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Hopeful- you are very talented with your multitasking skills!

Round- I hope the infection passes soon! How cute Maddy is in a class with all of her friends:D

Jenny- I replied to you in the disco thread

I hope all of you are coping well with the fussy periods. Just wait until you have an almost toddler who can throw propper fits:haha: Actually its not too bad at all and Penny is really well behaved for the most part but if she doesn't want to do something she will definitely let us know. Trying to change her diaper is a lot of work these days because I spend a good 15 minutes trying to catch a bare bottomed baby and then hold her down long enough to get her diaper on:haha: She thinks it is so funny and will giggle through the whole thing:dohh:

Hearty- I love your in-depth responses to every one! I was bummed about the camping trip too but Penny had a great time playing with her little buddies and stuffing her face with homemade crepes, fresh berries and whipped cream… she covered in it from head to toe. :dohh:I will definitely post some pictures of Penny Pumpkinpalooza… We are having it the day before her birthday, October 28th. I have some details and costume/decoration pictures in my journal if you want to have a peak.

Don’t worry about the teething issue. Some babies don’t have any trouble and the ones that do get through it just fine. There are all sorts of natural remedies to help them out. I think that this whole baby thing just gets better and better as they get older. I was so worried and scared when Penny was a newborn but now I can fully enjoy her. She is bursting with personality and is so fun to be around. :cloud9:

That sucks you can’t go back to work part time. I asked the same thing and was denied too:( Its good you can work from home though:thumbup:
I've not had the procedure done it was only last night that it was confirmed he has it hun xxx
7 hours sleep wow awesome I'm lucky if I get two hours at a time bf is going ok he is gaining weight feeding all the time I'm getting cracked nipples alot and sometimes he has latching problems he feeds from anywhere between 20 min too over an hour it's hard work xxx
Jen, I'm not getting 7 hours of sleep, the baby is! She goes to sleep too early for me, and then I have to hold her for a portion of it, which isn't the most restful sleep. But I'm hoping this means she'll be a good sleeper in the future. And this is a very new behavior. We've only been blessed with it for 2 nights. I'm not holding my breath that it will last.

Delilah feeds for 20 min to an hour also. Usually it's an hour. You are right, it is VERY hard work. I've been using a nipple shield which helps protect my nipples. She needed it when she first started BF'ing because she was so little. I've been trying to wean her off of it and it's really hard to get her to latch properly. It hurts like hell! OUCH!

Amber, Penny sounds like a dream. How did you handle going back to work? Does Tim watch her every day? I'm really dreading it to be honest. When I start thinking about it, I could cry.

Jodi, don't you start work this month? How is it for you?

Anyone else? I'm curious to know how women do it.
Jen, I was reading your birth experience with tears in my eyes. Thank you for sharing, I am so sorry it wasn't the most pleasant birth. Though as you said, the most important thing is that you now have Kieran - and what a cutie he is! :cloud9:

Heart, your nights sound incredibly difficult :( I really hope poor D grows out of the reflux soon! Will you be hiring a nanny then? You mentioned being able to supervise when at home... Seeing as you get to pick the person and lay down the rules I suppose there isn't a reason she (or he) won't sit holding D while she sleeps.

J is doing really well! He doesn't like car journeys and don't I know it! He thinks his Mummy is really funny (finally, someone does :haha:) and smiles and chatters all day long. I love it! He takes a really long nap in the afternoons, which means we can go places or eat or sleep or get things done. He also really enjoys his baby gym. He is transfixed by the little boy and girl and will tell them all about his life. I take the little girl with us when we go out as she can even distract him in the car!
If you want to see what the love of his life looks like google the lamaze pyramid. Her eyes are a little freaky looking in my opinion but I'm glad my son isn't bothered by looks :thumbup: It is her character that counts, right?!
Hearty, I suspected I had thrush when my nipples started hurting again, after they had already toughened up. Then I knew for sure when my nipples had white milk blisters and my breasts started aching after each feed. It's really hard to get rid of, so I've been suffering with it for over a month now.

So this week, Bryce has decided to sleep 8-9 hours straight at night! He goes to bed around 8pm, feeds around 4 or 5am. Then goes back down again till his sister wakes up around 7:30 am. Which is fabulous BUT he will not sleep durring the day now. Not even the magical swing helps anymore. If I walk around with him in the carrier he'll nap...otherwise he screams all day.

I've gotten to the point that I'ved given up on trying to get him to sleep durring the day. So I've decided today that I will put him in the carrier and go shopping. Need to find a snowsuit for him's getting damn cold here in the mornings.
Jenny- I remember those days when you are consumed with feeding and changing dirty diapers. I’m sure you are doing a fantastic job:D I hope your boys are helping you out as well

Hearty- 7 hours is really good at 2 months… I hope it lasts! TBH it was really hard to go back to work but it helped knowing that Tim was the one watching her. I know they both enjoyed the father-daughter bonding time. I still hate leaving Penny in the morning especially because she is SO happy and energetic early in the day. She knows when I am getting ready to leave and will cling on to me or crawl after me. For the most part she doesn’t get too upset because she has Tim by her side so I think it has more of an impact on me. It does make me appreciate my time with her more and I love racing home from work to see her smiley face. She always greets me with squeals of delight and wants me to pick her up immediately:cloud9:. The perks of going back to work are that you can actually go to the bathroom alone, put on pants and have adult conversations!

For the 1st 6 months Tim watched her everyday while I worked but now with his new position he works 2-3 days a week so Penny’s grandparents come over on Wednesdays for 4 hours. On Tuesdays (and sometimes Fridays) she goes to a day care, run by one of our really good friends, for 4 hours. Now that she is a little older I like that she goes to day care with other kids for the social aspect.

Peptias- How cute J already has a love interest and has started chattering away. I love their baby babbles! Once Penny became mobile she has not been a huge fan of the car seat either. Once she is in she is good to go and enjoys car rides.

Round- I’m sorry to hear you are also suffering from thrush. I am amazed that he is already sleeping 9 hours a day! I hope you can find something that will work for his nap time schedule. If Penny wouldn’t settle I would also put her in the carrier and go for a walk or shopping. I remember our 1st shopping trip to Target… she was transfixed by all the over head lighting. Have fun picking out a snow suit! Can you believe the weather is already changing?!
Have read everything but i dont know how Heart managed to reply to everyone so in-depth!

Heart - Samuel's fine. Gaining weight slowly so naturally the HV is on my back about it. Why can't they stop looking at the charts? He has silent reflux too and is taking infant gaviscon. The ony downside to that is he seems to really struggle to poop and that upsets him.

Jenny - Samuel had TT too, had it cut at 11days after i pointed it out to my BF support lady. Its made such a difference for us, hope you can get it sorted.

Round - its ace he's sleeping through the night, is he happy when he's awake in the day?
Hey mamas! :) just popping in with a quick question for Heart as I have been stalking this thread for mommy tips :D

What is this magical swing you speak of?!? Is it the Snugabunny? I have read lots of good things about that one. Also, since I'm already asking about swings...any pump recommendations? I know the Medelas are supposed to be good, but the models vary widely in price so if any of you have any pump recs, that'd be great too! Hope you ladies don't mind me poking in. Im in full preparation mode now :)
Tuckie- I have the Medela Pump in Style Advanced. It was reccomended to me by my lactation consulatant and worked fantastic:thumbup: I'm actually trying to get rid of it so if you are interested PM me. I used it for 3 months so it is still in really good condition and I have all the original packaging plus extra bottles, 2 new slings from and 1 brandnew breast feeding cover from I didn't get a chance to use them before Penny out grew them and I stopped breast feeding. I payed $300 for the pump but can give it all to you for $150 including shipping:thumbup:

Have fun preparing for your LO!
I have the Medala swing which is good. Had to buy the new piece because i apparently have larger than average nipples. Lol.
Tuckie yes, it's the Snuggabunny swing by Fisher Price. It's big, but worth it. My hubby has even commented that he likes the design of it. It reminds him of something You would see in the Jetsons.

Pups, does the gaviscon work? What position does Samuel sleep in? Does he make lots of noises? We have Delilah on Ranitidine (Zantac) but it isn't very effective. We were having poop issues with it for a while. We are switching her to a PPI called Prevacid which can also cause poop issues. I'm dreading it. I really hope it works because right now she's miserable.

Does anyone use a humidifier? Is it effective?
Heart, you can have poop issues on Gaviscon too but it is working for him. I just try to give it to him as little as possible.

In the day he sleeps on me, in his swing or car seat so upright. At night he sleeps on his side next to me in bed but flat. He has his gaviscon right before bed and first thing in the morning then around lunchtime. So only 3 times a day but he's been prescribed up to 6 times. I just dont want to make him constipated. I give gripe water of an evening if he's a bit unsettled and that seems to help him poop
I loved that during pregnancy I could guarantee to find shared experiences on here, and I love even more that we can share parenting experiences, because I swear everyone I know IRL has perfect babies who slept through the night from day one and only wake to feed suring the day. I do not have a baby like that and irs such a relief to know I am not doing anything wrong!

Levi still has gassy issues, when he does poop they are not hard like he has been backed up. Today he;s gone a few times. He just sits and then there is an embarrassingly loud explosion in his pants! Its the same consistency it was before yellow and seedy but it comes in larger quantities every now and then! ha ha

He slept rpetty good last night woke every 3 hours for a feed but went back to sleep without a problem. Good thing too because I was solo parenting., Hubs is out of town on business yesterday till tomorrow night but I brought Levi to stay at my In laws to have some extra loving hands to care for him during the day, and make sure I sleep and eat! Such a treat. However, nights are just me and the kid. They tod me just to wake them up if i needed night time help but mostly if he is fussy he just needs to be on the boob to settle so I knew I was going to be doing it by myself. He was a star though. I am hoping for more of the same tonight and very ready for hubs to get home tomorrow.

He just struggles with the gassies, burping and farting all night long, lots in his sleep.

Hoping this fussy period ends soon.
Croy, J woke me up loads of times last night whilst working on his farts. He, of course, does them inhis sleep whilst I am exhausted... :dohh:

Tuckie, I used the medela swing very successfully until DH accidentally melted some parts. I am expecting the medela mini to arrive in the next couple of days and will see how I get on with it.

Hoping, funny you should mention about overhead lighting. That is also J's passion.

Do I have the only baby who doesn't like being in a baby carrier for more than two minutes and hates car rides? Strange child :D
Pep - Levi protests the car seat, but usually can be soothed with a pacifier if I sit in the back with him while hubs drives. I have yet to take my test so we will see how he does when he is by himself and not asleep when he is put in it!!

Levi likes the Moby much more than the other carrier that hubby prefers. Some of it might be because he is still a little small for it and its not that comfy where as the Moby keeps him snuggled. He's funny though because he will suck on my neck and chest if he is against my bare skin, even when he asleep! What kind of carrier do you have pep?

How are the rest of you lovely ladies doing?

It was my birthday today and my in laws bought me a massage and a facial which I get to do nest week when we are staying with them for a few days, and they will watch the baby! I am so excited and hoping to get some good milkk pumped so tehy don't have to give him formula if he gets really hungry on their watch. At the moment I am not pumping that much because it seemed like I wasn't getting much. How long do you ladies pump, and when? Do you do it after every feed? Any tips appreciated!

Thinking of you all and hoping you are having good times with your little ones,and getting some rest when you can.

Hubs gets home from his business trip tonight and I cannot wait for him to be here to do some middle of the night diapers!
Ooh, happy birthday, Croy!

When I pumped it depended on the time of day how much I would get out. I've heard you also get more if you are thinking of your baby, touching or looking at a picture of them. I used to leak whenever I wrote on here about feeding :rofl:
I'm sure you'll be able to express enough to cover a feed :thumbup: you certainly deserve some pampering!
Lol pip!

Croy- happy birthday! I pump 4-5 times a day and only nurse once. They say you should pump after nursing to build supply. I just pump around every 5 hours, sometimes more or less and for 15 mins each time. We are mixing some feeds with an ounce of formula so I could cut down and do more formula but I want to keep going. They eat around 3 ounces about 8 times a day. I never knew formula smells so bad so I don't like giving it to them.
Hi ladies sorry not been around! My little lexi boo had a horrid weekend with colic an wrong milk! We found out since that she is actually intolerant of cows milk protein an actually needs the lactose tk help her poo! She didn't go until yesterday sn geez she made up for it love her! I'm talking poo up her back kegs arms it was everywhere!! But she was happy!! After a bath! She's sleeping quite well 1130/12 then 455am she seems to go 3/4 hours in day an 4/5 in night. I no I'm lucky at the weekend she didn't sleep until 430am!! Continuous crying!! Yep I cried to!! All ok now though x

Heart lexi weighs 10lb 13oz was weighed on Tuesday my little porker! Will do pic soon she feels solid to me! She's on 75th centile do not to bad, her hairs growing to some days I think dark some light! Who knows!!
We tried dtd last week an sll the build up etc was fine but the dtd!! Erh no!! I was in agony, had tk stop! I don't no if I didn't relax enough but it hurt!! Icoukdnt even let him go all the way in (sorry tmi but feel like I can disclose these things now after all we been through!) he was very understanding an just said its one of those things we just will do other stuff not a problem! I worry I will never enjoy sex again! We always had a good sex life! Anyone shed some light? X

Croy happy birthday chick x

How's everyone else? Xx
Hearty- we use a humidifier because the Colorado air is so dry. I think it is effective because without it we will wake up with sore/dry throats in the morning… mostly during the winter months.

Croy- it was nice that you could stay with the in-laws while your hubby was away for the 1st time. I’m sure they were a huge help and your little guy probably got loads of snuggles and attention.the Moby wrap probably reminds Levi of being in mommy’s womb. As he gets bigger I’m sure he will like the other carrier just as much. Penny likes her front carrier now because she can look around and be in the action. Regarding pumping- you usually get less than when you actually breast feed. I could only produce a pathetic 2 oz. Pumping in the morning is when I would get the most:thumbup:.

Happy belated birthday!!! What a lovely gift to give a new mommy. I’m sure by next week you will be in dire need of some pampering… I could use some right now myself!

Pepitas- Penny was the same and would toot through the night when we co-slept:haha:. Now any time she sleeps with us we wake up because she is always rolling around and occasionally we will wake up to baby kisses or her trying to pinch our nose or eyes. This is why she rarely ever sleeps with us now. Babies always seem to be in awe of overhead lighting… it could keep them occupied for hours. Now Penny is more interested in looking at everything going on around her. She is constantly observing and watching.

Hopeful- formula does smell icky but I found that organic formula is not as smelly.

Davies- Aww… it sounds like you had a tough week with the colic and milk issues. I hope you found something that will work for her. DTD shouldn’t be painful unless you haven’t finished healing… it may take some time but you will be back to normal soon. At least your hubby is understanding and he is right… you can still enjoy each other and do other things until you are properly healed.

Happy Friday everyone! I'm so excited to almost be done with my work week. Tomorrow is a girl day for me and Penny and then on Sunday Tim is taking us to an orchard to pick apples. Penny LOVES apples and eats at least one every day. Now I find half eaten apples stashed around the house:dohh:

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