Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

For those of you who haven't popped in on the PARL thread, things have been scary for me since Saturday and today I got confirmation that my New Year's surprise bfp wasn't meant to be. Miscarriage #9 and it sucks horribly to type that.
I did read that on the PARL thread, Dairy. I'm so very sorry for your loss. :hugs:
Yeah, well...*sigh*
It looks like it was another blighted ovum (my second BO while o-ing on the left side) so I'm going to schedule an hsg or a scope of my uterus in a few months to see if there's something wrong with my left ovary and/or tube. This makes 4 BOs for me and I'm certain 2-3 (maybe all 4) were from that left side. I wasn't tracking ovulation all that close so I can't say for sure for sure but it's def worth looking into. At the very least, it'll be a few more things we can cross off our list of possible reasons for my losses.
Dairy- I just saw this :( - I am so sorry for your loss. I don't really know what else to say... thinking of you and your family at this time :hugs:
Thanks ladies. It was hard at first because I had still been hoping just a teeny bit but once I found out it was another BO, it got a bit easier. I'm mostly okay now, just waiting for the bleeding to stop and my hpts to go negative. Even the jealous pinchy feelings I'm getting when I see my FB feed suddenly filled with baby news (typical after a loss, eh? :dohh: ) are pretty manageable at this point. So just waiting...Waiting for the bleeding to stop, waiting to try again, waiting to get pg...:coffee:

But in other news, LO learned to shake her head no-no today and it's HILARIOUS to see her do it! She'll only do it in her swing and then she gets all shy about it so she 'hides' behind her hands. I love this stage of the babyhood-they are learning and absorbing SO much and changing every day. But they pretty much still stay in one spot when you put them down. :haha:
dairy - once again so sorry about your loss. :hugs: That is so cute about your DD. My DD is doing that too. It's so funny.

My DD has recently learned how to growl so one afternoon she was just sitting beside her brother playing and growling. So I growled at her and then she growled back. We went back and forth awhile until we were both giggling. Too much fun.

She's also on the verge of crawling and I'm wondering when she will actually start. She's been trying for weeks now. She's always getting better but still not doing it.

Also, my 3YO DS is getting his child development assessment on Tuesday. He was referred last July so it's been a long wait. And even if he needs therapy we will still be put onto a waiting list. Most of my family and friends think my doctor was over-reacting but with such a long waiting list (years, I'm told) I'm glad we are nipping this in the bud now....before school starts.
Starry-thank you. I'm doing pretty good right now and I think it's because despite how positive I felt at the start, deep down I just KNEW. You know? I've felt this way for all of my BO pg so it's no surprise I'm feeling that way now. And I'm glad you are getting the ball rolling for your son. I have two cousins with developmental things (both are on the autism spectrum) and I know their moms have both said how much it helped to have them in therapy early on.

AFM-Doing pretty good. My stress levels bottomed out now that our tax appt is over, my bleeding is pretty well done already and my hpts are almost negative. This is almost unheard of for me except for my last loss. That pg was a BO as well, m/c it at 7+2 (same as this one) and my hpts were neg 9 days later. Found out I was expecting LO 4 weeks after that. Ohhhh boy....:haha: Anyway, I've got a busy month ahead of me with lots of fun fun fun stuff to look forward to now. Next weekend, we've got a baby shower for my sister. Last weekend of the month, I've got a ladies retreat and the only kid I'll potentially have with me will be LO. And 2 weeks after that, I'm heading off to my mom and dad's for a possibly long weekend. I'm in dire need of a vacation so it's good I've got 2 of them planned I guess. :haha:
dairy - glad your tests have nearly gone negative already. It's the worst when these things drag out. Hope it goes completely negative soon. And having things to look forward to is so helpful too! I am glad the other aspects of your life are coming together to help take some of the stress off. :hugs:

afm - today's assessment went horrible. My son is normally a very happy, cheerful, friendly and easy-going kid. Yes, something seems a little 'off' with him, but I have found him pretty easy to raise. Today the planets must have been misalligned or something because it was one huge tantrum all day. He is a little under the weather so that didn't help but it was stinky timing for his assessment.

Think of every video of a stereotypical autism case you've seen on TV and that's how my son was today. He was screaming and hitting me pretty much the entire time and threw any object that was handed him and refused to look at anyone (he normally has decent eye-contact). They weren't able to get a proper assessment but they are leaning towards it being autism. We have to go back and find out in about a month. yay.

Anyways, tonight he developed a fever complete with the chills so probably explains why he was such a monster today. Poor little guy.
Dairy, so sorry to hear about your loss, I didn't have time to read back when I was on the PARL thread earlier. xxx
Thanks Lee. I'm doing pretty good actually. It was another blighted ovum and while it's still another loss, my BOs haven't hit as hard as the ones where I've seen a hb. I think my body recognizes right off the bat that things aren't right and I subconsciously know that.

AFM-hope everyone is doing okay. This thread has been a bit quiet of late. LO is 7.5 months old and doing so much now. Rolling, babbling, sitting up (if you put her up, she can't pull herself up quiet yet), and stretching like a weed. We're trying foods out too but she's so-so interested. She hasn't not liked anything I've given her. It's more whether or not she wants to eat from a spoon at that moment. The bottle is SO much easier in her opinion. :haha:
Dairy, I've been thinking of you and little Rita. I hope you're doing a bit better, in light of your last loss.

AFM, my little bug Oscar, a day after his 6 month half-birthday, was admitted to the hospital with severe pneumonia caused by RSV. He has been one sick child, and it's been a nightmare. We just came home today, and are doing what we can to get our little man better. :(

In addition to that, Hannah's big girl bed arrived today, and we're test driving it tonight, of all things. Not the best timing, but hey, we're all goofed up around here anyway in light of the hospital thing, so I guess it is what it is. I cannot believe my daughter will be 2 years old next month! *sniffle* These babies definitely grow too fast!
Oh wookie, how scary! :hugs: I take it that you could stay in the hospital with your little man? I hope he feels better soon and that your little girl likes her new bed.
Yes, I stayed in the hospital with him, from Monday night, until midday on Thursday, when we were released. The only time I left was on Wednesday morning, when I went home to take a quick shower, and snuggle with my daughter for a while. My husband stayed with Ozzy while I took my break. Since we've been home, I've only left my home to go to the pharmacy to fill his prescriptions, and I ran to a nearby childrens' boutique yesterday to pick up some outfits for pictures of the kids we have coming up. It's been tough!

The good news, is that he's definitely starting to feel and act better. He's back to taking his regular amounts of milk, and is wanting to get on the floor to roll around and play. We're on the mend!
How scary! I'm glad Oscar is doing better. And maybe the transition to the "big girl" bed won't be too bad for Hannah. I was expecting a fight when we moved our son to his but he loved it.
Wookie, glad your little man is feeling better, I hope he makes a speedy recovery, it's just awful isn't.
Morgan was taken to hospital following a febrile seizure last year and kept in, it scared the living daylights out of me, they just look so helpless. In saying that I think kids are pretty resilient and handle it better than most of us adults.

Dairy, glad you are bearing up, I am going to be joining you soon. I'm just waiting for blood results, first set of betas, I am now hoping for a quick conclusion, I will take an early miscarriage over an ectopic anyday of the week, just a waiting game now :(

I have a breast feeding question for any BF mummy's - how long did you BF for and did you allow self weaning or did you actively wean, I am desperate to wean Morgan, some days he seems ok with it but still wants to feed at night which I've been doing sometimes and not others, I really need some consistency, he still doesn't sleep through and wakes wanting comfort and boob.
I really would like my body back as I actually have one boob bigger than the other, WTF right??. Oh and he is 22 months now, I was hoping to be done by the time he was 2 but I don't think he is going to self wean yet.
Lee-hoping you aren't having another loss but if it is, I hope you get the quick conclusion you want. FX those betas come back nice and high. As for your breast feeding question, I've had to wean my kids to formula before a year. I struggle with supply and it's gotten earlier and earlier with each kid. DS was 7 months, DD1 was 5 months and LO was 4 months. So I'm not much help as I've been forced to supplement and haven't been able to self-wean. But a few of my sils have nursed a bit longer (18-20 monthsish) and they just started offering something to drink in a cup whenever their child wanted to nurse and gradually cut down that way. Doesn't seem like it's taken that long for their kids to adjust either but then again, I only know what they've told me. :shrug:

AFM-feeling pretty good. Something has shifted for me and I'm pretty sure my hormones are balancing better as I'm feeling more energized, I'm able to fight my comfort eating/binge eating issues more, and I'm amazingly losing weight like you wouldn't believe. I'm within a few pounds of my pre-LO weight now and that will put me at 30lb loss since September when I get there so it's a pretty good feeling. I can't pinpoint what's happened but it's literally like a light switch got flipped on or something. Also, I've got two weekend vacations coming up here and I'm pretty excited about both as it's likely my last chance to travel for a bit with the spring fieldwork starting up in April. All in all, I can't complain about much right now. Well except for this awful case of Baby Brain. :dohh: It hits about 3 weeks after a m/c and I suddenly go from a rational human woman to a ttc fiend obsessed with getting pregnant this.very.instant. THIS I could do without. :haha: But in all seriousness, I know it'll pass in a few weeks when AF comes and I'll be back to somewhat normal.
Glad you r doing well dairy

Lee- you going for breast feeding rock star status or what? ;) Awesome job

Wooks- how is the toddler bed? Can't believe you did that all at once with everything going on. Gives me hope for when I have to do it one day...when they r 5....
Hopeful, we went balls to the wall, and actually have Hannah in a full-sized twin bed. We purchased it in a set of bunk beds, and once Oscar is ready, we'll assemble the other one, and keep them split until around 5 or so...then we'll set them up top and bottom bunk-style. Hannah is doing AMAZINGLY well with it, honestly. I took her with me to shop for the new bedding, and we've piled all of her favorite stuffed toys on there. We sit on it with her each night for story time, and she just thinks it's the best thing ever. It has a rail, and she hasn't figured out that she could probably crawl over it and get out...once that happens, I'm sure we'll have more difficulties. Overall, she's doing really well.

We had Ozzy's follow-up yesterday, and he's recovered, and pneumonia and RSV-free! :happydance:

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