Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

hi ladies, hope I can join you guys :)

I had my rainbow 8 weeks ago after 4 losses :) I also have another son who is 4

lovely to see some familiar names from the RM and PARL threads :) I'm still on an amazing high for finally being able to get through what seemed like an endless nightmare!
hi ginny! that high really doesn't go away :) I still can't believe I ever got to have kids. welcome!! and congrats!!
Hi Ginny :wave: the more in here the merrier, I think. I still can't quite believe how lucky I am, too!!!

Lee, I breastfed until around the same time with J and then had to stop as I was ttc and couldn't breastfeed and take steroids. I actually stopped the night feeds first. I did that around 19 months. I wore clothes that were inaccessible and then just patted him on the back and cuddled when he wanted to feed (I think my target was midnight to 6am or something like that). Then a couple of months later I started avoiding daytime feeds leaving just the last feed at night, which I then started giving on the sofa and not in bed. One day my husband pointed out that J hadn't actually requested his feeds before bedtime, it was me who offered. So I didn't and J just went to bed :shrug:
He did keep asking for milk for a fair few weeks. Once I caved and said here have some... He didn't know how to suck properly anymore. It was a little sad but I felt it had to be done.

Good luck with it, however you go about it!
ginny - congratulations on your rainbow! I don't think the high of getting our rainbows ever really goes away. I'm especially enjoying it now as my PPD really hurt that for me the first few months. I just can't believe my kids are mine and I get to keep them.

Wookie - I'm so glad to hear Oscar is healthy again! :happydance:

And we made the switch to a full-sized twin bed pretty cold turkey as well. We did talk it up big time for months ahead but as soon as we had it we made the switch. Our DS switched rooms and beds at the same time so I was fairly impressed at how well he took to the change. It was shortly after DD was born too. For awhile he thought he had TWO bedrooms and we still need to remind him the nursery belongs to DD now. ha ha But he's not upset by her being there.
Hi Ginny. You'll find there are lots of us from the RMC and PARL threads here.

Ummm ladies?? I just got faint lines...:shock: I'm stunned. Like jaw hitting the floor. These are faint but visible PINK lines. No doubting they are there. And I had negatives for the last 3 weeks. And the thing is I'm SO early-I'm only 9-10dpo. I've never ever EVER had lines this clear until at least 13dpo. gulp. Going to retest tomorrow to make sure I'm not seeing things but I used two different brands this morning so I'm sure it's real. If I still see lines tomorrow, I'll call the dr. For today, I'm just going to go around in a disbelieving fog...
Yeah...Like 4 weeks quick...I'm still in disbelief. We honestly WEREN'T ttc and I didn't think there was a snowball in heck's chance this month as I thought we completely missed my fertile week (on purpose) but apparently we didn't. :dohh: (Maybe I washed our undies together?? :haha:) Seriously though I'm still processing it but being as I've apparently had ms for the last few days (I thought it was because I was eating rich food after a month of really clean eating) and my lines are this strong already, I'm leaning slightly more hopeful at the moment. We'll see what my labs show though.
very exciting new dairy! fingers cross the labs confirm everything for you :)
So this morning I thought I'd test again just to confirm those lines and make sure I wasn't seeing false pos. The cheapie has nuthin'. Nada. Yesterday there was a line. I'm cramping, have brown cm/discharge, and feel like AF is coming. Pretty sure it's a chemical. So I'm going to wait it out a few days and test again if I miss AF. If there's still lines, I'll call the dr and have bloods done but it's not looking good.

What's weird though is that while the cheapie has nothing, the midstream cheapie has a nice thick pink visible line and I had a crystal clear bfn on Friday with that brand. :shrug:

Edit: Also retested (from the same fmu sample) with a second $ cheapie. The second one has a darker line than the first but not as dark as yesterday. BUT yesterday, I had checked the test at 3-4 min and it was bfn so I put it down and didn't check again until about 15 min later. Then it had lines. So today's line might be the more accurate one?? :shrug: Gotta love being in PARL limbo...:dohh: Anyway, gonna wait to call the dr. The weather is super icky out there atm (snow, LOTSA wind, cold) and with things looking more like chemical than viable, I'd rather just wait it out a few days.
Debating. The second cheapie does have a darker line and it's about the same as yesterdays cheapie now that it's dry so it's likely the first cheap test was a dud. The cramping is down to mild now that I've gone bathroom and the discharge has tapered off. It's possible this was just IB or something. I'd like a beta, especially since I haven't started my progesterone yet. Didn't want to if this is a chemical and the weather is atrocious right now and I hate to haul all three kids to town with me when it's so crummy. I'm thinking I'll call the dr and at least get the labs scheduled so I can go when it does work for me to go whether it's today or tomorrow. Waiting for DH to get home so I can see if he'll take the older kids (or at least DS) if I decide to chance the roads today. It's not really that bad outside. Just a little bit of snow but the wind is howling and the roads are a bit slick.
Just called the dr actually. He's in surgery this AM and is off this afternoon so I probably won't hear from him until tomorrow anyway. The Nurse said she'll pass on that i'm getting lines and would like a beta to see what's going on and he may call today but most likely it'll be tomorrow.
dairy - hope you get those betas soon. Good luck. I can't imagine the stress of being in limbo again so soon. :hugs:

DD had her 9 month check and everything looks great. :thumbup: Most of the appointment was actually talking about DS. He goes for his autism screening next week. Even his pediatrician is unsure of which way the diagnosis is going to go. DS spent the appointment lying on the floor, spinning the wheels of DD's stroller and then sitting on a stool and staring into space. But when the doctor said "Bye!" my son immediately said "Bye!" His previous assessment had the specialist leaning towards autism and the pediatrician said he still has some concerns but they are subtle.

Just hate this limbo. I want to know either way.
Starry-limbo is never easy no matter what it's for. Hope you get some answers for your DS soon and the assessment gives you some idea of what's going on.

AFM-Sorta still in limbo. No more discharge or cramping, still feel nauseated off and on all day, bbs are bit more sensitive and feel bigger, and tired so still feeling pg. But today is AF due date so I'm 'only' 4 weeks. Feels like I should be about 7 at this point...:haha: Also, my beta came back at a whopping 20mIu :dohh: on what I *think* was 12dpo. I recalculated my ov dates and while I still could have been 9dpo when I found out, it's more likely that I was actually 11dpo and I just counted wrong on the calendar. So I'll need at least one more blood draw to see what my numbers are doing now and I may request two more next week to track things just in case. Waiting for the dr to call and if he doesn't by noon, I'm calling his office because it'd work out way better for me to get my repeat lab today instead of tomorrow.
Starry, hugs to you on your little boy. I am a special education teacher, and I work with the severe/profound population, and most of the children I serve are on the autism spectrum. I have worked with high functioning kids, also. I have to tell you, that the kids on the spectrum are my favorite. I know as a mother, it's a scary and discouraging prospect at times, but if DS has ASD, there are lots of things you can do to help him, and in time, both you and he will learn to embrace his quirks, and different way of being and learning. They are cool and unique people. I would go so far as to saying that you're lucky to have him. <3 He'll teach you many things!
Quick update-beta came back at 59. Tripled in just shy of 48 hours. I did this the last pg though too and it still ended in m/c so I know not to read too much into this. But for now, things look pretty good.
Thanks, everyone. :hugs: Our son is a huge joy and delight to be around and I know a diagnosis won't change that. I do worry about his future but am hanging onto hope. He is always learning and growing and if he needs help then that's how it is. I'm so grateful to his pediatrician because when his doctor first referred DS for testing a year ago I didn't suspect ASD at all, but this past year I've started to see the gap between him and his peers grow. And it seems many parents have to fight for some sort of help. His doctor has been really good at getting the ball rolling (got DS physio as a baby when he had flat head syndrome) without being fear mongering either.

dairy - I'm glad the betas are tripling. I hope this is your rainbow. Hang in there. :hugs:

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