got another a/c for free:happydance:. So it's now in her bedroom. So no more sweating at night for her!!!

Croy: Hope everything goes well on tuesday:thumbup: Pregnancy makes me soooo tired. Throw a baby and some heat, and BAM, in bed by 9pm!! I'm just getting a little less tired.

Fili: I like summer, but this is just wrong. I won't even go out with Z because there's just no point. Too hot and not good for her. Cravings are the worst when you cannot satisfy them, aren't they?:growlmad:

Tuckie: Those outfits are really cute!! And love the pics!! Looks like you've had an amazing time :)

Kat: Happy 7 month Grey!!! And I hope you'll get better soon.

NSN: how's pregnancy treating you?

Just: Sorry Emelia is being so difficult. I think the heat brings out the worst out of people, including babies. And we usually have less patience, so it doesn't help. Doesn't make us bad moms...I hope:blush:
Thanks ladies. I cant believe how I actually feel so guilty for complaining about Emelia this week but Im just being honest how difficult it has been and Im sure everyone experiences it at some point.

Kat, I really do believe that I've had it so lucky up until now as I remember all too well how some of you ladies have had more difficult experiences in the earlier days.

Bumpy, glad to know that Alfie never got his first tooth until 9 months! Its good to know that E is normal!
Hi everyone, hope your all well...

Croy, best of luck for your scan today. Im feeling positive for you.

What a nightmare day we had yesterday. I promise I will never ever complain about Emelia again as what a fright we had.
Yesterday afternoon I had her sitting in front of me and could see down the back of her top. Her back was completely covered in a rash and blotches. I took her top off and her front was just as bad.
I took her up to my doctors surgery but because it was a public holiday they were closed and it was only the health visitor working that does weigh ins etc.
So I took her in and she was concerned about it and said that I had to take her to hospital to be checked over to rule out meningitis.

We had to wait 2 hours in accident and Emergency as it was exceptionally busy and crazy. Sat right in front of a poster warning about signs of meningitis which aren't always the typical purple spots but can be blotches!
The doctor finally seen her and said that it looks like an allergic reaction to something and the only thing I can possibly think is I have always used Fairy non Bio washing powder since day 1 but last week my mum bought me Bold 2in 1 with conditioner and I had just started to use it the last couple of days so I think Emelia's vest had been washed in it.
So they gave piriton anti-histamine which I have to give her with a syringe.
Its such ashame she is still covered in this rash and it looks so itchy.
That's now our second trip to hospital. But I felt so so awful and will never complain about her being cranky and crying again.

Someone that I work with nearly lost her granddaughter to meningitis a few years ago. She developed it at about 6 months old and was in intensive care for months and is so lucky to be alive so Im well aware of how serious you need to react with rashes etc. and symptoms, its scary.
Just - Oh my goodness, that would be scary. I'm glad to hear that it most likely isn't anything serious, such as meningitis...that is a nightmare. As for complaining about her...babies can be tough. When we complain, it doesn't mean we love them any less, or that we're not eternally grateful to have just means that sometime it's TOUGH, and that's okay!

Croy-Good luck today! I pray everything is okay!


Hannah had her 4-month pediatric appointment today. Got her vaccinations, which was your typical nightmare...crying, SCREAMING, arching her back, Momma's upset, blah blah blah. She's still on the dinkish side, although she is catching up...she's 14 lbs. exactly, which puts her in the 44th percentile, and 24.25" in height, which is the 38th percentile, and head circumference at 15.6", which is in the 20th percentile. My pediatrician was very please with her growth, and she seems to be functioning a bit ahead of the game in her developmental milestones and such, so that was good news. She's now napping contentedly in her swing, and I'm hoping we have no fevers or reactions, as she didn't react to them at her 2 month check-up...we'll see. I've got my eagle mom-eye on her.
just - how freaky! than that poster just had to be right there. glad it's just allergies but still. thank god you saw it when you did too.

wooks - i hate shots! that's good she is doing so well. the 12 month shots are the worst, just to prepare you. my kids each just had a fever for 3 days, d's was up to 103.4 yesterday. ava was up thoughout the night fri and sat and wouldn't even go to sleep. and they have never had any type of reaction to shots before

croy- i think it will be great news and will be stalking!

kat - i hope your skin stuff is going away too, i have never heard of it before. sounds sucky to happen in the summer! i'm totally missing the beach and would love to be there now
Ok Ladies just a quick stop in to let you know all went well at our scan today. The baby measured 8+1 (I think I am 8+3 so that's close enough for me not to feel worried because of the growth from the last scan)
And the heartbeat was 154. Good and strong, we even heard it. It was amazing!

I am still in total awe that this happened so fast, I am having a hard time actually believing its happening but I hope with each passing week it will feel more and more real!

Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts! I really appreciate you all!
Croy, that's fabulous news! It's nice just to know that TODAY, everything is going so well! One day at a time. I know that if I get pregnant again, I'll be insanely nervous about having another loss, even though my pregnancy with Hannah was fairly uneventful.

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