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Petit-my DH isn't known for frivolous gifts. Frivolous meaning anything I don't absolutely need. :haha: My list was short this year-a new veggie peeler (though the one I asked for is a NICE one from Rada), a cast iron griddle pan, and the Vitamix. I'm betting I'll get the veggie peeler. :rofl:
Hope everyone here is having a good time getting ready for the holidays. I spent yesterday on a date with DH. We went to an appt sans kids and then out to eat after before doing some meandering through Target. Then DH took the kids to do some Christmas shopping while I got all the presents wrapped and taken care of. Too bad the day ended on a yucky note...DD1 hurled at bedtime and sometime during the night so it looks like we've got the pukes at our house.

Figures this would happen this close to Christmas. *sigh* Just hoping the other two kids don't start puking too and luckily this has been a 12-24 hour bug for most families so really hoping that's how it is for us too.
Thanks but it was wishful thinking. DD didn't hurl anymore but DH did. He's not puking anymore but he's t-i-r-e-d and headachey for the second straight day. Whatta Christmas.

But I hope everyone else is having a wonderful holiday. Other than the pukey bug, we have had good times visiting with family and friends we don't get to see regularly and eaten alot of really good food. And the kids have had a blast opening gifts galore. My parents and my aunt went way overboard with the gifts this year so I had to make sure the kids opened them when DH wasn't around otherwise he would have pitched a fit. :haha:
Merry Christmas!!!
Lovely picture and lovely family Wookie!

Hope everyone had a wonderful christmas. Ours was meh. DH spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day sleeping off his flu bug from Tuesday, DS came down with the pukes on Friday, and I spent Friday in bed thanks to extreme fatigue/wonky throat (still not sure if it was mild strep or thrush) and Saturday had me bedridden again with a nasty case of the pukes. Then last night DS got sick again in the middle of the night. LO is the only one who hasn't gotten sick yet so I'm terrified she'll get it the worst yet. FX she stays healthy and we're all over this bug by New Years. I'm so tired of cleaning up sick mess...But at least some of us were healthy enough to get some visiting in over the holiday and no one was actually sick for Christmas itself so it wasn't all bad. DH, bless his heart, got me a fire-proof safe while the kids gave me the cast iron griddle pan I had mentioned. We needed the safe and we've talked about getting one so I'm happy with it but still a wee bit bummed out that I didn't get my Vitamix blender. :winkwink: Or a piece of jewelry. :haha:
We got hit by the Christmas bug too. Only DH and I got it and it was thankfully only a 12 hour bug. For me, a Gravol did the trick and I was still able to go visiting as long as I avoided the feasting but he had to stay home. My kids both had colds for the entire 2 weeks of our vacation. DS started to get a bit croupy one night so we took him out on the front porch for a few minutes and then left the bedroom window open all night. A simple cold can turn into croup so quickly for him but we nipped that one in the bud this time. Throughout the night I could hear his breathing get easier as each hour passed. Poor DD got bit of a chill inspite of the extra blankets (we were staying with relatives so were all in the same room). They're both better now. And DD cut her first tooth on the plane ride home. :dohh:
We've had 3 rounds of it so far. DS goes a few days and as soon as we're out and about again, BAM he's puking in the middle of the night. :dohh:

And I figured out why it took me 5 days to get over my bout...Not all of my nausea is stomach flu-related. I got a rather shocking and VERY unexpected bfp on New Year's. Some of you may already know from the PARL thread but yep, thanks to a wonked up (and surprisingly fertile) cycle and an oopsie, I'm due next September. Nervous as all get out but just taking it one day at a time and trying to stay positive (though truth be told, I'm more afraid of what life will be like with 4 kids 5 and under than I am about the first tri this time. :dohh: That's GOT to be a good sign right? :haha:)
Dairy! Wow, big news! I don't think I would take the news as well as you are right now... One is enough for me - my little one is full on - I couldn't handle chasing after her pregnant, let alone another baby!!!

We also had a pretty sad christmas - Lucy came down with a fever two days before christmas. Had it for 4 days, followed by a rash. t's called Roseola - I guess a common childhood illness, but I had never heard of it. Tons of our baby friends came down with it in the last few week. Needless to say, it was pretty sad - lucy slept through all the holiday merriment in the sling, attached to my boob, so it wasn't very much fun for any of us!

We are making some plans for the new year and have bought a bunch of airline tickets in the last few days - we are going on a beach holiday in mid feb (for lunar new year), plus taking a trip to Turkey/Italy in April. Then just found cheap tickets to the US for June/July - It will be Lucy's first trip 'home' to America, so it will be exciting. I feel really excited to have so much to look forward to and get to see all our family a lot this year, but I am also getting fearful of the long flights and time changes. I guess it is best just to take it all as it comes and not worry about it until it gets closer.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Viet-Believe me, I was in shock when I found out because I wasn't really thinking it could/would happen that fast. Nor was I really wanting to be pregnant at this point either. I wanted more time to lose my baby weight (as well as the extra pounds I have) and I was doing alot of stuff for my health too but now all that has been put off. But honestly, I'm excited now. My bloodwork came back and I'm not only doubling, I nearly tripled! That's unheard of for me. Yes, I'll be busy but I also know that if this is meant to happen, it will. (And I've got the best person to ask for advice too. My sis will have 7 under the age of 7 when her baby is born so she knows what it's like to have babies fairly close.)

And poor Lucy. We had sickness every other day during the holidays so no one was happy really. Glad she's feeling better now though and sounds like you have lovely vacation plans for the future. I'm jealous! :haha: I was hoping we'd be able to do something as a family this year but I'm not sure what we'll do now since our best opportunity for traveling will be when I'm huge. DH and I had planned on a hiking trip next winter sometime that we may have to postpone as we'll have a 4-5 month old depending on when we go. But I'm sure we'll sneak some sort of traveling in before I get too big.
Wow! 7 under 7 sounds pretty insane, so guess 4 under 5 can't be that bad!!! I know what you mean... if it is meant to be, then it will happen how it happens. I am sure I would get excited too if it was happening to me :)
I have 4, aged 13 , 10 , 4 and 1, so nice big gaps. Would have another tomorrow if I could, but I'm now 43, plus DH had 'snip' after our 4th, so sadly not likely to happen again for us!

It's bedlam at times, but I wouldn't want it an other way!
Congrats, dairy! That's fantastic news. Glad you're feeling positive about things so far.

Viet - sounds like you have a lot of fun vacations coming up. It's great having things to look forward to. :)

We have a few months before we make our final decision on whether or not DH gets 'the snip' but I've been feeling rather broody lately. I even have names picked out. :dohh: Wisdom says we're done (finances, my struggles with recovery after both deliveries on top of the m/c history, etc) and DH shared openly that the TTC journey has been hard on him and he doesn't think he has it in him to go around again. So I think I'm just being sentimental because it's going by so fast and I want my kiddies to stay babies forever.

I've also been having lots of dreams about being pregnant again and I'm SO happy in those dreams but a lot of those dreams also end in miscarriage and I wake up devastated. DH says that is a sign we shouldn't try again. But he's always wanted 2.
The mental part of being PARL is the hardest part of being pg for us I think. The not knowing if/when bleeding will start plays h-e-double-hockey-sticks on your mental state, and because spotting/bleeding for many of us doesn't necessarily mean the end, it sticks us even more firmly into the Land of Limbo. The meds I'm on make me dizzy and tired but I've noticed it's not all the time and my symptoms started off amazing but petered out by the end of the first week of knowing. Cue another mental battle of 'is it doomed or not?'. It's hard and honestly, if I could have picked a time for this baby, I don't think I would have picked now. BUT I'm excited. I'm excited about being pregnant again and I'm surprised at that. I hope I stay excited the whole way through. I hate that PARL has taken that most basic joy from me-being happy, honestly truly tears of joy happy about two pink lines on a test and I'm determined I won't let PARLanoia take the rest of my joy from me. After all I've gone through, I DESERVE to enjoy a trouble-free pregnancy for once. Yes, I struggle to see positives at times and wonder how I'll get through the next few weeks as I'm just entering my 'danger zone'. Then other times I'm quietly freaking out about how we'll afford and fit another baby into our household, how I'll manage this many kids when they are all so young but I'm happy about these worries because they are NORMAL pregnancy worries. They aren't PARL fears and for me, it feels like I'm conquering the Mt. Everest of PARL pregnancy because of that.

Sorry for the essay but it's how I feel and DH doesn't get it. He's already sick of me blabbering about this stuff as it is but I know you ladies understand where I'm coming from on this. I'm pregnant and I know that when I say that on here, I'll get the party I deserve. It's the same for any PARL lady and I love that about this thread and the PARL thread.

(I blame the whole post on sappy, sentimental, emotional pg hormones...:haha: )
Hey everyone. I haven't been on the forum in ages so have lots of catching up to do with threads.
Happy new year all.
I'm hoping to be caught up by end of week and will update soon.
Hope everyone is doing ok xx.
Congrats Cazi

Wookie your babies are so cute

Pip, good luck I'll be checking here and FB for news xx
Congratulations Pip. I seen your FB post, your little girl is beautiful, xx.
Hi Lee! Nice to see you!

We have talked a bit about another baby. I want a nice big age gap if we do, so not even going to seriously talk about it until Lucy is 3 or 4. Even then, we both had a really hard time with ttc, with all the loses. I really don't want Lucy to ever feel like she isn't enough to us. We did agree that if we did ttc again, we wouldn't keep trying if I had more miscarriages. I just don't think I could go through having so many again and the emotional roller coaster of it all.

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