Just- babies sure are unpredictable! I was caught off guard a few times so I always over pack the diaper bag now just incase. It gets easier once they are older and not eating and going to the bathroom around the clock

. I can now easily go shopping without having to worry about explosions or fits for a bottle.
Kat- I’m glad everything worked itself out and Grey is back to his happy self. That is too funny about the 3 feet poop squirt!
Embo- that is very interesting. I had no idea that was the reason why breast fed babies can go so long without a poo.
Fili- wow you are going to have the cutest baby with chubby cheeks! Your hubby sure is tall! I thought mine was at 6ft3. I hope gravity is in your favor and his birth won’t be as hard as you imagine. Ultrasounds are not 100% correct so there is still a chance he will be smaller than they predict. I wouldn’t want to go over due either but inductions can be rough too- pitocin contractions are no fun. Talk to your doc and see what your best option is.
Mrs. Miggins- Congrats on your little boy! One of each sounds perfect!
Amanda- It sounds like the two of you are having a fantastic time with your family. I hope you are taking lots of pictures of the gorgeous girl of yours!
AFM-Penny FINALLY got her 3rd tooth! Yes, that’s right, 14 months old and only has 3 teeth

. All three are on the bottom.
We have been cleared to be matched!!!

The counselors are now busy trying to find a good selection of intended parents for us. Crazy!!! Hopefully I will have a list and profiles to view within the next week.